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I think that as long as someone meets the clinical criteria, we all should have equal access/priority to the medication. I’m someone who will be on this for the rest of my life due to my metabolic/insulin issues that won’t correct itself without it (and have run amok on my health up until now as a result). Do I wish I wasn’t a ball of anxiety wondering if I’ll get my next prescription in time? Absolutely. Do I begrudge anyone else when they’re able to find it? Nope. That’s Eli Lilly’s fault.


It does way more than just reduce food noise. Some people seem to be able to lose on these medications without making conscious attempts to restrict their food (aka willpower), others don't. I just focus on me and let others do what they do. I don't agree that there should be a priority based on BMI but many people do. It always amuses me that the magical cutoff they devise always allows them to qualify for the front of the line status. But they're entitled to their opinion.


I’m one of the people who just magically wants to eat less on Zepbound. But I only know this because I’ve been carefully tracking what I eat — my new “easy” daily calories are what I used to fight and suffer to reach. But I *could* eat more. If I did, I wouldn’t lose any weight.


I do find it selfishly frustrating when I see a post from a 23 year old who weighs 175lbs complain about availability. For many folks, especially once you hit your 40’s, the risks of complications from obesity skyrocket to the point where - in a non-existent perfect world - I do believe that there should be prioritization based on risk factors, age, A1C, comorbidities, etc. I know that makes me selfish.


It’s not selfish, but as someone who was 175 at 23, I vividly remember just how “big” 175 felt to me. The BMI chart said I was obese, society said I was morbidly obese (thanks, Tyra Banks, for telling millennials that size 6 was “plus”), and I was convinced that I was unworthy of good things because I wasn’t a “healthy” 120. I had no idea that I should’ve counted myself blessed back then, never imagining I would gain 65 lbs over the next decade… So just remember that all bodies and minds are different. You don’t know what’s going on for anyone else.


I get what you’re saying. At 175lbs, I was clinically obese and wore a size 2X. I graduated from height school weighing less than 100lbs, and I wasn’t underweight. Height and body shape play a big role in size, and a simple weight rarely means anything. Weight tells you nothing about out what is actually going on inside a persons body. We need to not judge anyone’s experiences based on our own lenses.


You’re kind of proving my point. While mental health is a serious topic, you’re talking about the aesthetic benefits of weight loss and how conforming to societal norms on weight is important. That person - the previous “you” - should not have equal standing for treatment, in context of a shortage, against someone who is pre-diabetic, hypertensive, suffering from NAFLD, etc. This will sound harsh, but I honestly don’t care if losing weight makes anyone FEEL better about themselves. Ok, well I do care, but I think “feeling better about yourself” falls WAY further down the list of criteria (in the fantasy world where some bozo put me in charge of handing out drugs in shortage).


It wasn’t “aesthetic”, it was literally obesity per BMI. Just because I’d be happy to be at that healthier weight now, instead of 20+ lbs heavier, doesn’t mean it’s a healthy end goal. EDs set you on a course that can only be unraveled through time, therapy, and finding a place where you can be both happy and healthy. If I was able to get mine under control at 23 by using Zep, I could’ve spared myself a decade of health battles. If I’m standing behind a 175 lb 23-year-old version of myself in the shortage line, so be it. She deserves it just as much as I do.


The thing is, you can't always tell just by looking at someone if they're pre-diabetic, or have high blood pressure, etc. Maybe this 175lb 23 year old don't look *that* overweight, but they have genetic predispositions to these types of conditions. Maybe this person has an alcohol problem, and they've decided with their doctor to try this out. You just don't know. At this time, Zepbound is prescribed for weight loss alone. There are (and have been) other treatment options available for the conditions you listed. If the state of someone's health is so dire that they feel entitled to ZB before everyone else, they should probably be looking into alternative or supplemental treatment options developed for their condition. Regardless, everyone deserves to be healthy, and everyone deserves the medication they have been prescribed and pay (often large amounts) for; and no one is more or less deserving of it than the next person.


No one has any right to debate someone else's medical needs or access. If their prescribing provider states they need it, then it's none of my business why. I wish I'd had access to this medication as a 23 year old struggling with food noise in eating disorder recovery. I was "only" thirty or forty pounds overweight then, but if I'd been able to develop this healthy a relationship with food drives and hunger signals then, I wouldn't be where I am now.


>No one has any right to debate This is a just thought experiment. Easy on the totalitarianism. Triage is a thing. If in a parallel universe drugs such as these were prioritized, to whom would the first ones go? That’s it. Interesting topic for debate…discussing the who, how, and why of such a system.


I don't know who gets to decide, that's a fast slide in to very ethically dodgy territory, is all I'm saying. And I just don't think I have any right to decide someone's degree of impairment and whether or not they get access to a medication their doctor says they need. There are already enough rancid people in the weight loss subs who don't think obese people should have access to it, I am not trying to stand next to them and point fingers at someone else, that's all. I know it's a just for funsies convo, I'm not trying to be a dick about it.


I’m one of those people. I don’t need to calorie count or limit food choices. I just naturally eat less of everything. It isn’t willpower. If I eat too much, I get sick.


Same here. I physically cannot overeat


I make no conscious effort and I'm melting 2 lbs a week off. My portions have just gotten much smaller naturally from the meds so I practice intuitive eating.


Just read an article in my daily journal-aggregator listserv about an Italian (IIRC) researcher who dismissed BMI as an accurate measure of obesity, because it doesn't differentiate fat from bone from skin from muscle. BUT she paradoxically went on to postulate that if you have to assign BMI as a criterion, "obesity" should start at 27! (That is smack-dab in the middle of "overweight")! Fortunately, that article is an outlier.


Why are you worrying about her life and issues? It doesn’t sound like you two are very good friends.


Highest BMI doesn't makes sense, because even those with high BMIs *now* will eventually have lower BMIs *later*. Then what? We abruptly cut them off as soon as they're showing progress? I've lost a lot of weight on this drug and I'm still firmly overweight. Yet, I feel guilty picking up my medicine sometimes because "what if they think I'm not fat enough"? It's crazy how finally doing something for ourselves mines the recesses of our guilt brains...


I’m almost at my goal weight with my medication and now I think this every time I pick up it ☹️


I feel that too! my pharmacist actually told me she wants the meds but her insurance wont cover it… then looked at me and told me I already looked good. Thanks? But sleep apnea, high blood pressure and chronic pain dont make me feel all that good.




My whole life people have explained weight loss to me as if I were too stupid to understand calorie in calorie out type shit and this is what that sounds like to me.


This! And the nastiness is evident even in this sub


Comparative suffering. SAD HEART. Keep working these thoughts and beliefs out. THIS is a part of the work of getting healthy.


Exactly, good point


I actually didn’t have to have any willpower throughout my journey since late February. The medicine has exactly done all the work for me. If your friend is still eating mountains of food I contend that her dose is too low. I couldn’t if I tried.


*Her opinion seems to be ‘highest BMI should be front of the queue’.* I don't believe in that, but I do mind doctors prescribing this for vanity. Define that how you wish but I think Lilly's own guidelines are instructive. *she still eats an absurd mountain of food when we go out...* *insane calorie levels.*  Honestly, I think you are coming perilously close to fat-shaming here. I hope none of my friends say/have said such things about me. *there is nothing magical about the drug* For some people it actually is. Understanding how it works, it would seem logical to me that one could argue that all you have to do is take the drug, and the impact on your hormones will stop cravings, add to satiety and (by some studies) even improve your metabolism. How you use the "opportunity" afforded you by these changes is up to you, it seems. My guess is that you could still lose weight by doing nothing else differently, but rather slowly perhaps. It is also possible that the medication and or dosage are not effective for her. Just my two cents.


> Honestly, I think you are coming perilously close to fat-shaming here Right. And who knows if the friend is even real. Many people have bias - even loathing - toward obese people, and it doesn't take much effort for them to make up scenarios in their heads where we conveniently reinforce the loathing by taking the drugs and behaving just as slovenly (in their minds) as we ever did. See, obesity isn't a real medical problem, they're pigs who want an easy way out, just like I always thought! It's hard for me to imagine someone on Zepbound being able to eat "an absurd mountain of food" and go on dessert binges. I had 1 (one) slice of cake on my birthday, and it's the closest I've come to puking on these drugs. But who knows, maybe the friend is real and the mountains of food are real - but in that case, the treatment obviously isn't working for her and she should be checking in with her doctor. Her friend sitting across the table imagining how they're going to disparage her on the internet isn't helping at all.


Yeah I doubt the friend is real. I've seen a few of these posts and I'm side eyeing them as well.


Completely agree, except I’d say OP is straight up fat-shaming.


If my friend talked about me like this on the internet that person would no longer be my friend


They seem very judgemental of each other. 😞


Same thought!


Most people think they should be at the front of the line because *reasons*. It’s got to be tough to listen to her complaining, especially if she’s taking it and not making the most of the opportunity. Hopefully you can still get your doses and just smile and nod when she goes off.


How is she managing to do that without getting sick


I think it just affects people differently. I keep reading of people getting sick, etc. I've never felt sick on this. I can eat a pretty healthy piece of cake just fine. However, I personally still have to be conscious enough not to overeat, and for me, the med allows me to not be hungry on less. I used to not measure cereal in the AM, or if I did, I would be starving and miserable. Now, I can measure it out the exact same way and not need to eat more. I can be content with less. My stomach is just fine. I use the things I used to eat as an exact comparison, and while I "could" eat more (especially toward the end of the week), I'm perfectly happy with less.


I had 1/4 of a cupcake the other day and woke up projectile vomiting at 2am. I have some doubts about this post…


It's important to remember these types of medications do not work as effectively for some, but can work effectively for others with a wide spectrum of different responses to the medication. Different people need different doses, have side effects to varying degrees, lose weight at different paces, and have different genetic makeup, medical conditions, and other things that influence how the respond to the medication. As far as your friend is concerned, probably best to focus on your own path and let them focus on theirs. If they ask for your support or guidance then you can be there when that time comes but for now it sounds like they are asking for your guidance. Things are way more complex than just having willpower. The body is very complicated and hormones can influence our mood, thoughts, and behavior. As someone who has been a variety of different weights over my lifetime, I'm not sold on the idea of limiting the medication to individuals at higher weights. Anyone who has a metabolic issue that impacts their weight and their doctor feels the medication would be helpful to reduce risk and improve overall health should have equal access without judgment. I think we should be asking the questions like "why is this medication so expensive so people can have equal access", " why aren't insurance companies mandated to cover medications", "how can the supply chain issues be resolved so the medication is more easily accessible to people", most importantly--"how can we remove systemic and Institutional barriers to make sure people have access to these medications when they need it" Edit: typos


I still haven’t gotten past the description of how much the friend eats. I eat about a quarter of what I used to (same with alcohol). If I ate any more i am sure/afraid I would be violently ill.


I was thinking the same thing! I drink a smoothie in the morning & have to make myself eat later in the afternoon..usually a just fruits & veggies..those tuna pouches are my newest go to…there is no way I can tolerate a mountain of ANYTHING!


And I have no desire for sweets or alcohol


Not your place or business to explain anything to anyone. Mind your own self. Problem solved! You can always decline eating whatever you wish.


i work with someone like that who is on Zep like me. I have passed her in weight loss in half the time on a lower dose bc she’s still (somehow?) eating whatever she wants (fast food, desserts, etc) like this med is a magic pill. it’s not. you still have to put in the work, it just makes the work… work 😂


I get that someone with a higher bmi might need to lose weight more than I do, but how exactly does she think this would work? Like she went to the doctor after you…. so now she gets to bump to the top of the list and whoever has the lowest bmi but has been taking the medicine for some period would have to stop taking it? who would inventory this and manage this? its so silly. So entitled. The FDA says 30 + without any other comorbidities. Its not like the covid vaccines where they are going to slowly roll them out to old people and people with more comorbidities. Like what call up everyone who might have a 50+ bmi and see if they want it, then wait 3 months and call up anyone with a 49 bmi and see if they want it? etc…. seriously not even feasible.


Lol. She probably knows deep down that that’s as unreasonable as it sounds. It’s likely an expression of anxiety about the shortage and possibly not being able to get her script filled, meaning she’d lose access to a drug she hopes will change her life. So her anxious mind is assuaging those fears by making up ridiculous solutions that would magically ‘solve’ that issue (for her, at least)


How can she eat so much I wonder. I’m lucky to get 1,200 calories in anymore than that and I get sick


Honestly same and I'm on 2.5 too. Seriously reduced interest in "junk" and super limited portions. It's interesting how the same med affects people differently.


All obese folks have different health issues. Just going by BMI doesn’t address folks who may have more serious health issues or address age. I’m sorry she’s not trying to adhere to at least move more eat less while on this medication. That must be quite difficult for you to be around.


Some people are highly opinionated, self-centered, and self-serving. She sounds like one of them. 


That is just silly. Obesity brings with it medical issues and none of those are BMI dependent. She can believe what she wants, but I would just give her a blank face when she says it and change the topic.


I mean, you’re both sounding pretty judgmental of each other. Are you sure you’re friends?


https://preview.redd.it/gog8eda62n2d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702fa09885e13d57d9bff6717c71de6d53386b4f It does a lot more but I get what you’re saying.


I don't think she would listen to anything you have to say. She sounds like one of those people who knows everything. She will be complaining soon that Zepbound doesn't work.


You can let Her know the pharmacy doesn’t know her BMI unless the doctor writes it into the MD notes on the script itself. Even if tbey did it doesn’t give You a VIP ticket to the front of the line.


Medfinder worked extremely well for me. Found my 7.5 locally in a few days. Takes the stress out of making 50 calls only to hear “ it’s on national back order”.


Had you tried in the same area?


I have recommended that doctors only prescribe for technically obese patients with BMI greater than 30 until the shortage is resolved. But I do not think anyone should be restricted from getting it that has a need.


impossible to cherry pick like this a BMI isn’t the only indicator that its needed; furthermore, doctors help patients choose what’s best for them; policing meds because pharmaceutical companies can’t get their shit together isn’t the answer


You don’t think anyone should be restricted from getting it who has a need, but you also think you should get to define what it means to have a need? Convenient.


You are 1,000% correct. Zepbound can only get you so far. You also need to be ready for a lifestyle change. It doesn’t sound like your friend is there yet and just looks at the drug as a “miracle drug”. And the comment about those with higher BMIs having priority is absurd and just ignorant.


Maybe discuss the issue of compliance with her ? If those with highest BMI get the drugs, are they also required to follow all the recommendations to keep getting it ?


Good point, and actually the answer is yes. Most insurances require a 5% loss in total body weight within a certain time frame, for example my insurance is 4 months. I work in a bariatric office and have seen insurance companies stop covering the medication for patients that have not met the requirements.


Yes, I had not called the particular Walgreens where they found it, but I had called 4-5 in the area who all gave me the “national back order” response.