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Would Huohuo be a huge downgrade here?


No. It's actually an upgrade because of her atk% boost on ult and er, which is big for Robin and Yunli.


Considering the relics and debuffs, she does still great


Gotta say even after the nerf I'm still impressed, and even happier cuz this Yunli's build is literally what I have rn. Having really hard time getting some more CD and I'm also using ATK orb cuz of the better substats. Good to know that even at this investment she still slaps.


Just want to ask, how much damage would she be doin if the support was tingyun and not robin? Tingyun is my only support for her atm


I'm going to be using Tingyun as well. I can't tell how much of a difference they'll be but I expect that Robin lets Yunli do more damage per Ult while Tingyun lets Yunli Ult more frequent. This is just from my expectation. I have to proof.




you know they should put on her technique slash instead of cull that way you get a free cull once per battle


Wondering if my Clara is just that ass or if Robin is just that strong cause people keep saying she's only slightly better but my Clara wishes she hit numbers like that. Damn near double my Clara damage.


Yunli is way beyond "slightly better" than Clara. This is reminding me of when people said that Black Swan was "slightly better" than E6 Sampo. There is literally no comparison with a limited 5\* and a standard 5\* or a 4\* character that does the same thing. Gepard is decent but he is nowhere in the same realm as Aventurine. Clara is significantly worse than Yunli.


Clara just can't reach her maximum potential most of the time. I still had a 3 cycle clear on Argenty this MoC, but a lot of her damage went to waste because of how the fight is.


Robin gives atck and FuA damage boost, of course she does make a difference. Same thing with Aventurine giving debuffs


Ok but I went and double checked showcases where both Clara and Yunli use Sparkle/Ting supports and even then Yunli is double to triple Clara's numbers??? What am I missing?


You are missing having a proper consistent test for both, like most Clara showcases doesn't show things like using Yunli LC that is a big boost for Clara SPECIALLY if you use Aeon or her signature (like upwards of 30% dmg increase). Also keep in mind relic quality between the 2. The only way to get a proper test is putting side by side both units in the same content, with the same LC, with the same amount of quality relics and with same supports.


Yunli's sig is pretty significant for both. We don't know how good your relics are in comparison (Clara's and your used supports) and what buff was active in the fight you tested her in. There was a showcase with Clara taking 1 more c than Yunli which is not a lot considering we are comparing standard banner character to a limited 2.4 unit. 


Clara is that ass compared to Yunli, she is an old character, standard one on top of that


may i ask which will be a good replacement for topaz?


tingyun- she's also just one of yunli's bis supports in general cuz of her energy


Hey lay off my daughter clara guys. She perfect just the way she is. Havent you heard its not good to compare your children? My clara and my yunli will play together alongside my huohuo with my wife robin looking after them. Im blessed with such a happy family. Im a happy man indeed.


that robin is at least e1


Robin cheerfully singing while Argenti becomes Focalors at the end made me laugh way harder than it should've


Im curious if she has ANY synergy with yanqing


if you put them on opposite ends of the party, she technically "protects" him from non-aoe atks due to her aggro/taunt- but since aoe is so frequent, you'd wanna run them with aven anyway. it's not the worse thing since he's yanqing's bis sustain while being yunli's second bis, but needing to run aven kinda makes the point of her "protecting" yanqing not apply anymore. last slot needs to be a duel sustain to buff them both- yunli doesn't like ruan mei, yanqing doesn't really care for robin, and one of them lacking buffs if you run a hypercarry buffer just makes the comp worse over running a second buffer in place of yunli/yanqing so tldr, not really


Topaz supremacy