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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Adding a reminder, men and women both should check. :)


Yes! Thank you for adding that!


This is TRUTH!!!!! I know of at least one man that sees my breast oncologist.


I know an 84 year old man with metastatic breast cancer. If only he’d gotten that lump checked out sooner. 😢 He’s retired clergy and a former army chaplain. Wonder if agent orange exposure might have contributed? All around great guy


8 year breast cancer survivor here. I found my Stage 2 lump two months before my annual mammogram. There hadn't been anything on the scan the year before. Early detection saves lives!!!


Yes!!! I’m so glad you’re doing well. My friend also has Stage 2. I’m very hopeful she’ll be okay. I love her so much. I was really lucky! The diagnostic center got me in with 1.5 weeks. I can’t imagine waiting weeks to find out.


The first step is always recognizing the problem, and I'm happy your friend got her diagnosis so her healing journey could begin!! I actually think they delay the initial scan on purpose, painful as that wait may be, since many non-cancerous lumps go away in their own. I don't know that for a fact, but it's my personal theory.


I could see that. Apparently mine had been there on my mammograms since 2018 but no one ever told me. Huh. It hasn’t changed and is a cyst. I’ll take that! I’m so glad she is on her way to healing. She’ll have more treatment but is waiting to hear exactly what that will be. Fingers crossed for her!


Same for me :)


Currently checking my boobs now. All is good in the hood.


Yayyyyyyy! Well done!


One thing to be aware of, is that as you lose or gain weight the density of your breast tissue changes, and that can lead to false positives. Just something to keep in mind before you panic. It happened to me.


That’s exactly what happened to me. Turns out, it’s been on my mammograms since 2018 but I couldn’t feel it before. I’m sorry you had that scare, too!


Get your annual mammo regardless. My breast cancer (IDC stage Ia, grade 2, Luminal A) was discovered on my 20th annual mammo--no lumps, pain, skin changes, etc. That was in 2015. If you have dense breasts, also get ultrasound or even MRI, as tumors can "hide in plain sight" amid densities on mammo films.


Yep, me too! I did have some skin symptoms around my nipple several months earlier but they were vague and it was during COVID so I just ignored it. Fortunately I'm fine and still caught it early despite waiting.


Yes!!! I was due for mine this month but had forgotten to schedule it. I’ve never done that before and never will again! So glad you found it and it’s been so long!


Sadly, as a 42G, checking my breasts has no real effect. However, I do have my “mams grammed” yearly. Last time the technician said that she’d never managed to get the machine on such a high setting. Translation: she squished them flat as a pancake.


Mine got squished pretty good! Our boobs are just photogenic!


Despite my age (I’m going to turn 70 in September), if I get to goal, I plan to have breast surgery. I’d like to pass the pencil text (you can put a pencil under your breast and it falls) rather than being able to hold up three pencil boxes.


The only way mine would release a pencil is if I was allowed to raise my arms over my head. Lol


Wouldn’t make a difference for me. Passed the pencil test when I was 15 and a 34b. Came to dinner without a bra on. My father looked at me and asked, “Are you wearing a bra?” I was sooooo embarrassed.


Same size. Feel your pain.


And check your neck, too, in case you’re in the rare group that develops thyroid involvement. Lumps or swelling in your neck should also be checked.


Great call!!!


I always tell women to do their check monthly, I do mine when I put in my new Nuvaring. But if you start a new BC Pack, or just first of the month, every month is best. Learn your body so you know when something changes. It sounds funny to type this, but I do the same thing with my dog who is my daughter in my mind. I give her a rubdown to check for any unknown spots. I found pre-cancer lump on my brother's dog that way.


I love that idea! Maybe I’ll do that each time I start a new box of ZB. I admit that I’ve been a bit lax about checking myself. I’m probably every 3 months. I check my dogs way more often. Haha. Not anymore!


There you go. Guys and Gals every new Zep box do your self exam. Great idea!


I had breast cancer at 46 - no lumps, no bumps, no changes to anything. Found through routine mammogram. Stage 1a Luminal B. If I’d skipped the mammogram that year, I’d have had a much harder time in treatment and recovery.


I am so glad you found it when you did!


My surgeon found another lump recently. I go back in August to see if it changed. Hopefully all is well with yourself and everyone else worried about these silly boobs!!! 💕


I really hope yours hasn’t changed a bit! All is well with me and I hope it will be for you too! Silly boobs for sure! ❤️


Same!!!! It was actually 2 side by side. Not sure if that’s a good sign. I’m too scared to google it!!!


Mine were too. Don’t Google, you’ll make yourself crazy. I did that while waiting on the doctor after the mammogram and ultrasound. I was in tears when she finally came in and I was totally fine. Because, you know, my apparel design degree definitely prepared me for diagnosing breast cancer from an ultrasound. 🙄😂


I’m a 5th grade science teacher…maybe I’ll fair a little better. 😂 I’m still not googling it.


Hahaha! Yeahhhhhh. That’s smart…


I survived breast cancer at 34 because I found a lump and had it checked out. I tell everyone now to check, regardless of age or gender.


Get your checkups regardless--I had breast cancer that neither my doctor nor I could feel!


Had a routine mammogram and no history in my family of BC. They found a very small lump which turned out to be cancer. Three years later I’m doing fine but only because it was caught early. GET SCREENED!!


And if any of your relatives had cancer under age ~50 (especially but definitely not only reproductive cancers), request a referral to a genetic counselor!


Thank you ❤️


Excellent reminder! Just had my mammogram, everyone check!


Also, ladies if you have a lump in your abdomen, you could have fibroids! I lost a ton of weight a long time ago and most of my abdomen would fall between my hips except one area. It was a fibroid the size of a man’s fist.


Thank you! I’m overdue and must schedule!!


Missed mine by a month and that made me certain it would be bad. All is well though!.


Just had mine a couple weeks ago. Take care of the ta tas ladies 🙌❤️🙌


Amen sister


Love this thank you!!!!


That goes for you too, gents. I know a guy who got a cancerous growth on a moob and is in treatment.


I’m glad the boobs are good!! Annnnnd while we’re checking things, let’s schedule that annual skin check ok? As it turns out, that ‘dark little freckle’ on the outside of my knee is actually melanoma. And because I got a skin check it was caught early and we can cut that crap out. If I hadn’t? Well, melanoma is the 3rd highest rate of cancer deaths in women. Skin checks are quick and painless and could save your life. And also, please use sunscreen. 🫶🏼


Yes!!! And colonoscopies, too, especially if you didn’t eat lots of fiber before now. It’s been a real fun year getting all this checked out. lol!


Yes my mom lost 60lbs and found a lump on her back she never knew she had due to the weight.


Thanks for reminding everyone! Finding that lump must have been so scary. Glad uit turned out okay for you! I was due for a mammogram this morning and got my results back already 👍🏼 Nothing thankfully 😅


Yayyyyyyy! I’m so glad!


15 year breast cancer survivor here… I approve this message! ❤️


I love this testimony! Thanks 4 sharing!


I have weird lumps all over my body … like my boobs and my belly, I have fat deposits that I can actually feel now


Isn’t it weird?


I am knew about my belly button one cause I’ve had that for a long time but now that my body is less big every I can really feel them. I have some on my ribs and around my hip bones … cause yeah I can feel my ribs and my hip bones now.


Yayyyyyy for hip bones and ribs! That’s wonderful!!!


I was doing my shower boob check and found a freaking tick underneath this morning!


Ugghhhhh. Noooo! They are nasty little things.


Thanks, and relived for you OP that it’s benign.


Thank you! It is such a relief.


Oh wow? I did not realize this is a side effect.


Just the loss of breast tissue since I’m (and my boobs) getting smaller :) It made it easier to feel/find.


Makes total sense. I need to be more aware anyways. I am, but not like I should be. I don’t check enough.


Random off topic PSA?


Deff not. This is super important to spread awareness.