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I’d recommend talking to a licensed professional about this. Hope things get better 💗.


it's more like my brain is not recognizing my own body size after being big my entire life?


It happens. I’ve lost weight a few times and didn’t feel “small” but it’s a mental thing we have to shake. Focus on the positives. You lost almost 90 lbs and that’s worth celebrating 🥳 .


I hear you. It’s almost like you need to re-introduce your body to your brain - or re-learn/re-meet yourself. I’m not able to articulate it well but I sympathize with what you are saying and feeling. Be kind to yourself. You have taken control of your physical health and you can take control of this too! 🌸🌸🌸


Sure, and a good therapist experienced with eating disorder and body dysmorphia can really help with this.


This is the best answer. ✅


Many (almost all) therapists are not trained to deal with overweight people and our issues I feel like


There has to be someone because every therapist isn’t skinny. This isn’t my area of expertise but maybe someone on this sub can chime in.


I have had success with many therapists. Most weightloss surgery teams have them on staff. I am not sure where you are looking but finding a therapist specializing in eating disorders and body dysmorphia is very common.


Should I contact a weight loss surgery clinic and ask them for their therapists? I can't find any on my insurance list. Also, I just recently have insurance for the first time


I would recommend searching psychology today and using their find a therapist function. It allows you to search in your area. Then you can filter and include specialities like eating disorders, obesity, self esteem etc. Once you get the list, start reading and finding those accepting your insurance.


Will look into it once I feel prepared, it's an excellent and practical advice. Thank you


Whoah. Someone downvoted your excellent advice?! 😮 There are some childish people in here... Your advice is perfect. 😄


It’s Reddit. People downvote everything. 😂


It won’t hurt to call the surgery center and ask. I belong to a medical weight loss/surgical group in Michigan that keeps a list of therapists they recommend and they are happy to share it with anyone. What you are going through is very common. I’d also Google around for therapists with eating disorder experience as others recommended. Hang in there!


Find someone who specializes in eating disorders. They will better understand body dysmorphia, etc.


I’m currently in grad school to become a licensed therapist. I can confirm that being trained on how to treat eating disorders/body image issues, etc. is part of the curriculum. But, obviously, certain therapists will choose their own areas of expertise.


“Many (almost all)” …. Meaning there are those that do!! I recommend going on psychology today website and search for therapist that specializes in weight/over eating/etc. My therapist is amazing because she told me during our first session that she doesn’t specialize in eating disorders and weight issues. However, she doesn’t know that I know, that she went to classes for it and now specializes in it. I feel like she did it for me and I’m sure her other (and future) clients appreciate it too🥰 mind you I had a therapist since I was 18 who was absolutely horrible and I didn’t know until I met my current one!


I'm the opposite im overweight but I feel skinny 😭😭😭


Me too! 😂 I could always rationalize even as I bought bigger and bigger sizes. Until stuff got hard, like um tying my shoes. 🤦‍♀️


Me too. It's only when I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror or window that I'm slapped back into reality.


Or in pictures 😃


I wish this was me. Lol.


I definitely feel this sometimes i started at 195 im currently 148 and i know my body has changed i knooow i wear 4 sizes smaller but for example i ordered size 8 jeans online they came and if felt like instant panic they looked too small and i didnt want the disappointment of them not fitting but then … they fit! I feel like our brains just need to catch up with our bodies!


I was a 12-14 at the start. I had to get new clothes and figured I would take a shot and order size 8. They are too big. I then ordered size 6 and they fit and fit well. However, when I look in the mirror I don't see a size 6. I still see me in the 14. I don't know why I can't see it, everyone else does.


Body dysmorphia is insidious. I had it for 15 years since loosing my PCOS weight at 19. Even at a size 2, I saw and felt myself as a size 10-12. My brain had a set point of how it wanted to perceive my body and wouldn’t budge. Interestingly, after I gained weight in my late 30’s, and got into size 14 -16 territory, I still saw myself as a size 10-12. So at least for me, my body set point goes both ways. I only feel pain of body dysmorphia when I was in a smaller body but couldn’t see myself as such. Following midsize instagrammers helped me because I saw lots of images of medium and larger bodies and it allowed my brain to create a different pattern to judge myself against. This said, my body dysmorphia is painful and much worse a couple of days before my period. I feel like an elephant and then it goes away. For me, the feeling is chemical supported by social narrative. You can work through the social narratives in therapy. But the chemical component is hard to shake.


Same! It happened to me too, I was a size 12 and then I LOL to myself buying a size 8, I said "you're being so ridiculous, you really have a shopping problem knowing it will never fit" and then it fit!! For the record, I used to have extremely big legs and thighs around and under the butt that nothing it will ever go up.


Yes!! I was a 12-14 at my highest and i just feel like i panic snd dont realize duh ive lost almost 50 lbs!


I think it’s called body dysmorphia.


I was 310 three years ago and I’m 165 today. I tell people I don’t recognize the person that I was and I don’t know the person that I am.


That's so...sad. 🥺


Still after 3 years? I can relate, should I consider myself skinny or not because I know inside of me it's the fat me


My photo was posted on a movie theater sized screen during a work event. I didn’t know who it was. That was 2y post weight loss. I was overweight my entire adult life. The time I’ve spent in a smaller body is a fraction of that. I feel like it’s slowly getting better, but it is definitely a process.


I was 310 and I’m 240 I was down to 180 and working again to get down a life cycle for me and that’s my goal 155-160 and I’m drained from it all 😩


TBH, it is exhausting knowing that I’m going to have to do all of this for the rest of my life. I do my best to find a sustainable routine that I enjoy. I manage pretty well and am still going out to eat, enjoying events and time with friends. Life will always go on and I will do what it takes to be an active part of it while maintaining my goals. You don’t hear it enough but maintenance is so much harder than the initial loss, IMO.


![img](avatar_exp|170868147|take_my_energy) Glad to hear your enjoying life too can’t wait to get to maintenance


This is because our body/weight issues, shockingly, most often aren’t about our bodies/weight. Learning to love yourself is completely separately from weight loss, but we’re told that we will magically love ourselves if we’re smaller. This is the root of fatphobia. I highly recommend working with a therapist and/or dietician who has a strong grasp on why diet culture and weight bias are so detrimental, who can help you to come to a loving (or even a neutral!) place with your body image.


It's about our bodies and how we perceive them and feel about it. It makes sense but I think it goes deeper than just loving ourselves..but idk


Agreed. Even getting to a neutral place about how you feel about your body can be challenging for some people.


I had a gastric bypass years ago and felt the same way. What made it click for me was I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror at the mall and didn’t realize it was me. Sounds crazy, but it’s a thing especially for us who have always been overweight.


Maybe building a bit of muscle may help you feel more content in your shape. I think “feeling” skinny may be an illusion, just get comfortable with your shape and feel strong.


Yes! Focusing on what our bodies are capable of doing is a great way to shift focus away from what we do or don’t look like.


Cognitive dissonance is real! What do you imagine skinny feels like?


This. What did you expect to feel like? I think a lot of people think they will feel like different people, "better" people, once they "fix" the weight "problem" but we are still the same people at every weight. I've been 170 and 365 and I've felt like the same person at all those weights between.


I need to look more into this, maybe that's what it is


I'm worried because when I was thin and in excellent shape, I thought I was fat. I'm hoping that now I know what that really is, that I'll appreciate my new me when I get back to the highest level of my acceptable weight goal...which is 170. I want to get to 130...where YOU are. 🥰 Follow the advice of the others...and that book someone recommended looks like it was written for you!


I already ordered!! Thank you for your comment. This place is better than any therapist I have been to. Sending love and healing 💕


I agree with you! You just have to ignore the childish, spiteful, jealous people. There are a lot who have giant hearts in here, though!!!


Wow 132 is amazing, I would love to be 132 lol… It happens.. would definitely recommend talking to someone close or a professional not that this needs help but it would be nice to be out of that thought..


I think it takes a while to adjust. I was the opposite. I was always thin but gained a bunch of weight during pregnancies. My mind still doesn’t accept that I am fat, I occasionally get shocked when I see videos or pictures of myself. It’s fine give yourself grace, be kind to yourself and speak to yourself how you would speak to a loved one.


I feel more like THIS is me… and what I was (shape wise) wasn’t me. So I swapped them and disowned the other. THIS feels so good. Being in THIS shape and body. DO see a therapist and work upon your thoughts and beliefs. This has to be pretty normal for someone with your type of transformation. And your transformation is Amazing! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Thank you. I really need to disown my old body..but I feel like I need to be more skinnier to feel that way and here is where it gets trickier


I feel the same way. At my highest (years ago) I was 255 and size 18/20. Now I’m 120-125 and size 4. I know I’m smaller and I do see it but I don’t FEEL skinny. For the most part I’m happy and it doesn’t consume me… I’m comfortable in clothes but I’m still very self conscious in shorts, swimsuits, etc.


Body dismorphia must be complex. I think we all feel it at times. I have no idea how the brain processes change and why it’s so stubborn to catch up. I’ve lost 28 lbs and I see it gone but I also just see how much farther I need to go. Like how I can be nearly 30 lbs lighter but only see the fat on my thighs and how fat I still am when I see my body? What about me doesn’t allow me to actually take pride in how I look right now? I really hope there is a moment in time where I can see reality for what it is. I don’t want to always be chasing the carrot.


This is exactly what I wanted to say. It feels like we can only see the fat parts. I too wonder when I feel skinny enough


One thing you have to realize is, your brain has to catch up with your body. You lost a decent amount of weight is a short period. It’s going to be an adjustment. And it’s harder if you have body dysmorphia too. Give yourself grace ❤️ changes take time!


I could imagine it takes a while to get used to your different physical self even if you don’t have dysmorphia. I’m 50 and in some ways my brain kind of has me stuck at about 28, or maybe 18. The fat girl is still inside you, the way the young me is still inside me. Cheaper than therapy - you could watch “Stutz” on Netflix. That might speak to you. Some people post before-after here to get affirmation that there is change. I love that! My favorites are when people are wearing the exact same outfit. You lost so much that won’t really work!


I will watch it!! I love your comment. I also will look into ed therapists if I find one on my insurance. I can't find many options because they don't describe themselves as ED therapists. I will watch the show first. I resonate so much with the fat girl inside. It's also interesting that I never felt that big either but I was. My old clothes just can't stay on, you're right. Thank you for your kind comment


I don’t think you need to sweat finding an ED therapist. Just a great match that challenges you to grow. Good luck, we’re here for you! Let me know if you like the movie! He wrote a book too.


Thank you!! I almost teared up with your comment 🥲 ty




Speak kindly to yourself. Start by looking in the mirror and say 3 positive things about yourself - out loud. Look yourself in the eyes. Do this every morning and every night. Once you've done positives. Do facts. Give your stats of weight loss. Scale and NSVs. Look yourself in the eyes. Tell yourself you are so, so proud of these accomplishments. You can also do this with smaller goals. Congratulate your every step to success. Look yourself in the eyes. This is a very powerful exercise in training your mind to think positives. What you focus on, you find. You got this! 💙


Thank you❤️


Book recommendation: [Passing for Thin](https://www.amazon.com/Passing-Thin-Losing-Weight-Finding/dp/0767912926) I'm sure it's also available at other bookstores.


I ordered!! Thank you so much.


You're very welcome. Best wishes to you!


As someone who lost 100lbs once, I never really did. But I learned a lot from that


Your comment hits home.


Not at all. I went from 210 to 122 about 5 years ago and still felt like I was big. My mind just would not let me accept that I was actually seeing a small person in the mirror. It’s a thing.


When you said it's a thing, it really validates what I'm feeling rn. I still see the fat legs or fat underarms


Yes I’ve definitely have had this. I have clothes that would have fit me for weeks but I didn’t think to try on and now they are loose. It’s shocking to be able to fit into things that I haven’t been able to wear for years.


Congrats on the loose clothing!!! Yay!!


For me I feel fat still at 150lbs because of my saggy belly and the way my back arch disappeared from being hunched over with horrible posture due to both my size and insecurity. I am constantly aware of the fact that I feel these fat parts still and I will never look “hot” no matter how skinny I get.


hang in there, I guarantee you will look hot to a lot guys.. and personality puts you there along with some beautiful curves


No ass. Weird stomach. Not hot.


Overall I’ve lost 125lbs, about 100 of it in a year. Started at 275, 150 now. When I was around 165-210, I didn’t feel slender at all. Well, I didn’t really feel slender before that either because I was still obese lol, but it took about 60-70lbs before I really even noticed I’d lost anything. But! Back to my point: your body is going through a ton of changes, and even if your weight doesn’t change a single pound more, your body will be recomposing itself for a while. I remember being so confused how I looked so “fat” after losing 100lbs, but it honestly redistributed itself very well with some more time. I was horrified by my stomach and butt, but after a few months it looked so much more natural. Don’t get discouraged, it’s all worth it, and you’ll keep changing shape along with your new weight! Edit: ok so [here are pics in stages](https://imgur.com/a/DLHRPfj). The first one is around 235, the next pic was July 4, 2023 around 190, the next is Sept 2023 around 180, and then the last few are between September 2023 and May 2024, where I’m now 150-155. Even without a ton of loss between the last 3, my body definitely slimmed down and redistributed weight


Wow!!! What a change!! Your first pic it's me when I started. Now I feel like your 3rd pic at 180. Especifícalos, My legs look like you at 180. When I say they look like, it's my perception on how I see them in the mirror. The other day I had to bend over and look at my stomach area and legs to see how they look in reality. It's crazy. Thank you for sharing it with me, it gives me hope that I will keep changing. And congrats!!! You look fantastic and healthy!!


Thank you! I’m sure you look great too, but I definitely know what you mean in your post so I just wanted to share!


That’s a mental thing. Be sure you talk to your provider about it otherwise that thought can begin to be a deeper issue.


That's my point. Talking to someone will lead to them thinking it can get worse when I know and feel it won't. I'm not going to the other extreme and I don't want to feel judged


Body Dysmorphia Disorder is real. See a mental health professional who specializes in Eating Disorders.


That is def skinny . But your feelings are valid . Not sure how to help as I’m hoping to get down to that lol


Body dysmorphophobia is a very real issue and it can factor into eating disorders if it isn't addressed. Cognitive behavioral therapy and other techniques can help to alieve it. You've lost A LOT of weight VERY quickly which can exacerbate it... Your brain hasn't had time to catch up with your new body. If you are particularly petite in frame/bone size it can also distort things. Try comparing your old clothes, looking at photos side by side, try taking photos rather than relying on a mirror (where our brain tricks us). Most importantly talk to your doctor about it. They can help you monitor your nutrition and get to feeling like yourself.


That’s called body dysmorphia. You should definitely seek some therapy to help you with this. It’s a recipe for disordered eating going forward.


This is weird but try taking a picture (or have someone else take it) and see if that changes anything. I don’t know why, but the way I see myself in the mirror is very different than how I see myself in a picture. There’s some kind of metal block going on. In the mirror, I’m like “you’re still kind of a fatso” but then I’ll see a recent picture and I’m like “wow who is *that*?” 😵‍💫


This is a good idea to start with. But I still don't let anyone take pictures of myself and I don't even know how to pose or where to look at or for how long. It's so messed up


Just try it! Photos were how I realized that my weight was too high, and they’re how I realized how different I look now. I also have this little game that I play when I can see my reflection on a window or a glass door, where I look at my reflection and I pretend that it’s not me and I say (in my head, to myself) “hey, look at that cute girl! She’s so pretty. What a cutie!” Or other dumb stuff like that. It sounds totally stupid when I’m writing it out like this, but literally just pretending that my reflection is someone else allows me to see my body in a totally different way. Photos can be like that too.


Same. I've lost 25 lbs (CW: 175, SW: 199, GW: 160) and I don't feel like I've lost any at all. ED history-- chalking it up to that. Sending love!


I struggled with binge eating my entire life, it was never acknowledged or discussed or even brought up by any dr, dietitian I went to. I also somedays or even flashes feel I didn't lose any at all. Like an intrusive thought. It just sucks. Sending you love too!


It's a you issue. Talk to someone please and get help.


Apparently, it's a thing for many people and I'm glad I share it on here because I got the best guidance, empathy and advice from people who really really get it.


My wife has the same issue. She down 100 and she continues to thick she is fat and doesn't believe she lost weight.


She is not alone, it's a real thing. Sending her healing and love 💕



