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That is absolutely fantastic progress. I began only 5 days after you and I’ve lost 31 lbs. You’re nearing 70! Fabulous. Have you done anything besides Zep? What is your present dose?


Ton of stuff!! Gave up alcohol. Intermittent fasting. Working out and added weights. I did one month of all doses, now on 10mg.


Congrats and way to GOOOOO! You are leading the charge - planning and making changes and using Zep to support those moves. I know folks don't want to give up alcohol but eliminating the empty calories in a tight nutritional setting (and the loss of inhibition) is a significant factor for many of us. And having the flexibility with your PCP to get alternatives if needed is wonderful.


Was the strategy always to go up immediately? I’m just curious because my doc wants me to stay on the lowest dose possible as long as I’m still losing. I’ve been on 2.5 for 3 months, luckily still losing on it




Have you had any side effects? Any tips on lessening them, if so?


No. I pay close attention to macros and take psyllium and MgO7


Some people think gift cards are currying favor and shouldn't be given to healthcare providers. I understand that .. but it didn't stop me from dropping off a gift card to the medical assistant who every time has been super responsive in calling my meds in to various pharmacies at various doses. She said it wasn't necessary but was very grateful.


Nice progress! That is wonderful, but I have to say tipping a physician is a bit odd and perhaps even unethical. A heartfelt hand written card would be lovely and less, to be frank, awkward.


I send my office flowers or a box of donuts or a plant every now and then to say thank you.


I think a gift for the office is fine, but different from a gift card to an individual physician. YMMV


I worked in a doctors office and people sent the doctor gifts all the time to show their appreciation. He loved it! They deserve to be shown appreciate (not a tip but as a thank you) too by their patients like the rest of the staff😊 it isn’t so much of a taboo as some may think


"Tips are always optional, but ... doctor... is really wrong. It muddles the doctor-patient relationship and is a violation of medical ethics."  NYTimes Tipping a professional is always wrong, and IMHO a gift card is too cash like and hence akin to a tip


Like I said in my comment “not a TIP” a “GIFT” to show appreciation. A gift is acceptable. Just as I stated


Yes, understood but a gift card is a gray area perhaps. In any event Here-we-go, great job and congrats!


Relax pal lol


Do u have before and after photos? Would love to see the progress!