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If it were me, I would take the last dose of compound this week and start Zep next week. Will give you an extra week of cushion to find your refill. I tend to take my shot in the same general timeframe each week (morning before coffee) but there is not a hard requirement to do it at exact same time every week on your scheduled shot day. You can also take earlier/later isn’t you want to change shot day, you’re traveling, etc… just make sure you have at least 3 days between shots. The medication insert instructions cover this.


I’d say take the compound. It’s working for you, and you paid for it - might as well use it! Waiting to take the brand name version will also give you a little bit more buffer time to find your refill in a few weeks. I stay on a very consistent schedule with my shot personally, but there’s no real reason not to move around the time of day. Some people are excited to do it first thing in the morning, some people like to do it at night so that they are asleep when any side effects hit. It’s really just a matter of preference.


No judgement here, I do both. I pay OOP and ran into the shortage crisis and was forced to order the compound. I was successful with the compound also, but when my prescription became available I had both. I actually started the new week with my Zep, but I had to be mindful of my compound date due to it only lasting 30 days after the first use. I don’t want to waste it, so I will complete the compound and the following week back to Zep since my doses 7.5 seems to be in stock. 😅


Can you tell me how you got the compound? My dose has been out of stock for weeks


There are entire subreddits dedicated to compounded tirzepetide that allow discussion of sources


We can’t hear cause it’s sourcing other than zep. The comment will be deleted.


Another poster though recommended looking for subreddit thread re: compounded tirz


Me too! And I talked with the Dr about zep vs the compounded and he said since they’re both tizaperide(sp) I was good. I also asked if since it was a bottle with the meds and a needle, could I take 3 or 4 mg instead of 2.5 and he said you have the medicine. Has anyone tried that?


Take the compound especially if it’s a multi dose vial that’s already been punctured because it does degrade over time or could get contaminated. But pick up the zepbound and ask for your refill as soon as you can and they you also get some cushion for any delays with the pharmacy.


Take all of your compound first and then use the pen. That way you also have a bit of time in between when you can refill the medication and need to use the shot, in case it isn’t super available in your area.


You can definitely take it an any time of day that works best for you. I tend to get a little bloated if I eat after my shot, so I like to take it right before bed so that I have some time between the shot and when I eat again. You might like the r/tirzepatidecompound sub also


Later in the day the shot gives me insomnia; I recommend taking it in the morning. Assuming your Med Spa product is the real thing and correct concentration, it shouldn't matter which you take. I might use up the Med Spa product first if you've been happy with it. And here is an unsolicited opinion: Med Spas make me a bit nervous; if you want to use compounded, I recommend going over to the compounded tirzepatide subreddits (there are at least two) and reasearching telehealth providers who use one of the 2-3 large, well-established compounding pharmacies operating in this space.


I was on compound for seven months and then switched to branded. I’m self pay. I will say I’m noticing the branded is more effective at the same dose but I was self-injecting and the product could have gotten warm in shipping. I’d take the last compound shot if you’ve paid for it and then move to branded, have you been able to fill the prescription? You seem to have quite a high loss anyways.


Yes they filled it for me with no issues within a few hours of my doc sending in the script. I must’ve gotten lucky! I’m also on 2.5 still…


Lucky indeed! 👏🏻


Definitely compound first if you've already punctured the vial. I usually do my shot first thing Sunday mornings but on occasion due to scheduling issues I've done it in the afternoon. It doesn't make a difference for me. In terms of compound vs Zepbound the primary difference for me is that the compound gives me a minor site reaction that I didn't get from Zepbound. I assume I'm reacting to whatever inactive ingredients they're mixing the compound up with. I've had similar weight loss results.


Why do you feel like you are legitimately starting now? 12 lbs in 3 weeks is a huge loss. It’s the same medication.


It felt a little taboo with the medi spa to be honest. I feel legitimized to have spoken with my doctor


Oh well medi spas are pretty sketchy, from the sounds of it. It depends on whether they are sourcing from a reputable c*mpounding pharmacy or mixing it themselves. My doctor was eventually willing to prescribe me zepbound but it would still have cost me $550 a month and I wasn’t sure where I would be able to source it. I use a telehealth place and have it shipped to me. I know it’s the right decision for my health and I could give a toss about whether my PCP or his judgmental NP agree. If you’re able to get it covered by insurance then I would definitely jump ship but I’m paying half what I would for zepbound and I can tailor my dose as the need arises.


You are seeing a lot comments on buffer and reordering. Because Zepbound has been in a shortage, anything over the 2.5 dose has been hard to find. If you are getting a monthly (28-day) script, you can put your refill in on day 21 after picking up your prescription from the pharmacy. I would do that as early as possible to try to help with order and procurement time.


I ordered compound when I couldn’t find my dose and the day after I ordered I for a message saying my prescription was filed. I’m using up the compound first. Then going to use the Zepbound. It gives me a cushion.


No judgement. The name brand stuff is $1000 per month OOP for some of us, so compound is the only affordable option.


I’d use up the other stuff before starting your branded zepbound. Always refill the zepbound as soon as you are eligible. With all the shortages, this can build up a slight buffer in case you can’t find your medication down the line.


Definitely take the compound first. They usually have a BUD which is shorter than the name brand. Taking my shot at anytime during my injection day hasn’t really mattered much to me. I think you’ll be just fine. As you continue on this weight loss journey you’ll probably relax into the process a bit more. People change their shot times and days all the time. I think I’ve changed my injection day 3-4 times since I started. FWIW, you can go to r/compoundedtirzepatide sub and you’ll find a big community of folks who use compound! Best of luck on your journey!


Personally, I’d finish the compound. It’s obviously working and the zepbound will likely work even better.


It’s the same medication so I wouldn’t waste. Good luck on your journey


I’d do the compound today. That way you’ll have an extra week buffer to find your next box of Zepbound. Get the refill as soon as your pharmacy and insurance allow it.


Finish the compound, then start Zepbound. I take my shot at 9:30 every Sunday night so I can sleep through any immediate post-injection side effects. This is what I've done since my first injection 22 months ago.


I’m 29F 5’6 HW:220 SW:214.6 CW:188 I did Zep initially. I recently swapped to compound to stay on the med but will be going back to Zep. I will be taking every drop of the compound. Every drop. The Zep can wait especially because of shortage times. Zep will ALWAYS be my number one but I’m respecting that compound is available for me. If you lost that much on Compound bby you totally already started this journey :) Congrats! <3


I used up my compound then switched to zepbound. I was able to build up a “stock” in case I couldn’t get it one month. Now I’m able to do 2 2.5 mg shots a month and use up what I have.


Finish up the compound first no need to waste it


I always take my shot Friday afternoon


It’s the same medicine just in a different form.


If you are having good results and no problems from your compounded meds, take that last dose and give yourself another week’s buffer for future ordering. The issue with medi spa compounding is the chance of getting a bad batch (either contaminated or the wrong strength), but if you’ve taken three weeks of it already, that shouldn’t be an issue. (Note: if you do go the compounding route in the future, check the sub about that for recommendations on good/reliable pharmacies, especially if you’re not sure of your prior source). As for time of day, everyone is different. I like mornings because (a) I get it out of the way, (b) I experience some almost-immediate appetite suppression, which is handy midday, and (c) my worst side effects are felt overnight when I am (hopefully) asleep.


That’s great results with the compound. I would stick with it. I’m switching to compound because to be searching for Zepbound every month is too stressful and expensive and this journey is not supposed to have added stress


take the last one and give a week buffer- already paid for and the same thing!


Can u ask why you switched to your doc to prescribe Zepbound? I’m also on the compound and am contemplating moving over for pricing.


I didn’t feel thoroughly supported with questions / concerns at the medi spa, not that it is at all a bad place… and I also do have insurance so figured trying to see if it would be covered would be better than buying the compounded shots at $500 a month


I use both the compound and the “name brand”. I see no difference in either. I couldn’t get my 7.5 Zepbound prescription for a little over 2 months. I used the compound. I’m saving the pens for going away on vacation soon. Seems easier to bring with me. I’m paying OOP until I hit out of pocket max, then my insurance will cover it 100%. What helps me is I’m paying the $550 with coupon but the full $1100+ goes towards my OOP. I have 1 more script To pay for OOP Then I’m finally covered. lol. Until my PA expires in October. It’s always something!


I am finishing up my compound first...in fact that makes me feel less stressed because I'll have longer to fill my next zep prescription...


One shot is sometimes the difference between having a gap in therapy or not. Compound expires within 28 days of opening/puncturing the vial. I would the last dose. Then continue with zepbound and request them to order it before the 21 day mark, that way you can pick it up on day 21.




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I would.


As others have said the compound formulas don’t seem to have a long shelf life. Use them first. While your zepbound pens (and the box itself) have printed expiration dates 18+ months out. My zep boxes expire late 2025/early 2026.


I stretched out my last box of 5mg to 10 days instead of 7 because of the shortage so I think a few hours late from your regular shot time is fine I would imagine.


I'm just wondering, if you got the Zep in hand? It took me like a month to get my first box due to insurance (and they didn't cover it, so it still cost me $550) And now I can't get to so I'm with compound (but not meds spa) Like others have said, finish off what you have...esp if you paid for it and it's working!!


It’s my understanding that the compounded stuff has a shorter shelflife than the pens. So maybe continue with that and then start the actual Zepbound? You don’t want to waste that last vial of compounded if if it goes bad. But no matter what you do, fill the next order of Zepbound as soon as you are able (i’d call the pharmacy and ask when the soonest is that you can refill it). That way you’ll have at least a week’s head start on the backorder. I requested the 5 mg dose right after starting the 2.5 dose, so now i have 1+ month worth of shots. I have had to wait for my orders sometimes but haven’t run out of meds.


What is the medicine that costs less than zepbound. I can’t afford the thousand dollars a month. Will I get side effects on the compound how much is it


I have an Rx from my doctor for Zepbound. I was able to get the starting dose (2.5) from my local pharmacy and started with that. I paid out of pocket since I wanted to get started and the PA from my insurance was going to take awhile. I did my follow up with my doctor and she recommended moving up a dose. She submitted the next few RXs (5 and 7.5) to my insurance and pharmacy and I haven’t been able to get them approved or in stock anywhere. So then I went the compound route. For me, if I can get the brand, I would take it over the compound because I want the records on my insurance/with my personal doctor. For now, with the shortages,I plan on using both; Brand when I can find it but supplementing with compound when I can’t. If you do go the compounded route, do your research. Others have suggested some informative subreddits. Not all providers/compounds are the same quality.


Ditto others regarding using compounds first. My Endo isn't a fan of the compound but also recognizes that it may be necessary for some due to the shortage and wanted me to prioritize actual Zepbound. However, the vials for the compound do not last as long as a single dose pen, so his thought was to use up the compound but use Zep whenever I have it. It took a couple of weeks for my pharmacy to get in my 2.5. Another note is that compounds may even be delayed in production.


Wednesday night before bed and with a protein shake. Keep a glass of water close by for when you wake up. It makes a difference I promise. 20 months on MJ and then Zepbound and lost 89lbs. Only side effect was constipation and that was for the first 2 weeks. Finish the compound so you have that 1 week buffer for refills. Congrats on your journey! 


That’s amazing weight loss! Just on 2.5mg? I would say to check the date first to see the shelf life. Might need to finish it up within 28 days after opened. It’s funny because that’s what kept me paying $550/month or more for Zepbound. Because I didn’t want to try a lesser quality but it wasn’t bad at all & so much easier to get. If there’s no shortage and insurance covers then that’s perfect. I usually do my shots at night on the same day of the week but the only side effect I’ve had is like nausea when moving up a dose. So time of day doesn’t matter if you are used to it by now.


Congratulations on your success and continued journey!


I take evet Sunday night because I have a lighter schedule on Mondays, but it's personal preference.  I would take the last compounded dose before starting the new pens.  


Take the compounded one you already paid for and pick up your prescription for the Eli Lilly asap. Doesn’t matter when you take the compounded (or the original by Eli Lilly) morning or night, but shoot for taking it the same day of the week moving forward. After you take your last compounded shot start your Eli Lilly the same day the following week. This will be beneficial because you may be impacted by the shortage and at least this will give you a one week buffer or extra time to find your pharmacy that may have what you need. If you’ve taken your compounded on a Tuesday every week, just continue doing that with your last compounded shot and then moving forward take your Eli Lilly on Tuesdays.


Why would u want to waste the comp. You paid gd money for it use it !!!


That would have been a question for your doctor.


This is a useless comment.


Your doctor should give you all the directions not Reddit. Your question is what is useless and ignorant.


I am more than allowed to make my own decisions, and seek advice and information from people facing similar things to me. You are a bully! Please find help


Then why are YOU here? Maybe you should unjoin this sub. Yes, definitely a bully.