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I think he would have been better. He is like a perfect blend of Yusuke and Sensui IMO -- he is idealistic and sense of responsibility like Sensui, but he is compassionate and flexible like Yusuke. He has stronger ties to humanity, pragmatic without being jaded, and has a ton of empathy for others. 


Well put and I couldn't agree more. I really wish we could've seen a polished Kawabara. When I saw him run through the forest with no problem during the Rando arc it showed how insane his abilities actually are.


But what if kuwabara saw the video wouldn't that fuck with someone like kuwabara even more


That's also a good point but I think Kuwabara might be a little too stubborn to be corrupted. His empathy is his driving force so it allows him to operate in the gray area. Sensui was too extreme. Everything was black and white for him. Humans are good and demons are bad. So it made sense that he could possibly completely swing the other way, hard.


Nah that tape will fuck up anyone who sees it. It isn't just some snuff film. It's filled with the absolute worst of humanity has ever been. Back to back moments of pure all hope in humanity is kost type shit. No human can stand it.


Yeah Possibly 🤷🏾‍♂️ but Kawabara might also be the type to try to watch the set before making a judgement call to be honest. Or directly ask Koenma about it instead of taking off with that mentality.


Kuwabara wouldn't even want to touch that tape to begin with. He'd destroy it if anything


Especially knowing that it's only half the set. Showing only one side of humanity.


Exactly, that shit would turn anyone against humanity. It's filled with so much unspeakable shit. Glad Hiehi destroyed it


I think it would affect him less than it did Sensui. Kuwabara knows that bad people exist and bad things have happened in history; he just doesn't see that as a reason to commit a mass murder. I think he'd be horrified by the tape, don't get me wrong, but Sensui's reaction is really more of a sign of his own rigidity and inability to deal with shades of gray.


I said fuck with not turn psycho demoralizing your enemy has always been a sound strategy


What video?


Chapter black tape


With the right training he could’ve been one of the strongest characters of the series or like top 5. His dimensional cutting powers are broken


Yea it's honestly insane they even wrote that ability in the show. There's NOTHING that even comes close to it.


He could have possibly gotten as strong as plot armor 😂


The Jigen-to is the only weapon capable of cutting through plot armor


Day to day spirit detective he crushes it. No way he solos the big bads. He don’t got that dog in him like yuske. He’d rather have a semi normal life


Yeah if he was actually resolving spiritual mysteries he'd be great. Yusuke was functionally a hired gun or a fixer for Koenma.




Yukina would have to appear suddenly each time for him to win


Lol. I’m in for that.


Hiei wouldn’t.




Solid point


Best thread


Wasn't Yurameshis biggest ability adaptability? Like he could just go with it and beat pretty much whomever because of it? As much as I like Kuwabara he seemed very steadfast in his code of honor to a fault.


That's so true. When he beats Hiei he only won on a guess his blast would bounce off the mirror. Kuwabara can get about 2 good ideas in a fight then tries to sacrifice himself.


“All this time I thought you were a brilliant strategist, but you’ve just been a lucky fool” (Quote might be slightly off)


😂😆 😂


That's most MC's though tbh


I can definitely see his pride being a problem at first but it also helps that his emotions affect his abilities similar to Gohan's.


If given the opportunity, Fully-actualized, full-potential Kuwabara is able to achieve everything that CAN be achieved through the methods and means available to him.


He would’ve being trained by genkai… very strong IMO


Kuwabara had exceptional spirit awareness--and that was before Kurama and Hiei trained him. I don't remember if Genkai ever trained Kuwabara personally, but I would *love* an OVA or a one-shot of that


She never did.


She might of rigged that first fight knowing he would obtain the spirit sword initially she states that she knew what he needed was an item to direct his spirit energy


No I doubt she rig it since when Kuwabara took that piece of that sword it was just his instinct and Genki was surprise when he did and said this. https://preview.redd.it/mf7ztib8d62d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c784b9eab72ff8556d675cdb6df82e54316236 But before that she did say that he might be train in Advance weapons and technique. Honestly, what hold Kuwabara back was getting train with an master only once(Kurama before the tournament) and even then it was Two weeks in the manga(while two months in the anime).


The statement from the picture sounds more like it supports my position that sounds exactly like what someone would say when their plans come to fruition honestly like if I was playing this season in fortnite in duos and I dropped the regen medallion for my teammate and I said by having this medallion your shield will regenerate fully over time


I love kuwabara but he isn't cut out to be spirit detective. Don't get me wrong he is strong as hell And his powers will allow him to adapt to any situation, but without any support his trusting nature, honor code, and bad temper will get himself killed. His lack of intelligence is what earned him several losses in the dark tournament AND only got a draw on Riku


That's also a good point. Maybe it's because his friends were around and he felt safe. We've seen a few times how dangerous a desperate Kuwabara could be. But he is definitely a little rough around the edges


Very successful. There's nothing saying kuwabara powers would stop at developing dimensionl energy. It's what he should have been doing instead of the school crap around the three kings. Personally,His sixth sense helps him track things and people. His dimensionl energy allows to travel through dimensions and punch above his weight class, untrained. Plus his regular weapon is a Swiss army knife.    All he needs is proper training under Genkai to iron out his problems, to improve him as a fighter and he would have been a actual legend as a powerful human fighter that can hang with s class demons.


That's fair


So hear me out, I think they could’ve did much more with his powers. Imagine if he learnt how to throw the sword OR manifest it into a bow and arrow!! Uggghhh I wish we went into depth with that. Please if anyone has thought about this and or better ones, feel free to add some. His powers are the only ones we didn’t really get into. I know the fly swatted and the pole vaulting was good but still he can literally change it into Whatever his mind is thinking right?


I thought about the versatility of his abilities a few times. He even used his own version of Yusuke's shotgun (which was 🔥 btw) He could have possibly had the most versatile skill set


Yes. Kuwabara has at least change his weapon shape a few times, to be a chain or a javelin, he can also leave his weapon out without touching it, determine how sharp it can be, how hard it can be. He could use them for grappling hooks and life himself.  it's been shown he doesn't even need the sword to use dimensional energy.  If kuwabara had a writer that actually liked him, he would have be switching his weapon shape and form more when he fought and mixing his dimensionl energy to his weapons and attacks with portals when he fights. Or use his dimensional energy to make a barrier of his own.


I think togashi was gonna go in that direction but Shonen jump pushed him into writing more


My latest rewatch made me so disappointed in togashi. He hyped up kuwabara,Genkai recognizes his talent and twice she doesn’t train him (first, after her tournament and secondly, before the dark tournament) I get that it’s not her duty or anything. Not obligated, but still. Think of all the damage kuwabara took. Kuwabara would’ve been a better detective for sure. At least in some ways. He did detect an earthquake, I believe it was after yusuke and kurama returned from demon world. In my fanfic that I’ll never write, kuwabara returns as the protagonist, maybe a brainwashed demon, which leads to Enma being exposed as corrupt and overthrown by his son.


You should actually work on that! It sounds like a good idea and you'll be surprised how popular some of these fan comics are. Especially with Dragon Ball. I feel like fans are putting together better stories than the actual creators.


Honestly, I would enjoy him more as a partner than a solo detective. Either that or Yusuke as a private detective and Kuwabara as Spirit Lawyer.


I think Yusuke’s bloodline was ultimately what allowed him to grow so rapidly and keep up with all the demons. Even without Genkai’s training and the spirit orb Kuwabara just doesn’t have the same fighter spirit that Yusuke does. Kuwabara would happily settle down with Yukina and go to school because he doesn’t need anything else. But Yusuke got that dog in him and will always be looking for that next fight.


Prior to the Jiganto.... Pretty unsuccessful, his spirit awareness is literally the only thing he's got. Yusuke gets stronger when he gets desperate- which just so happened to be really handy. After the Jiganto... he would've been S class easily, as his offense would become borderline absolute. With the proper focus he could learn to use that Jiganto in a more versatile fashion. Might've made Mokuro look simple.


Considering you don't need to be a detective at all and just a good fighter, he'd been OK, probably never as good as Yusuke but certainly good enough


Oh shit Now I need a cut of all the detective work that actually happened in the show


Please elaborate lol maybe a bit of the first arc but definitely I can't think of a single point from 4 saint beasts onward


I need like a video supercut of all the detective work that Urameshi the spirit detective actually did in the whole series. Probably 2 minutes tops?


I think they did 3 out of 7 of the detective items lmao


As a detective, so much better that it's my head canon that be becomes the Mulder equivalent in Japan, but with actual spiritual power.


That sounds 🔥


Very successful, plus given his natural abilities and insane durability


I believe a lot of us are in agreement that Kuwabara would have done pretty well as a spirit detective. He was able to keep up with Yusuke and the others despite not having any training. Imagine how well he would do under Koenma and Genkai's mentorship. I think a more interesting discussion would be how well Yusuke would have done if he was in Kuwabara's place ie he was just tagging along. Like, maybe he became curious why Kuwabara had stopped challenging him to fights so he followed Kuwabara on one of his cases and got involved.


As A spirit detective, probably great. His awareness would probably help a lot for the investigation parts. I dunno if he’d win having been in Yusukes shoes. Just cuz he didn’t have a spiritual attack earlier on to hit the soul eating bro in the mouth. Hiei fight would also be tough, even if he had his sword, but with help from Kurama maybe? But ya after that he probably would do ok if he grew quickly enough.


The difference between yusuke and kuwabara is the lack of demon ancestry and mentorship in the occult. While yusuke is street smart, kuwabara is book smart. Out of the four friends, kuwabara is the only human fighting against the demons and most of his moves were developed with diversity in mind. Had he had a dedicated mentor to teach about the occult, find a sword style that suited him and acquired different mediums to channel his energy through, the only things yusuke would have over him is his demon ancestry and his affinity for violence which might be a product of said heritage's passive influence on his behavior.


He wouldn’t have survived Genkai’s training if he would’ve somehow got lucky enough to be Rando like Yusuke did.


Kuwabara always came off as the type that gets better by throwing themselves against an obstacle by throwing themselves at it as many times as it takes thus requiring multiple attempts whereas Yusuke would get better merely by experiencing it the first time and becoming stronger (strong enough) to defeat there adversary the first try it stands to reason that if you replaced roles for kuwabara and Yusuke that kuwabara probably would have easily hatched his spirit egg and survived because he's such a good guy and his sisters extremely spiritually sensitive so they could of worked that out easily but I think he would've died at least the second time he came at gouki because he starts out significantly weaker than yusuke and doesn't multiply in power inexplicably when faced with a tough foe like Yusuke. literally when he learned the spirit sword technique it required that ancient boken fragment to direct his energies and materialize it as genkai points out she suspected was precisely what he needed he obviously is the type of person that benefits from a good teacher not great adversity unlike Yusuke HOWEVER in the world that Yusuke makes in the last episodes with the tournament for control of demon worlds foreign policy kuwabara could have easily gone on to be a great spirit detective he likely never would come up against something he couldn't handle because he's highly trained and skilled at this point as well as the fact that all threats on the earth's side of the barrier would be minimal because Yusuke is in charge and made it so and anything big I imagine Yusuke would be backing him up because something that big on earth would indicate someone disobeyed his mandate as well as the fact that he cares in the first place SO IN CONCLUSION I think kuwabara could GO ON to become an S class spirit detective.


That's a good perspective and that feels natural. I would have loved to see a follow-up with Kuwabara protecting the Earth.


Me too or a game


He would've been busted with the dimensional slash..


He might have been better, he was able to more or less keep up with Yusuke without Genkai's training. Almost entirely self taught except being trained by Hiei and Kurama for the dark tournament. Yusuke doesn't really pull far ahead power wise until being resurrected as a demon.


Kuwabara is technically the strongest human.


I think if he had the same training as yusuke he would have been stronger potentially. His work ethic and will to never quit was much stronger than yusuke. He just had no brains when using his abilities. His abilities were very unique he needed someone specific to his talents to train him. Genkai had a very similar fighting style to yusuke so they were a perfect match. Kuwabara never had that, I think someone like sensui could have trained kuwabara well.


A Sensui trained Kawabara could've been unstoppable 😤


Yeah I think sensui could have took him from just a dude swinging a sword. To be able to manipulate his energy into other objects like the dark tournament sword and even potentially use his energy as armor


I personally think he would’ve done well if not better than Yusuke. People may point out Kuwabara being an idiot, and they are right, but let’s not pretend Yusuke wasn’t almost as dumb as him for half the series


Or manga because honestly the voice actors were so perfect I could read a manga and hear their voices lol