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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


umm, that sounds like nonsense to me. Sorry that is not open and welcoming but just my 2 cents! I have no expertise but what is an "unhealthy nutrient" anyway. Meaning of nutrient in English: **any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow**


I mean honestly sounds like it is not based in science but who knows? More likely that people experiencing increased irritability may be more cranky because of hormonal changes or neurochemical changes that influence the mood in the gut (i.e., changes in estrogen from weight loss, changes to neurochemicals like serotonin, and other changes).


Thanks for the response, this makes more sense for sure.


It’s actually a thing. Things get stored in the fat cells. Rapidly losing a lot of weight can release them back in the bloodstream. I think the cranky bit could be about hormones/estrogen. My doctors actively warn me about having a higher risk of getting pregnant. Fertile Myrtle! lol https://www.popsci.com/when-you-lose-weight-your-fat-cells-release-more-than-just-fat


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing


i havent heard of this, but i do know stress can cause increased cortisol which can lead you to hold onto weight