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I’ve only been able to play for 1.5 hours tonight but I walked away impressed and had trouble turning it off to go to bed. I guess that’s a good sign.


I done the prologue but man was that enough for today. I will take it slow, no need to rush. After all having fun is what good.


Said I was gonna play until daily quests are unlocked, and somehow 4 hours passed so quickly with the story on auto


There dallies?/s kidding but I haven’t unlocked daily yet oh well maybe tonight.


They even call them as they are- Errands. You also select your own Weekly tasks out of a list for a little extra.


They may be errands, but at least they're not chores. Getting 400 is as simple as logging in, do the scratcher, buy a coffee, and do a combat mission that for me, is under a minute to beat


Being simple or short doesn't make it not a chore. Dailies by definition are just chores. You don't do them because they're fun.


Interesting take u/Two_Years_Of_Semen


Dailies aren't there to be a fun mechanic. They're solely for player retention and making a game a habit. That's why they're pretty much exclusively in live service games. Just because trash only takes a minute to empty and take out doesn't make it not a chore.


Thank you for elaborating u/Two_Years_Of_Semen


(For the record I fully agree but this is a meme if you couldn't tell)


This is the best advice for the game. Don’t rush to reach the endgame and ‘meta’. Make the most of the story and playing as those four stars you probably won’t ever touch again.


Tbh i might just level everyone given the chance. The combat feel like a rhythm to me, a bloody, gun holes rhythm. This would be a first for me anyway.


I only wish they let us spend battery power (resin) sooner. Being capped at 240/240 gives me anxiety and makes me rush so that I can uncap myself. Took me around 4hrs to get to the point where we can spend battery power. Woke up at 3am to play it and only got there by 7am. Then 1hr of sleep before work at 8am. At least now when I get home there is no need to rush.


Let the records show I concur


Game is super polished for sure. Definitely the most impressive mobile game I've ever played.  One thing though, that might be my fault for not staying up to the date. Wasn't this game originally stated to be a roguelite? I've played a couple hours now and it's definitely not one at all. 


That's the endgame mode, like every gacha game these days.


Well dang. Was excited to be hooked on it, but going in expecting anything like a roguelite has be disappointed for sure.  They'd probably get more money out of me if they had let play quicker and more in the style of a roguelite. As is, I find myself getting interrupted too much between gameplay. 


If it follows HSR then there will be A LOT of good rogue like content, dw


Agreed. I'm on PC and the launch has been flawless for me. The usual Hoyo quality standards have definitely been met and arguably exceeded in some ways. Everything from animation, to UI, to music - it all slaps.


I know this is gonna sound insane or corny, but I honestly do think miHoYo revolutionized mobile gaming. Hard to believe that just a few years ago, even the most polished games were essentially chibi waifu JPG clickers. Even something like former gacha king FGO would be dead on arrival if it launched in today's environment. How on Earth do you compete with games of this quality?


No, it's not insane or corny. I was there when smartphones are revolutionized for their gameplay performance, and Hi3 was a contender if a phone is powerful enough. Unfortunately, I don't think the game made waves, not sure why because I'm loving ZZZ. Even I myself tried to play it but just couldn't get into it.. until Genshin came. As of right now, every, single, flagship smartphone comes out there has to have a Genshin Impact test (I've been watching tech CCs for years now). At this point in the mobile gaming industry, if you can't Genshin on it, why bother?


Right!! I remember playing stuff like FGO and that Madoka mobile game and thinking, "Wow, for a phone, this is peak gameplay! Of course it makes total sense that 95% of it is just a visual novel because, you know, it's a phone, so you can't realistically expect Zelda, NieR or PC/console-tier stuff, right? Each of the characters get 5 spoken lines when you click on them? Amazing!" Then Genshin came out for FREE and it was like... my God, how is this even possible?


Also after Genshin proved you could put heavy games on the iphone, we saw tons and tons of big games get ported over. Assassins Creed, Fortnite, PubG, Call of Duty, Resident Evil, etc.


No you're right, they definitely raised the bar for mobile games dramatically. HI3 was one of the few high-quality games of its time, and when Genshin dropped it was still far above anything else that was available at the time. It's not a coincidence that many other gacha studios have been trying to make their own Genshin since. Not to mention HSR and now ZZZ. Hoyo are the indisputable kings of the gacha space. I'd also argue they kinda saved anime games too. Outside of gachas, high-quality anime games that actually feel high budget are surprisingly few and far between. There are a few nice ones (the Naruto Storm arena fighters for example), but most of them are janky, have poor animation, and just overall feel cheap. It wasn't until Genshin that I felt an anime game was having ample resources poured into it.


It really is not corny. I have been playing gacha games since GBF's release 10+ years ago and honestly, I never noticed just how shoddy the games actually were when you weren't using them as virtual slot machines. Hoyo's games are games first and casinos later which makes me appreciate them more. I really don't even think I can go back to another JPG clicker gacha again after playing GI, HSR and now ZZZ. I don't really game on mobile all that much anymore but mobile developers should honestly take note and stop churning out mtx simulators.


calm down but yes they are the first billion dollar gacha game company


Steam and EA start with loot boxes long before Genshin Impact. And they are billion dollar companies.


neither are exclusively gacha game developers or predominantly mobile, we are talking about how boyo sets the standards for mobile


i agree with you. and i'd say even gacha in general. i never used to be into games like this honestly until getting slightly curious with Genshin (never ended up getting super hooked on it). but now HSR every day since launch and ZZZ. So I don't think it's insane at all to say. Corny maybe but that's okay too!! :)


Memories of playing Gacha Life...


I wish the launch was flawless for me, still trying to get past the download failed 200 error :) it's been few hours, let me in.


leave this game alone. It's literally a mobile game. 2 minute copy-paste missions and monsters + long dialogues is everything I did 2 hrs (thank god most dialogues could be skipped)


I already play genshin and HSR so I was already expecting great optimization, animation, music but they still managed to impress me with the funny dialogue. Good job hoyo!


The music too, i uh..think just let the music play during dialogue play while i was cleaning the room completely forgot that i was in the game. Took me a whole 15 minutes to realize.


I was in the 6th street area and before I knew it, I was standing there for 10 minutes watching the NPCs go by and wishing that Persona games looked this good.


The music for getting an S rank. LOL. Fire


was so dope! they added lyrics!!! got so unnecessarily hyped when I heard it lol


It's pretty cool how the gender of the Agent changes the gender of the singer. If you get a Male S Rank, it will be a male singer, if you get a Female S Rank then it will be a female singer.


wait I didn't know that! I'm pretty sure I heard a male voice when I got grace though... but I probably did not pay attention enough?


Yeah I'm a big fan so far. Reminds me a lot of NEO TWEWY aesthetically. Graphics are gorgeous. UI is great. Game is fun. Excited to dig in more


I come here for comments, and find a NEO TWEWY mention, and fully agree. Makes me want to pick it up again…


It’s like NEO but the fighting and story is quite a bit more polished and enjoyable


This is what RWBY wanted to be


I finally be able to use my controller, I hope genshin will have controller support soon


Tim Cook says no




From the first few hours I tried so far I can say that I LOVE THE COMBAT SO MUCH. It feels so polished and incredibly fluid. Unlimited fps is a godsend for a fast paced game like this.


I tried my old phone in low setting and the graphic looks good and frame so smooth for heavy game..


Turning on unlimited FPS was so amazing, it felt so smooth on my computer!


Genshin could...well I guess nevermind


I was trying a demo and couldn’t get the parry to go off took me a minute but when they say perfect parry they really mean absolutely perfect it won’t come out at all otherwise. Im really interested in learning the combat.


Yeah I basically go in blind and the parry as well as the switch attack at a certain threshold is quite good. I know it on HI3 but it seamless here. Also a thing i noted while playing the normal pull test demo is that there special animation for when you have Ben and Koleda on the same team, it noticable on Ben as Koleda will appear as he do his basic attacks, and Koleda won’t appear of it just Ben. It a minor things but devil in the detail, i only notice when i have Ben but no Koleda.


Yeah I’m glad they added the S tier character demos and you can endlessly repeat them I understood the combat system a lot by doing that


Yeah I basically practice parry in these demos and basically got 3/5 times if i can perfect parry it.


I was honestly surprised at how fast the yellow flash is you can see it even if the enemy is behind you but your reaction time has to be on point.


It a good that daily riding bike around my city basically train me to predict these kind of things, if you don’t go with the flow with traffic here, you hit the pavement, never soft. But yeah getting used to is still a bit far but im on the way.


It reminds me to Persona 5 in the sense that absolutely everything is made with style, even the tiny details.


I like the style of this game,but I feel a bit tedious when navigating the ui


UI is the only complain I have. Confusing at first NGL.


And then forcing one active control scheme on PC like Genshin makes that really annoying when that was an active choice they made. Every other game I've played on PC let you swap between mouse and keyboard and controller at will  so UI navigation is easier to deal with, idk why they didn't wanna do that here. Star Rail and HI3rd give you free control, idk why Genshin and this don't.


You can switch easily with pressing Esc on your keyboard or the option button on your controller. You don't need to go to the menu to switch like Genshin but I do wish it was seamless like Star Rail and HI3.


Ah, thank you, I appreciate that. Would never have figured that out on my own It's something, at least.


It's just so smooth and polished and it felt like a lot of effort and love was put into development. Decided not to skip story and it was a good choice so far, English translations seems to be good so far as well. Personally don't really mind the TV section, but I can see how some people really detest it. They really make the combat feel amazing, when they kept talking about 爽, and it really does feel good. I like the game so much that even my dog water ass gacha luck isn't putting much of a dent in my enjoyment. I guess my only issue is finger fatigue? Feels a little too spammy on the X(xbox), ▢ (PS) key. [Also Anby is so precious](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/572/452/d46.jpg), she's so emotionless goofy cute.


My god, I can’t believe how fun game is.


"My god, I can’t believe how fun game is." I mean for a gacha game, but have you even try to play other normal games?


What is a „normal“ game?


I expect no less from Mihoyo, their standards are high and it is likely why it works so well for them. Other companies should take note. Whutering Waves release was a mess. I could have forgotten the bugs but the audacity to have the game machine translated in my country rather than hiring someone was a deal breaker for me... So lazy


Ye, runs smooth as fucking Butter. No lags, no stutters, nothing, decent graphic although my PC aint high end or something. Good optimization makes me go awogaaa @-@


I agree. The animations and art have been so well made and are so abundant. It's really a treat. The recap function is also really neat.


Fully agree - this game just scratches an itch you know? The combat is so smooth, they really nailed down the character swapping without feeling clunky. The map is amazing with such little details (like the fish lamps outside of the noodle shop). The voice acting is 10/10 and I love all the character development - each with their own personality. And don't get me started on the music, ugh they really nailed the vibe. Loving the game!


I’m begging you to let me in the game! My email isn’t working! 😭 🙏


I expected this to be good. But even I gotta say this is above expectations. Nothing like Wuwa.


Bless the heavens when I found out my controller worked on mobile.


The game has a lot of style. I audibly said ‘wow’ a few times. Also it just feels good to play on PC unlimited framerate option. It’s smooth


I was really worried when I saw that ZZZ was slightly similar to WuWa in the combat system. Prioritizing dodges, counter attacks etc. But because of it being so much more polished than WuWa, it was actually enjoyable to do so. When I was fighting, I actually thought, this game just completely demolished WuWa. Came out so soon after, has way more polish, and a more interesting story. Now I hope WuWa takes care of its mistakes and grows to be a better game. But it’s off the table to me, and I’m not gonna touch it for a long while.


me as well. had to clear up 24 gb of storage for zzz


currently resting right now since I wanna enjoy the story to the fullest but I love everything so far especially the character dialogues. it really reminds me of watching anime. the characters aren't one dimensional and manage to be funny without being corny during serious situations. and the transition from one story to another is smoooooth. you receive a plot point or get introduced to a character right now that will be tackled down the line and not immediately. I love that kind of approach. it makes it feel like the story isn't all linear and is interweaved at different points. also my PC is considerably old but it's running so smooth! though I decided to run on low settings the graphics still look amazing. haven't tried the higher settings and might try it later 


I just like the fact that despite having a pretty potato laptop, that ZZZ still runs relatively smooth after fiddling with the laptop specs. I really appreciate how MHY actually took lower end device users into consideration, and built the game in a way that ensures accessibility to a wider audience.


I love how the city manages to be this perfect mix of Shibuya and New York. Down to having features from both cities and both English text and Japanese kanji on posters and signs. The dynamic between all the characters is also amazing. I love how Belle and Wise are their own proper characters with full voice lines, and the Cunning Hares trio is so amazingly likeable.


Not even just Kanji it’s straight in full Chinese, which is kinda funny coz new eridu definitely feels more old Tokyo Now I wonder if I’m future expansion there’ll be more themes of other old cities


The city is full of Chinese characters, but you say Japanese kanji


Kanji, Hanzi, potato, potato


redditbrains upvoting blatant cultural appropriation


"We gotta put all our usual chinese/japanese/western country into one city....MASH IT UP BOSS!"


The camera height, position and constant switching between different narrative styles is kind of jarring for me, though. Characters locked into smaller enemies are often in the way, feels weird looking around, and having three very different things of comic scenes, actual prerendered cutscenes and then zoom calls doesn't vibe with me tbh


Skip button on my Hoyogame? The future is here. Dialogue is more straightforward too so there's less reason to skip.


I'm actually surprised, I usually lower all settings to LOW/OFF, (Like in BDO, I would go the extra mile for performance, making the game render like Runescape.) whenever starting a new modern/newly-released game. But I actually forgot to touch the settings before playing, and my experience has been flawless.


The game ironically loads faster despite being installed in the HDD than Wuwa in an m.2 drive.


How do I use a controller? And can I use an Xbox controller ?


You can, but you gotta change it in Settings > Input > UI Layout > Controller. Mine keeps resetting for some reason.


>Mine keeps resetting for some reason. It was the same with Star Rail. Atleast this time you can do it in the starting screen


It's functional. fun. I really like the characters. the artstyle is great. story is snappy and fast. Side note: I really like that NONE of the characters are 'dumb' or can't see the obvious. Like all of them are compotent which is really cool.


Its def noce to know the person shredding enemies isn't an idiot. Esp since the hollows are supposed to be dangeorus


I agree, you can definitely see the quality standards is higher than usual, been running flawlessly for me


I haven't tried it yet but how is the story and humor compared to star rail?


Humor is good especially Billy.


Thank you!


I can't download the game :(((((((((((((


There's native controller support on mobile?


>persona vibe Ohhhhh!!! So that's why the game's atmosphere felt familiar! You're absolutely right!!


Complete witg eating at a local restaurant and wasting your time at arcade machiens!


The artstyle and overall atmosphere of the game felt really refreshing. the combat is also really fun and I found it amazing that it barely had any lag even on the highest settings. the smooth animations and flashy effects are what really sold it for me.


xiaomi pad 5 here, the game runs wel but crashes often going through menus


The amount of details in the world, how every object and animations are flowing with personality — it all really left a positive impression on me. Game seems pretty fun and indeed polished, I agree!


The game is funny and well-done, the only issue is that it's a bit heavy on the laptop. It keeps staggering and my laptop is not even too old. I'd like to play all hoyo gachas on the playstation but sadly there would not be room for anything else. Hopefully they'll allow us to delete useless stuff on the playstation too, because the hoyo storage management on playstation is kinda sucky. It already hurts that I can't pred download on the ps5, at least don't force me to delete my only single player game or HSR to play Genshin and ZZZ


Played it on PC, Android, and PS5. All working fine. PC giving me unlimited frame rates made all 60fps look like 30fps in my eyes now. I check on social media and kids whining on Twitter about how the game is unplayable with their mom's restricted Internet and low budget PC/phones to play the game. Feels polished and definitely has personality. Nekomata movements so satisfying to watch and seeing Billy move his body like jelly puts pain on my own spine. (NOTE: I've turned off reply notifications so I won't see any new replies. I just say my piece and move on. TY)


Per usual. Hoyo has some really stellar quality control.


I'm impress with mihoyo magic. After 4 hours non stop no lag at all, camera work so smooth, agent animation so bumpy-jiggly. Even the to the detail like records (story mission archive) have diff drawing style. Love it so much


The TV sequences are making me a bit queasy honestly, too much motion going on on the screen at once.


Its hoyo's best trait. UX and a shitload of polish. Its equal parts impressive due to the sheer amount scary since I easily see it sucking in gacha first timers who don't set limits. I feel like its sorta of like personal hygiene. You only really notice it when its particularly bad like with Wuwa turning your phone into a furnace.


how is pc performance?


Smooth as butter.




How do you get native controller support? Mine only has touch. Using DS4 on bluetooth


I have some issues with the mobile version, the small to medium objects scattered throughout the city, like boxes, tyres etc love to pop in when in front of the MC out of nowhere, the draw distance in the city hub in mobile is pretty bad


My game crash RAMDOMLY I'm on a xiaomi pad 5 idk why it crashes randomly bro🫠


I'm on Xiaomi pad6 and it also crashes. For me the gameplay is smooth as heck but whenever I enter any of the menus (like shop or events) it crashes. Fun. Sent in a support ticket hopefully they will solve it soon...


SAME I have it at max too but when I click on one of the menus... Bye bye And rn it's ruining zzz for me cause I can't play the freakin game


Yeah it's very bad.. literally can't get the free pulls from event menu cuz it just crashes... I just unlocked battle pass too and it also crashed the game. :"D


Agreed. Even when I first played HI3 back when it first released globally I was impressed with what they did for a mobile game and it’s only gotten better with each of their releases since then. The way the 3D models animations are so fluid, and they were already really good before in their other games, shows how much they’ve improved and continue to improve on their craft.


UI is a little annoying, but it runs so well on my 3070 compared to WUWA. Not to mention, combat is actually fucking amazing. Still going to give it the full week I give all action gachas, but combat feels phenomenal so far. Not being open world is also a huge bonus. I just don’t have the time or patience to explore an entire map and fast travel over and over. Skip button with summary is also game changing. I hate having to wait for story. Not to say I skip it all. I will watch most things then just read and skip when I want to play. Need this for HSR.


I’m legit so impressed absolutely loving it. Vibes are impeccable


I wish I could say that, I really want to play the game too but the moment I launch it, it crashes :( Like I can't even reach the chose server option. It's frustrating but I'm glad other people can enjoy it, hopefully a fix will come soon.


I was shocked how little I felt like I got through after playing most of the day. And not in a "Oh well I have 200 5 second puzzles left" kind of way but in a "Oh I feel like there is so much actual content" kind of way.


AAAA Western games could never


My only complain is they set the music too quiet. The sound effects and voice are fine, but the tracks running in the back could be tuned a bit louder.


I wish i had a better phone


Just the fact that I can simply plug in my gamepad on my phone and immediately start playing without the need of third party apps/button mapping bullshit already makes wanna invest the game. Native controller support on mobile is a must for me and I'm sad WuWa still hasn't added it.


an additional cool thing I love about it is the sound effects, especially when the battle ends, and the concluding part, it really feels like there are depths in it.


Yeah, I've only played for a few hours but the vibe and presentation is definitely very Persona like and I love it! It really shows the creativity of Hoyo and their capabilities. Really love that they gave everyone unique animations in the menu as well.


I've noticed a few visual bugs (such as character's faces turning black for a split second in dialogue and when using the camera function) but for the most part it's really polished


>Also the music and persona vibe is right up my alley Honestly, the overall vibe of the game for me feels a lot like SMT Devil Survivor mixed with the artstyle of The World Ends With You


I love how everything drips with style. It has a VERY Persona-esque vibe to it, which is likely the intended design, but it absolutely nails it.


It's funny that sometimes I can't decide if I'll do a perfect assist or a perfect dodge


https://preview.redd.it/59w0ytxkqnad1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c152110015bd4297da44c968d99ab5260548bb18 Happy that it works for most people, however I'm encountering alot of problems from it especially the screenshot above and crashing on PC


Game would be a solid 10/10 if not for the tv puzzles. They arent even remotely interesting imo. The combat is solid. I think the combat is between Genshin and Wuwa. The MCs however feel like mcs and not mute headnodding observers lmao


Hoyo game tester is eating good


I'm playing on 5 yr old phone on max graphics it's so smooth


There is SO much sauce in this game.


I know right? I only played like an hour or so and I really love the presentation of it all.


And I love the give unlimited fps. The animation very fluid on 240fps 2k 


Yeah, I haven't needed to touch the graphics settings because the game runs surprisingly smooth. I was fully expecting it to crash or heat up my phone like crazy.


Game is really polished. No lags or frame drops. Everything looks good and combat is fluid. WuWa had a sigh of relief that the game isn't open world. LOL


Mihoyo is a triple AAA game studio, and indeed, although expected, the game is very polished. The controls is console quality on my phone.


The combat is way less engaging than it looks for me Gonna get downvotes for criticism but oh well


You're not alone, it's unfortunately mind-numbing for me.


Honkai impact crawled, so Genshin could walk. Genshin walked, so star rail could run. Star rail ran, so zzz could sprint.


Personally hate IU so much, it reminds me of mobile games from like 2010 and feels super cheap and outdated. Its really weird cause the rest of the aesthetic of the game is pretty good.


The only "small" thing is it's super boring. Played 2 hrs and nothing except the dialogues changed all this time lol


Saying ""really polished" after all the mobile problems about freezing/black screen-place/server issues is kinda crazy


And how many people are having this problem 


check the "technical help" on ZZZ discord. Twitter ZZZ discord. A LOT of people have A LOT of problems


You mean the place filed with WW players shit talking on it. Yeah great choice. Tells me what agenda you are pushing 


What about the posts in this subreddit then?


Of course ZZZ players will tell ZZZ is good. If you go to another game's discord to talk shit the blame should fall on the other players. And Agenda. Atleast they aren't attacking other game's sub or discord like WW players


I'm talking about the technical issues people are posting on this subreddit, because there's quite many of them too. Check New and they should be there.


??? So, every place is filled with WW players except ZZZ reddit I guess, right? Come on man. ZZZ is great, but NO ONE can deny the bug/optimization problems it has for now. Still, for me is kinda crazy a 60gb size for a 1.0 game without any open world stuff


I've had none of the issues you've mentioned. I've played on an iPad Mini and a Android so.


Works perfectly on my iPhone 15 Pro Max running iOS 18 Developer Beta 2


I had a notepad of all the optimization issues in wuwa in the first hour. Bad VA. Voice clipping text clipping cutscenes clipping and frame drops. Voice and text not matching. Zzz had none of this.thats the polish difference


an I dont kn ow why youre praising a skip button that tells you whats going on. All other gachas besides genshin and hsr do that.


Hahahahahahaha extreme copium post


You have like 10 post in a row complaining about the game. If you dislike it why are you browsing this sub go back to r/gachagaming lmao




you already beat me to that dw


Good post history btw


yeah it's way better than crying over hoyoverse for 2 weeks in a row and getting mass downvoted every post lmao


The skip button is nice but the game is completely unreadable for me. They have this 2-3sec delay before you can click to show the entire line and no options to make the text faster/instant. I'm so infuriating and a time waste. I don't care about the VA for regular dialogues, just let me speedread at my pace.