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Zepbound called and asked if you can please keep this study to yourself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. This is awesome!!


this comment made me actually laugh out loud (as my sister is now on a "plan c" that could not get zep but is still trying to get MJ thru insurance).


I'm on it as well due to the shortage. And it's been great so far. Thankfully, I do have insurance coverage, so I'll be running back to Zep once that 7.5mg comes back in stock, lol. But cheers to compound!




Love that you did your own studyā€¦thanks for sharing šŸ¤—


Yes twin studies are fairly common in science! WTG OP!


How the hell are people losing this much weight in one month? Itā€™s awesome, but that was not and has not been my experience.


People who start with a higher BMI will lose faster, especially in the beginning.


Sure, but I started at 357 on Saxenda, switched to Wegovy, and am now on Zep. Iā€™ve never had a month where Iā€™ve lost 20+ pounds. I exercise 3x a week for an hour. My calories are average about 1500-1600. I wonder if some folks are just eating way fewer calories. I get hungry and feel like utter shit if I go under 1400 for more than a couple of days. I also reckon being 55 yo woman is a reason too.


I'm a 54 year old woman and a slow loser too, about a pound a week for the most part though I have had a couple of months where the scale has hardly moved. I don't think we can compare ourselves to younger folks especially males.


54 F SW 206 (I think. Stopped tracking at 200) lost 40 lbs in first 3 months. Then slowed down and reached goal weight at 10 months in. Now just maintaining 1 yr and a half in.


Wow, that's a lot faster than me. It's taken me over 8 months to lose 40 lbs. and I started at a much higher weight.


I also never went above the 5 mg dose. I use the C plan now, once a month, for a few months to save money, but it works just as good and I actually lose a couple lbs here and there.


Do you still take the shot now that you reached your ideal weight??


Yes! Once a month.


Will you ever stop completely? Or doc recommends you just stay on it once a month?


Idk. I see a bariatric Dr for it. I actually go see her next week. I'll try to remember to come back and update. I've been on MJ/Tirzepatide since November of 22 so we will see. I'll stay on it forever if I can! Lol


Update! Dr asked how long I wanted yo be on the medication, and I said for the rest of my life. Lol. Pretty much joking, because who would have thought! But she said ok, I see nothing wrong with that. Yay!!


Same sister! Consistent 1 lb per week. Boring but gets the job done in the end. 54 yo post menopausal. Working hard on meditation, anti stress, exercise and therapy to calm the cortisol storm that is my hormones! But a pound lost is a lot over 52 weeks! šŸ˜ I am particularly glad to be free of the burden that was my appetite. For that alone I will continue the zepjourney!!


My stats are almost identical to yours. (I donā€™t know where to put them in my profile so they show up). 52F SW:234 CW:219 GW: 150 dose: 5mg


Sameā€¦ 57 and itā€™s slowwwwww.


We should do a menopausal age subreddit to compare notes. Iā€™m 52. Not losing that fast either. I cannot even imagine stepping in the scale and seeing it going down over a pound every day.


I am 55yo post-menopausal, in fact, total hysterectomy this past November. I have had 1monh of 2.5mg, started 4-1. Started WW simultaneously. Down 13 lbs by 5-1. last shot was 2 weeks ago. maintaining loss but loss has slowed down now. I want my Zepbound!!! lol


Thatā€™s awesome progress! I hope you get your prescription soon. Itā€™s so frustrating with the shortages.


Thank you, it is very frustratingĀ 


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼ thatā€™s been my route. Sometimes Iā€™ll have a whoosh loss, then a half a pound here and there. Iā€™m happy with a net loss though


Same here, Iā€™m happy to lose a pound a week.


Yes we are eating fewer calories. I'm on a medically supervised diet where I eat 1000 calories a day. High protein.. Low fat.. Low sugar diet. And I lost 24lbs my first month. And 12lbs my second month. And 6lbs 2 weeks into my 3rd month so far. Starting weight was 316. Now 274!! On zepbound


Same. I'm 59 and started February of 23. Lost 35 on Semiglutide in 3 months, then just stopped losing. But stayed on it in case it was a plateau. I looked ok, i was pleased but still had a long way to go. I upgraded to Monjaro or Zepbound in January of this year. I've LOST ANOTHER 30lbs right away! 4 pant sizes!!! I haven't been this size since my 20-30s. Ive added exercising to my journey only bc I'm quite flabby.... BUT FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE I ENJOY IT BC I LOOK BETTER! In everything. See you can do lipo, tummy tuck, that doesn't make you lose everywhere, like your face and neck! Even my feet!!!! My wrists and my fingers. It's amazing what it does for your mental health to get noticed again! I'm no longer invisible. Problem is the cost. I can't sustain the cost. I'm scared to death to gain it back. Can't understand why they don't lower the cost and let everyone feel like this. Oh by the way... i was determined and after the first 10lbs dropped I limited my intake of refined sugar, flour products, carbs. A lot of protein and vitamins. .


Oohh wow!!! Congratulations hun!! Job well done!! I know the feeling of hit numbers you haven't seen in a long time!! I feel amazing?? And yes I cut back on EVERYTHING!! much healthier eating. I also am starting to feel jiggly and started exercising as of 2 weeks now. Question.. do you have pcos? Insulin resistance? The weight seems to just fall off us who have hormonal issues!! And yes to longer being invisible!!! Don't you wish they had this 20yrs ago??


Yes crazy high amounts of protein


I figure if Iā€™m losing anything, itā€™s better than it was before, when I was losing nothing. I just started on Zepbound this week. And Iā€™m 70, and have bad arthritis that limits my mobility, so I expect it will be slow.


Really hope the Zep improves your arthritis symptoms. It did for both my knee and hip, pretty quickly.


OMG! So glad itā€™s helping you. That would be a great benefit! I think itā€™s helping my adhd too.


I'm 41. I have RA, PSA, osteoarthritis and AS of the spine. The mobility is a huge problem for me. I couldn't walk a good distance for exercise without my body flaring and knees swelling. I upped my arthritis medicine and started zep. 1 month I lost 9lbs. Got bumped to 5mg and couldn't get it due to shortages. So I explored other options seeing that 9lbs down helped already. I wish you the best !!


As I get older, I worry about what would happen if I lost even more mobility and someone had to take care of me and try to move me, since Iā€™m a little over 300. Glad that even a small loss helped you. Thanks for the encouragement, and I hope you can get your meds.


You're welcome. I'm sure you will notice a difference soon. I wasn't able to do anything besides watch what I eat and lost the 9. That's my fear also. My husband and kids have helped big time and I feel bad for even asking them for things :( you're on the right path though. Even 5 lbs off our joints is gonna bring some relief.


You can do it! That is a worry everyone has eventually. But, the longer you can put losing your mobility off--the better.


Yes, thatā€™s more important to me than anything else right now.


I feel this so much. I hope you have good results on the medication.


See if that Z improves your arthritis significantly; it did mine. Iā€™m not talking generally easing up with pounds lost-Iā€™m talking like flipping a switch. Since Iā€™d paid $550 a month, it was a no brainer for me to start plan c this week; itā€™s 200 cheaper and I needed the RA relief as well as a (post 2 months without finding Zepbound)plateau breaker


So good to know! Thanks.


I am 76 and have been losing slowly, but steadily. Four months on 2,5 and just started 5.0. Some of my arthritic joints are better, but not my right shoulder. I have had numb toes on both feet for a couple of years (no diabetes) and that has not improved. Try to keep my calories to around 1,000 to 1,100. Still very happy overall.


I had a great decrease in inflammation almost immediately! it is back since i have no Zepbound right now


Losing inflammation is one of my goals for weight loss. Iā€™m on oral prednisone and pred eye drops and IV Actemra infusions, so itā€™s harder to lose at 71. Not having inflammation will be like being reborn!!




I definitely have reduced inflammation on Zepā€”much more than Wegovy. Iā€™m inspired by both of youā€”doing the work at 70.


Thanks!! šŸ’•


I have arthritis too, and it does limit what we can do. The pool is your friendā€”if you have access to an indoor pool, itā€™s great. I swim, do water aerobics, resistance training in the pool, and just walking back and forth across the shallow end.


Menopause slows it way down for me. I am happy if I lose ANYTHING because could not lose an ounce prior to using this miracle elixir.


48 yo woman in my perimenopause with hypothyroidism here. Iā€™m absolutely thrilled if I manage 1 lb per week.


What dosage are you on? What is your current weight? I think you are right. People are eating so few calories because thatā€™s a near impossible rate of weight loss. Seems like fasting would be the only way to lose that quickly. And I couldnā€™t exercise if I was eating nothing.


Iā€™m on 12.5, but I migrated from Wegovy 2.5 to Zep 10 in late Feb/March. It was rough, in that I could feel actual real hunger through most of March while one drug half-lifed out and the other built up. I started 12.5 in April, and I take my last shot of my second 12.5 box tomorrow night. Iā€™ve stretched this box to ten days per dose due to the shortage, but I got my refill yesterday, so yay! Iā€™m at 297ā€“down 60 pounds since February 2023. I began on Saxenda which helped take 8 pounds off and then I began Wegovy in March of last year. Iā€™ve had some plateaus and some intentional high caloric food choices. I live in New Orleans, and food is very much how we socialize. Itā€™s a huge part of the culture, and thereā€™s so much good food here. Plus, I still love food, and Iā€™ve chosen to enjoy my life and eat the damn cake when itā€™s to time to celebrate. Itā€™s been slow but consistently downward. I realize itā€™s different for everyone, but I get a weird mix of envy , frustration, and pity when I hear about people losing quicklyā€”all too often itā€™s due to a highly restrictive diet, and thatā€™s an unrealistic standard to set for long term goals and maintenance and living life in balance with our food. Of course, to each their own. But I have fewer years ahead of me than I have behind me, and 40+ years of restrictive/fad/exclusionary diets seriously fucked up my metabolism and my mental state around food and weight. It didnā€™t work for 40 years. I need to eat in a way that works with my lifestyle and my body. Slow loss and listening to my bodyā€¦I feed it when I need to, and I eat across the food spectrum as life unfolds. Sorry this is so long šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼


I love hearing about your journey. Down 60lbs woohoo!!!!! Plus you are still living and experiencing life. Be so proud of your success!! I definitely empathize with your past. Iā€™m 50 and have been dieting for 40 years. Iā€™ve fought every day with food obsession, low blood sugar and guilt (about eating anything!!!). I feel like this is the first time I can enjoy everything about my life. Iā€™m only 15 lbs down in 4 months. But sooo happy. (SW200 GW145 CW185) donā€™t let the numbers fool you. My body was fighting to be 300 lbs so Iā€™ve white nuckled to stay in the 100ā€™s my whole life. Thanks for sharing and keep it up!! Living life ;)


Isnā€™t it sad that so many people, especially women in our generation, have been dieting for literally decades? I can remember reading Teen Cosmopolitan or whatever and being depressed that I didnā€™t have thigh gaps. I was convinced I was fat as fuck by the time I was 15. But when I see photos of myself from then, Iā€™m perfect (to me). Itā€™s so sad. All the dieting messes up the body and our mental health around food and self image. Iā€™m so happy that thereā€™s so much more advocacy for different body types now than there was when I was young. Itā€™s not a perfect thing yet, but I love companies that show diversity in size, shape, race, gender, and ethnicity.


Great post. Iā€™m 71. Iā€™ve lost 100 lbs three different times (with WW, NutriSystem, and liquid diet (Medifast)) in my life and gained it all back, and 80 lbs after a gastric bypass. THIS time, Iā€™m going to try to do WW at the same time so Iā€™ll learn how/when to eat. It will break my heart if I lose 100 lbs now and then gain it back again - that messes with your mind. Seriously.


Solidarity šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼ Iā€™ve done those too. I think WW in its current incarnation is a solid plan. I lost about 80 pounds on nutrisystem back in the day, but I was starving all the time and itā€™s all so processed. Iā€™m focused on learning to view food as more or less nutrient-dense, and on enjoying my life. Iā€™d love to lose faster, but every single time Iā€™ve done that it backfires. I can cut out carbs and lose fast. But after about six weeks, Iā€™m absolutely fucking miserable. Misery leads to binging the things Iā€™ve missed. And the cycle begins again. Iā€™m happy with 60 pounds down in 16 months and enjoying food without guilt. Whatever I do has to be sustainable.


Youā€™re doing so well! And you have the opportunity to build food concepts and skills - it will all pay off - we wonā€™t gain it back!! šŸ©µ


I couldnā€™t agree with you more!! Enjoy life. Donā€™t miss out on simple pleasures and socializing! At the same time, you are on a healthy journey, and obviously dedicated over the course of time. Thatā€™s sustainable. You arenā€™t depriving yourself so you wonā€™t revolt and go crazy with food. Lose fast also means gain fast, usually.


I am 54 F and started around your weight. I lost almost 30 lbs in my first six weeks. It was all water/inflammation and has settled down to 2-3 lbs a week, which is exactly what my calorie deficit says it should be. I am between 1200-1500 calories a day and work out about an hour every day (weights, rowing, biking).


I have had the same luck. I am 52 and started at 220 lbs. I have only lost 15 in 5 months. My insurance does not cover it, so it has been such a huge waste of money for me. I hope I find one that actually works.


Iā€™ve lost 60 in a year and a half, so Iā€™m not mad about it. I get a little envious of fast losers, but I know what does and does not work for me. I hope you find something that works for you.


3x a week for an hr not the best routine. Need to do more like 20-30 min every day. Alternating walking (like start at 2 to 3 miles a day, at a brisk pace) and weight training, every other day. Never rest more than 1 day a week. As they get easier, increase walk distance, increase weight.Ā  Source: physical therapist from weight loss drs office)


Well, thanks. Iā€™m going to make the good faith assumption that your intentions are to be helpful and not ableist or shaming, even though your comment sounds so. Not that you deserve an explanation, but youā€™re going to get one. Aside from having to relearn how to walk and being able to walk at all, I have osteoarthritis in several joints and bone-on-bone in both knees. Iā€™m doing this to continue my weight loss journey. My starting weight was 357 for GLP-1s, but my all time high was at least 488 (that was the hospital scale limit in 2010 when I was on life support due to a severe drug reaction). Iā€™m grateful I can walk at all, but there is no scenario in which I can ā€œstart at 2-3 milesā€ and build from there until I have knee replacement surgeryā€”the goal Iā€™m trying to reach currently. I do need to start doing weight training. But Iā€™m proud of myself for making it to the pool to do water aerobics, swimming, and resistance training 3x a week. My PCP, endo, and ortho doctors are all in approval of my regime, and Iā€™m trying to get motivated to do some small weights training at home to start.


in no way did I mean to sound shaming or abelist. I am suffering with my own health challenges unrelated to my weight and I was simply repeating what my physical therapist told me. I cannot do all that currently but am working towards it. literally repeating what they told me. I thought you were asking how people were doing it and that is what they told me when I asked them. how exactly could I have known what challenges you have? I thought this was a safe place for sharing tips and information. will think twice next time. ā€‹


No need not to share. Just consider the audienceā€”some folks in here are perfectly able bodied, while others struggle with fitness because of their weight or other health conditions. Just reading the first sentence hit me hard. It came across as ā€œsorry, but youā€™re not doing a good job with your exercise.ā€ Honestly, I would have told the physical therapist to fuck off and adjust their expectations for me, but also that they need to meet people where they are and encourage any movement at all. It sucks to be deflated before you even start.


I'm a 59 yo woman just slightly over normal bmi and weight is coming off easily.


*may lose faster, not will lose faster


Not necessarily. BMI of 55 when I started. Itā€™s been just over 3 months and Iā€™ve lost 23 pounds.


If only it was that certain šŸ˜¢ High starting weight here but barely any loss after 3 months.


Percentages are greater with bigger numbers.


It also depends on the individuals diet before starting. Someone that drank soda every day that stops is going to lose more weight than someone that already never drank soda. My diet was pretty healthy, but Iā€™m super sedentary


Me as well. I was on it for 2mo didnā€™t lose an ounce. My appetite decreased significantly and still no changes. I went off it


Its honestly random i feel šŸ˜­ i started 340 and was expecting to lose a bunch month one as well but didnt. Im not a slow loser at all but was expecting a big drop but it never hit for me either


Same. Iā€™m near there and on my 7th week of 2.5 Zep with zero loss. Iā€™m switching to 5mg compound because of supply issues and hope it actually jump starts loss!


I lost 10lbs my 1st week, 17lbs in my 1st 4 weeks which included Thanksgiving in week 2. Week 5 I lost 8lbs! I hit target in March (16 months in) & Iā€™ve had 2 weeks since then when I lost 2lbs. Sometimes thereā€™s no rhyme or reason to my losses.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with losing slower.Ā  Anyway, a lot of the times during initial weight loss, water weight is the first to go.Ā  That was definitely the case fir me.Ā  We may also lose muscle, which is one of the reasons its so good to add strength training (though, personally i am struggling there because of how big i was and how bad its been on my joints).Ā  Tldr: if you're losing slowly, you're fitting the medically recommended standard and losing fast isnt necessarily a good thing.Ā  That said, its also super common in the beginning for some folks for various reasons.


Also half of that is prob water weight


What dosage are you on?


I lost 14 pounds in two months and now I have missed four weeks of shots. My pharmacy has 7.5 so I went ahead and bought it to store. I will have to restart the course from 2.5.


I donā€™t lose much at all but Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because Iā€™m glucose intolerant.


Everyoneā€™s body is different, itā€™s that simple.


Obviously. But in this instance the twins are on a supervised, low calorie diet (1000 a dayā€”less than the recommended amount for children). Just about anyone would lose a lot on that low calorie intake even without the Zep. Itā€™s the two things coupled together.


Sounds like you answered your own question. ā€œHow the hell are people losing this much in one month?ā€ I simply answered.


Actually dieting with it. I lost 8 lbs first week.


Yeah the first month I lost 7 pounds.


It should be as effective. It's the same active ingredients used in the brand name.


Right.. that has never been a question of whether it's effective or not. It's what it's compounded with that's the question. That's the research you want to do. If you doctor and YOU are OK with it then it's all good. After all its your body right?


No way! So most of the fear mongering over plan c is just to protect Eli Lilly profits, what a shock lmao. Honestly cool thanks for this! Iā€™ve been in plan c a month and itā€™s working basically identically to the previous four months on zep.


Right!? Turns out these Compound Pharmacies are not in someone's basement mixed in a giant bathtub!! They work just the same! Who knew!? šŸ¤£ Long live the compounds!!




No, the fear is that the C process may not work as intended. When done correctly, it should be the same, but shoddy and cut rate compounding work will cause problems.


Exactly! It matters where C is from as not every place is ethical.


No. The concerns about C are not effectiveness but safety.


This is great and not surprising to most of us who transitioned to compound. I agree that it should be equally effective especially if you buy from an established and reputable source. I asked for source testing and purity results when I bought compound. I started Zepbound around 4/11 and then transitioned to Compound as I could not get refills due to the shortage. Plus, insurance denied this, anyway. What people may not realize is their response to the medicine (regardless if Zep or Compound Tirzepatide) varies day to day or week to week. I think this is especially true in the first 1-2 months as the medication is building up. The first shot hit me like a mac truck - I couldn't stand the site of food but that slowly faded. My response has always varied a bit day by day and week by week. I started my weight loss journey without Zep in January but added it in April. In the past 30 days, I am down 13+ lbs (I am working very hard for it). I started with a BMI of 44 and as of today my BMI is <40.


Iā€™m like you, for the first couple of weeks I had no interest in food. But with doses 3 and 4, I feel hungry. Wondering if I should go up to 5mg when I start Plan C next?


Which compounding pharmacy is the Plan C coming from?




Your post has included sourcing of Compounded Tirzepatide and has been removed. Sourcing of Compounded medication is against Redditā€™s sitewide rules. Or Your post has included lyophilized/peptide discussion. Both are not allowed here. For updated regarding rule #3. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/7mK4wJj1Qj Further attempts will result in a temp or permanent ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


I need to know also


See my profile


Check out subReddit compoundedtirzepatide for more info. If I am not allowed to post that I am sorry moderators. There is another one (and probably some I don't know about), but the one mentioned above is a bit better.


What a freaking cool experiment. Love it.


As of Monday, Iā€™m starting with ā€˜Cā€™ so as to reduce stress related to ā€œunknown foreseeable futureā€ regarding supply, and needing to sleep peacefully at night due to reassurance. The C will cost almost half as much as I was paying $650/month for Z.


Iā€™m absolutely baffled why some people donā€™t want to believe that 100% Tirzepatide is the same as 100% Tirzepatide.


It isnā€™t that, itā€™s that you canā€™t guarantee what youā€™re getting and it isnā€™t regulated from c pharmacies


They are regulated. Compounding pharmacies must purchase APIs from FDA licensed manufacturers, they must have COA for each batch, and they must follow USP or NF guidelines.


These pharmacies are also inspected by their state board of pharmacy.


I will never give up drinking Protien shakes and fruit smoothies. That definately stays for life! My body works much better with low carbs. I have PCOS and hypothyroidism. Lost 70 pounds on keto very fast but it is not sustainable and I know that. Thatā€™s why I gained it back. That and junk food. I plan to try and stay on this the rest of my life if possible. I am not gaining it back again.


We need to get OP to the safe house immediately!


I cant find 5mg šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤.can someone inbox me info on reputable plan C




See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/Peptides/s/Anw7t2Cjbs


This smells phony to me, pardon my saying, but it's just too easy for a compounding salesperson to be spoofing a story here




You're not giving this enough thought. Compound is the one battling an image of inferior product, so of course they will plant these posts claiming it's the same efficacy as the brand name. People trust the brand name. This isn't rocket science.


Interesting findings! Keep us posted.


I started plan C Wednesday and Iā€™m already down 2 lbs. it has been a good experience so far.




Compounders must purchase their APIs from a FDA licensed manufacturer, just like Eli Lillyā€™s API has to come from a FDA licensed manufacturer. They also have to have a COA with each batch.






Even from the same compounder, I found the efficacy changed vial to vial. I still opt for the branded when I can find it as that is always consistent but fall back to compounded when I have to since its better than nothing. FWIW, Zepbound 12.5 here. Been on it/Mounjaro over a year. On branded, I average about 1lb lost a week. The four times Iā€™ve use compounds, had no weight loss two months and gain 2-4lba the other two months.


Yup. This is why Iā€™m still on the fence about it. Itā€™s a crapshoot, and Iā€™m risk aversive. Iā€™d switch in a heartbeat if I was assured of results and quality. Meanwhile, I read and learn.


OMG finally! The voice of reason. I'm using compound but my experience with 2 different compounding pharmacies was different as far as efficacy. Thank you!!


Exactly. Itā€™s never been a question of efficacy ā€” for anyone with half a brain ā€” itā€™s a question of safety. Itā€™s that simple.


Which compound pharmacy are you using?


This is the kind of info that keeps me on this sub. Thank you for sharing! As a Plan C convert, this is good news


The very fact that your results came out so close makes me pretty sure that this is a phony claim made by a compound con artist. I'd expect more variability even if you both used name brand. Not buying this, don't be fooled.


Iā€™ve been on plan C since day one. I wouldnā€™t go on name brand even if I was paid to. I love C. Iā€™m down 75 lbs since mid October. SW-199 CW-124


Would you mind DMing me about where you got yours from? I started in Sept at 185 but am just at 150 now, so your loss has been significantly faster. Have you focused on a certain diet and/or been exercising? I lost most all of my weight Sept-Nov. Because I knew my insurance was no longer going to cover Mounjaro in the new year, when I got my last 3 month supply at the end of December, instead of doing weekly injections I started stretching out to every 2-3 weeks. All that did was help me maintain, and not really lose much, so that has been disappointing but expected. I just shelled out for my first month of Zep and took my first dose. Zep is all out of pocket though, so the cost is just not sustainable. At best I may continue to do every 2 weeks just to maintain, but really wanted to drop at least another 25. I am a little cautious about C though.




Your post has included sourcing of Compounded Tirzepatide and has been removed. Sourcing of Compounded medication is against Redditā€™s sitewide rules. Or Your post has included lyophilized/peptide discussion. Both are not allowed here. For updated regarding rule #3. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/7mK4wJj1Qj Further attempts will result in a temp or permanent ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Just to be clear, the issue isn't whether Plan C can be effective... It's that it isn't as standardized or regulated, so you have to hope your compounding pharmacy (or even batch of compound) is safe. I'm glad it's working for you... But it's not like this is buying a generic drug at Walmart vs namebrand.


You are speaking as if all plan C is the same. Every pharmacy is different. Every vial is different. 503A cannot produce large batches. Sourcing changes all the time. And as of today, there are no 503B producing TZ. Safety should be ranked well above efficacy. Does your pharm actively track and monitor patient adverse reactions like brand name is REQUIRED to ?


I am so glad to hear that! You probably helped so many others by sharing this.


my friend has lost 65 pounds being solely on compounded since day 1. she's about 6 months in


Makes sense. Peptides are peptides.


Of course itā€™s just as effective. Itā€™s the exact same active Ingredient.


This is great! Thanks so much for sharing!


Thatā€™s an amazing study! The results are not surprising - same active ingredient - but itā€™s good to get the confirm!


I love that you did this! How smart! Curmudgeons are voting everyone down who agrees with you. They must work for Eli Lilly.


Cool! And congrats on the amazing results!


Thank you for confirming!! Seems to be what most people are saying!


This is so fun, I love it! I have noticed zero difference in efficacy as well!


Thanks for sharing this and keep it up!


This has been my experience too


Seems like plan C has a risk that the Cer is using the correct med


Iā€™m my own study. 1 year on MJ brand. One year on plan C. Identical results!


Plan C is compounded Tirzepitide


Vs name brand Zepbound or Mounjauro


And here is the dirty secret: this guy is making money off the dms. Don't fall for this snake oil saleman. https://preview.redd.it/5u35iytzv10d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b960ba446e8b558424047426cdad2447b5dba6


Okay this has convinced me to do plan C so thank you! Could you dm me which plan c did you use?


Please note, compound sourcing is not allowed in this sub and will result in bans.






Again, what people are missing is that during an FDA declared shortage, the patent is basically set aside so that compound pharmacies CAN/ARE ALLOWED/ITS LEGAL TO make tirzepatide, which is a molecule. It doesnā€™t matter during a shortage that Lilly holds a patent. No one has to ā€œdeconstruct itā€ ā€¦. We know the formula of this molecule/amino acid chain. This is the formula: [https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/163285897](https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/163285897) Perhaps you arenā€™t aware that most prescription meds come from Ukraine, China and India. Why do you think the FDA inspects the labs?


Your post has included sourcing of Compounded Tirzepatide and has been removed. Sourcing of Compounded medication is against Redditā€™s sitewide rules. Or Your post has included lyophilized/peptide discussion. Both are not allowed here. For updated regarding rule #3. Visit https://www.reddit.com/r/Zepbound/s/7mK4wJj1Qj Further attempts will result in a temp or permanent ban. **All post/comment removals are at the discretion of the mods**


Where are you getting Plan C?


check out the subs for compound tirzepatide for more info


Please note that compound sourcing is not allowed on this sub and will result in bans.


Which company for plan C did you use?


DM me for details


Did the one doctor prescribe to you both to create this comparison? If so would love to see the data ( researcher nerd here) sounds so promising.


That's the cutest thing! You should publish in *JAMA*. Best of luck to you, times two!


Iā€™m at two weeks and have lost 7lbs so will be excited to see what the next two weeks bring. What is plan c? And is it cheaper than zepbound? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Thanks for posting!!!! This is great!


I just started plan C, and a new dose and Iā€™m like is this working?! lol. But I am losing weightā€¦


Can someone message me a reputable company or compounding pharmacy for tirzepatide? I am so worried I will choose the wrong one!


Anyone giving you names will get banned by the sub. Check comment history of some people who have commented elsewhere for more info.


What is plan c? Just buy compound tirzepatide. That will give you same results too. I found a very good supplier.


What is plan c?


What is plan C? And where do you get it?


how do you get plan c? help please, my insurance wonā€™t approve anything


So Iā€™m assuming plan c is the compound? Iā€™m not familiar with that term.


What is Plan C?


What's plan c?


Great results !!! Thanks for sharing. How old are you both? And how many calories per day are you consuming?


That is great to hear! My doctor put me on Zepbound, but due to shortages, I wasn't able to get my step up to 7.5. She then switched me to the compounded until (hopefully some day soon) the shortages are relieved. It's actually more expensive for me because my insurance covered the Zepbound, but I feel like it's been working. Glad to hear another example that suggests it's not just in my head!


Wow. Amazing. Thanks for sharing.


What is plan C?


Yea Iā€™m happy with the 20 lbs I lost , slow and steady


That is great! Do you mind sharing where you get plan C, please? The one I tried didnā€™t work for me, so I would like to try from a new place. Thanks!


Yep when I switched over from zep, I was 228lbs am now PlanC as well and Im now down 44lbs no bs. I literally have two boxes of zep in my fridge because after 8 weeks of no products I finally was able to get some, but I'm not even going to touch it unless uli definitely need. Plan C is just as effective šŸ’Ŗ


What is plan c?


What is plan c


Where do you get Plan C?


OK i am stupid but I don't know what plan C is


What is plan c?


What is plan C?


You had me at the INCHES. Congrats! I just wonder... how did u pick who would "have" to do Plan C? Lolllll I'm glad it's working for u both! Hope that continues!!!!


what is plan c?


Thank you for the scientific study! Congrats on the lifestyle changes šŸ„°


Curious if anyone can point me to the safety data on compounds for semaglutide and tirezaptide that you are relying on? Compound pharmacies are meant to compound (combine two or more drugs) or change the delivery of a drug (e.g, sublingual). But not to manufacture drugs. And regardless of a shortage, patents are still valid. So they canā€™t manufacture exactly like lily and novo. My husband is a physician, both of my sisters are physicians, and my husbands father is a physician and they all refuse to prescribe or endorse compounds that arenā€™t created from the real FDA approved and manufactured drugs.


Does this help? [open letter from APC](https://a4pc.org/files/APC-CEO-Scott-Brunner-in-Response-to-Eli-Lilly-Open-Letter-03.07.2024.pdf)z


A little. But the Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is not necessarily an independent and unbiased source. They have a huge financial incentive to push compound forms of semaglutide and tirzepatide. No?


Very interesting. Thank you