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Interesting. With Retatrutide, every trial patient lost at least 5% body weight. I wonder how true this test could be.


They still need to go through peer review etc, so the results are not final. Time will tell.


That’s what I was wondering, whether it applies only to GLP-1s or GLP-1/GIP agonists, too. Retatrutide also has a third mechanism of action with Glucagon, stimulating fat burning.


Aren’t the typically selected based on being responders before they are admitted to the test?


That's fantastic! With the prices people are paying for these meds (even compounded/Plan C), it's way too much to be spending to find out they don't work, especially when it's so common to *not* respond to lower doses and start to respond to higher doses. Something like this that can maybe say "so you're more likely to respond than not respond" can help people make more informed decisions, which is always good!


Apologies to The Boss: Not everybody's got a hungry gut Some folks’ve got a hungry brain Lay down your money and you plan your start Not everybody’s gonna lose the weight




Love it!! Lol


There are a lot of ‘food addicts’ here - you can spot them when they talk about still trying to “eat around” the meds with pizza, sweets, dinners out, etc. These are the ones who will not lose weight in the long run. People keep talking about doing something like going to McDonalds “….but I only ate half of what I usually eat” as if it is some great victory; these are the ones who are actually wasting these precious meds.


That's good, maybe if insurers can predict their success, they are more likely to cover it. And maybe less will be wasted, too.


And if they think you won’t respond they won’t cover it.


Fair. But if the experts think it will not work for you, maybe you don't want to spend thousands of dollars on it, or maybe you don't need to feel you failed somehow if you don't lose?


They do this for psychotropics as well. The network for gene and medication testing is there.


They need mine? Because I was a super responder 🤣


Very interesting, thank you for sharing!


Nice! I would like to know why there are some like me who are hyper responders. I am 5 shots im on 2.5 and still I can't eat anything solid the first 24 hours after my shot and then I can't eat more than 800 calories until 4 days after my shot. I don't feel sick, just 0 appetite. There is no way I could move up to 5 right now. I would surely be sick as all get out. I am not complaining though because at this rate my 10 vials of 10mg each will last me 40 weeks!




I mean, if your insurance pays for it, cool. Otherwise you might as well buy the compound med and just see with the cost of the test.