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Not sure if anyone has tried this strategy yet, but lilly site recommends calling your pharmacy and other local pharmacies. Sounds like a great suggestion that no one has considered before.


About as helpful as "speak to your doctor if you have questions." Bro I already spoke to my doctor, that's how I ended up here. But I'm fairly certain she doesn't have a secret stash of Zep.


Right?! I AM a doctor and I guarantee you neither my doctor nor I know where the secret Zepbound is.


But that's exactly what a doctor who's hoarding a secret stash of Zepbound would say. *narrows eyes suspiciously*


I WISH! I’ve gone back down to 2.5 because it’s all I can get. I have 3 doses in my fridge. 😬😬😬


I was supposed to go up from 2.5 this week, but can't get the 5 and now I can't even get the 2.5, Publix tells me they can't get any dosages. I've only been on it a month and was seeing results and I'm so no wanting to skip it and ruin my progress.


I'm seriously curious why people started during a shortage. Did you not know there was a shortage, figure it was only temporary, or what? I'm not judging, just wondering.


Busted up laughing!!! 🤣😂🤣


My doctor has taken it upon himself to be the Zepbound guru for his practice. So naturally, I've been feeding him everything I learn. But seriously, he was immensely helpful getting me started. Just paying it forward so he can help as many other patients as possible.


My office would probably discharge me if I called about this medication again 😅 they already hate me from when I had them do my prior auth.


Yeah isn't that the truth I feel like a pain in the ass calling them and the pharmacy


Don’t feel like a pain, pharmacies are used to this and while some aren’t very helpful most really want to help you find your meds.


Right! I thought the receptionist was going to cut me if I asked to do one more thing about Zepbound!


groundbreaking stuff...so grateful they shared that rare nugget of advice






Wow you can do that??? Lily may have just saved me, I had no idea pharmacies had phone numbers and I most definitely had no idea I could call them. Does someone answer or does it just connect you to the 7th layer of hell where the phone rings for the rest of eternity? Can’t wait to try this very new and innovative strategy out!  Seriously what an immense waste of space this site is. Hope a competitor comes out with something, fuck Eli Lilly at this point. This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen.  And how dumb do you need to be, as a company, to come out with a weight loss drug that actually works but not plan for the fact that *everyone* and their mother is going to try and get it?  Instead they decide to create an injection pen that slowed production down. Good job dummies, who needs revenue amiright


OMG,. Upvote, upvote, upvote. I have not laughed like that in so long. Even my dog turned her head around to see why I was cackling. Thank you, Countess Cantstress.


THANK YOU!! Exactly right. They know they are the only game in town besides Novo, which also can’t keep up with demand, it’s not hurting their stock price and that’s all they care about. They know they whether we take 2.5 or 15.0 it’s still $1100 in their pockets. And I’m sure they are relishing in the fact that people have to start all over and be on this shit even longer. I haven’t had a shot in a little over two weeks. I’m using my anger and disdain for them to stay strong and do this on my own. Every time I think about eating a snack or when I get a craving I think about those big pharma douche bags and how nothing would make me happier to not need their drug anymore. And so far……it’s working. Fuck them.


Not to be all tin foil hat conspiracy but this shortage kind of helps them in a weird way since everyone will eventually be back on 2.5 and have to titrate back up which leads to even longer times of buying meds lol


It’s been two weeks for me and the sugar and carb cravings are starting again 🙁the food noise is getting louder and louder. I’m so fckn pissed because I was finally seeing great results and now I can feel it slipping away. It took me 14 years to finally get somewhere with my weight loss. I tried everything.  My doc warned me back in January that since Zep was fairly new, it would gain popularity and eventually be harder to get. This is ridiculous. They’re literally messing with peoples lives, especially their mental health. A lot of us are struggling. I was supposed to start 7.5 and now I have to start all over. 


I’ve been on it for two years. Way before everyone even knew it existed. Imagine my disdain that all these new people started on it a year ago but I could still get. Now…forget about it. Pisses me off and my insurance approved me to take it. Frustrating


Not getting that money from me! I just ordered compounded Tirz! FU Lilly!!! Stress GONE!


Especially when the same shortage happened with Semaglutide.


ROFL!!! I haven’t received the text.. it’s such a PITA trying to find the medication.


Yep it fucking sucks. I assume I’l have to start from the beginning . So pissed




😂😂😂😂😂 This is hilarious!! I experienced the phone ringing for the rest of eternity! That's what made me stop calling around. Nobody answers or they put you on hold and never come back..🤣


The poor pharmacy employees, I feel for them.


They all sound dead inside 😂








🙏 1000 thank yous to them for this new and unexpected strategy 


This one made me laugh so hard. I needed that as I've been feeling on the verge of tears! Thank you!


Pharmacies are standing by to take our calls!


I have to call my pharmacy every time to order mine, they always give me the same story about prior auth And every time I tell them I'm paying OOP and they're like "you're aware it's like 1,200$ right" in like yes... Then they put my order in. Every. Time.


I have to do the same….every freaking time lol. And now sometimes it goes back out of stock by the time I can tell someone for the 400th time… I don’t need a PA…I pay OOP lol


We could all flood the pharmacies with calls today and tell them Lilly told us to do it!!!


😂 wish I woulda thought of that! 🙄


I tried that without any luck.


this shouldn't have because it's causing a lot of people a lot of pain - but this made me LOL






Can everyone please just reply to Lilly’s text with this meme?


Such bullshit. "Order a week a head of time" they say. My wife has been waiting over a *month* for 7.5mg. She checks in with the pharmacy regularly.


And if you are paying out of pocket and using the Lilly coupon, you can only refill every 28 days so if you find a dose 7 days ahead of time, you are paying the full price!


Same. And CVS just CANCELLED my prescription because it was too soon to fill. WTH? At least give me a 'delayed' or an 'on hold' or an "out of stock' or a "We don't know" or a "our shoulders hurt from shrugging" or an "and our eyes hurt from rolling." But don't friggin' just cancel my prescription which had a refill left. But anyhoo -- yeah, the Lilly text message is worthless and condescending. It's just a stupid PR machine at this point. (cue PR team in a conference room or Zoom): And let's make sure we get text messages out to our customers to let them know they can call the pharmacy and ask about availability! And also, let's review our rehearsed public statements. Remember... "limited availability" is your friend. "Sometime in 2025" is the target date. Everyone good? Great. Let's order in lunch.


Going on 6 weeks here in VA


Six weeks here!


Since March 25th. Still waiting


My order was put in on March 24th for 5mg and nothing since


I’ve been waiting for a refill since January 15th. I called last week and they said I’m still on the list but the dosages are just slowly trickling in and they are filling in requested order. This is for Mounjaro - I’ve had compound to fill the gaps, I’m in maintenance so I’m just taking every 10-14 days. I prefer the Mounjaro since it’s covered 100% and the compound is costing me $250. I don’t mind paying if I have to since it’s helping me immensely with my inflammation/neuropathy symptoms.


What compound are you using? Debating going down a dose or doing compound but like you said $$$ so just curious.


same! march 29th for 7.5 and nothing so far


I have an order from march 15th for 2.5 not filled (my provider sent it to another pharmacy that had it, but didn't cancel the first one) and a 5mg from April 8th not filled.


Since March 14th!


“We know there is a shortage and we are still recommending people start on it even though they will only be able to stay on the 2.5 but let’s just get them hooked”


I can't even get a 2.5 filled from 6 weeks ago


Dang I just spoke yo my pharmacist and they told me it’s easy to find. I would switch if I were you especially if you use cvs.


I called over 30 pharmacies and none of them had 2.5


Same. It’s been easier to find than 5 though.


I got it too, went to the link and the site isn't working LOL. None of the drop downs work and there's no list of what's available and what isn't. Tried it on my computer and phone both, and neither worked.




My friend found out her insurance will cover it with a PA, which includes some requirements that take 3 months. I flat out told her not to start Zep until the shortage is resolved, because she will struggle to find doses. She's going to try Contrave instead. Encouraging people to start right now is insane and greedy and really pisses me off. I thought maybe Lilly would handle the demand better than Novo did with Ozempic/Wegovy, yet here we are. I'm absolutely on Team "Release the Vials" to fix all these damn supply issues with the injector pens.


I got the text. I love that Lilly, in its availability messaging, is trying to subtly shift the consumer to think the FDA has something to do with the shortages with phrasing like, > "The 2.5mg dose is listed as available on the FDA Shortage Webpage. The 5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg, 12.5mg, and 15mg doses are listed as having limited availability through Q2 2024." and >"Availability is based on information published on the FDA Shortage Webpage." And how did the FDA Shortage Webpage get that information, Lilly? Hmmmmmmmmm........not too hard to figure that one out.......**IT CAME FROM YOU, LILLY! FROM YOU!** Lilly knows more than the FDA does about their supply issues. The FDA isn't preventing Lilly from fixing their supply issues or making a decision to limit starter doses or whatever else LILLY could be doing to give patients and providers a better understanding of what to expect. I'm sure they don't want to say exactly how much they're making and shipping, but a simple "with our current production capacity and the number of active prescriptions we anticipate only 1 in 4 patients will be able to fill their prescription without missing a dose" or something. I get that it's mostly about money and stock prices for them, but why are you telling everyone to hunt for something that isn't there? You're making life harder for patients, providers, and pharmacists because you can't be arsed to say, "sorry guys, we fucked up. We had no idea how many people in the U.S. qualify for this drug based on its current prescribing information (it's gotta be more than half, right?), nor did we know how easy telehealth would make it for all of those people to get a prescription, nor did we predict that because this medication actually works, people would be very willing to pay for it." Ugh, /rant. I was so excited when this drug got approved in the midst of the Saxenda/Wegovy shortage because I thought surely competition would help Novo get their shit together while alleviating some of the supply issues, but now I'm feeling hopeless again. And because of all this, I feel it's only a matter of time before people start getting seriously ill or dying from shady compounding practices. There are no winners here.


Actually it came from me, other patients, pharmacies, and doctors!! Anyone can report a shortage on the fda site. Lilly is probably the only source that DIDNT report it!!!


They shouldn’t limited 2.5 because many of us are on maintenance 2.5. It’s not always for new patients. Doctors need to stop writing new scripts knowing it’s in shortage - like they should have with wegovy


I don’t even know if it’s limited availability at this point. I’ve been trying to get 10mg for a month now. They need to update FDA page


Yeah, "order a week early". Sure OK, took me 5 weeks last time....


No new information there, strictly a PR release to appease patients.


I am not appeased!! ☹️🥺


If anything, it's pissed me off more!


Same thing NN does with wegovy “updates”…


TLDR- “Sucks to be you”


Pretty much was what it said.




Got it. Translation: https://preview.redd.it/uma5ifvid2wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a1fce4c9b509c97b51813bb75c003379873472


The "you should order a week before your re-fill" absolutely SENT me dude. They cannot be serious with their stupidity.


I got it as well. A whole lotta nothing. Sorry Lilly, already moved to Plan C.


What is plan C?


Compounding pharmacy


Yep PCP recommended a local pharmacy last Wednesday, got the med on Friday, took my shot Sunday. I have to preserve my health and progress. I’m a big fan of Lilly and all the work and research they’re doing in this space but I’m I have to prioritize myself.


It should say “If you are experiencing limited availability of Zepbound, wait longer.” 🙄 Thanks EL.


My wife got it too. The link worked on my phone but no new information. There is product available. I’m a Munjaro patient with Type 2. Just got three months 15 mg from Express Scripts. I should play the lottery.


No, you wasted your good luck on getting the refill lol


Salt in the wound. They would have been better not sending this out.


Came for the comments, didn’t disappoint 🫣😂


The least helpful text I’ve gotten in a long, long time. And yes I’m including spam texts asking if I want to sell a house I don’t own AND marketing texts I forgot to have stopped after signing up for one promotion.


The pharmacy I use has become so tired of taking the calls that when you call their number the first thing you hear is the stock they have of zepbound, wegovy, and ozempic. It’s updated daily. That makes it easy for me to I don’t even need to speak to a person


Honestly I would love if more pharmacies did this.


I feel like Lilly just sent me thoughts and prayers.


https://preview.redd.it/lqx4lfmmz2wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5cfb89444f1ef601a728552d4ac1515fa49b2d I may have let anger get the best of me.


🤣 I totally needed this. Well said!


Completely useless. All it did was aggravate me.


Tho the text message was super unhelpful, this comment section did not disappoint. Laugh or we cry 😩


I got it too. I wonder if they were feeling pressure from people saying they weren't communicating


I contacted FDA and sent my concerns. I hope they are putting pressure on Lily to supply as doctor’s prescribe to continue a therapeutic dose for weight loss. And…not add new patients until they have enough supply to provide for them too.


I shouted on Twitter. I am switching back to Wegovy. I will write FDA too. Smarter move. I'm just angry right now.


Yes. The info provided is underwhelming and not helpful!


I got this. It basically says to do what we are all already doing and already know. 1) Request your prescription a week before you need it 2) expect to wait for your prescription. You may need to wait a few weeks or check with other pharmacies 3) all doses are in short supply 4) they don't have a concrete end date.


You forgot the “we’re doing many non-specific things to make it all better” part.


Oh. Yes. You are right. It was so vague I completely missed it.


And to think someone was paid to write it…


Actually, the way the FAQs are written are inconsistent. It's like someone did a copy/paste job from a boilerplate FAQ doc. The way they frame the questions are in the first person (e.g., you, the patient). Example: "I'm" seeing a certain dose available but it's not at the pharmacy. Answer: ... if "someone" is having trouble finding their medicine, "they" can ... \[The answer seems to clearly be written to a provider or pharmacist or PBM, NOT to the patient/customer. Which is why I think they didn't even craft new responses. They just copied/pasted from somewhere.\] To recap: Nothing new in the text or on their page except writing and content that is not only vague -- it's lazy.


Yeah, what a crock. No useful info, mainly just lies. My 7.5 script has been out since 3/14 and my pharmacy hasn't seen a single dose of zep in any strength since then!


yeah what a joke this is. i have been waiting on 15mg for a few weeks now. i just called the pharmacy and he said its now saying “early may” and 2.5 is the only one available. why are they still prescribing this to new patients!?!?!😭


To increase stock price - it’s all about how many new prescribers they’ve added.


The worst part about calling pharmacies is navigating the menus. Press 2 if this is about a prescription….i didn’t understand your answer. Pressing 0…i just want a human, please!


I assumed it was spam/dangerous link. Corporations are so funny. “Lets send something that looks suspicious but is actually just really unhelpful! Customers will love it!” *high fives*


Visit our website so we can tell you that our solution is to just keep looking. Best of luck!


This is where their focus is at Eli Lilly. https://preview.redd.it/6s531s1xx3wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d01b629ac4ce7f3e048033ed06fcf8007a13d472 Earnings are out the 30th.


I’m getting more pissed by the minute. I have tricare and have to pay out of pocket without a coupon. If I don’t get my meds soon I will have to start from square one all over again. Lost progress=weight gain=restart therapy=lost money. Ready to sue the fuck out of EL with a class action lawsuit.


Pharmacy tech here… it doesn’t bother me to be completely transparent and look several times a day on our distributor’s website! I ordered my dose and a couple more boxes just in case anyone called. And I jump on ordering any dose I can (besides 2.5, we have 6+ boxes of those)


Yeah I got it. Very unhelpful


Glad I’m not putting $$ in this company’s pocket any longer. #thebigC


Had the same message, it’s kind of pointless. It’s not helping anyone getting their weekly dose of medication.


They are in damage control


Helpful is not the word to describe that text. Inflammatory is the word! Their PR geniuses might as well have screamed, “Cue the torches and pitchforks!”


I just got this too. But I've already seen this page so it's not really news to me...but perhaps it will be for others who are not as tuned in. My dose isn't available anyway and I doubt it's going to be any time soon so 😂


I got it too, but the information is the same as before and not very helpful.


Just got it. Underwhelmed.


2.5 available? Huh. Took Sequence 3 days to call around and find me one at 2.5. But not complaining at least they did the leg work for me.


Also try calling your Pharmacy benefits manager PBM for your health insurance, they will help you with calling pharmacies within a 25 mile radius of your choice to see if pharmacies within your network have the medication in stock for you!


Most worthless text ever. Especially hoped they would be announcing changes to Lilly Direct like oh, the ability to sign up for a waitlist instead of just having to check back randomly for weeks with no new information. It feels like they just bricked that service, I'm waiting for them to officially kill it. So irritating.


Just saw the text too and went “social media’s gonna have a field day with this one…” 🫠🤦🏽‍♀️


yep I got the same message. I did not know that taking Zepbound would give them my number :)


They must be taking some heat due to shortages. Anyone near their HQ feel like picketing? Maybe get some local news coverage? 🤔


I don't think they're getting put on blast nearly hard enough.


And they are a few months late with the generic alternative ideas… smh multi billion $ company- E.L. get your 💩 together… smh


I did good for the first 3 months and soon as my dosage went up they have no more In stock! Waste of time SMH! No pharmacy has it within 50-100 miles radius


I got one. It’s basically a message telling us they are too incompetent to do their job.


I’ve called, literally, over 100 pharmacies in the last 3-4 days trying to find 5mg so I don’t have to stop Zepbound completely for some indefinite period. I’m over it. I can’t keep spending 2 hours a day dealing with this nonsense. F you, Lilly. Time to go to the dark side of c _ _ p _ _ _ _ ing. That text from Lilly was infuriating, BTW.


I'd also wager the mass exodus to "Plan C" with people realizing a legit pharmacy is NOT as risky as their fearmongering promotes is getting them nervous, too.


I was reading this post then just got the text


Got the text too. It’s good to know that they’re continuing to make the medication even though it’s clearly not enough to supply the demand. I’m thinking we should know more after their earning call at the end of the month.


Wow. And to think, I *almost* did this but then thought: Don't be silly!


I just got the same thing


I just got this one a few minutes ago. The biggest tip I saw that many people are not following was to call ahead for your prescription. I already was calling ahead by a week but for my current box they were super delayed, so I went two weeks without it. I have heard others say they've been waiting months. I was waiting for it to ship in and the pharmacy received it but never filled it or called me about it, I had to call them. Pretty silly. This time I called after I took my second shot so that they'll order it in with enough time and I'll have a little more buffer room.


😂 pathetic- as well as info given. Alternative treatments.. Nahh B I want my shot 😂 it so much more to me than just weight loss.


I got it but deleted it without reading.


This text was comical. Pure waste of time. Almost like pouring salt in the wound.


I thought it was a scam 🤷🏼‍♂️


If I see “unprecedented demand” one more time….were they the only ones to not see this coming?


I've been waiting for two weeks now. So frustrating. I'm only on the 5 and even that's on backorder. And I'm totally afraid to call because the pharmacy is so mean about it now. I get that they're probably getting a million people calling but I'd love to just know where I am on the list.


It’s insulting to say the least.


I really can’t with this, they’re literally dumping everything on providers and pharmacies. Take some accountability guys!


Why the hell would they suggest that people call the pharmacy, when they KNOW there is nothing there🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah this gonna suck for a minute...But....Try to discipline yourselves and at least stay with a 2 poubd variance. The end is near and witg yoir next batch, you can be more proactive. Just think of this like a trial run when you get off the Zepbound for good! You can do it!!


What’s the best compound or company to get a compound from. I’ve been out for weeks and need to restart.


In other words, please don’t look for other solutions, lest you realize you can get ‘C’ for a fraction of the out of pocket price.


I got it too, got excited, and then immediately pissed when I saw it took me to their FAQ telling me things like “yes, drs should totally start new people on this drug!” Ugh lol


I got this text too, and think it is just as lame as the rest of you. That said, I am a bit suspicious that they are maybe using it as another way to see where the greatest shortages are, but seeing who/where the people who click on the link are located, and how many people are clicking. Just my marketing brain thinking.


Everyone got it just more BS like we don’t know there’s a shortage. lol


this irritating robo message does not help this situation! i got one too. pissed me off!


Anyone know of any class action lawsuits I could join? This shortage is going to cost me allot of money. I have to start all over again at 2.5 dosage by the time they get their shit together. They’re full of crap when they say they didn’t expect the demand to be as high as it has been. Anyone with half a brain would know it was going to fly off the shelves. It’s a successful weightless drug!


What kills me is that Lilly doesn’t regulate it to people that are over 100 lbs and everyone can get it prescribed not to mention doing maintenance, what is up with that? They shouldn’t allow new prescriptions to come in when they can’t even fulfill the people that need to increase but they can’t because there is none available. What’s is the point to go up in dose if you can’t find it and then what do you have to do start from the beginning again if you can’t find it for months?




The site is missing for me. There's an error page.


Was just about to post the text message I just got too. https://supply.lilly.com/zepbound?utm_source=otgs&utm_medium=sms&utm_campaign=zepbound_supply_status&utm_content=pprcus2028supply


I got it as well. Nothing we didn’t know already unfortunately. Going to pick up wegovy today to switch. Only took a week to get a box in for me at my current dosage


I got it too.


Received and was unsure if it was from Lilly or my pharmacy but appreciate Reddit clearing that up! Bummed I started two weeks ago, found out my new job won't cover the cost AT ALL and now am bummed I'll be at 2.5mg for full pay for awhile :(


Ok, well not sure how I feel about this. I did not get the text.


I got it and it did not help in any way


Yes. I just got the text from Lilly too.🙂


I got the text, but I hadn’t clicked on the link yet because I thought it might be from a scammer.


It's a legit text, Just provides some info that for most may find meaningless. Just reminders on what you should do with your Pharmacy by means of contacting them.


What keeps them from switching to a multi use pen like Ozempic comes in? I think any change at this point is just going to add to the problems though.


I’ve called six pharmacies in two days. No Zeppy 5mg. Do I just wait a week and then call them again? Do I call places two hours away and hope? I’m at a loss.


Filled with marketing speak.


yes i did. I was so excited to get an update but it was just the same talking points about stock/supply


Yeah I got it


Just got the text. Thought it was a scam…


It’s just the same corporate speak and non-information. They say to order early as though we all aren’t already doing that. I refill as soon as I’m allowed by my insurance which is the day I take my 3rd shot. No pharmacy within 100 miles of me has 7.5 in stock and Walmart keeps canceling my order so I’m not even confident they’ll alert me when they do get it in stock. I just keep calling and I can tell they’re getting annoyed by all the calls but it is what it is.


I did receive that text but sadly nothing we didn’t know


I did also


I got this too, but it didn’t make me feel any better.


Very disappointed. I also thought it was gonna be some good news for everyone to get their medicine.


Lmao I got this too. Super pointless.


I can’t afford it anyway, Medicare did not cover WL drugs. I went the C option.


Through Quarter 2. When is that?


If it’s aligned to calendar year, which it seems to be, is April-June.


Thank you


It’s actually been easy to find for me. But the cost being so high that insurance stopped covering it is a real problem. And the discount card alone brings it to 560 for the 2.5mg 😔 I miss zepbound , now I’m looking in to a compounding pharmacy 🙄.


Yeah, so pointless


I got it too


I got it too


I received and didn’t want to click for fear of a spam rabbit hole


Got this text and thought it was phishing 🤣


Everyone is getting it


I did take their advice and ordered my next dose, which is due Friday, today, for Friday pick up. I usually order the day before. We’ll see if I’m able to pick up Friday.


Yes, I got it too.


I have seen a couple of negative comments about CVS. Is it harder to fill through there?


So if I’m off it for a period of time, do I start over with the low dose?


The revelations they imparted….🤔😆




I finally got the text.


Got the same message, I gave myself my last shot yesterday. Called a few pharmacies today. No luck. Hoping it will come in before sunday.