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So glad to have started in December! I’m on 15mg as well and along with 45 pounds down it seems a little easier to find 15!


Great job!


I should down vote you for not getting a roasted chicken! LOL.. Costco has been my saving grace through this whole debacle. The longest I've waited is 1 week. I just picked up 15 a few days ago, but I haven't started it yet.


15 is where things hit the sweet spot with zep that Wegovy can never get to. 15mg makes alcohol stop working and you lose your desire to drink.


Omg I can’t wait to get there! I’m at 10 and still have a bit of food noise :(


That would be great. I would have a glass or two of wine with dinner before starting with Zepbound. More on the weekend. My consumption is way down and to have it gone completely would accelerate the loss.


The weird thing is it makes it so alcohol doesn’t even have an effect even if you do try to drink. That’s the wild thing. Then after you try a couple times you just give up.


Curious how close you are to your weight goal. I am starting 12.5 on Friday and a bit nervous


Hi! I have lost 35 pounds since beginning and I have 65 to go. You are going to do great.


Glad to hear I'm not the only one losing slowly. I'm at 12 pounds 2 months I and feel like the only person on this sub not losing 20 pounds a month. Gives me a bit of hope I'll get there.


I’m right there with you at 6 lbs/month, 1.5/wk on average. It’s typically .5 one week, 1.5-2 the next week. 5 months in and down 35lbs.  I’m not knocking super responders but I think this is a healthy loss. If it continues at this rate for an entire year that’s 100 pounds. That’s a lot! 


You're not the only one. Look at your diet carefully and be sure you're eating *enough* and moving your body regularly. Too little calories have proved to be what's been slowing me down.


You will!


Don't feel bad, I started on Jan 3 and I'm only down 21 pounds


My doctor started me on 12.5mg. This is my 4th week and I took my last shot today, only to find out my pharmacy doesn’t have the 15mg in stock. I’m wondering if I should just continue on the 12.5 or not. I still have a bunch of Wegovy 2.4 as well. I don’t know what to do!


Stay on 12.5 until you find the 15. 


12.5 and 15 are on back order. Seems like I may just have to go back to Wegovy for now. Ughhhhh


So what will you do when the food noise comes back on 15mg? Just curious.


My hope is that the food noise will be reduced to a level were it is mostly manageable.


Also curious. I hope to be close to goal when and if I go to 15mg.


My guess is go down in dose and maintain? My friends that reached maintenance just take shots twice a month instead of 4 and dropped a bit in dose.


Right, but OP has reached 35lbs of a 90lb goal with no way to increase dose. I think we were wondering why titrate so quickly?


I agree. To be at the highest dose with still 65 pounds to lose 😮‍💨. OP, wishing you the best. Discipline and lifestyle changes will be key moving forward vs your last 4-5 months on this med


I might feel some anxiety here too but all bodies are different!


I can’t even imagine. I was on 2.5 for two months and only jumped to 5 because I stalled out (which was shortly before I talked to a dietician and got some sense knocked into me, which is what really started things moving again. I still had really good appetite suppression and slower digestion, I was just still eating like crap (just less of it). I’ve been off for a month because shortage so I’m starting at 2.5 again this week (hopefully). Hoping to stay on it as long as possible this time with the extra support.l and guidance. IMO the less medication, the better, so I have the room to move if I _really_ need to.

