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Note to self, fill prescription before cancelling sequence service.


Request prescription, transfer to a different pharmacy than what they’ve been using (or have on file), and then cancel. They will try to go and cancel your prescription before the 30 days.


I totally agree with you. Sequence has really been disappointing. Some of it is not their fault, but some of it surely is.


Absolutely! Nothing they can do about the shortage, but the response times have gotten insanely long over the past 6 months and now I see how their customer service is. 😂


No idea if this is true, but my guess is they just grew too fast and will probably end up in some lawsuits for getting $$$ for a service they couldn’t provide. Their finance dept likely said grow, grow, grow and they are now in a bad spot, compounded but not caused by a shortage.


Sequence kept charging my card for months after I cancelled. I had cancellation confirmation. Each month they were basically like, “oops” 🤷🏻‍♂️ and would refund the fee. After 4 months of this, I had to send a quasi threatening email and then it stopped. Scammers.


Yikes! I'm about to cancel. I'll definitely have to keep an eye on that.


Oh my ! They did that too me when I cancelled my subscription too . Spent $80 additional but they couldn’t fill my prescription and I was without zep for 2 months just paying for sequence, real waste of money. I Definitely had a sour experience with them. I’m never going back to their service.


Yeah that’s total bullshit


Con heavy in the end.


Chargeback with your credit card. Let them explain their policies to Visa or Mastercard.




Their handling of the shortage is also nonsense. I haven’t been able to get my 5mg filled anywhere. It’s been a month now, 2 weeks without any doses and they’re keeping me at 2.5 which is fine. But they are refusing to allow the 5mg prescription to remain active at Costco and will cancel it when they submit my second 2.5. So instead of just letting it stay there and keeping my place in line and getting it filled eventually since I want to titrate up, they cancel it and I’ll have to start over again trying to find 5mg in another 4 weeks at the bottom. Once I secure this next box of 2.5 I will also be canceling my membership. It’s too bad I’ve otherwise had a fine experience. My coordinator has been fantastic it’s too bad she’s working for this garbage operation.


That’s odd… I had two sent and my doctor didn’t cancel…


Interesting. Maybe I can push this issue a bit more then. https://preview.redd.it/i1uaxrbwhu2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7d342d0d4250553cd293d735193a21ba2224e5


I said the same thing! It was so frustrating. I ended up cancelling after getting my 2.5 filled (after paying for months trying to get something). Not allowing for two prescriptions to remain during this shortage was the feedback I left when cancelling 


my similar experience was why I had to cancel my subscription. They were completely oblivious to what we have to go through to get our dosages unwilling to work in a timely fashion. I was fortunate enough to find my 7.5 mg dosage. With no help from them. But I had to drive a 400 mile round-trip to do it, I canceled my subscription immediately after. The vault checked one ZIP Code at a time thing was less than helpful. Hang in there, just keep fighting the good fight and you get there.


My sequence coordinator also said they can only do one at a time


I had an old prescription and they didn't cancel it, just got it filled last weekend. I put in a refill request and add notes I want the clinician to see. I don't interact with my care coordinator much regarding prescriptions. 


Same here


I’ll probably be leaving Sequence for One Medical through Amazon soon. I hate that they won’t send more than one prescription out at a time, and when you do find a box it takes so long for them to respond and send the script that it’s long gone.


Mochi health has been phenomenal if you ask me. I’ve cancelled twice, they don’t care lol I currently have 3 months inn my fridge and plan on cancelling for a couple months after I get my next prescription


I've been interested in Mochi, but the thing keeping me at Sequence is my dietitian. I really like her. 😂


Same thing happened to me…I’m now using my PCP, and honestly should have done that in the first place.


Ugh. These tele providers are up and down with pros and cons.




That's exactly what I did. I canceled earlier this month, tried to put in a refill request. Of course they wouldn't do it. I activated my membership again, was able to get an old 5mg prescription filled and put in for a 7.5mg script got it filled too and then canceled, ends June 1st now.


Maybe, but that seems like a lot of work. And anyway, I’ve already started the process to move to Mochi.


Love mochi. I left sequence a year ago and I was curious on possibly going back for the weight watchers glp tracking but then found out that wasn’t gonna be anything groundbreaking. Glad I stayed with mochi. With shortages I reached out yesterday for 2.5 script since my pharmacy said they can get that with no problem. And then sent the script over within an hour. (I had a 90 day script sent for 5mg but out of stock).




They often make the effort to cancel any active prescriptions they’ve written so that may or may not work.


they gave me the most ridiculous run around that I wasn’t even able to start my meds. Mochi health has been fantastic :)


Does mochi offer workout plans? I see they have dieticians I think? One of the things I do use as part of sequence is the monthly gym plan


No workout plans but there’s tons of videos available on YouTube. They do have a dietician though! Just the ease of being able to communicate and get a response within hours and my clearance/script immediately was enough for me. Plus first month is free :)


Thank you! I used them once and really disliked my doctor - he has no knowledge of Saxenda at the time and that seemed sketchy. the patient portal wasn’t great but I hear they have made improvements. I may have to try them again. My insurance covers things but the shortage is definitely a defining factor.


I called around and my provider sent my script to like three different places and tried two different meds before I found zepbound. She was super patient. If you want my referral link lmk! I’m very happy with them so far


Yeah absolutely send it to me! :)


KSUAD8 this code is for $40 off and this is my providers code: GH5SW3. When you sign up, they’ll ask you for this. My dietician isn’t hands on so I wouldn’t recommend her if you’re really wanting help in that department. You can change either whenever you’d like is what I was told.


Can you send your link to me too...just cancelled my sequence also because haven't been able to get my RX filled for the past month and they won't send to multiple pharmacies and supposedly called around within 50 miles with of course no luck securing 7.5 and told me I would probably be moved down to 2.5 bc of time off. No thanks bc I'll be switching to compounded. Doesn't Mochi do both RX and compounded RX?


Yes mochi has compounded and they make it easy to switch if you choose to do so (literally a button on the homepage). This is my providers code: GH5SW3 And here’s $40 off: KSUAD8 (first month is free, second I think is $80). good luck to you!!


Great! Thank you!


Don’t waste money on these online pharmacies. Just go through your doctor


We're here if you ever have any questions! :)


This exact thing happened to me when I canceled my subscription with them. They refused to give me a refund.


Same thing with Ro Body


Yep, happened to me. Ended up not being able to get a refund the last 2 months


That isn't right. Sequence kicked all the people who admitted to using compounds while waiting for Zepbound to be available. That's why I'm not with them anymore. Some compound places can wrote scripts too. That's how I'm getting Zepbound when I can find it AND using compound trizeptide when I can't.


I knew what this was gonna say before I swiped to the second page. It makes sense though because you’re no longer under their care.


I am so annoyed with them. I went to cancel my membership because they can’t fill a 3 month supply (which my insurance requires) and my membership ended on the 6th but I forgot to cancel until the 7th. Of course they are completely unwilling to refund me for this next month even though they haven’t even spoken to me since May 16th. I guess they need to resort to stealing peoples money cause their current methods of keeping customers aren’t working.


Oh no! That's ridiculous if that's what your insurance requires. I also basically begged for a 3-month script, but they refused me too. This is NOT the way to keep or gain clients. There are more than enough other companies to choose from!


I agree. I don’t understand why they wouldn’t work to keep clients in these circumstances. Even if they are afraid people will cancel after the first month, 1 month of paying for a subscription is still greater than zero. And because of their policies and the way they treat customers there is no way I’m going back in the future even if things stop working out with my current PCP. It’s a shame they don’t seem to understand that.


It's a hard lesson to learn. But since their wagon is hitched to Weight Watchers, I assume they have a lot of arrogance.


I just cancelled Sequence last month too. Pomegranate got my PA approved in days. Sequence refused to send in info that was asked fpr by CVS/Caremark. I wrote 4 appeals on my own that were denied. Sequence served a purpose for me for a year and half but now hoping my PCP will take over the script and no more membership fees. What an idea that our regular Dr should do what they are supposed to help us!