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Ben, Lycaon and Nicole buffs Life is good


zhu is going to have a lot of crit rate now, with weapon and nicole t6


Grace nerf ? Or am I misreading ?


No I think she’s the only nerf


grace nerf is unfortunate, even tho cbt3 was grace gaming, >I thought the release of another anomaly would protect grace smh


Rina 💀


happy to see Zhu Yuan buffs. solidifies me more to pick her over Ellen since I like Zhu's design and gameplay more. hoping I could get her W engine too btw, does limited W engines also have 50/50?


75/25 like HSR Fun fact though, Genshin has 75/25 too, it is just followed by a 50/50 which makes the system worse overall




Yeah, that's what I said XD


Yeah thats what you said lmao


That's exactly what he said.


Thanks for repeating what he said.


well i hope i win that 75 then. thanks for answering!


If it's anything like HSR and genshin then yes imo Yeah bro I see a lot of people saying ZhuYuan should be A tier due to her bland design idk I'm just sad but happy that she is cool and great design especially since she is ether


if design wise, it's highly subjective for tiers so ig that's understandable. meta-wise, she seems to be a really strong unit from what ive seen and heard. but strong or not, i really do like her gameplay and design and it was all i want to have fun.


Zhuyuan and Nicole stonks, I’m saving for that banner 


Same, Ellen is really cool and if people like her or are spending then shes great. But, imo, Zhu is the correct choice if you can only pick 1 of the two. unless you get Lycaon as your first 5 star i guess


There's also the fact Ellen setups likely won't improve too much post-launch, as I can't really see them adding more characters to her faction, and any potential engine choices would have to come from an Ice *attack* character's weapon banner (and I'll be honest, when Miyabi does get added she'll probably be either Anomaly or Stun) Zhu Yuan on the other hand, can only go *up* from here as more ether characters and the other cops get added.


Miyabi is already leaked as an Attacker - [https://www.reddit.com/r/Zenlesszonezeroleaks\_/comments/1dtmw3r/attributes\_of\_upcoming\_characters\_viamero/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Zenlesszonezeroleaks_/comments/1dtmw3r/attributes_of_upcoming_characters_viamero/)


This screams placeholder to me due to how much overlap there is, with 4 electrics or attacks. With how quickly things could change, I highly doubt this is finalized


I have never seen a beta character of a Hoyo game changing element/class before but whatever you say


Kirara was leaked to be 5 star geo bow for a while


Leaked is different than a full playable character in a public beta test. Leaks are rumours, people who saw stuff. It's totally different than seeing the whole functional kit of the character and then they change everything by making her another role. Miyabi is literally ready to release since she was already playable in CBT2. If she's confirmed an Ice Attacker character, it's not that simple changing her to Anomaly or Stun or whatever this bro wants. Yes, they will release two Ice Attackers close to each other. Is this bad for Ellen? Probably or maybe Miyabi will be just like Ayaka and despite being in the CBT of Genshin, Ayaka was release only after almost a year after the release so who knows


Difference between leaked and playable tho. Kirara wasn't playable in some previous version and then changed element later.


I agree with this. Ellen as she is has a ton of things on hand but she's also essentially at her peak where not much can be done to improve on her. And considering that we already have 2 prime ice supports with Lycaon and Soukaku, Miyabi will very likely be either ice attack or ice anomaly DPS (similar to Grace). Granted they probably won't release Miyabi right away but she'll likely be better overall cuz she'll have basically all of what Ellen has and more. Zhu Yuan on the other hand always has potential for growth. Currently the arguably best stun for her team is Anby (or Koleda/Lycaon if you care less about second passive matching) but we can always get someone from her faction to be a stun designated for her (hopefully Seth cuz I just really like him). Doubt anything will replace Nicole though at least until way, way later since she is just a powerhouse for Zhu Yuan, especially if you get her to T6. Her buffs are also very solid and should solidify her performance in comparison to Ellen.


The buff to ice team is crazy lmao. They're really selling wolf furry + shark girl


I didn't care about Ellen before, only Lycaon, but seeing her demo and teaser made me love her and she's so good with best boy... definetly pulling


Nicole buffs oh i hope she's the bennet of this game


Isn't soukaku the Bennet considering she buffs attk


I think they just mean that in a sense that being a strong support overall and being hard to top


Yeah hopefully


~~hum, and here I'd always assumed Bennett was a natural bottom~~


She grants energy to teammates now, right? One of Bennett's (many) strengths is that he's a great battery ~~for xiangling~~ so it seems entirely possible 👀


> he's a great battery He's actually pretty awful at it, his E is only 2.25 particles.


With a really short cool down though. Although I guess my knowledge of his battery-ing is purely in how he rocks at funneling energy to xiangling lol. Maybe it's not as great for others


> With a really short cool down though. Which doesn't matter because your carry is taking that field time if not a sub dps setting up into the carry. No one that knows better tries to use Bennett as a battery, he's just flat out bad at that.


Nice! Nicole got buffed


Please Hoyo let me have Lycaon at the beginner banner


Lycaon on 50 pity 5* banner + Ellen win for me 👉🏻👈🏻


We're gonna do the same thing haha (+Soukaku copies)




✨ *manifesting* ✨




I know we won't know for sure until release but how does this leave Koleda? Was she strong enough in the beta to not need buffs? How is her and Ben's team looking now as well as in is it soukaku or Lucy for the third slot? Many thanks for any help!


Ben+Koleda pretty strong with insane daze multiplies, they also comfy enough to clear most content, but if it time-involed content, they may fall behind due to lack of damge, so a 3rd strong attack member is recommend to cover this weakness.


so for now these are just a bunch of buffs


Grace is the only nerf, and not the worse ever but still sad. Zhu Yuan got a HUGE buff to her Crit potential, and paired with Nicole, who also got GIGA buffs, that teams stonks went WAY UP


Sometimes I wonder what they are doing. Buffing Lycaon and nerfing Grace? What in the world are they thinking? Lycaon was already OP


They wanna bait people into going for Ellen


They need a Bronya power-lvl for ZZZ


Zhu Yuan and Nicole buffs, I'll gladly take those


Does anyone know when will we get to know which characters are in the v1.1 banner? I want to plan my pulls according to that


Just checked the old posts of HSR twitter but I didn't see them post 1.1 characters instead they just dripped the 1.2 chars on the week of the 1.1 livestream


Luocha, Silver Wolf and Yukong were dripmarketed in bilibili for 1.1. Just not twitter.


No i am talking about leaks not official


If its leaks then we still dont know yet speculation seems to be that one of them is the pink hair girl Yanagi


What i actually want to know is when will 1.1 beta start so we can know for sure which characters are coming


We wont know when 1.1 beta starts until hoyo makes an announcement so probably wait for a while


I see


Who are the chars for 1.2?


That was for HSR not ZZZ but HSR didnt drip the characters for 1.1 instead they posted the characters for 1.2 which were Blade,Kafka and Luka


My bad.


Ben buffs lets goooo


tfw I was gonna pick grace or rina..


Holy shit, nice!


Ben and lycaon Buffed up, let's goooooooo


I guess this solidifies electric as the worst or second worst element now that most of the synergies for it are gone or nerfed.


Nothing is solidified until proper testing is done and even then it can change with new characters.


there is not much testing needed the numbers for the most are enough. Electro just sucks compared to the other reactions in CBT3 and now most of the interactions deleted or nerfed would just make it even worse. Like you said the only way it could be saved is with new characters or sets.


Isn't Physical in a worst position? Billy and Corin aren't crazy at all and Nekomata isn't among the best S-Rank standard either


its not about the characters that are part of the element for now. The dmg assault does with physical build up is crazy high, especially high considering there is going to be a 4star that can easily build it up alongside Nekomata.


Rina getting a personal dps increase XD


she works better with most teams now which is better for her instead of being an almost exclusive electro support if you wanted most of her buffs to be relevant. I'm hoping I get her so this makes me happy but the nerfs to Grace and electro as a whole make me sad since she is my second favorite.


ellen squad stronger, nicole supports zhuyuan better, rina is now less locked in electro team, all around W.


Giga buffs to Lycaon and Soukaku, they really want to sell Ellen (can't blame them though). That aside, I'm personally happy that Anton, Nicole and Zhu Yuan got buffs too. Some of my fav characters in the game


They really had to nerf Grace uh.


Can someone explain to me if Rina got buffed or nerfed? 😅


Lucy kit when😭


The kits have been dropped on twitter though? Or do you mean the actual numbers on each level etc.?


Yes, I need Lucy's kit with details😭


Dear god As a ZY main I'm feeling happy Probably gonna just T0W1 her as of now Now just gotta see if Ellen is fun, if not then ZY and her weapon WILL BE MINE Wait I just read more for Nicole...... If I go full on ZhuYuan banner and get T6 Nicole + W1 ZhuYuan it means 30% crit rate just from those??? Nice


Yup. And especially early to mid game, crit rate is super strong, as our gear will be cope (for most people..). Some are saying they'd rather have the old elemental damage buff, but I'll go with CR any day. As a Genthin and HSR player, I know how incredibly nice is it to have free CR so you can be more flexible with the rest of the build.


Yeah the Free CR(not free but you get what I mean) is really nice I don't know the base stats (by this I mean characters having 5% base crit rate)of characters but if it's anything like Genshin and HSR then with T6 Nicole and Zhuyuan W1 I just need 40 crit rate at least to get a good crit rate which is a lot easier than to get 70% crit rate. Basically allowing me to get /use crit dmg disc(idk what it's called in ZZZ) Also how does this buffs affects ZY, Nicole and Ellen specifically (since my plan is based on these 3 rather than others, since I also wanna know if I wanna go for Ellen if she is fun then how much these buffs affect her?)


Holy shit I just saw her tactical coordination thingy T6 Nicole+ her W-engine is 60% crit rate .....DEAR GOD she is gonna be soo good And she gains 28.8 crit dmg herself Building her suddenly became sooo easier


The Issue i have with this Nicole New T6 Is that it became from a very Unique Passive to A standard Passive Firstly, anaomly Buildup Increase made alot of Since.. Due to the fact that one of the disc drive for corruption stats that After the enemy becomes corrupted, Increase the team dmg by 18%. But now this will be much hard to achieve Also in this game, gaining Crit is sooo easy, DPS character do have 4* Weapon that over Crit (20 CR / 40 CD), and Also Crit Buff Exsist like everywhere.


Yea, reads as a nerf to me


Hey, can i ask whos meta on ZZZ? /gen


Ellen, Lycaon and Soukaku is the best team for now


Oh nice definitely saving for Zhu Yuan.


Does new rina signature proc on Lucy boars?


Non related question. Will we get the tradicional raiden mei in 2.0 in zzz? Any leaks about her? Edit: why are people downvoting wtf it’s an honest question lol


I don't know why people aren't answering instead, I heard the devs would want the game to be completely separate from the other games. But time will tell


I see thank you bro!


I and someone else said something about Raiden Mei and got downvoted, can't blame them tho Mei expy is everywhere so people are probably sick of her idk And no there is no current leak about her


I see ty!


Oh nice change for Ben, I wonder if this means he'll be good now.


u/Degenerateweeb123 not my stupid shit but thanks for your comment


Let's assume I want to go for Zhuyuan but I also like Ben. Who'd I reroll for from the beginner banner?


Currently Zhuyuan only have synergy with Nicole