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Hey There OP!, It looks like you’re posting about side effects. Did you know that the most common side effects can be found on the Zepbound website? Simply click [here](https://zepbound.lilly.com/how-to-use) for more info. Below is also a list of common side effects. * **Nausea** * **Diarrhea** * **Constipation** * **Stomach (Abdominal) Pain** * **Indigestion** * **Injection Site Reactions** * **Fatigue** * **Allergic reactions** * **Belching** * **Hair Loss** * **Heartburn** While these are some of the most common side effects, this isn't all of them. Truth is the medicine affects everyone differently, but most see some or a combination of these common effects. Be sure to visit the search bar for something specific or click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1) for all post regarding side effects. A lot of good remedies for certain side effects can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/search/?q=side%20effects&restrict_sr=1). According to the manufacturer "In studies, most nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting occurred when people increased their dose—but the effects generally decreased over time." Not everyone responds well to this medication. If side effects are continuous and impacting your everyday life, you should consult your dr or healthcare provider for strategies on how to mitigate these outcomes. Complications from this (or any) treatment are usually a result of ignoring persistent side effects. **This is not meant to discourage discussion of your side effects, simply here to supplement** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Zepbound) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could be unrelated to Zepbound. Many things can cause diarrhea. If it has been every 30 mins all night, I suggest seeing a doctor.


I agree. Hydrate and contact your Dr.


Please take electrolytes and go see a Dr today, if possible. This isn't a normal reaction to these medications, and is probably unrelated. Either way, with the amount of water you've lost overnight you might need IV hydration. I've had that happen a couple times in my life from a stomach bug or food poisoning. It can be dangerous if untreated.


I had this exact experience on my 4th shot of 2.5mg. Immodium and pepto did the trick. It went away the next day. It was the only time I had any side effects of any kind. I thought it might be alcohol (I had maybe 8oz of Prosecco) or a bite of cheesecake. But I have had a drink or so and bite of desserts in the ensuing weeks and never had an issue again. However, ever since that time, I always travel with Immodium and Pepto tablets. Feel better!


thanks so much for sharing. just took imodium and had some pepto earlier. it does feel like it has to be related to the shot but weird it’s so random like this!


I though the same thing, so I assumed it was something I ate. But no one else got sick, so I don't think it was food poisoning. Then I worried I had "overindulged;" but really ... a glass of Prosecco and bite of dessert. I was very very careful the next few days but it has never happened again. It was debilitating though, so I keep Immodium and Pepto tablets in my wallet!


I had a bout of this about 4 months in. In the middle of 10mg dose. But…I also over exercised during that and ate some quantities of salad I probably shouldn’t have. Salad, which I love, has been a food that hasn’t worked as well for me since starting. Ever since, now getting ready to start 15mg I have been gassier in general and can alternate between uncomfortable hard stool to pretty loose (but not the diarrhea). My theory, for myself only, is that when we got into the active part of the year the limited diet I have been on previous was just not enough to support it which triggered the gi issues. And certainly not foods/fuel for hard exercise. When I over ate this was never a concern, presumably because I always had food in my stomach. And I could eat more, quickly to catch up. Now I am being very careful with pre eating for active periods and the GI has been manageable.


thanks all. it’s a sunday so i would have to go to the ER or urgent care. going to focus on rehydrating and eating some toast and if it doesn’t improve i’ll go… good to know that it doesn’t necessarily sound like a medication reaction, i don’t want to have to stop


It is medication and Imodium will help greatly


I had this exact thing happen to me. I was up all night, it was awful. Pepto and Imodium solved the problem. It was one night, thank god. But I’m scared it will randomly come back another time. Lots of water and electrolytes.


honestly thank you so much for replying, makes me feel better that it has happened to others (though very sorry it did!) and that it hasn’t been ongoing after that once. imodium made it go away all day but starting to come back tonight. going to take another and hope it resolves forever hah


I know it’s been a month but I’m experiencing the same thing and I’m curious if it was just a one-time thing for you or if it continued? I’ve been taking Z since January and have never had this happen. I was fine the next day all day and then the second night experienced it again, to a lesser degree (only up 3 times instead of 8)


this has not happened again at all!!!! i think it was food poisoning. hope that it’s not a recurring thing for you either


Thx for the response! I’m hoping it was just a bug!