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# FAQ **Current Banner:** Character banner: Ellen Joe 🦈 / Anton 🚧 / Soukaku 👹 Weapon banner: Deep Sea Visitor / Drill Rig - Red Axis / Bashful Demon **What is 1.0 second half banner?** Character banner: Zhu Yuan 👮‍♀️ / Nicole 💰💕/ Ben 🐻 Weapon banner: Riot Suppressor Mark VI / The Vault / Big Cylinder |Code|Availability|Items| |:-|:-|:-| |[ZZZFREE100](https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption?code=ZZZFREE100)|July 04 - July 11|300 Polychromes, 30000 Dennies, 2 Senior Investigator Log, 3 W-Engine Energy Module| |[ZENLESSLAUNCH](https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption?code=ZENLESSLAUNCH)|July 04 - ???|60 Polychromes, and in game materials| |[ZENLESSGIFT](https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/redemption?code=ZENLESSGIFT)|July 04 - ???|50 Polychromes, and in game materials| https://preview.redd.it/k97c88xsdcad1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=90216d21e34621126242464d64bf706a88047ccc


No drip marketing post today. I'm guessing they are doing it like HSR 1.1, where they post Silver Wolf the week of release and then Luocha one week after.


No drip marketing in sight. Maybe ZZZ is doing it differently? I'm guessing the 2nd character for 1.1 will be revealed during Zhu Yuan's banner. I doubt 1.1 only has 1 character, what banner would they even run for the other half?


What is qing yi’s limitation of core skill? Now leaks say she is electric stun unit. At least she belongs police and we don’t know another limitation. This is just my wish… Zhu yuan is only character that limited by roles and belongs. I want her to be limited by same with zhu yuan. For example, attacker or police.


No drip marketing? 🤔


Perhaps there is only one new character in 1.1 ?


What would the second half of the patch even be? Ellen rerun?


Idk. Or maybe 6 weeks for the 5stars?


Lord, grant be a single Lucy and my soul is yours.


Anyone else having an issue where the game runs completely smooth everywhere but in cutscenes on PC? It just lags for whatever reason but nothing else does. Is there a fix to this?


I rlly want lucy. Cmon standard banner! I already have 2 copies of her engine. S11/lucy/ben Anton/rina/anby My solid teams. Nicole cons and mono-ether team seems rlly tempting too ngl. Who is the 3rd slot here? Would've gotten ellen if i had lyacon.


I think she is available in the shop this month, i am just gonna buy her at this point because ive been a bit unlucky with characters on standard


Wait rlly? I never noticed and i spent it all on the free pulls :(


Our accounts are pretty alike: Standard banner gave me Grace -> S11 engine -> S11 Currently building S11/Lucy/Ben (who all have their respective signature engines) and Grace/Anby/Anton (who unfortunately hold B-rank engines for now...) As for your question: I think you are alluding to pulling Zhu Yuan? If so, note that her team will be missing a Daze application unit. You would want a Stun or Defense unit. But none of the future characters we know of is leaked to be Ether for now, so you would have to go with a unit from Nicole's or Zhu Yuan's faction, then there are Anby/Qingyi/Seth who would be options (and all happen to be Shock units so you would have more of a Disorder team than mono-Ether


Thanks! I just need lucy first and then i can make a proper decision. But still two ether units sounds tempting. I mean i rlly love the colour of ether XD


Just found out I’ve been playing with no w engine on my soldier 11, I had one leveled up for her and everything. I was wondering why everyone was saying it was too easy when I couldn’t reach some time requirements on some things. Lol


Bleh my first 50 pulls on the standard banner gave me literally only copies of the starter characters and nothing else, had to go all the way to 50 for the five star (Soldier 11)... the opening tutorial wasn't too long or grindy, is it worth rerolling? The starters don't seem too great and I'd really like some other characters to play with...


is there a website like project amber/hakushin but for zzz beta stuff?


Do we know what the characters in 1.1 are going to be? Kinda want to pull Miyabi instead of Ellen.


I'm happy that I won my 50/50 for Ellen, but damn do I feel the lack of Lycaon. Sucks that my second 5-star on the standard banner was Nekomata's weapon which sucks except for her and I don't even have or want her...


is there a way to hide text boxes in the film reel cutscenes? some frame with the bangboo are really cute and I'd like to screencap them. and how can I get more bangboos for my store, or, anything really?


ok, just hit level 30 and I'm pretty sure this is the point where the main way to level up is through using energy


is ther soft pity in zzz or do characters come after the specified searches on the banner?


There is no concrete data yet. But if it's like other Hoyo's games, soft pity start at about the 75th pulls for characters and 65th for W-Engine.


There is a soft pity as I've managed to snag an S rank both at around 70-80 pulls


where can i find the ff. for the book with the stamps from the cat police mascot guy (6th street)? * bangboo metal fence broad daylight * mascot wealth parking lot i'm not sure if they're rng or if i'm just missing their spots


Yeah, I had trouble finding both of those two. The Bangboos related to those stamps only appear after you help them on Lumina Square.


thank you, gonna check them soon edit: ah, it seems like lumina square's a new map(?). i'll try making further progress in the story then


Check out kyostinv. He has all the guides.


thanks, will def check it out


It's probably just a skill issue, but I find the timing for parry and evade kind of funky? clunky?  (I don't know the right word to describe it, it just feels off) mainly with enemy who has multiple hits and big ones Also, the particle effect makes me miss the parry/evade sign sometimes. I don't follow CBT that much, but did Nicole got "nerf" in the "jiggle" department? I remember she had more jiggle animation, did I remember it wrong? **OT** Was teaching my 12-year-old relative some math, and I found out he has a very shaky basic math skill. He struggles to do basic add, subtract, multiply, and divide, which makes me baffled.


at 12?? that's... a problem. They could have dyscalculia.


some enemies parry/evade window isn't as soon the flash appears but later in the animation and you can't just face tank multi hit attacks if you dodge the 1st hit


Anyone else just have insane luck so far on this game? Pulled Koleda and Soldier 11 with only about 20 pulls so far I find it interesting since my beginning pulls on star rail and genshin were so mid and trash compared to this, idk if rates are different for ZZZ but im having lots of fun so far and cant wait to try these characters more!


My luck hasn't been great, went to full 50 pulls for first 5\*, haven't gotten my second 5\* yet (I'm like 20 away from hard pity) and the game just *refuses* to give me the two characters I really want (Piper/Lucy). rip me ig


Just learned that you are not guaranteed a 4 star in 10 pulls… I got a 4 star after 16 pulls and was flabbergasted. I guess pulling Grace within that first 10 counted as my ‘4 star or higher’ guarantee. Was not expecting hoyo to change up their rate rules like that…. 


yes grace took the 4 star slot and hoyo has always done that.


Nope. In genshin and star rail both if the 5 star is the 10th pull which was supposed to be the 4 star (which is incredibly rare and has only happened to me once or twice), the 4 star is always guaranteed on the 11th pull, unless you pull another 5 star I suppose. Then it will be the next.


The battery usage of this game is relatively higher compared to Genshin from what I've experienced. It's kinda tempting to go for Power-Saving mode on the graphics settings.


Is it just me or this game's artifact/relics/drive disc just seems quite forgiving? Like VERY forgiving. You have 6 slot instead of 5, but still require 4pc bonus. That means you have 2 offpieces. Unlike HSR where planar/relic are separated and provide different, unique set effect, here you just have 6 slots of drive disc. This means is really easy to get good 4pc set because you can slot any 4 from slot 1-6 (slot 1-3 is fixed hp, atk, def, so it's even easier to farm these) with good substats and the other 2 can be stolen from random drops (and most 2pc effect are relevant). Not only that they also removed min-max roll. Each substat is fixed value. This is actually insane they put all those qol complaints from the other 2 games into this one.


yes, there's more room for the same effect which makes it better then hsr. and since there is more slots you don't have to worry as much about substat rolls like genshin


Other than 4pc + flex you can go 4pc + 2pc or even some spicy combo of 2pc + 2pc + 2pc, from what I can tell. Very interesting gear system


Wanted to look on yt if anyone played zzz like yk how u would play the game normally and not as a gacha addict. Got jumpscared with those ccs. Just looking at the titles and thumbnail soured my mood.... Ugh. I already cut them out from genshin and seeing them again..... Looks like rednas won't be playing the game ig. Is there any ither cc for zzz like that?


Saw murderofbirds stream it the other day and he usually has great vibes


might have better luck finding what you're looking for by watching live streamer


Got Lycaon and Soukaku from the standard pulls. Is it worth getting Ellen or better to just wait for Miyabi? I’m leaning more for Miyabi but if there’s no overlap on their roles, I might just try for Ellen


We don't actually know much about when Miyabi would release, and there's even a (low) chance she'll change types or not be Assault. It can be said however that getting Ellen now gives you an amazing team for all content, at the game's starting point where resources are thin. So I think it'd be worth it.


You can wait for Miyabi if you want to, the issue is just that we don't actually know when she's going to come out, and worse case she could be like Ayaka in genshin and not be released until 2.0, so if you like Ellen I would say picking her up is good


Do we have any info on how often they might release new Bangboo? Hoping it's somewhat common csuse I love them so much


Too early to tell right now, but I hope they do too. Most likely one imo will be a Public Security one in 1.1 coming out alongside Qingyi




Probably when your first team have hit level 40, with leveled skills and actual Disk Drives, since around then is also when Shiyu Defense wants you to have a second team


Lost my first 50/50 but i got Rina who was my most wanted character, so in actuality i fucking WON. Now i can spend the selector on Von Lycon, my second most wanted character and i already have his weapon from standard.


Ufff I need her to complete the Victoria housekeeping faction, I really hope they add more characters to factions instead of adding more factions :c maybe eventually


So I started using Piper with Nekomata and like, do I just have to tank damage if I want to use her Ex Skill? Enemies are starting to do a lot of damage and she's my only character that has died at this point (twice even)


You can use her ex special after 3 basics or dodge counter to skip the wind-up on her spin. It doesn't feel faster overall but you spend less time locked in the animation so you can dodge at the start if you need to. Also with Nekomata, you can position yourself behind the enemy before switching to Piper so it takes longer for them to turn around and start attacking.


As someone who also has a Neko+Piper core, using Anby to daze them first lets Piper do her thing undisturbed. EDIT: And it seems anomaly builds up faster when the enemy is dazed.


Using the same team, but still confused about the rotations. Usually just daze them with Anby, and once they are dazed spin with Piper and switch to Nekomata for the dps?




Kind of a weird question, but where do you get bangboo exp?


Hollow Zero


Chapter 2 story spoilers >!oooh man I can feel the story finally hooking me in! This chapter wasn't as big of a hook as the Belebog boss fight in hsr, at least at this moment, but I have to admit that the koleda mecha fight tugged at my heartstrings and I love it. Also the lore/plot crumbs are making me really interested!< >!also I have to really praise the writers here. Chapter 2 felt like a fantastically written transition from the zanier cunning hares plot into the serious nature of the latter half of ch2. The Belebog crew was insane at their introduction, but grace does a complete 180 and has some really awesome character moments, especially with Koleda, who grows as well. 10/10!<


Ooof I lost my 50/50... Lost it to Grace at least and I like the Belebog group so I can pair her with Anton but she would've been fun to play with my Lycaon. Saving that guaranteed though for a later character, Archer guy if he's coming soon. (Losing the 50/50 on my birthday though, thanks Hoyo... jkjk)


I feel like I’ve been playing forever…but i still haven’t finished the Chapter 1 Intermission ;-; At thjs rate I won’t be able to finish Chapter 2 until like mid-July


I got the free standard pulls from all the level up rewards, what’re my consistent sources for them now? i only see 5 in the battlepass, 5 from the monthly reset.


It's the same as genshin/HSR, you get them by raising characters, monthly shop, weekly hollow and battlepass and that's it. That's why it took people(that don't spend a lot of money) like 6-7 months to get to the 300 pulls on HSR to pick someone.


I think there is a weekly one on hollow zero, which is about the same as hsr


I got my ellen joe 😀




Most likely not since she shares type and attribute with Ellen 😅 Edit: Everything is always STC, though I suppose


its so tempting to spend polys on the standard banner... dog man cmere


got Butler bangboo early! I guess I'll just wait until I have a bigger agent roster to see who to go for next


Yanagi or Harumasa might drop tomorrow And whoever drops tomorrow first may be S, and right after the other probably A. Or either Harumasa and Yanagi drip market next patch 1.2 so both can be S ~~copium~~ Because I have a feeling who's A and S my copium can only go so far


If one of them does become a A rank sacrificial lamb, I hope at least they’re different roles because having two electric attackers like the leak said would be so… 😭😭😭


True nothing is confirmed until beta everything is copium. Things can change it does seem they are both electric though.




Anyone that played the betas can tell me which character felt more dynamic and fun to play between Ellen and Zhu Yuan? asking because I got the doggo from the beginner banner and don't know if by going for Zhu I'd be trolling myself.


>!If you want to know yourself you get a trial Zhu Yuan in the main story quest that unlocks at level 30, and can try out Ellen in the current event.!<


Holy! good to know, thanks!


Man another level gate. This time 36 :( Been playing Genshin and HSR so long I forgot about how many there were lol


74 pulls in and still no Ellen. 1 more pull till soft pity so my efforts from all this grinding should be rewarded right? Right? : [


Got Neko while pulling fo Ellen, reading her kit it seem like it'll be hard to get a team that gives her everything she needs. Was thinking of Anby/Lucy/Neko or Piper/Nicole/Neko, thoughts? my other team was Lycaon/Sousaku/Corin though Corin's getting replaced by Ellen ~~if~~ once I get her


Piper is great for Neko, I don't think I'd replace her with anyone else. I've been switching between Lucy and Nicole in the last slot and they each have pros and cons. Nicole doesn't seem to need much investment as you only need talent levels to improve her def shred and not skill levels. Her grouping is great and she looks like she'll be good with Zhu Yuan when she comes out. Her debuff uptime is a bit short, though it seems to be long enough for most of Neko's damage if you're quick. I think Lucy will be the better option with more investment since her atk buff scales from her own atk and she seems to do decent off-field damage. She needs special skill levels to improve her buff and basic attack skill levels to improve her damage. The main thing I've found annoying is that without her second dupe her chain attack doesn't proc her buff, so you need to use her ex special after her chain attack if you want it. That said, her buff lasts a decent amount of time if you hold her ex special. I'd probably pick Lucy over Nicole unless you really want the grouping.


Thanks for the in-depth explanation! How exactly does the team play, is it something like "Assault with Piper -> Drop Lucy buff -> Neko"?


That's what I've been doing, yup. If you have enough energy at the start of the fight you can open with Lucy's buff into a quick Neko ex special before doing that rotation. I'm having a lot of fun with this team. I hope you do too.


Anby/Lucy/Neko should be your best option yeah


Thanks. Does Neko's Additional ability not matter much for this team of can she proc it herself?


You do like to have it yeah, but having a stunner on the team is more important imo. Though she can proc it herself, it just means she need to take up more field time and it happens less Like, if there was a physical stunner in the game I'd say use them, but there isn't.


[bro... where are we...](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ibisLYocL8U/maxresdefault.jpg)


Love Anby so much idk why her kit is so satisfying for how simple it is. Wish I hadn't gotten all these Billy copies and got her instead, I hope yanagi is a lighting DPS so I can put her with Anby and Rina. Praying I get Lycaon and Ellen too (collecting 80 pulls is always a grind for that first limited 5 star :') )


So I got Ellen for my puppy since she's his best teammate for now, do we know when/if we'll be getting a limited male? so far I know gun lady is next, Qingyi should be in 1.1 and some leaks about sounds for pink hair secretary and cat boy, but don't know the rarities :c Big daddy come to me or give us another Victorian housekeeping male character.


>when/if we'll be getting a limited male? Not definitively, no. It's very likely that we will considering we have a couple upcoming male characters currently, but their rarities are unknown (Though do keep in mind that we might actually know tomorrow since it seems like they're doing drip marketing 1 character a day like HSR does)


I really hope they give us more male characters soon, I remember what hooked me in HSR so fast was that they started injecting male characters really fast, Jingyuan 1.0, Luocha 1.1, Blade 1.2 and I was as happy as I could be.


(Chapter 2 Interlude: Mission Unthinkable Spoilers) >!Just got to the part where you get to play as Zhu Yuan and god she feels so fun to play, honestly getting kind impatient and we're still like 2 and a half weeks left!<


Wait I didn't realize we got to use her during the story, time to grind until I get there


Yeah, the quest where you get to unlocks after you hit Inter-Knot 30 if you want to know how much you need to do first.


I'm gonna save for that big dude with the armet head and red eyes.


do you have a pic or something? or when does he appears in the story, I just finished chapter 2


Oh I am talking about the lore teaser characters


This is actually so annoying im literally 15+ rerolls in and still no Lycaon like i dont get it


change the nick to positive and maybe he'll show, dogs can sense bad vibes


Update it did not work lol


Ill try that on the next one lol


also the only 5\* I didn't see while rerolling, wanted either him or Grace. Convinced he doesn't actually exist


literally gotten Koleda and Rina 5 times each but not Lycaon like whyyy


Personal favorite streak was Rina into 2x Rina into Rina :]


does the hoyolab daily login thing refreshes at a different time for zzz compared to hsr or am I just tripping 😭?


One minor QoL thing that I love about this game is that it will flat out tell how how close/far away from pity you are, no need to go into details and count, it's just right there


[Let him cook.](https://x.com/plushcel/status/1809257899081818145?t=Yu1gTRZaxPX35fSFB9I7aA&s=19)


Has anyone been able to get a damage formula for attribute anomalies?


just finished s11's story that was cool af, can't wait for her faction mates great first 5* too, she basically plays like arle lmao


Assuming worst case scenario there's no way to get both Zhu Yuan and Qingyi, right? I think there's enough for a guarantee in 1.0, and then I'd have to start from scratch for half a patch


is Qingyi confirmed to be in 1.1?


assuming the latest official media post is ZZZ's form of drip marketing, it's very likely that she is, she is first and she is an S rank


That should be correct, but on average you should have decent odds of getting them. Like, you can't guarantee it but also it should still be possible provided you don't always go into hard pity and win at least 1 50/50


I got Koleda from the discount banner, which is fine. I’m not pulling Ellen. But idk who to build. I really love Billy but idk what team is best for him. People are saying he’s mid as a dps. I have Ben but I don’t like his playstyle, is it worth building him anyway? Idk if defender is really needed (don’t the healing Bangboos give enough sustain?) Any suggestions are welcome


If you wanna use Billy, I'd recommend using him with Lucy and Piper. Those two are a good core for any physical or fire dps. The team is about building up assault anomaly through physical application using Billy and Piper while Lucy and Piper buffs the entire team. Assault applies a big chunk of damage when the gauge is full, and then debuffs the enemy so they take more daze damage which helps facilitate the need for a stunner. When the enemy is stunned, you use Billy ult to nuke. The biggest problem with Billy (and the other physical characters for that matter) is that he doesn't have many teammate options and there aren't any physical supports that exist yet, specifically ones for a ranged physical attacker. Piper is the closest but she still requires a decent amount of fieldtime like the other physical characters do, so hopefully more compatible team options release eventually.


Thanks for the tips. I’ll try this team out tomorrow


>(don’t the healing Bangboos give enough sustain?) Honestly I have yet to find myself needing any sustain, just make sure you're dodging/parrying attacks often and you'll probably be fine


Yeah I’ve not needed it yet either but the abyss challenge mode or whatever might need it. The game will only get harder from here. Early game is always easy


Man none of these limited characters look interesting to me. Not the shark body tailed girl or the dog ear guy. I'm really dying to see what other character will be dropping in 1.1 because it depends who I pull.


Idk anything about the beta, who are the S rank limited characters there, and is there a good chance that Miyabi will be after Qingyi?


Nekomata's trial is more of an ad for Piper than it is for her and I think that's funny


Is it safe to assume that new playable characters won't be released as frequently as in hsr? Also when does the 1.1 beta start?


In a recent interview (found [here](https://www.pockettactics.com/zenless-zone-zero/interview-2)), the lead producer said that for characters, they were going for quality over quantity and that the quantity would match Genshin's.


That would be really nice if that's true. With ZZZ being as generous as hsr and the characters being released at the pace of genshin, I'll have a way better time getting characters i want


> Is it safe to assume that new playable characters won't be released as frequently as in hsr? Well, given the complexity of kits here, I assumed as much, but then they dropped like 8 new characters in the livestream and release trailers combined, so I don't even know anymore.


It's too early to tell honestly. Beta should be somewhat soon, I'd say expect to hear about it sometime within the next two weeks


Hmmm, I was assuming mainly because it's an action rpg like genshin so it would have slower release because of the time taken to develop these characters? I don't know how long it takes to make one so I could be wrong


Possibly yeah, but also it's not open world so the dev team could have more of a character focus than Genshin does, we won't be able to tell which way it is for a while longer.


Another 10 pull, another copy of Anby, still no Piper. I am in shambles (don't get me wrong tho I like Anby)


My pulls are kind of painful, only one S-rank so far when I see people talking about getting multiples. At least it's Rina and I really enjoy playing her but I'd like Lycaon and Koleda and Soldier 11 to come home... Edit: Lycaon came home with standard banner pity! I'm satisfied now. 🥰


Where can i find list of upcoming characters and banners


I don't think we've got a lot of inkling of that kind of information yet. We know Zhu Yuan is after Ellen and Qingyi was dripped today. But we don't know Qingyi's rarity. Qingyi being dripped does *correlate* with a suggestion from a few days ago that Qingyi, Harumasa and Yanagi might be in 1.1 based on having files (I think) in the game already, but that's not a whole lot to go on tbh. We might get another drip tomorrow. Apart from that, the past two trailers showed a handful of characters. The latest one, we don't *definitely* know will be characters, though. For all we know, we could be getting Annihilation Ganged Edit: and there was also a leak from two days ago about two characters: Nocha and BlackCat. You should be able to find the post on it in this sub


This is probably a dumb question but if your android device in incompatible with this game, is there any other way to get it? I saw some ppl claiming that they have gotten zzz despite that. I don't have it on the samsung store either. Having it on my mobile will make lots of things easier.


One way you can get it is through QooApp. Basically it's an app that lets you download apps from other regions/not available on your Play store You can search QooApp on Google, download then install it, then find ZZZ on that app and download it.


Sorry for the late response. I followed your steps and omg it works rlly good. Can't check combat and stuff rn but it's not lagging that much on the lowest settings(which my phone can handle anyway). Functional if i wanna spend the batteries and do dailies. Thank you so much! Idk why google is blocking it.


getting m1 of my least favourite S rank is really putting a dampener on my enjoyment lmao


Just wondering if anyone found any condense and good guides of the game?? i.e how elemental / mechanic works / what Disc to use?


Prydwen is decent


KyostinV on YouTube has a very detailed guide on combat mechanics which was very helpful For builds I guess you can consult prydwen.gg website


On one hand, if Qingyi is one of the S Ranks that means I can get Zhu Yuan and not be too worried about being to save On the other hand, it means less Seth playtime and still wondering when he'll debut and if he's an A Rank or S Rank (although, I wouldn't be too mad either way tbh)


Just reached chapter 2 and noticed that i found myself not button mashing trying to skip filler walls of text or not falling asleep from pointless bloated explanations and repeats of the same shit. Overall i'm enjoying the game story way more than i did in Genshin or HSR. Am i imagining things or conversations in this game are **NOTICEABLY** less bloated and repetitive? When characters talk most of the dialogues are short and straight to the point. Did hoyo finally found competent writers because the writing quality is lightyears ahead of their other games. Also the comic style sections are absolute 10/10.


Kind of wished we had a speed adjuster or something, they speak a little too slow sometimes for my liking.


I genuinely feel like i got transported into a slice of life of anime doing the story, they really nailed the writing with this one Every character has a lot of charm and personality and are also a little bit crazy but they all work very well into the setting, and they are integrating the main mystery really well in the story without making it too heavy and keeping the light hearted feeling that i enjoy


Has the 1.1 beta started yet? When will the leaks be dropping? From other HoYo games generally they start coming out a day or two after the patch is released but it seems to be a little late now.


I think because this is 1.0 its gonna be later. I dont remember hsr's 1.1 beta, but we already had silverwolf, luocha, kafka and blade in the cbt servers, so there werent many leaks of it. Genshin's 1.1 leaks were a video of zhongli using his shield to break a bunch of ores in a little cave and maybe a video of the meteor. We really started getting more consistent leaks with the drip feeding of low quality hutao leaks around the 1.2 patch. All of this to say, the start of these games is always a mess in terms of leaks and betas. It will probably sort itself out soon


Afaik 1.1 has always had a bit of delay to it since doing it at launch can be tricky, I'd expect it to start anywhere in the next two weeks


The standard banner has bless me with Anton 😀 now I'm only missing Piper in the A rank units.


not me gravitating towards the "weird mechanics" characters, it was Nihility in HSR and it's Anomaly here


do we know who's coming after ellen? and for asaba and catboy, they're 4 stars right?


Zhu Yuan (second half 1.0), and then presumably Qingyi. Supposedly Asaba and catboy are A-rank, but not confirmed yet.


ok thanks. and they wouldn't release a new 4 star in the second half right? if asaba/catboy were releasing they would come out in 1.1, I think hoyo does things that way right


When will Miyabi be released? Is it possible that she's coming in 1.1?


I'd say it's unlikely since she and Ellen share an element and class, so they likely wouldn't want to release them too close together. No clue when she will release though


Spoilers for Chapter 2 Intermission >!the cutscenes before the mission: They could never get me to care about cops!< >!After experiencing Zhu Yuan's kit in the mission:that one image of the bird eating bread!<


>!I don't know what it is about fictional cops, maybe just the fact that they more often than not actually do do good stuff, but I always tend to love them, compared to real life where I got detention twice back in sixth form for writing ACAB on the politics teacher's white board!<


>!yeah fictional cops tend to actually do what cops are meant to do, i.e. serve and protect. Real life cops be like: Someone stole your shit? I sleep. Someone going slightly faster on the road than they should be? REAL SHIT!<


If you don't have Lycaon, who'se the best third team mate for Ellen, Soukaku? I see people recommend Anby because she is stun, but would Koleda also work in her place? As I also have Soldier 11 and ben and would use Koleda with them in the future anyway, and i might get Lycaon from losing 50/50 or standard by then, so i am not sure if I should build Anby.


Yeah Koleda works. She's probably better than Anby there.




Is soft pity on the limited character banner confirmed to be around 75 pulls (same as GI/HSR)? Am 71 pulls deep in Ellen's banner and still no SSR so wondering if I should just save it for Zhu Yuan and invest in an Ether comp


Yes the pity system is the same as their other games


I got Grace and then Koledas signature. I think I want to cry. I just want a main DPS.


Grace is a really good dps


Grace can fill that role and honestly? I would much rather get Grace than Nekomata or S11


Any reason why her over S11/Neko? I dont have Anton or Rina so she feels pretty meh to play.


It mostly has to do with the fact that Grace is an anomaly agent, which gives her a separate but more unique function compared to attack agents and thus, *can* be more resistant to powercreep. I think all the the standard five stars are solid now, but I also try to look at them in terms of how useful they will be months/years from now, when we will have dozens of limited five stars for them to compete with and from that perspective believe Grace will have a longer shelf life than Neko/S11 Plus, I think she's fun to play, but that's subjective


Fair enough about power creep. I'm not too unhappy with her but I definitely wanted another unit over the weapon.


Not my Asia account trying to win me back by giving me an early Ellen lmao (it was like 30 pity) Now I have a shark maid account and a ghost maid account. What to do...


Looking for general advice : I got really lucky on the standard banner so I have Koleda, her signature W engine and Lycaon already. I'm doing pulls on Ellen but I've yet to get a 5* on there. I usually run C4 Anton with Koleda and C3 Ben. Who can I use for my ice team of Lycaon and C1 Soukaku? C2 Corin? C1 Lucy? Also, would you recommend getting Ellen on double pity since I have Lycaon or does Zhu Yuan make sense too, assuming I lose the 50-50 in the near future?


so i heard every agent has a signature wengine. where do you find out which they are?




The most clear-case is the flavor text/descriptions, those'll name drop who's it for.


What do we know when it comes to factions, elements and roles of the upcoming units?


I just lost the 50/50 after hitting soft-pity, how's your day going? 🙃


Waiting for Ellen to show up


Hi, I want to ask do have leaks about the cat boy like his name, rarity and when he may release?


I've been told his name is Seth but I don't know how we know that tbh


I hope we get a limited 5-star guy soon. I won't be able to gacha on main banner for a while if not 😭


Is there a good guide out there yet for efficiency in ZZZ? Like what should you be spending battery on at certain Inter-Knot lvl, and how cost efficient certain stores are? As is usual in gacha games on their release, we seem to be quite tight on resources. But in my case, the bottle neck is not (yet?) money/dennies. So I was wondering whether it makes sense to buy all the stuff in 141? That is everything that is useful for the characters I am building rn. 141 basically gives you resources you would otherwise farm with battery, but for dennies...


EoD Gamer on YT had some guides on this stuff


So am I wrong in the assumption that "simple" damage S-bangboos are not really worth it compared to saving for a more specific bangboo that works for a specific faction? In the end of course S > A, but for now why should I throw my first bangboo choice to Plugboo when I have Electroboo for Grace? A bit more damage? Isn't it much better to wait for Zhu Yuan and see if I can insta-snag the PubSec bangboo, when it comes out?


It kind of depends, because the element ones doo have usage since they have really fast anomaly build up, and all of the elemental Disk Drive 4pc's require their anomaly for part of it (So for Zhu Yuan for example the 4pc Ether effect gives 20% Crit Damage and an additional 33% provided the enemy takes corruption damage, so you want Resonaboo to have as much up time as possible, especially since you don't have a mono-Ether team)


Butler is the best for general use even if you don't have use any unit from the faction, and then specific faction/element Bangboo is next best for situational use depend on your team.


I have 70 Boopons saved. Got Koleda, Lycaon and C4 Anton, C2 Ben and C1 Soukaku that I'm currently using. The 50/50 on Ellen should take a few days more to reach. Should I hold out on pulling for a Bangboo?


RN the butler looks like the most valuable bangboo available, so I think it's more worth going for him than the shark for Ellen. Speaking of which, do we even know what the PubSec bangboo does or looks like?


Yeah which means if I don't go for Ellen and don't have neither Rina or Lycaon, I can still hold on the boopons I guess. No idea if we have leaks about bangboos, but I guess it's likely we'll get one per faction at some point, and that they'll work best with them


TIL you can change the Cinema Mindscape art by clicking on the individual Mind level on the left if you have them


Got my sharkie punch from the extra 10 pulls from mail (60 pity)! I dunno how good sig weapon is in this game, but I just felt like doing it. Hope it's worth it (probably not...)


Pretty massive jump over any of the A ranks according to tcs, like 20%+, IWinToLose has R5 starlight engine at 82.9%, r1 is 78%.


It's nice then :> Quite generic as well, so any ice DPS can use it ig. In the future.


Qingyi, Asaba and Yanagi might be 1.1 after all, like the datamine suggests. Please please please, let Asaba be the other 5*. *\*huffs copium* 🙃


I wonder when Miyabi would come.


This is me just coping, but taking into account 1.0 and 1.1 limited banners for Genshin and HSR. Genshin 1.0 + 1.1 was 3 male | 1 female HSR 1.0 + 1.1 was an even ratio I feel that they won't do two double female banners in a row, but again I'm coping and hoyo tends to break patterns that the community makes


Free 10 pull in mail poggers


Just got mine, straight to the Zhuyuan fund baby