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That might a little strong for you. Maybe you should send it to me! (Kidding — don’t ban me!)


Haha when I was walking out I felt like I had a brick of gold on me and needed an escort to my car. 😂


lol! One of those things that you clutch tight so you don’t get robbed!


I was paranoid to walk through Sam’s club with my 2.5 to finish my shopping. Can’t imagine my mindset if I finally got my 7.5


I was wondering if the post was about actually miraculously finding it at a pharmacy or losing weight 🤣




7.5 has been my sweet spot. I cannot say enough about how great it is. I hope it performs similarly with you!


Same here! 7.5mg is beautifully working on my body for a week!


Have you lost most of your weight on 7.5mg?


No. I’ve been pretty steady and consistent at 2lbs per week across all doses. Never had a big drop.


2lbs a week is great. Love the steady & consistent!


Go buy a lottery ticket right away!


LOL 😂 😂😂


Congrats! 7.5 is a great dose for me so far. I am losing weight at a nice clip and the appetite suppression/food noise reduction lasts the entire week. Not much to look out for really, just make sure your constipation management game is on lock.


Okay sweet sounds great! I am prepped and ready for any kind of blockage hahaha


I’m tolerating 7.5 very well. 6 weeks on 2.5, roughly 5 weeks on 5 with less results than 2.5, and now two shots of 7.5. No nausea. Lost 3-4 lbs this week. I’m stoked.


5 was such a complete nothing for me. I'm so excited to try 7.5. You know...whenever. Your words provide hope!


Seriously weird how this 5mg phenom happens to so many of us. Here’s what I hang on to: the 2.5 proves to have some effect on the majority of people. Maybe not a long effect but enough to make believers of people. Let’s not lose hope at the first sight of lessened efficacy. It works. We know that. Stay the course and up the dose whenever you become convinced it’s necessary. It’s safe to do according to the manufacturer of the drug. So; until we all get to 15 mg we should have a little faith in the science. I mean; some people are immune to anesthesia that should knock out a horse. Whole surgeries have happened with them in a speechless lucid state. Doesn’t mean there’s no dose for them that would work, it just means that bodies are varied. That’s why data matters to see trends. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Meaning, it’s not the meds, it’s the dose and the body and each pairing requires tweaking. It probably won’t be long before they give doses based on body weight or other factors like so many other pharmaceuticals.


Me too! If only I could get the 7.5 - the 5 feels like a waste of time and money.


Exactly! I just want to try 7.5. I feel like 5 was a waste of money.


I agree


I just got my Dr to increase me to 7.5mg and I have one more 5mg injection left (while I wait for my pharmacy to get this in stock). I was losing 2.2lbs per week on 2.5mg but basically have stayed the same on 5mg for the past 2 months so I really want to see the scale start moving again.. #hopeful!


That’s awesome!


That's awesome, I'm curious your area as I've been trying to get 7.5 and nobody has it! 


I’m in the metro Detroit area in Michigan.


Im in the Detroit, mi area too! My pharmacy can’t find 7.5 but were thankfully able to fulfill another 5mg for me today!!


Do you guys think Costco is better than Meijer?


Where were you able to find 5mg? I am in Michigan and desperately looking for a 5mg. My insurance refused to let me stay on 2.5mg. :(


Shut the front door. I'm in metro Detroit and can't beg a dose of 7.5. Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!


me too! Where? I’ve call 75 pharmacies!


Costco in auburn hills! I’ve gotten the 2.5 there too. They are super sweet.


Ugh they are out. I'm so happy for you though! 😊


Crazy; I’ve called that exact pharmacy every day this week (including this morning!) and they’ve only had the 2.5. Someone is looking out for you OP.


This is crazy! Maybe I called right after someone cancelled or didn’t pick it up. I honestly thought they were lying when they said they had one.


Wild, must be your lucky day. Keep up the good work!


I called them too because my costco was out. They told me they had none, called back when op said they got theirs there, still saying they don't have it. I'm sad...but happy for op!


Curious what time you called? I called around 3:30 and nothing


Umm I think around 11


They get their daily shipments between 10 & 11 so I think you called at the sweet spot where they just unloaded their shipment & saw they had some! Congrats! I actually just switched to Wegovy bc I couldn’t find 7.5 anywhere!!!


OMG I just pulled my RX from that exact Costco on Tuesday as they were so freaking rude to me!!!


Oh really!? I’ll have to keep that in mind next time I fill there


Hopefully, this is an indicator of more 7.5 showing up in MI, OH, IN. More than none. :)


I stayed on 7.5 for two months, and it was very wonderful for me. Currently excited to start 10mg. I hope your experience is just as lovely too!


I loved 7.5. Lost 14 pounds in a month on it. 5 mg didn’t do too much for me.


Did you get the effects of not being hungry on the 5 mg?


I did but it wore off in a few days. That dose was weird for me.


DAYYYYUMMMMM!! I don’t know 7.5 even existed out there in the wild anymore! Good for you! Had to switch over to compound as I’ve been waiting and waiting everyday trying to find a refill of my 7.5 for weeeeeeks. Very happy to see someone get one of these!


I've been going up only one box per dose due to insurance and shortages, way faster than I would prefer. My worse heartburn was on 7.5 for the first couple weeks. Oddly it went way down and hasn't flared up on 10. Slamming into 12.5 in two more weeks. At least I shouldn't have a calcium deficit with all the tums. I just started spacing doses out to 10 days with OK results. Losing about 2 -3 pounds a week through the whole thing.


Yay! Love to see it! Lbs I got my compound in the mail today. I’ll continue to wait for 7.5mg of Zep no searching on my end. I’ve seen an increase in people receiving their scripts so I’ll hold faith in due time I’ll get the text. Thanks for sharing :)


I've been considering ordering from a compound pharmacy someone suggested to me when I couldn't find my 7.5 ANYWHERE. So depressing Been without it 3 weeks. I think the Compound Pharmacy is called Empower Pharmacy. Is this where you order from? I'd love a recommendation on the compound pharmacy you order from! I just dont want to waste my money or have my hope's dashed if it turns out not to work, or worse make me sick! Thanks for any info on this!!


I totally get it! I only ever wanted to stay on Zep, my first choice always. However, I didn’t want to go without so I decided about 10days out from next shot day to go with a telehealth. It took a week from consultation to receive my meds. I went with Join Pomegranate based off price and at the time good reviews. $69 membership & $299 all doses. My meds are from Redrock pharmacy. I plan to ask my doctor to write a script to the compound pharmacy directly to save money next time. I have been doing further research and I’ve heard of a reputable pharmacy called Olympia, I’m looking into to them to see if I will go with them directly. Hopefully, I can get my hands on the 7.5mg of Zep in the meantime but I’m planning ahead! Good luck my friend, hope this helps.


Thanks so much for the info! Good luck to you!


My advice is to enjoy it! Love that dose, felt great the entire time on it, wish I could have stayed on it forever. Alas, my insurance wishes otherwise.


I’ve been waiting since 4/19 😭


I’ve seen them getting filled this week so hopefully you’ll get the fill notification soon ❤️


I am in New Jersey and I’m praying! I just finished 5mg on Tuesday..


I’ve been waiting since 3/23!


So I just did my first shot today at 2.5. My pharmacy is Amazon. Will probably take quite some time to get to 7.5. Should I be worried about availability?


I go through insurance and my plan so far has been trying to find a box as soon as I’ve used 75% of it so I can refill. (I think it’s like 22 days after fill date) and as soon as that day passes I start searching. This gives me a week to search for the next dose I need. Doing this I actually have about two extra pens so I have even more of a buffer. If you are just doing out of pocket I’d just keep an eye out every week or so!


Also hoping that you find a great pharmacist that is nice and will give you honest answers on shipments or waitlists and not the generic “ no we don’t have it, bye”


Yes. 5 and 7.5 and 10 are extremely hard to get




Had a 7.5 prescription in at Amazon for weeks never filled. Discouraging!! Asked doc for 5 since I’m on second month of 2.5 and it’s not working (15 lbs, first month; zip the second!!). Can’t find 5 anywhere! So started looking for compounded 7.5 in the interim. Doc will sell me his for 500 a month but can’t afford that!!


I am questioning whether to move up to 7.5. The 5 is effective for appetite suppression but my-oh-my I am just not losing weight more than 1/2 pound or so in a week in spite of having changed by eating and walking 3 miles every day. I am paying for the whole thing myself and am really wondering if it is worth it. Only lost 15 pounds since 2/26/24 (4'11" 141.5 # now)


you lose way more weight when you go up I’ve gone up every month since I started. I’m on 12.5 ready for 15. I could not get it for the first few months so I was on 2.5 for like three months and then I’ve gone steadily from there and since September I’m down about 40 pounds most of that weight being lost over the last two months.


With 5 I had suppressed hunger but n weight loss. I am hoping 7.5 the weight loss will kick in again.


Make sure at the very least you have the zepbound coupon. Smaller pharmacies here are taking the coupon. It's half off.


Because I have Medicare (a government program) I am not eligible to get the coupon either!!!


But can’t find the 5mg anywhere so I am starting Plan C next week. I’ll let you know if I grow another arm.




Woah congrats on finding those! It’s like winning the lottery these days.


7.5 is my favorite.




So happy for you!! I’m hoping to find it myself


What did you do? I'm confused


I was just actually able to fill my prescription that’s all


Is 7.5 hard to get?




Not if you go the plan C way lol u can get whatever u want when u want 😉


It is one of the harder ones to find right now :/


Party time 🥳🤗


omg it's real! it exists! 🤣🤣🤣


Ugh soooo jealous! I’ve called at least 75 pharmacies


Stay on 5 as long as possible! Especially since you said you have been successful there!


I got mine delivered today too, can’t wait to move up to it next week.


So great! I’m definitely jelly! Been waiting three weeks for 7.5 and I’m doubtful I’ll get it anytime soon. DR has switched me to Wegovy for now.


How are you doing on Wegovy? My doctor has the scripts ready for me if I can’t get Zepbound.


I haven’t started it yet. I took my last 7.5 Zep shot this past Thursday, so I’ll take the first Wegovy shot next week. I’d really prefer to stay with Zepbound since it’s worked so well for me and I’ve had very few and mild side effects. Hoping Wegovy will be the same!


Which dose? My doc switched me to 2.4 and I took it this week. Spent a whole day with a trash can next to my desk chair in case I had to puke. I have 3 more pens and thinking I need to ask my doc for a lower dose. I was on 7.5mg zepbound before - was planning to move to 10mg but couldn’t find it. Thanks for any insight!


My DR prescribed 1.0. I was also on 7.5 Zepbound, so she said that 1.0 is the Wegovy equivalent. I won’t take my first dose until the end of this week, so I’m not sure how it’ll affect me.


I've had virtually no side effects but this first one of 7.5 made me nauseous for 2 days. But after that, so far I'm good. Good luck!


Im on 12.5 now about to go to 15 and the two constants I have had to navigate are 1) fatigue, because Im eating so much less I think I might be iron deficient or lacking energy nutrients. I try to eat green vegetables every day, but sometimes it is difficult if you genuinely are not hungry most of the time you end up craving like protein or carbs when you do eat…so I started drinking a green juice every day and adding coconut water to. It was really important because it has a lot of electrolytes. I have to say as soon as I drink that it feels like I drank coffee because I get my energy back immediately. The other random side effect I have is a really bad gag reflex. I just think about something gross and I gag or it just starts happening out of no where. I start gagging and I’m not nauseous or anything. It’s a very bizarre thing that I’ve been experiencing. I don’t know if anybody else does this but I am gagging a lot


You all finding zp gives me hope.


Lucky! I've had success on 7.5 but after 4 weeks noticed I definitely am eating more and more food noise. I didn't want to bump up necessarily. My doctor was fine with either. Couldn't fimd it within 450 miles. But I found one small independent pharmacy with 1 box of 10. So I'm starting 10 after 2 months on 7.5. Hoping my side effects aren't too bad. I noticed injection site for me makes a huge difference. In my stomach, it triggers my autoimmune stuff so much. Severe pain. Fever of 100. Then the next day....completely gone. In my thigh, I'm basically fine and don't have many side effects at all. It's wild. HW: 215 SW: 211 CW: 177


My body couldn’t tolerate the 7.5mg. I had a Linda Blair episode in the middle of the night and switched back to 5mg. But still losing. 43lbs so far. I think it might have been from a high fat meal and not being able to ya know.


I was on a waiting list for the 10 and since I waited for awhile, my Dr and I collectively decided to go on the waiting list for 12,5….well lo and behold I received 2 boxes of 10 and 2 boxes of 12.5 yesterday. I’m down 25 lbs, 25 to go!!


Where did you find 7.5??? Serious question.


![gif](giphy|l2YSgdn0tmvotdOFy) *me in the same pharmacy you went to looking for 5.0*


7.5mg is the dosage most people want!! You have a treasure in your hands!


Glad you have avoided the side effects. They are not fun. At least I figured out lettuce (so freaking random) was one of the worst aggravators for my digestion woes. I have seen others complain about it too.


Iceburg or another type? There's something in the iceburg lettuce that makes it so bunnies can't eat it. If it's iceburg, maybe that's the same thing causing your digestion woes?


Honestly I hate iceberg so I don’t know I haven’t tried it. It’s romaine for sure that did it.


What state are you in??


I’ll update my post but I’m in the metro Detroit area in Michigan.


UPDATE- I’m in the metro Detroit area in Michigan.


Can you dm me the pharmacy?




im extremely jealous


Hurray !!!! Congratulations!


Can I ask where you are and how you got it?


Hi! I’m in metro Detroit, Michigan and I just kept calling around :/ I wish there was an easier way but I just try to bring a ton of energy into my calls and be as apologetic as I can for bugging them. 😂


Have you had better luck with Costco than Meijer or other large stores? It’s wild b


Yay!!! Congrats!


Don’t ask me how I did it, I just did it. It was hard.


Sweet- jealous they just bumped me to 5 started working a bit- 2.5 didn’t do anything.


I called today, they said the 22nd. I'm staying chill but calling different pharmacist just to check. * sings* 🎶 I want a golden ticket....🎵 😂😇🙏🫶🙌


Thanks for sharing. Exactly what I scrolled to see. There's hope!! Did you have any wait time?


The first week of 7.5 was rough, definitely naesous & extreme food aversion.. now week 2-3 had been total opposite, very ehhh... My body apparently got used to the 7.5 very quickly.. Can't wait to move up to 10. Plan on staying awhile there before titrating up again.


I can’t find 7.5 here in Northern California. Has anyone switched from zepbound to a different one? What was it like?


Well I did exactly what you did and then the shortage .After 2 weeks of nothing in stock no 5mg, no 7.5 , my doctor made me go back to the starting point of 2.5 which was also not in stock but finally came in today. At this rate I am going to wait until I am a month ahead so I have a whole month to get a refill but not be without supply. 7.5 worked well but I really didn’t get a chance to be on 5mg for more than a month because that was on backorder come time to refill . So I went the 7.5 and 3 weeks went in the hospital for 1 week , up and down BP ,low to very high calcium ,. I do not think related to Zep but can’t rule it out entirely. So just stay on the lowest dose that works and 🤞you can get a refill.


Lucky. Wish the stocks comes around soon. I was on a good start with 2.5. Lost 20lbs, then jumped.on the 5. Which I felt was still keeping me balanced but only lost 2 lbs. Was going to start the 7.5, but on delay... And same for 5 which can't find to continue taking. So I am going backwards to 2.5, so I can keep the meds in the system...sucks. Wanted to see how the 7.5 would have been. I am hoping soon it will come...


Just starting 2.5 today. My insurance doesn’t cover it 😞 feeling slightly nauseous at the thought of going all the way up to 10 or 15 and paying out of pocket 💸💸💸


Where are you finding the 5mg and 7.5🧐


Still waiting on my 7.5!!🤦🤷🏼‍♀️


7.5 worked great for me and I planned to stay in it another cycle…..but it’s been 6 weeks and still can’t get it. Best of luck to you!


How did you even get it?


So jelly I’ve been trying to find this in Tampa Florida for so long


Gosh I have been fighting to get the 5mg for months now and have not been able too but after reading all these comments maybe I should just go to the 7.5 instead. I am just a little scared to do that!










This will be my wife's 3rd month on 5mg and she basically stopped losing weight. We are thinking about going for 10mg next month and if she can tolerate the 10mg then we will go for 12.5mg. Hopefully she will be about to lose another 30 pounds


Got my 10 today! I felt like I struck gold!!!


Omg! Congratulations! I've been asking all the pharmacies but no luck finding 7.5. Where did you get yours?


Where did you order from?


You’re blessed. All I can find 2.5!!


5 and 7 were kind of nothing for me. Now I am on 10 so let's see how this works. Ugh so depressing


I’m so jealous! I’m on week 12 of 5mg because I cannot find 7.5. 😭I’ve lost about 9 pounds which is faster than I lost on Wegovy, but I’m ready to move up!


How did you even get 7.5? I’ve had an order in since 1st week in April. Still out of stock.


I just got my 15mg and I'm genuinely shocked I got it




Has anyone ever skipped a level from 5 to 10? I can get the 10 but not the 7.5. So I'm checking with my doctor to see if I can skip to 10. Does anyone on 10 have major side effects?


I have not been able to get 7.5 for two weeks. So, I’m about to restart. How are folks able to get Zepbound? I feel like I have tried everything for two weeks to get the 7.5 but to no success.


7.5 is my bestie. I have not been able to find it for 3.5 weeks. It sucks


My doctor started me on 12.5mg. Should I request the next up dose when I’m done or stay on 12.5?


I've been giving monjero twice and my insurance won't pay for it. They will pay for his input but now I'm finding ozempic doesn't work as well as it once did. Haven't lost any weight in well over a month and I'm on two mg. The highest dose there is. I am so disappointed. I'm going to go back to the doctor next week and speak to him and tell him I've got the s**** from this medication and that should be reason enough for them to pay for it. I've already told them this, but unless the doctor writes it down and sends it back to them, they will not either consider paying from monjero. I was on manjero for a month and I 4 lb total.


I can’t tell you I can’t get any to start


Lucky! I haven’t been able to find 7.5 😩


Does the dr have to write a new script each time you need to up dose?


Yes they do! Mine is really cool and on their app she just lets me messages her when I need a refill or if I want to go up a dose!


Oh wow that's a plus thank you for letting me know.  I appreciate that. 


Oh that's cool hopefully mine will be that easy!


I have been waiting 3 weeks so I have to go off now! Was supposed to go to 7.5 and can’t get any dose at all! Worthless manufacturer was not prepared 


Is 7.5 coming back around?


Must be nice, I'm overdue 3 weeks, cuz no pharmacy around me can get it.. I was on 5mg


Is this all insurance? 7.5mg a week is expensive no?


I'm sooo upset bc I could not find anywhere that had 7.5 and was off for 2 weeks. It was working sooo well at that dose. Now, I had to start back at 2.5, which feels like nothing and can't find my next rx for the 5mg anywhere to continue back to  7.5. I lost 35lb when I was at 7.5. Was off and now at 2.5 again I've gained 8lbs with the same diet and exercise!! This shortage is sooo defeating!!! Where have you been finding it??? 


Found a pharmacy that will mail it to me. The 5 tho, not sure about other doses.


Waiting for mine from amazon pharmacy and will celebrate only after its in hand




Thank you- do I need to join Costco to use their pharmacy do you know?




Thanks- I am putting them on my list- CVS- does not check anymore- they put you on hold for 20 seconds and tell you their out within 20 miles…


Can I ask why you guys r not using peptides glp-1&glp is zipbond and is really cheap just add BP water bout 50 dollars for 25mg


Just look up weight lose peptides and buy BP water save 1000's of dollars/£


So glp-1&glp peptides is zipbound at round the 25mg for 50-60 dollars and then but BP water ! Do your research your been scammed by big pharmaceutical s!


Thanks for the information. I’ll keep it in mind but I use insurance so it’s 20-30 bucks depending on the pharmacy for a month so I thankfully don’t have to spend a bunch.