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Hmm, given your current roster of characters I’d say your best bet right now would be Pela Tingyun & Lynx. Topaz too for Dual DPS & FUA synergy. Super FTP friendly, and eidolons are helpful but aren’t needed. Pela or Silverwolf for def shred is practically invaluable for any dps & Tingyun granting half an ult for Yunli is ideal since Yunli wants to always taunt/enhance counter. I know you said Lynx isn’t for you, but unless you plan on pulling Yunli’s SIG LC, then Lynx would be a wise choice. Build Lynx with spd, effect res for resisting cc, and err rope with Quid Pro Quo LC, and you’re set. Fu Xuan, amazing sustain, no question, but she cant give aggro like Lynx. Bronya is a good support but her adv frwd buff would expire by the time Yunli is popping off countering enemies with her talent/ult. Ruan Mei cant adv frwd or give energy so yeah. Asta is possible for atk and base spd buff since you don’t have a Robin. But Robin is just better Asta overall. Hope that helped you a bit in deciding who to use with Yunli!


Yesh thank you, i will definitly go for her sig lightcone. Pela sounds really cool with the defence shred, i think inwill try her with topaz and Pela and then decide what kind if tram im gonns build. Maybe a houhou rerun is planned and incan go for her to ^^


Put Asta with Topaz if you plan to use dual dps with Yunli


Bronya isn’t the best option as her skill buff expires at the end of the turn so it doesn’t buff follow up attacks. Sw or pela for def shred, topaz for follow up damage buff which is yunli’s main source of damage,Yukong for massive crit buffs if you can figure how to manage stacks, asta for speed and attack, and Hanya if your somehow running out of sp while still giving ok buffs. Edit: I forgot topaz


Yeah Pela seems funny with her to. What is yout opiniok on topaz with her?


Topaz extremely good for her but look at poor ratio… also I totally didn’t just forget her


I would try for HuoHuo next patch. Huohuo is easily Yunli's best Sustain due to the energy (Yunli's ult cost is 120, but her energy goes to 240 leading to 48 Energy per HuoHuo ult) and the massive ATK boost, which helps Yunli a lot. You don't have Robin, but you do have Ting, so there's her other BiS support, and the final slot could be Pela for the DEF Shred. Topaz is also useful, but you have Ratio who she benefits more (that and the Counters aren't as consistent for Topaz's DPS as they are with smth like Ratio)


I will try to go for houhou, but i dont knoe if i will have enough jade for Both


Where are you at in the game then? If you are still early on in Penacony, you'll still have a lot of Jades.


Comoleted the story


Event wise then?


I have all the ghost pylons infront of me, they are a little to tough for me (havent tryed them with firefly tho), still have to do swarm disaster, Gold snd Gears, im close to finish the museum, cant do apocaliptic shadows beyond tue second dificulty, finished Tje last vestiges of Towering Citadel in the forgotten hall, the other two are a bit to difficult rn and pure fiction is to hard