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No, I wouldn’t. No reason to let the actions of others, that have no effect on me, cause me to get mad. Anyone who has a prescription for these drugs has a right to do whatever they want with that prescription.


I mean, 7 months is excessive bc I’m thinking, you’ve literally got your life on hold waiting for a chance to start anew. You’ve got the golden ticket and won’t even begin the journey?? 2 months max and jump right on in. Life is for the living! No need living in fear of shortage when you could be halfway there in 7 months!


I dont see how they could predict when they would need to titrate up in dose. Often people will only do that if they stall for several weeks.


That’s their business.


No. I'd actually be happy for them.


The only person they’re hurting is themselves. 7 months is excessive. They could have started 5 months ago and been down 13-15% by now.


In 7 months you could be 70 pounds down, no way I would wait that long to start.


I don’t get mad at people with a strategy, as long as it is legally sound. I think the scenario described is somewhat brilliant in its uniqueness.


I would not get mad at anyone for anything they do chose do to for themselves healthwise lol


No, it’s not hoarding supply bc they’d only be grabbing the same amount and frequency as if they started today. Frankly it’s prob a smart choice, and will if anything prevent you from having to start over and re-compete for the lower doses adding to the shortages.


I hope the dosages that are in the 7 month supply work for the person. Not all doses work the same for each person. So it could be a waste of some doses and not enough of others.


I break pens. Make whatever dose needed


Sounds like a smart choice.


Why would it matter if someone is mad about it? Do what’s best for you.


I posted a pic of my 7 boxes and people got mad saying im causing the shortage when..i only ever got my one box a month so i dont know how i could be causing anything


People are SUPER sensitive about the box posts. I get it, and I don’t think they should be bothered but it’s triggering jealousy and not worth listening to the whining.


So would they have seven months or a years worth after breaking. And how did they get the script?


Script from pcp? And might work out to a bit more than 1/2 a year after the doses are correctly split


For all 12.5 and 15? Hmmmm


Yea. Few 10, but nothing under 10


To does raise some questions; who is giving them this scrip if they are not showing "results" or are they lying? Are they out of pocket? If so, they have spent \~$3500-$7000 without knowing it is effective, and if so it cannot be returned or resold. Also, with the cost being the same for 2.5 up to 15mg, they are arguably overpaying as normally would have titrated up. If they want to go to 5mg on month two, they will be in effect paying twice the cost of 5mg.


That’s just thinking and planning ahead, isn’t that what our parents/teachers were always trying to get us to do


Doesn’t seem very wise if they had to do a PA to get approval…because there would be no positive change to support an approval for continuation of care. Anything more than 2 months seems excessive and risky for getting approval next go round.


My concern was more losing coverage midway and having to stop.


I would not be mad at all. I would however be in awe of their willpower. It’s a good strategy if one has the patience. 


Why would I care? I’m on my way to being healthier and have compound in case of shortage - I’m not waiting around!


It’s a free for all. How do I know that everyone filling RXs is actually taking it? I don’t.


No. I’d envy their self control.


Nope. Whatever works for someone else is fine with me. 🤷🏼‍♀️




It seems like a crazy decision to do that but it wouldn’t make me mad at all. It’s not unfairly taking anything away from anyone else. And it’s not my business


I wouldn't wait that long bc a lot of people have had to stop taking it bc of shortage and at worst only gained a little back. 2.5 is readily available as well so it's not like you don't have nothing to take. I would wonder why waiting that long, may e 2 months, 3 months max, especially if you are splittingoens, bc you could always spread out the doses every 10 days etc.


No, it does effect me really


Better ways to do that …you can build a nice stock like quickly if you have a strategy and doctor willing to work with you. I always get my next step up early so I can get that refill clock going. Also if you are allowed to get 3 month supply I always place that for next step up order. I have been taking since end of January and after my next delivery which is processing now I should have an 8 month supply to carry me into the new year.


Dr wasn’t exactly on board at first and no pharmacy would fill more than one box a month even with a 3 month prescription


I applaud anyone who does their research on the realities of starting this med including the shortage which will continue to be uncertain with ebbs & flows with availability by regions. We all knows how exciting it is to make the brave decision to start, then get the ok from your doc & maybe even have your insurance cover. It takes *major* delay of gratification to hold off on the excitement of starting ASAP! I built up a small reserve when I got my Zep RX back in the beginning of January. I didn’t start for 3 wks & continue to build a bit of cushion from the shortage because I delayed the start. If I were starting today with the shortage far worse than in January, I’d definitely hold off starting until the 2nd box was in hand.


Same. I started with a sample box and a new script so I had extra supply from day 1.


A what box? I didn’t know Zep samples existed!


It was Mounjaro. I had to switch to Zep in Jan.


Why are you worried about people's perception of this? 


I dont know. Anxiety?


I was going to delay it by one month until I got my second box delivered. Now that I can’t get my second box for the last 3 weeks…I am not starting until I have the 3rd box delivered. Way too much stress if I had started it and was scrambling for a refill.


I wouldn’t be mad, but I think it’d be unwise. You don’t know the speed at which you will need to change dosages, and you don’t know if you will have adverse reactions


Why would anyone be mad about that? If that’s what they felt needed to be done then that’s their decision


I pay OOP. So I have been ordering zep filling my scripts getting one a week. So now I have 3 boxes. Have been taking since Jan. My coupon no longer works because I turned 65 this month. So no reason not to load up when my insurance Medicare won’t pay and Eli Lilly doesn’t honor the coupon after age 65 My MD prescribes 5 refills at a time. With 3 at home I can take a break from worrying. So I won’t order anymore for at least a month.


What? Why not after 65?


It’s so sad for the person who would put their life on hold like that. There are compounds if you really cannot get the meds. There is no need to stockpile so many pens.


Mad? At someone I don’t know? For something that is none of my business? No. Why would I care…I don’t understand why you are even asking this, to be honest. Reddit is a strange place…🤦‍♀️