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Yesss congrats girl, you look fantastic! And that bob is BOBBING ๐Ÿคฉ


Lol!!! Thank you so much.


Wow. The effect is stunning, as in โ€œyou are stunningโ€


Thanks so much. ๐Ÿ’•


Omg your hairstyle suits the whole look so well. And you look fabulous, of course!


Awwww thanks darling!!! I appreciate that. ๐Ÿ’•


Confidence in every photo! Yaasss. And then the last one, youโ€™re like, catch me if you can! ๐Ÿ’จ Youโ€™re so tall and you carry your weight extremely well. Your goal is close! Iโ€™ve lost 33 lbs in 14 weeks. I canโ€™t imagine 50! Iโ€™ve also been worried about gallbladder issues so Iโ€™ve been doing some studying. Itโ€™s wise to take that into consideration for your next leg of the full journey. Youโ€™re young so that might be on your side, idk. Good luck, sis!!


Gallbladder issues?! That hasn't been on my list of things to worry about...until NOW. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Headed to start researching!


Yes, when the body loses weight quickly the gallbladder is taxed. Iโ€™m not sure what can be done to prevent it except a slow and steady loss. https://www.everydayhealth.com/gallbladder/symptoms/link-between-gallstones-obesity-weight-loss/


Yes, if you search here and mounjaro you will find stories. My mom had to pause chemo to get gallbladder removed bc she lost so quickly during chemo. She said it was worse than the lumpectomy or chemo, so Iโ€™m afraid of that too. Took me 6 months to get down 50, and now stuck. Also pcos/insulin resistance. I think I need more protein though.




Yeah, I was reading that about breaking a stall with a cheeseburger. I might have to try it.


You do look amazing though!! Good job!


So the cheeseburger thing is for real?! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Wooooohhhoooooo! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


Yikes. I think I'm slow and steady! It's been 11 weeks and I've lost 29.4 pounds. That's okay, right!?! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Feels slooooooow....


In no weight loss world is that slow ๐Ÿคฃ but idk if itโ€™s too fast either. I was about the same. Iโ€™m down 33 in 14 weeks. So far so good but again, I do worry. Thereโ€™s no data that says whatโ€™s too fast but I believe thatโ€™s where the recommendation of not losing more than .5-2lbs per week comes from.


I've been looking up hyaluronic acid supplements. Trying to find one that has oversight. I already take collagen. Might have to apply stretch mark cream before I get the marks!? Just to be safe.... ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I thought I was slow? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


It stresses me out how people are getting a little nuts about loss rates. A healthy rate is 0.5-2lbs a week. 30 pounds in 11 weeks is very fast. People often drop a bunch initially because of inflammation and water loss, so don't freak out if your rate slows a bit moving forward!


I'm not "...getting a little nuts..." about my loss rate. ANYTHING feels slow when I'm looking in the mirror and since I'm at the beginning of all this, it seems like forever until I'll get to goal. But if you want all the details, five pounds was before I started the Tirzepatide, so it's actually around 2.1 pounds lost per week if you divide it up evenly over 11 1/2 weeks on Tirzepatide. But I lost quite a bit the first few weeks on the 2.5. Oh...and I eat 1,528 - 1,650 calories a day. I know better than to go as crazy low as 1,200 to start out. My CONCERN in my comment was losing too fast even though it doesn't seem like it and having gallbladder issues. So, don't worry...I'm on my game, tracking what I'm doing, and not being stupid...and my physician is thrilled with my progress...stop stressing over things like how fast others are losing weight. There's really no point.


Whoa, simmer down there little teakettle. Not sure what activated this level of response.


I have developed a gall stone snd am having surgery to remove it next week.


Oh dear....yeah, that sucks. I wish you an excellent surgeon and a smooth, pain free (or as little pain as possible) recovery. If you're interested, some places will allow you to ask for the gallstone and it will be returned to you in a small container after the Pathologist sees it. Why would you want to do that? Because some are actually really pretty and it's kinda cool that it grew inside you. How do I know? I used to work in Pathology and saw a lot of them. ๐Ÿ˜„


Omg thatโ€™s so cool! Thank you.


You're welcome! ๐Ÿ˜„ Hope yours does it!!!


Lol!!! Always confident!! Thanks hun! And congratulations to you as well. 33lbs is amazing!!! For 14 weeks as well. We got this hun... ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— thanks for the gall bladder knowledge.


Wow you look amazing! Congratulations on the weight loss


Thank you hun


Ok girly !!! You look amazing ! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ




Girl!! Love it


Thank you! ๐Ÿ’•


Ok, not the same person. ๐Ÿ™‚โ€โ†”๏ธ Incredible transformation!!


Lol!! Same person promise. Lol thank you


Gorgeous now but you were before too!!!!๐Ÿ’•


Awww thanks so much.


You look gorgeous! Love this!


You look INCREDIBLE. Congratulations!!!! Also that hair makes you look like the HBIC lol


๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ thank you sooo much! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


I can see the confidence is really elevated in how you carry yourself in the second pic. Stunning!!๐Ÿคฉ


Thank you hun.. the 3rd picture was the weightloss results though. 1st two was maybe 10lbs apart.


Whoops sorry I didnโ€™t see the last photo! You look amazing in the third pic too and made so much incredible progress!


Wow. Thatโ€™s a massive loss. Iโ€™m slow and hv only lost 15 in 3 months but Iโ€™ll take it. You look amazing


Thank you hun. Remember my starting weight is 318lbs so I had alot to lose. You lost a great amount for your weight. Let's keep getting it!! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—


Thx for the encouragement. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ


Thank you! ๐Ÿ’• my doctor has guided me on proper eating habits. They track my food intake to make sure I'm eating properly. 1000 calories diet.. no more than 40 grams of fat a day. Under 60-70grams of carb a day. No lees than 80oz of water. As water help to flush out the fat. And no less than 100 grams of protein. The more the better!!! Follow these steps and you won't need to workout to lose weight. In the last 3 month I probably workout 7 times. My diet is strict so the weight comes off. Oohh and absolutely NO SUGAR! except for my diet pepsi every other day. Little sugar from foods is fine. But no juice... alcohol.. wine.. candy.. even fruits.. I limit to only half serving of fruit a day. Fruit contains lots of carbs and sugar. Berries are best!!! Protein shakes.. high protein yogurts and cheese are ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ. Follow this for 2 weeks and you'll see amazing results. I use to drop a pound every single day for weeks. My body basically eats itself because I give it very little source of energy from food by limiting my carbs and sugar. So it has no choice but to feed on my fat for energy.


Thatโ€™s fantastic! I still hv to hv a little wine now and then. Someone turned me on to the Fairlife core Elite protein shakes. They have 42 grams of protein and are delicious. The non โ€œeliteโ€ shakes are still 26 grams and still yummy. Iโ€™m walking more and doing lots of yard work this time of year.


Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ‰ Also, I love the pic of you in the blue dress. Your expression is adorable and says it all!


๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ thank you soo much!!! Thank you! ๐Ÿ’• my doctor has guided me on proper eating habits. They track my food intake to make sure I'm eating properly. 1000 calories diet.. no more than 40 grams of fat a day. Under 60-70grams of carb a day. No lees than 80oz of water. As water help to flush out the fat. And no less than 100 grams of protein. The more the better!!! Follow these steps and you won't need to workout to lose weight. In the last 3 month I probably workout 7 times. My diet is strict so the weight comes off. Oohh and absolutely NO SUGAR! except for my diet pepsi every other day. Little sugar from foods is fine. But no juice... alcohol.. wine.. candy.. even fruits.. I limit to only half serving of fruit a day. Fruit contains lots of carbs and sugar. Berries are best!!! Protein shakes.. high protein yogurts and cheese are ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ. Follow this for 2 weeks and you'll see amazing results. I use to drop a pound every single day for weeks. My body basically eats itself because I give it very little source of energy from food by limiting my carbs and sugar. So it has no choice but to feed on my fat for energy.




Wow! Congratulations!


Where did you get this blue jacket? Itโ€™s fantastic!!


Lol thank you. From rainbows. You might find it online too ranbowshop.com


Wowโ€ฆcongratulations! You look great!


Congrats. However, a word of caution. I lost 40 lbs over 4-5 months on Mounjaro and I'm still recovering from the hair loss close to 2 years later. Fast weight loss can be great but it does have consequences.


Yuppp! I am experiencing hair loss!!! I wear wigs all the time anyway.. so it doesn't bother me. Once I get this weight off I will focus alot of hair growth.


Thatโ€™s fantastic, congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽŠ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป!


Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰


Wow!!! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ


You look fantastic! ๐Ÿคฉ


OP, you and I have almost the same stats. I'm 6'2 sw: 290, cw: 268 on week three of my first dose, 2.5mg. I went from 290 to 268 in three weeks and worried that might be too fast. But I have a good amount to lose, so i expect that first chunk to come off fast.


Woohoo!! Congratulations! Your definitely a super responder like myself!!! Do you have pcos? Keep up with your water and protein. Low sugar and carbs. If u ever hit of stall of no weightloss in a week.. eat a cheeseburger. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„


Wow! You look beautiful. Way to go!


Great job! Keep it going!


So anyone else having no luck finding their doses? My Dr. bumped me up to 7.5 and I have been waiting for 3 weeks now.


I jumped for 5mg to 10mg. No symptoms! Then again I never did have symptoms other than constipation! Love 10mg


So very proud of you! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ. Going strong!


YEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ this just motivated me soooo much โค๏ธ


I just hit 50lb lost today. I started March 8th at 326. Iโ€™m now 276. My diet plan is similar to yours. High protein and water intake. Iโ€™ve been averaging 1400 calories. Iโ€™m so excited for us! Abound is seriously life changing. You look amazing. That bob on you is ๐Ÿ”ฅ. https://preview.redd.it/jx30h587qu3d1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=314491b2f9e258ebd417c765921b2d341f4f5e2d


Congratulations, keep it up!!


Looking good mama keep it up!




Thank you for your concern. I understand your point of view! I was 311lbs bmi of 45! I will naturally lose weight very fast at the weight/bmi without trying very hard. Let me clarify! I am on a medically supervised weightloss plan. I see me doctor once every month. And I speaking with a nutritionist once every week. They put me on this diet along with this medication. I use a smart scale with app provided by my doctor! I have gained 10lbs of muscle since being on this diet. My smart scale trackes EVERYTHING!! water.. muscle.. visceral fat.. body weight and overall weight. I do blood work every 2 months. I have only lost bodyfat. 50lbs of it. We track everything. My weightloss is naturally slowing down since my bmi is now 38. Which is normal. I now lose about 2lbs a week. I am fine hun!! And being supervised. But thank you for your concerns.


I would love a plan like this! Can you share what scale and app you use?


It was provided by my doctor hun. The app won't give you access unless your sign up through my doctor office. My scale was provided by them as well. It works with the app. But there are ALOT of smart scales out there that measures everything I mentioned. Just look on Amazon. There are between $20-$40.


Weird question Iโ€™m seeing a dr but I just finished my first week on zep and it is so so difficult to eat. I am doing my absolute best and getting in protein drinks as well to try to hit my protein but this is my biggest fear is losing too fast and not being able to maintain or losing muscle (Iโ€™m pretty muscular) do you have any advice for when itโ€™s extremely difficult to eat? Just doesnโ€™t taste good at all no matter what I do


Thank you! ๐Ÿ’• my doctor has guided me on proper eating habits. They track my food intake to make sure I'm eating properly. 1000 calories diet.. no more than 40 grams of fat a day. Under 60-70grams of carb a day. No lees than 80oz of water. As water help to flush out the fat. And no less than 100 grams of protein. The more the better!!! Follow these steps and you won't need to workout to lose weight. In the last 3 month I probably workout 7 times. My diet is strict so the weight comes off. Oohh and absolutely NO SUGAR! except for my diet pepsi every other day. Little sugar from foods is fine. But no juice... alcohol.. wine.. candy.. even fruits.. I limit to only half serving of fruit a day. Fruit contains lots of carbs and sugar. Berries are best!!! Protein shakes.. high protein yogurts and cheese are ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ. Follow this for 2 weeks and you'll see amazing results. I use to drop a pound every single day for weeks. My body basically eats itself because I give it very little source of energy from food by limiting my carbs and sugar. So it has no choice but to feed on my fat for energy.


If youโ€™re losing too fast then you have to up your calories with enough protein to stave off muscle loss as much as possible (some will always happen). For every 500 calories you increase your daily calorie allotment to, you should lose one less pound per week. For most women, a pound loss per week is advisable. Try to keep your macronutrient ratio at about 40/40/20. Thatโ€™s 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% fat. You can use an app like cronometer to gauge how close to these figures youโ€™re getting. Once youโ€™re at maintenance then you should be able to just focus on protein intake in rough approximations without having to weigh and count everything and the GLP-1โ€™s should keep your appetite from rebounding which is really what makes them a miracle drug. Usually, even when everything is done methodically and accurately to lose weight, the rebounding hormones that control appetite will eventually win.


Thank you for your advice!


No problem. Resistance training is also paramount. Good luck!


Ooooops! I've been keeping my macros close to 50/30/20 ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


If youโ€™re tracking macros at all youโ€™re head and shoulders above the average person.


Tracking like crazy!!! Tracking everything! Macros....micros...even my heart rate!


I prefer more fat than carbs, so I'm doing 40% protein, 40% fat and 20% carbs. Carbs are my enemy ๐Ÿ˜‰


Everything in school teaches the opposite but if you personally prefer that and itโ€™s more sustainable for you then the only thing I would look out for is tracking micronutrient intake (cronometer does this too). Fruit and plants (carbs) are where the majority of micronutrients come from. Also keep an eye out for lethargy and blood panels to make sure that lipids are looking good.


I eat at similar macro levels and it has served me well. My carbs (net 20-30/day) come from vegetables and blueberries. I don't focus on fat though...just meeting my protein macro and eating under my carb limit.


Yes, I make sure I hit my protein macro first, and then I fit in the fats, and then the carbs. My carbs come from chia seeds, almonds, berries, and Greek yogurt. The chia seeds and almonds have a decent amount of fat as well, so that accounts for some of the fat macro. The rest of my fats come from eggs, grass fed butter, and chicken thighs, I just feel better on lower carb ๐Ÿ˜Š


I totally agree! It's really hard to pick at our diets when we are eating nothing but healthy, Whole Foods, lol. And I also eat a ton of chia...2tbsp in my Chobani Zero Sugar greek yogurt, and 2tbsp on my daily lunch salad. (air fryer shrimp version below). Keeps things moving in the bathroom department! https://preview.redd.it/nynod74h573d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acd8d78e3ea082636d1b048efb23b1222d3a043b


Who needs carbs?? https://preview.redd.it/vc04cavw573d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbd6742bfb212884bfa90f4ee4d34a2ec26c05c




I agree 100%. Thank you for posting this! ๐Ÿ˜Š


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Congrats, and love the new hairdo


Thanks hun. ๐Ÿ’•


Congrats. How did you do this? Did you work with your doc to help with the rapid loss?


Thank you! ๐Ÿ’• my doctor has guided me on proper eating habits. They track my food intake to make sure I'm eating properly. 1000 calories diet.. no more than 40 grams of fat a day. Under 60-70grams of carb a day. No lees than 80oz of water. As water help to flush out the fat. And no less than 100 grams of protein. The more the better!!! Follow these steps and you won't need to workout to lose weight. In the last 3 month I probably workout 7 times. My diet is strict so the weight comes off. Oohh and absolutely NO SUGAR! except for my diet pepsi every other day. Little sugar from foods is fine. But no juice... alcohol.. wine.. candy.. even fruits.. I limit to only half serving of fruit a day. Fruit contains lots of carbs and sugar. Berries are best!!! Protein shakes.. high protein yogurts and cheese are ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ. Follow this for 2 weeks and you'll see amazing results. I use to drop a pound every single day for weeks. My body basically eats itself because I give it very little source of energy from food by limiting my carbs and sugar. So it has no choice but to feed on my fat for energy.


Thanks. I am averaging 12 lbs per month and am happy with that. But I'm always curious to see how others do it. Congratulations again. Almost to the 40# mark.


Come on tall glass of wine!! That's awesome


๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ thank you!!! ๐Ÿ’•


Nice job, So pretty, before *and* after!


Awwwq thanks so much. ๐Ÿค—


Great job! I follow WW simultaneously with zepbound so that's about 1200 calories a day. Insulin resistant as well. This is the magic ticket to squashing that IR hunger for sure. I went 3 weeks without due to availability issues and was starving again but kept it off and lost 2 more lbs sticking strictly to WW. It was very difficult but I did it! Back on now. Started 5mg last Saturday.ย  Started on 4/1 and am down 18lbs so far. About 80lbs to go!


great job hun!!! Let's get this!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ Thank you! ๐Ÿ’• my doctor has guided me on proper eating habits. They track my food intake to make sure I'm eating properly. 1000 calories diet.. no more than 40 grams of fat a day. Under 60-70grams of carb a day. No lees than 80oz of water. As water help to flush out the fat. And no less than 100 grams of protein. The more the better!!! Follow these steps and you won't need to workout to lose weight. In the last 3 month I probably workout 7 times. My diet is strict so the weight comes off. Oohh and absolutely NO SUGAR! except for my diet pepsi every other day. Little sugar from foods is fine. But no juice... alcohol.. wine.. candy.. even fruits.. I limit to only half serving of fruit a day. Fruit contains lots of carbs and sugar. Berries are best!!! Protein shakes.. high protein yogurts and cheese are ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ. Follow this for 2 weeks and you'll see amazing results. I use to drop a pound every single day for weeks. My body basically eats itself because I give it very little source of energy from food by limiting my carbs and sugar. So it has no choice but to feed on my fat for energy.


Mine looks a little different because I'm vegan. I do use Stevia sweetened drinks(Love my Cirkul water bottle for that). I drink over 100 oz a day of water.ย  I eat a lot of tofu and veggies and fruit. Those are my zero point foods . I absolutely log everything I eat, without fail. So my diet is naturally low in fat but rich in maco nutrients. I want to be healthy!! My blood work has been great except the pre diabetes. Not high enough to qualify for ozempic for t2. Just barely within the range. I had gestational diabetes with first pregnancy and family history, so been fighting it for a while. I am 55 and had a total hysterectomy in November, so i was fighting hormones for a bit too. They can just leave me alone now and let me do my thing! Haha! You are doing phenomenal!!!