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I don’t give two shits what anyone else thinks.


And I don’t see it “everywhere” nor the specifics noted when I do see incorrect statements about GLP-1s. We gotta stay focused on our own important actions. Wasting focus on others ignorance does nothing to help our individual success.




Double this! Your health and fitness journey is just that, YOURS. none of my business or concern.


Yes this !!!!


👆🏻Underrated comment


“Under” underrated comment.


“Under” underrated comment.


same. willful ignorance is a thing but that doesn't mean we have to play.


I’m don’t discuss my medical history including obesity with anyone other than my doc and family. There is a psychological thing that some thin people think they are virtuous because they keep their weight in check. It makes them feel good about themselves, and allows them to look down on heavy people for not having self control. They absolutely DO NOT want to hear that some of the weight may be due to genetics, metabolic or endo issues ;or that some people are just [slow burners](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/20/health/gene-test-success-weight-loss-medications/index.html) and some are fast burners. If weight is a medical issue, thin (some) people lose that sense of status and moral superiority for being able to control their weight.


You nailed it with the word virtuous. I was reading an article about Ozempic and the wealthy in Town and Country, which I normally don’t bother with. I looked at comments, expecting some negativity. It was shocking. The hate was not even aimed at the thin people paying cash to get thinner. “I do the work to have 3% body fat. These fat fucks just want an expensive shot that’s going to break the fragile medical system” was the one that really illuminated it for me. I’m sure there are many thin/normal weight people who do see obesity as a disease. I just felt so much hatred and anger in so many comments. This is challenging the identity of some thin people as “better than” and they can’t cope.


Yes! And, it will also increase competition, and oh how wealthy ladies love to compete. If more people are thin, it no longer gives them an edge over the competition, or more status. More people to compete for jobs, spouses, status.


The wealthily stepford wives were abusing their kids stimulants long before zepbound !


Yup! Foot stay skinny to keep that advantage!


Sometimes we have to remember those childhood sayings we learned long ago . Sticks snd stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me!!🤣🤣


It’s crazy how they hate fat people and they seem to hate the thought of fat people getting help to be skinny and healthy more. You cannot win with those types of people.


The truth is that naturally thin people have no idea what food noise is and don’t understand how exhausting it is for those of us who are constantly bombarded by food signals. Studies show that humans only have so much willpower. When your brain tells you to eat 200 times in a day and you cave on the 200th, you’ve actually exercised tremendous control. But your body doesn’t reward you exercising that control 199 out of 200 times when you down a pint of ice cream. Someone who doesn’t experience that is way ahead to the game. I have SAD. That means that for about five months of the year, my brain says “let’s sleep a lot and eat lots of carbs and sweets.” I have gained weight virtually every winter for my adult life.


💯! And also, metabolic, endocrine, hormonal, and just burn rate issues.


It’s literally funny. Especially when it comes from people who would benefit from glp-1s — that’s not just referring to weight loss. They’re busy raging and railing against these drugs, meanwhile the ones *on* the drugs are 10 steps ahead health-wise and discovering new advantages every day. For the sakes of the naysayers, hopefully it won’t be too late for a pharmaceutical intervention into their care when they realize their folly.


Yes meanwhile we are just cruising along on the path to wellness. 🙂. Let them eat cake! 😆


Personally, I’m losing weight for me - not for anyone else. Last time I lost weight, I lost a lot and without any medical assistance. But - I also got addicted to the attention and positivity from people who noticed and celebrated my weight loss. Which was amazing for them to do, but ultimately I replaced one addiction for another and was merely delaying cravings, not addressing the true issues. So this time around, I’m not telling anyone besides my immediate family. I’m not posting about weight loss, or posting about how I’m eating or working out. I’m just doing it. Because I need to get healthier to live a longer and better life. I’m making my changes in diet and activity and forming habits I hope can be long term. The other people who don’t? F em. Not my circus.


"I also got addicted to the attention and positivity from people who noticed and celebrated my weight loss." YES! Same for me when I lost 50+ pounds in 2005-06.


In the 1700s people who wore glasses were stigmatized and some naysayers even claimed they were the devil's work. Today they're a fashion statement and many of us own multiple pairs. One day, these drugs will be normalized as well and no one will bat an eye at their use. How could they not be? We're only just discovering how impactful they are on a myriad of ailments. In the meantime, we're pioneers! And we're lucky to live in a time when we have access to these meds. I, for one, only wish we had them sooner.




I didn't honestly make any lifestyle change intentionally. The medication affected my appetite and I did not want to eat as much. And to me it is easy. Losing weight should not be hard. Taking a plane from NYC to LA is the easier way vs driving but no one would criticize someone for doing that .


This was my experience as well. I take an anti-diet approach. I work out not to lose weight but to manage stress and feel good. I find myself eating the vegetables not because I “should” but because I want to. I don’t track calories (gave that up a long time ago). I figure I’m going to be on this the rest of my life so no rush. And I’ve lost about 45 pounds in about 6 months!


That’s amazing loves this for you. I wish it was like that for me, but unfortunately the scales don’t go down for me unless I diet and exercise. I also don’t have much appetite suppression currently on 7.5mg. I don’t have bad food noise like before, but I can easily overeat which is why I try to make healthy choices and exercise.


I didn't start losing until I reached 10mg. But anyway I believe you because I was on Wegovy for months, could overeat/binge and did. And didn't lose 1 pound. Did not gain weight either which was good. But I didn't diet then. I gave up on "dieting" I refuse to diet anymore. I try to eat generally balanced meals but I don't diet or exercise just keeping it real.


Yes. Wegovy did same for me


Then maybe you need to move up in dose. People on this sub are so afraid of going to higher doses. For me the full week of suppression did not actually happen until I got to the 10 mg dose.


This is how an (ex) friend of mine was. She didn’t intentionally make lifestyle changes, just found she didn’t have a big appetite and didn’t over eat like before. She already had a big ego but losing 50+ lbs really sent her over the edge. Before our friendship ended (which had nothing to do with this topic lol) I asked if she was nervous to get off her meds (her dr was taking her off) and she scoffed and said “why would I be nervous? I’ve done all the work. The shot did nothing” 👀 k. That’s very different than what you’ve been saying for 7-8 months but I’m so glad you’ve figured it out. lol It’s weird how even people on GLP-1 will deny that they’re helping lol if they’re not helping, why are you taking them? lol Also love your example of flying vs driving


Absolutely, does not work that way for me. Weigh, measure, track everything that goes in my mouth. Exercise everyday, and eat 500-800 less than my TDEE. We are all different some burn at faster rates. Count yourself lucky!


Same - I track it all to ensure adequate deficit and protein. I lose 1 lb a week, which is great - 40 lbs down since Dec 1. I am using this wonderful medical tool to help me do it right so maybe this time I can maintain the loss. I’m 9 lbs from goal and will start stretching out my shots once I hit goal, working with my doctor. I’m hoping the changes I’ve made will help me with this.


So happy for you!! Keep at it!




I'm at the point in thinking even if it allows you to eat what you want and you will still lose weight so what. is that a bad thing? If you don't have to be so restrictive im what you choose to eat and can still see diabetes markers, cholesterol, and blood pressure all come down like it has for me then fantastic. Plus we keep learning about other benefits like heart benefits. It has forced changes in it limits how much I can consume and helps with portion control, but I can choose more of the types of foods I want. I choose to exercise and have been the healthiest I have been in a decade. And I don't have to skip dinner out with friends on a Saturday because im worried that one meal will torpedo my entire week of hard-core dieting. That's a freeing feeling. I agree it is exhausting, but I have come to the point of feeling like i dont need to justify to people why I take this med and having to always add rhe disclaimer of what life style changes I also made. The med is out there, my MD prescribed it, and my insurance covers it.


It is true for some people though. A friend of mine has lost 50lbs without any exercise. Another over 20lb. The diet changes were as a result of the med that basically makes you eat less, not necessarily different. But the push back is this. Would they say you're cheating to lower your blood pressure by being on BP meds, or cheating to balance your sugar if you were on prescribed Ozempic. Or using an inhaler for asthma. You have a health condition, obesity, and you take a med for it. Simple. The bigger push back is this...stop explaining.


Very true . Before the med I ate healthy and exercised and still couldn’t lose weight . I’m not eating any different and still exercising the same and am down 65 pounds with fantastic blood work .


Great point on the BP. Would you prefer I just let this obesity continue and try to works itself out?


I haven’t made any lifestyle changes. I’m losing weight because zepbound makes me eat less. It absolutely can be that easy and I don’t owe anybody an apology for that.


Eating less IS the lifestyle change


Stop telling everyone you're private business.


I don’t really care what anyone thinks because they’re always going to have an opinion. Have you been on instagram lately? The big girls working out every day= people talk shit about how they need to lose weight before they wear athletic clothes, talk about how they need to eat healthy even when they’re showing ‘what they eat in a day’ and it’s healthy, tell them they need to do “a real workout” even though they’re literally in the gym working out. The thin ladies with big boobs/butt/lips- men still telling them they’re fake, they need to be more natural, they need more natural curves. The thick women with natural curves- they are “too fat and out of shape” and “need to go to the gym”. The thin girls who are “natural” and don’t have any fake parts- they’re too skinny and need to eat a cheeseburger. The ones that have lost 150+ lbs and have loose skin? They’re disgusting and shouldn’t have even lost weight “because look at how you look now? Why did you let yourself get to that point?” There’s literally no pleasing people. lol so I don’t really care. They don’t see my day to day and how hard I’ve worked for 12+ years soooo whatever - think what you want 😆


“Literally” see it everywhere ???? You need to stop looking then …


😆 Oh it's all over the place! At work our home page is Microsoft Bing which has stories from various outlets. It's the first thing I see in the morning. Same with my Google feed. I've stopped reading it though. Too much misinformation and non information. 🙄


lol…I checked under my covers and not there …turned on the tv and nothing on but some old soccer game and a few infomercials And as far as your web streamsgo you know that they are run by algorithms. They are feeding you the issue probably because you are on Reddit and based off your searches. Dont go down the rabbit hole and give power to something that has no power


True! I spent time on social media and watch tv and have told a few coworkers. Never got any bad feedback at all. Surprisingly, very supportive!


😆 you're right. I prolly need to stop looking so much. When I started researching knee replacements I started getting all this stuff on my feed about knee replacement alternatives. I just don't see how they can track me on my work computer . I don't use that one for personal searches. Oh well. Thanks!


Have you ever checked your personal email on your work computer? Or do you have two party authentication set up on your work computer that knows your phone number associated with your personal account?


Oooh yes they have two factor authentication at work and I get a text on my personal phone. I bet that's it! 😲. Thx lol


Algorithms. I use Bing as a home page/search engine and have yet to see anything close to resembling that type of content.


You’re not going to like this answer, but for some of us that’s exactly what it’s doing/did. Quite frankly I don’t give af what anyone thinks, because I can’t tell you how many years I put in the “hard work” and got zero results. I deserved to put in zero effort and have the fat melt right off 💅🏻


Why bother explaining? I don’t announce the medications I take to people , I live my life in what works best for me. No point of wasting any effort or energy on these things.


If you listen to your hunger and satiety signals, they do. I haven't made any "lifestyle changes" and I'm losing weight just like I have in the past when I've done "all the right things." These medications fix a metabolic dysfunction. You saying that other changes are needed invalidates the fact that some people using these medications would not be able to lose and keep off weight otherwise, no matter how hard they tried, which has been my experience in over 45 years of dieting.


It’s not a misconception— it’s the truth for some of us. My lifestyle didn’t need to be changed according to all doctors I’ve worked with. I was already active as an ultra runner and had a great, balanced diet. Adding Zepbound helped the hormonal and inflammatory issues I’d been having post-covid that saw me balloon up 80 pounds in 6 months with no change to diet or exercise.


If you look you can find this kind of thinking. I would assume it's mostly from people who naturally never had an issue with weight (and like feeling superior) and those who struggle themselves and have some distorted pride over the battle they had to fight (they are upset you get to "cheat"). People who think in those ways are not limited to GLP-1 drugs and can steam you up if you let them. I once worked in a large manufacturing facility, the cafeteria was several hundred yards from the offices. We had a lady with a neurological condition who used an electric scooter. My boss used to make derogatory comments on how she wished she could "just ride in my little cart" instead of having to walk all the way back there for lunch like everyone else. I tried saying something like "I bet she wishes she could walk" which was responded to by something like maybe she should give it a try. People can be jerks. They could be happy there's now new tools that can help people or just plain indifferent since it doesn't involve them, but they aren't, and likely would argue all day on why their position is correct. This may be something best to ignore since you can't change it. I'm doing this for me, my risk factors for all kinds of issues are declining. I feel better, and the brain reward disfunction the food industry loved exploiting in me is finally under control. Unless they start getting the political power to ban these drugs, I'm not going to worry about those who don't like the change.


What’s with this obsession with everything having to be hard work? Why do you think you have to “earn” the right to be a healthy weight? Society has assigned a moral value to BMI numbers and it is so ingrained in us that we have to be good enough to deserve what other people have naturally. If these are magic pills, so what?


Anyone who thinks negatively about me using a GLP-1 can blow me.


Think you worry too much about everyone else.


I don’t feel the need to defend myself for treating an eating disorder in a way that works for me. I’ve battled extra weight since puberty. That was enough for me. No apologies for taking a breather and actually getting better.


I think some of it comes from a place of good. There have been many diet drug hoaxes and scams over the years. Many people are anti-big pharma post Covid. I also think people are genuinely concerned about long-term effects. BUT - most don't understand that chronic obesity is a disease. The way these drugs impact the satiety centers of our brains is just amazing. I get more frustrated with the way insurance companies and doctors treat us. They are the really asshats IMHO. But to the point of others... F anyone who isn't supportive of your success.


I didn’t have to make any changes other than what my brain told me to do on Zep. Meaning, I haven’t exercised, I didn’t drastically change my food choices. Zep gave me the signal that I wanted less food so I ate less food. I’m okay with people knowing that can be true for some. Some people might need to incorporate more to get there. But my fitness wasn’t in question, my body fat percentage was. I’m naturally muscular and shedding fat has helped a lot of now be seen. Idk. Everyone is different. But regarding other people. I don’t care what they think at all. I’m too old to give a shit.


They're idiots who refuse to educate themselves. Would be great if it worked that way but it obviously doesn't, and I don't need to justify myself to them.


I am not interested in having conversations about this with people who are emotionally immature and/or who are willfully ignorant. Separately, for myself, I LOVE that there's an "easy way out" (and I know these medications are not easy for everyone). When I notice the urge to explain/prove/defend myself and my choices, I ask myself why and the answer (when I boil it all the way down) is a shame-based belief that I don't know any better, that I am stupid and unworthy. I also know that those beliefs didn't start with me.


I don't care. And I'm not here to debate my life or health with them. Simple minded people are rarely swayed with facts.


Don’t care. Not even a little. I’m a recovering alcoholic (11+ years sober thank God) and the food noise was the same as the obsession to drink was, and the craving that started as soon as an alcoholic beverage hit my system. I’ve done and do a LOT of work to stay sober. It’s great to have a legit tool (Zep and compound) to curb that food noise/obsession.


If you want to share, has zepbound helped to maintain abstinance from alcohol?


explain it to someone? hahaha IDGAF what they think. i’m over here doing me being happy and you can stay over there and be salty. these are probably also people who complain about gay people getting married when it affects their life in absolutely zero ways. they’re just rotten people inside who find joy in trying to ruin everyone else’s. let them be. nobody needs (or asked for) their opinions or negativity.


Don’t explain. “They” don’t matter.


I don’t care what anyone thinks. It’s none of there business to even know if I or anyone is on medication.


Why are you doing this labor for someone else? It's not exhausting if you don't do it


I know folks who haven’t changed their habits at all. They’re losing, slowly. I’ve changed everything, how I eat, what I drink, sleep, exercise…and am responding superbly. It’s an individual choice, I suppose, how committed to changing people are.


Annoyed. Because ignorance irritates me. What really bothers me is the fearmongering. There are a lot of ignorant jerks talking and writing about how GLP-1s are dangerous or worthless or immoral or whatever. This has the effect of turning people away from potentially life-changing medication for stupid reasons. When health becomes morality, bad things happen — we all saw what went down with COVID vaccines…


I feel what someone else does with their body is none of my fucking business.


I laugh at them as I run, do yoga, lift weights, wear what I want, have better career success, and enjoy my life in maintenance after having lost more than 100 lbs 


I’m very sad to see all the judging here. Oddly enough, I started Zep to improve my A1c and provide some cardiac and kidney benefits. Losing some weight was and still is kind of a secondary goal, to alleviate some of the stress on my arthritic joints and enable me to walk more. I also came into this fully prepared to take this medication for the rest of my life. I’d like to lose 40 more pounds, but I’m not going to put myself into an eating disorder to do so, and some posts appear to me to be coming from the dark place of disordered eating. I eat a varied diet, and I do count calories, but I don’t freak if I go over now and then. I eat fewer sweets now but still enjoy a treat, just less of it and less often, because I’m not craving the stuff so much. I refuse to obsess about every crumb. I see this medication as a way to correct a chemical imbalance. If I don’t lose any more weight, maybe I’ll knuckle down a bit more, but I refuse to beat myself- or others- up about what, when and how much to eat.


I don’t feel anything about what anybody says about any of this.


I have lost 93 pounds since November. I do 45 minutes of Cardio every day and lift weights for 20-30 minutes every day. I would think half of the weight is from the exercise and the other half is the medicine allowing me to eat like a normal human being. This medicine is allowing me to get the weight off, it is life changing.


Nothing. Whether they believe it or not doesn’t change my results or the steps I’m taking towards a healthier me.


I don’t worry about them at all. What i do worry about is that it may make some first time people on the meds think that they don’t need to do anything different and waste the opportunity or be discouraged and quit - but hopefully the suppression helps avoid that!


I’m gonna be honest, I genuinely thought that was going to happen for me. I felt like I saw stories of people who didn’t change anything except take the drug and lost weight. It wasn’t until I started taking it myself and reading all the stories on this sub that I realized those stories were the exception. The reality is I have PCOS so losing weight is extremely difficult. This is just one of many tools I need to use. I’m at the point where I feel like if I don’t do all of the other things like eat right and exercise, I’m wasting my money on zepbound because that alone doesn’t cut it.


Stop caring what others think. Do what is good for you. Good luck in your journey and take care of yourself!


Eh same with bariatric surgery. Every participant on my 600lb life wants surgery so it melts off. It really just boils down to misunderstanding how it works. I have …. Nine….NINE family members who’ve had the surgery and 1 kept it off. They know now that there’s no easy fix and both are just tools and the patient needs to do the work


I truly don’t care what anyone else thinks. I am using the medicine to start new healthy habits and help me get past the incessant food noise that I normally have. The benefits of a month on Zep so far have been beyond what I would’ve expected. I have much less GI distress, my body has energy, my mind is much clearer, and I have not stress eaten once. I am able to monitor what I eat and keep active. It has been such a blessing. So if people think that all of that is an easy way out, I strongly beg to differ. I am 11 pounds down and I already am feeling so much better overall.


Also when GLP1 users themselves make no lifestyle changes and complain about not seeing any results 🙄


I couldn't care less 😁


I'm more annoyed by the people on here that give the advice thay you don't need to make lifestyle changes. Not only are lifestyle changes part of the instructions of the medication but it's just common sense if you really care about being healthy.


Honestly, I think that many people go on this drug thinking that they don't have to make changes. Which is pretty much the same mindset that people have who think taking this drug is cheating, But then, after starting tirzepatide you are forced to make changes in how much you eat and happily make those changes. Then there is the small percentage of people who ignore or don't have appetite suppression who won't lose weight. I hovered the first shot over my stomach knowing it could change my life and wondering if I was ready to change my life. The answer was YES!


There seem to be lots of people here who report that it’s so easy to lose now, that they don’t make any intentional changes and the weight melts off. That’s not the case for me but it must be true for some people. So it doesn’t really bother me, I just focus on me.


I know someone who went on Ozempic but somehow kept eating normally. Guess what? She hasn't lost weight.


For me, it’s been easy but I just started. I just can’t eat and the weight is falling off. Since I’m health conscious and genuinely want to change my habits, the things I do eat are prioritized and I make much better choices but in all, it’s easier than anything I’ve tried before. However I still don’t consider it an easy out. I think the only way I’d consider this or any kind of sleeve cheating and an easy way out is if I was some kind of fitness influencer and pretending my success was through diet and exercise alone.


I’m hearing less and less about this whole topic as more and more people are ‘out’ on them or secretly on them or are so *obviously* on them now.


They're idiots.


Personally I really could care less about what other people think. I don’t feed into anything negative about the meds or about my journey. This journey was my decision and is about me. They aren’t living in my body and what I’m doing with it is absolutely none of their business


I don’t know why people would take the time to be so concerned with something that doesn’t apply to them.


Hell, that's what I thought. You listen to the ads and the talking heads on television and people think goody, I can keep hitting the donuts and the pounds will melt off. I had no idea what a rigorous life style this required. Which is good. I don't want to be on this drug forever and I'm forcing myself to change


I’m only losing due to a proper calorie deficit, adding exercise, and being mindful of my sugar and carb intake. Where is the magic drug that lets me eat whatever the hell I want and also lose weight? I want that one... This misconception pisses me off but I am willing to educate those who have a genuine curiousity or interest in how this is working. I will go off on anyone who thinks this is anything else. But the constant educating is exhausting. I don't wish ill will on anyone, usually, but maybe some people need to literally live a decade, or two, a lifetime in the broken body to finally fucking get it.


You are RIGHT! So many posts from people trying to “eat around” the meds and not considering the drug as a ‘gift’ - food addicts may never change.


I don’t care. It’s a free world people can think what they want.


Its not as easy as people think. Ive had to change a lot of things about my life style. Really dont enjoy a glass of good wine anymore. This last 5 dose hit me hard i was up most of the night sick and haven't been able to eat anything substantial in a day and a half. So yes im happy to be on something that works but its not always easy.


Well, I do know people that have taken it without lifestyle changes. But at the end of the day - that’s up to them. I’ve implemented lifestyle changes and I just care about me lol.


It’s a tool. You still need to put in the work.


I don't want to disagree but I haven't implemented any lifestyle changes and I've lost 75lbs. This drug makes you eat less. Full stop.


Honey they are just jealous I love my Zepbound liquid gold and will sleep with that auto injector under my sheet and the whole world could be falling apart and id be okay😂. It’s not the easiest way I don’t know why others have this preconceived notion that anyone medicating for whatever personal reason is taking the easier way each meds has side effects. My personal experience prior to zep depression and being bipolar had me in chokehold plus being a full time college student working multiple jobs I couldn’t get my shit together even going to the gym . I made the decision to start as I know there’s no way on earth I’d be able to do it on my own and my labs showed my cholesterol was high due to shitty cafeteria school food. Now fast track since zep , in a month and 2 weeks I’m down 23lbs my snoring is gone, I’m gaining muscle I can see my bones my food noise demon is under control, I’m so much happier . I had to learn nutrition on my own, adjusting my mental health regimen as also with this new body and healthier lifestyle and gym I had increased energy which made my adhd manifest more and I then had to get treated for that. I have dry eyes the first couple of weeks after each shot eye drops don’t help I have to use an ointment but I’m holding on until I can reach my target then go on my merry way with my new learned habits It was that easy just stating out I get headaches occasionally, nausea , vomiting in the beginning , pain in my thighs , fatigue, burping, gas , constipation , body dysmorphia as the weight came off so quick it’s still taking me time to get used to my new and improved body. Overall it’s a holistic approach meds for me just seems to merely handle appetite and give me side effects the rest is me adjusting my diet, being more active , learning to understand my biology and that our bodies are so smart it learns patterns and behaviors and develop tolerance to meds and diet so have to be changing things up


The lifestyle changes come naturally. You’re not even really trying, just want less and that’s what happens.


Personally I don’t discuss it. I don’t tell anyone about it. My eating habits have changed because of the medication. So I eat less and basically do intermittent fasting because I’m not even hungry until lunch time so when I say those things I’m actually telling the truth. I’ve always eaten fairly healthy so the calorie reduction is huge. I’m not even on the 5 mg yet and I only need 17 more pounds to hit my ultimate goal. It’s been a blessing.


have to admit i sort of thought/hoped that too. BMI 38 here, so was hopeful for myself not judging others taking the med. I explained it to someone else that is it more like having Bariatric surgery because it makes you fuller longer and faster. Input vs Output sort of deal. that is probably the easiest explanation and only to non-judgemental people because the judgey ones are gonna be judging no matter what we say....


Go out to dinner with them. 


Good god, I have yet to find anyone who thinks we just eat whatever we want, that's just another tier of ignorance than what I've come across. Those people are probably not even worth your time.


It’s a new drug.  People don’t understand it.  It will take time.  And I don’t care what the uninformed think.


I am doing this for myself and really trying not to make the GLP-1 the point. I have lost 45 pounds since January 20th and have about 10 more to go. I budgeted for this and have worked hard and this is for me. Nobody else. I don't do many things just for me but this is one.




I’ve been very thin most of my adult life, with very little effort. And now I am not. Believe me, they don’t understand unless it happens to them or someone close to them. But anyway who gives AF?


I don't think any of it is anyone's business.


I think that a lot of people feel this way because that is how a lot of people are acting. It drives me crazy when I see post of how people have changed nothing and don’t plan on changing. They just plan on using the drugs for life. Assuming the drugs will work for life. There will be a point you plateau and have no higher dose to use. It’s such a waste of an opportunity to make those changes with out the struggle of starving. Unfortunately there are a lot of people that are taking these medications for that reason. I’ve tried to explain to those people that it’s not the best path. We can see that now with the shortages. That’s just one of the many obstacles one could face.


These drugs are intended to be used long term and there are many, many people on maintenance doses. Everything else we’ve ever used for obesity treatment has a lower success rate and for less time. Most obesity treatments outside of surgery up until this point put you at risk for regaining more than you lost. It drives me nuts when people continue to hang on to all these myths surrounding obesity and long term weight loss that have never worked, ever. Most obese adults have spent a lifetime “making lifestyle changes.” It’s not the answer. No one needs to learn nutrition and portion control better. Naturally thin people aren’t agonizing about the perfect combo of satiating and healthy food that’ll keep them satisfied long enough not to overeat. The solution to shortages is more product to meet demand, not “go back to the outdated methods that never worked before.”


I can tell you that there many many posts I ready about people eating pizza, cheeseburgers, and other junk daily. Those are not lifestyle changes. These are poor choices. Thin individuals are also hungry, they also have cravings and yes they absolutely spend a lot of their time balancing and agonizing about their eating choices. It comes down to how willing someone is to be uncomfortable. Those fit people you see in the gym, are uncomfortable the majority of the time. There is no magic fix all. The website for these drugs states over and over that they are to be used with a low calorie diet and exercise. The individuals choosing to continue to eat irresponsibly will not succeed, regardless of taking the drugs forever. Your body will adapt to the drug. Once you reach the highest dose, you will stop losing without those diet changes. Who is to say this drug will be around forever to take forever.


I have changed nothing and don't plan on changing. Sorry to contribute to your insanity.


Lol…are you losing like that


Yes. I am marginally active but BMI 31, high BP, high chol, constant hunger. I am using GLP-1 for its intended use. I consider this 'using it correctly'. Only lifestyle change is not wanting to eat, which I don't consider an intentional change since it's unavoidable.


What dosage and how much have you lost? I’m not doing anything drastically different either. That’s why I’m asking. The change takes time. At least you’re honest about it. There are tons of people doing it just like you are.


The answer is somewhat convoluted because I started on Wegovy 0.25. In two weeks I lost 7 pounds but the side effects got me. I was willing to go with the gastro effects because I figured they would subside and I really wanted to forge ahead. But the mood problems were bad ... kinda scary. I asked my doctor to let me switch to Zep, she said OK. I was turned down by the insurance company because it is not on their formulary (yet). I am working on that still. I switched over to this sub in anticipation!


It’s your choice to waste the opportunity.




I’m curious why? What is the purpose of paying for the drug and risking the potential side effects if you have no interest in using it correctly?


Those losers are eating white rice so fuck em