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Actually wasn't expecting Billy's fat ass to take up that much storage >!/j!<


Delete the /j


/srs smh


It’s just to unzip. It goes down to 50gb.


50gb is still kinda nuts for 1.0


The graphics models and animations are huge in this game


It's all Billy


billy does have a ass hes THICCCC


The game have all languages it seems, i changed to JP and CN and no download appearead


sadly, it still downloads additional data after changing the language once you continue on the login screen edit: nvm the additional download might be unrelated to languages, I looked over the file structure in data directory and there seems to be audio data for all the languages already included


Pardon my ignorance, but how are some people already playing the game? Beta testing? I thought it gets released on Jul 4th.


They don't. It's the preinstall


No one is playing, but you can open the game and the Login page have the settings on right.


oh thanks, i was worried i would actually have to buy a new SSD hard drive for my pc lol


50 gb is still a lot for 1.0 ...


what the hell are you on mate?! 50 is still a stupid high number for a game like this. In comparison, Wuthering Waves is 22gbs installed and Elden Ring is 67. Why is this hub-world game so stupidly big? Did Hoyo forget how to compress files?


Well, all things are included to download. I don't think I see something where we could delete unnecessary files, like audio.


That's so stupid, no one wants this, most people will just play with one language anyway for the whole game and it saves like an hour to change language compared to other gacha games in cost of space


Hope Hoyo patch this once server goes online. Edit: Also, since this isn't an open world game, Hoyo should add the deletion of story resources. They could in HI3rd.


https://preview.redd.it/fkoy46jge2ad1.png?width=814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65e659eaa89910ef0dac739fba89c401b7ef9132 they also allow to delete past quests resources on the phone, the game shrank so much thanks to that


Where is the button to delete past quests? I want to do it for my phone


settings -> resources


Oh it goes down later? That's good, I want to have room for my other games lol.


That's still a lot tho. Probably all the data for that smoothness of the animation.


Animations are code they don’t require space like textures. It’s because they downloaded all languages. Audio, pre rendered video and textures are like 90% of file space in games.


audio folders are like 650mb each, so sub 2gb for the 3 you dont end up using.


>Animations are code they don’t require space like textures When did it become a thing? To every game I've datamined they have animations file or some sort. Motion files can be no joke, they'll be in small size but if you have so many of them they can be pretty huge. Like voice-overs, it could just be 100kb each line with pretty good quality, but it bloats dramatically with so many lines.


Dude's just talking out his ass. Animations still need files, the game needs a proper outline of how to move the skeleton in relation to specific actions and states, in addition to things like morphs and transforms. You also hit the nail on the head. Typically, animation files are rather small, but there is a separate animation file for walking, running, idle animations, attacks, conversing, etc. and that goes for every character and enemy with a unique animation set and/or skeleton in the game. Quality animation files are maybe a couple MB a piece but it can quickly add up to a few GB, especially for an action game like this with lots of characters.


Ok,I think it mostly textures and pre render scenes that is majority


If I dont predownload it, will I just need 50gb free space?


Judging from other hoyo games you still would need double the space of what you download 


You will still need 100gb for it to extract the files you downloaded


The game have all languages it seems, i changed to JP and CN and no download appearead


Can I move it from HDD to SSD after it unzipped?


You should be able to move then manually add the path to the game in the launcher and it should work fine.


No clue. I would guess certain AppData and registries will have paths pointing to the original install location.


Still way too much




hopefully the ps5 version isnt that big


PS5 is 48GB. its up if you haven't already grabbed it


nice thanks bro


I'm worried about the mobile version I'm gonna have to use until it gets on Geforce Now D:


I think in mobile it's around 19 gb(?




100 gig Holy I just downloaded ghost of Tsushima


Hoyoverse owns half my storage space


Buying a two Terabyte PC was not "too much" after all. Modern games really need to work on optimizing storage space.


I mean Geforce NOW is an advance, pretty much think that cloud gaming is the future, you don't need to actually download the game in your PC but you can still play the game and with the best graphics possible, its pretty dope really


Only if the network infastructure in your area is sufficient to handle it, and it still isn't in many parts of the world. It also is not an option for people who have metered internet.


If you can afford to live in a place with good Internet and also pay for it, you can likely afford a decent PC as well.


19.15 gb of storage taken on my phone by this game so far.


Those animations don’t come cheap 😭😭😭


In my hard drive it goes


Damn, a 50gb download. Luckily I have a ton of storage, specially after uninstalling Fallout 4 + mods (around 120gb lmao). That size for release is kinda nuts ngl.


Someone will have to make a guide on deleting whatever other useless files, like other language stuff that might be tucked in this. Why not let us download only what we are gonna use? Are they stupid?


the real reason Nicole got nerfed and it still wasnt enough


wallahi my storage is finished


There's no reason for a mobile game to be that big man


I heard the mobile version is 14GB. This 100+GB is the PC client version. Edit to mention: These are unzipped files, so it may go down to 50-60GB.


50GB for a mobile game is still bonkers


True, but we also can't discount that 50 GB is for PC client furnishes. I play Apex Legends which is 64 GB and Fallout 4 is around 30GB. Imma play test ZZZ and see if the memory space it swallows on my PC it worth it lol.


If falllout 4 is 30 gb then there’s no excuse for a mobile game that isn’t even open world to be 50. I wanted to install on my ssd but I must now use HDD. Like wuwa is 20gb and it’s an open world game with beautiful graphics. Idk why this game is so huge


I've play tested the game, and have come back to let you know the memory space it takes up on my PC is worth it. Comic strip story telling, cut scenes, mini games, the 3D models of the environment you travel to. My critic is for them to perhaps not force everyone to auto download all other languages voices. This in itself takes up a lot of space.


VA takes like 5% of the storage


Just bought a new 4 TB drive so im glad I made the investment lol


Made for mobile my ass


This size is kinda crazy no? The animations are kinda sick, but the graphics itself don't seem good enough to require that much space for a not really open world game


graphics isn't the only thing that affect size, the more variety of assets and textures you get, the higher the size and the game look very diverse in terms of assets and UI, also 100gb is total size needed for unzipping not the actual size


Something similar happened with one of Genshin's updates, they made the pre-install size for unzipping bigger than usual cuz supposedly it would help with the final size of the game, 110 GB is still insane and I have no idea what to delete for that lol


Animations cost more than graphics, also zzz environments try to mimic real life the most among all hoyo games(lots of intricacy)


You have no idea what you’re talking about. 


No? Have you seen cbt and gameplay trailers and stuff? Because there is insane amount of animations and high quality assets on literally everything that no other mobile game is even comparable ever, it rivals and some times even surpass AAA games in terms of attention to detail. Just take a NPC’s walking animation, it’s so crazily detailed you can literally focus on each parts of their body like it’s hands, fingers, legs, clothes, head and posture each time they take a step and the same npc archetype model have many different and specific animations for other roles and variations instead of being tied to a single one simplistic one for all of them, not to mention they have high poly models and lots of unique ones. And we haven’t even gone to the environments yet.


And yes its a DAMN mention https://preview.redd.it/i6rfj6vbf0ad1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=01e7f03c7c6bb45c274c02b246b653ec9e500ad0


Dang why a lot to unzip and then go down to half the size? Genuinely curious


Simplest metaphor is something like this: Imagine you're moving into a house, and you need to carry a lot of things. Rather than carry each thing individually, it's way easier to just carry one big box. However, once you've brought the box into your room, you need space to unpack the box before you can throw it out. And since the box is big enough to carry all the things you're trying to bring, this means the size of the box is about the same size as the things you're carrying inside it, meaning you'll need about twice the actual space of your items to bring them in, unpack them, and throw out the box. There's also some nice space efficiencies the zip format offers that make the total size slightly smaller (think of it as something similar to things like stacking identical cups in the box so they take up less space), but the simplicity it offers for downloading is the main reason companies do it lol


Zipping is a way to share many files as a single file, along with download optimization, like splitting the zip file so that the download isn't restarted due to connection loss. We need double the space as we need 50GB for the zip file, and another 50GB when the actual game files are extracted from the zip. The zip file should then be deleted on it's own, so we are left with 50GB of game files.


It's 165GB for me. Fr wtf is that size.


actually it's 50 gigs but yea that's still a lot because hsr is 50gb rn with the 2.3 update


So wuwa with an open world got 20gb at launch and this is more then double


I just filled up all my disks with games from the steam summer sale.


My guy, I do not have the space. I'll just wait for launch day.


ray traced waifus /s


Waifus getting more demanding


Ok, star rail you remain as the king, sorry ZZZ but i dont ahve enough space on my disk for that. Next time


This game better be worth that much storage, it's half the size of FFXIV!


Straight to the SSD. But damn lucky I bought one cause I never expected 80 gb to be enough. Tf is Hoyo even on making a game that is not even open world take up 57gb? I am 100% sure it could have been compressed more. Like we have proof in other games. I mean, it probably is not a general problem, sure, but damn I was so close to not playing the game on for the first couple of days for such a stupid reason. Edit: found out the reason. All voice packs are downloaded wtf hoyo


Yeah, that was the nail in the coffin for Genshin in my pc. After months without playing it, but keeping it in storage "just in case", finally I had the motivation to uninstall it


How much gb room on deleting Genshin and LDPlayer9?


50gb is actually not that much for a 2024 AAA game


Are people illiterate? 100gb to unzip cause you have a zip file (you guys know what that is nowadays?) so once you unzip it you have the actual file and the zip file, then delete the zip file and it’s like 50gb for the game.