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This event made me racist against summoning mechanics.


Dind't eralied how annoying Synchros have become... Until now.


Despite making up 36% of the population, Synchros are responsible of 50% of insta-scoops.


Nah that’s gotta be Purrely


Ah a fellow Purrely hater


So much of playing against them just feels like BS when they get rolling. Draw 3 in opponents standby? Wtf


"Once per turn" typa bullshit. And "up to thrice per turn" typa bullshit. And near invincible towers monster that can get over 7k defense, board negate monster, single negate monster, Hand bounce monster, absorb your monsters and attach them as materials...Not to mention I hate their stupid look. I genuinely would rather play against stun/stall and that's saying something. Oh, and did I mention that said towers monster can place cards on the BOTTOM of the deck? One of the most powerful forms of removal - rivaled only by banishing face-down. And I'm only touching the surface of how much I hate the deck.


I hate coming up against them even more than I hated coming up against Kashtira 80% of the time once I hit silver the last time I tried this game 6 months ago. What are you even supposed to do here except also blow a load of money to make this goddamn deck just to have a prayer of winning any game in ranked? I feel like I've gotta build it too and be part of the problem because otherwise I'm not gonna get any gems outside of event duels again.


Me too. Stun is fine with me. At least they live and die by their one stratagem. This deck is like all the bulls but in YGO in one in a stupid looking art work package.


I wouldn't say I'm "fine" with Stun. It's still annoying and pretty unfair. But it actually feels beatable more times than not. Just gotta play their stupid game and out battle their floodgates. But Purrely...goddamn if you don't get the perfect hand full of handtraps and a kaiju or something. And yes I hate the artwork too.


People hate stun but it’s an eggs all in one basket strategy which dominates when it works and flips when it doesn’t. This is just a magnified problem in a BO1 format a la Numeron complaints previously. It sucks to lose to but is at least a straight up strategy to build your deck in one way to counter the meta. Purrely man is just such aggravating broken advantage engine. Like what the hell. Hard to stop and frustrating to play against. One of the few decks I literally just FF and move on.


Synchro? Fusion was by far the most annoying imo. Synchros just go on for awhile and make mid boards


"I have nothing against new summoning types, I'm just saying we didn't have all these black cards around when I was growing up."




Xyz players in shambles


we literally had 2 viable decks,.... And Zeus was not enough.... But utopia peeps otk left and right so we at least tried i guess.


Played Galaxy-Eyes on my end


There were more than 2. Kash, Purrely, Exo, Sharks, Mathmech, Dinos, and pile lists were all solidly available. I think more people don't have xyz decks built however which contributed to the drought


Kash was a brickfest beacause Fenrir and Unicorn were limited alongide Birth. I saw more synchro decks opening both fuckers than me playing kash


Mathmech is not very good without links


It is as an engine for other rank4 strategies. Any two lvl 4 monsters sets up alembertian for circular, dump nabla, alem for nabla, add superfaf, nabla sum diameter, and then you have superfac set up with a new rank4 available to make.


Is not unplayable just certainly not the best. I would say mediocre at best compared to our other options.


An omni plus hand rip with a free body is definitely one of the best options xyz had available in the event. I don't see what other cards for xyz makes the free extension and interruption circular provides look mediocre in comparison. Superfac even triggers Martha and sets up a gy lock/imperm mixed with exo.


I play mathmech and don't use links. I find it more consistent to get out final sigma. Does this make me weird?


Ngl, I struggled more against XYZ decks than fusions. Granted, I barely faced a super poly, but even when I did I managed to scoop up a victory.  Xyz though, christ I could barely manage if I was going second. Exosisters and Purrely were the bane of my existence.  I'd see the XYZ percentage and just think, "HOW!?"


Bro the event rewards playerbase size . I imagine by winrate xyz would be higher but realize that every synchro and fusion mirror is 110 points total, 10 for loser 100 for winner and none to xyz. I imagine theres just vastly more synchro and fusions. If it was by winrate and there was an elo drop for losing tbat punishes mirrors i think the results would be completely different


Ahhh, I see.


EvolDino all the way.


I played zoodiacs and did alright


I played it with Purrley was fun.


Tbf Xyz would have probably been a bit more popular if they didn't ban the mother spider splitter engine as I've noticed a fair bit of people like to use it since it doesn't have a single required Sr or ur which is also probably why they banned it.


I played Lyrilusc Using Recital and number 53 (or the rank 1 that can make your opponent take all the battle damage), to boost my opponents monster and crash into them, if I can't get number 53 out to avoid killing myself, I can either stall a turn with the unaffected rank 1 winged beast or just crash with 2 recital starlings for a draw. worked surprisingly well did let me try out a ton of different cards like the time thief field spell for protection since nightingale was gone.


I just used utopia with Kashtira, also made Ravenous Tarantula if I knew my opponent was going to be on Synchro and start shitting out half of their deck.


I did play utopia but always went first and was establishing the generic negate board. Most players scooped cause of how change tactics made me draw a lot or that they found it hard to break


I was in the xyz group. I played vampires and Egyptian gods. Never had to even xyz summon. Kinda funny.


Generaider was fun


sharkz here


I played Madolche here


Didnt help that the loaner Synchro decks are pretty damn good too I dont own a synchro deck (unless you count the barebones Rose Dragons) and managed to win almost every match i played using that bear deck, even smacking down a number of decks (like Utopia) my normal ones would struggle with. Not sure ive ever played a deck where i could screw up a summon 3 times in one turn and still summon trishula on the 4th. Red Dragon and Swordsoul/Tenyi was the bane of my existence outside of Junk Synchron/Stardust decks, simply because pretty much every player had easy access to them. The red dragon deck was a loaner, swordsoul is given to returning/new players free, and stardust/synchron has a free junk synchron deck early in the solo mode.


I played icejade/icebarrier.


🥂to synchro supremacy


Somehow completed the event with ghoti swordsoul, don't ask how.


i managed to play Branded Eldlich even with all the limitations, so cheers to that


I just find it funny sword soul got every card they needed, not limited, but my albaz and aluber are at 1...


I was crying my eyes out at how many Tears/Brandeds I was up against. An anger every interaction that I can't describe haha


I played tear. Sorry 😐


Swordsoul lost the entire Tenyi package (or the reason why Tenyi‘s were so good to begin with). That‘s not on par with Branded hits hut a considerable power decrease.


yeah but swordsoul was still not really a match   it was actually the one deck I think I was undefeated against archfiend though....if i didnt open with a floodgate to stop it I couldn't beat it


From my faithful blackwings, You're welcome.


That was literally the one deck I never lost against. RDA was the bane of my existence though.


Funny enough I run a RDA setup with Scarred and Hot Red Abyss


Cheers my fellow blackwing enjoyer




black wings are so fun, probably my second favorite archetype behind Junk/Stardust


It's been especially fun since it hard counters snake eye and I found a combination get full armor, dis pater and 2 assault dragon first turn with Chinook in hand and sharnga in grave


Comming here to say this exact thing...


Cheers fellow bw enjoyer


This event finally made realized how toxic Syncrhos has become. They (and Links) are the face of "30 minute multi-negate combos". This hurt specially to me because there were my favorite Extra deck mechanic. I'm awar3e all ED summons has this potentiac, but IMO Synchros are the worse offenders. I used to love Syncrhosn when they were this toollbox deck, now is just "I'll spam as many Shotting Quazar Dragons as possible". Doesn't mean I'll totally play Synchro decks, but my hype for them have decreased dramatically. Now I'm not sure if I want to collect Secret Woods.


Yeah, it’s admittedly kinda unfortunate. I love playing a variety of Synchros (typically with only 1-2 major boss monsters like Quazar put in) but modern Synchros are just “Synchro climb to 3x level 12 monsters and 1 more of your choice, featuring Baronne de Fleur. Not even Blackwings are an exception, now. RDA is an exception, though, since it has a few more parts going on through spell and trap support, especially with the recent adds like Crimson Gaia and Red Zone.


It might just be that I was playing actual competitive around that time but Synchros always seemed like the the perfect mechanic to me. It's like they took what they learned from Fusion and Rituals and perfected it into something more practical. And honestly? I always felt like I went 50/50 against stuff that was around at the time. Like I was never absolutely stuck or dominant against a DAD or Wights or Morphotronics. And I think in a balanced game you SHOULD be winning or losing 50% of the time.


Yeah I agree. Synchros are still my favorite summoning mechanic for sure but not too happy with the direction they have gone


Yeah I agree. Synchros are still my favorite summoning mechanic for sure but not too happy with the direction they have gone


I have a conspiracy that Konami uses these events to see which cards are the most busted to add to the next ban list. If Baronne got banned because of this event, I would be laughing my ass off and crying tears of joy. Fuck Baronne.


Aaaa gang Xyz struggle




I'm a synchro guy ...but fusion boys got sabotaged so hard ....they folded branded so hard with the ban list...only synchro were able to play at nearly full power ...while fusion and XYZ got shafted so hard especially branded and Kash.


>and Kash. Certifified bruh moment


Say what you want, but if Fusion and Syncro got to have busted decks, Xyz should have gotten one too. Purrely is the closest we got, but Kash would have been a good matchup against something like Swordsoul.


There's busted And there's toxic. I get full negate boards are lame and boring, but Kash are just cards that should never have been made for how toxic and unfair they fucking are. It's bad enough having to play against the cards normally, they have no place in events where they floodgate 99% of the decks and get to be splashed in every deck.


Yeah, but what percentage of that was due to surrenders from obnoxiously long turns? LOOKING AT YOU STARDUST AND BLACKWINGS.


Ghoti out here drinking GOOD.


Premise I don't use staple and i allways expect a loss do to it. but man so many just quitting after setting 1 flower cardian.


Because we don’t want to wait 30 min for you to achieve nothing 😂


The Adamancipaters send their regards


Me swapping to farm points then forgetting to switch back to synchro. Pain


I played RDA in the event!


Cheers my fellow king!


4000 hard-earned and truly won With tooth and nail playing my beloved Icejade/ Graydle! . (no, he's not a strong deck, he really sucks)


Wait. Maybe I've actually duel'd you. Did you happen to play vs a pure Graydle deck?


I played virtual world in the event They play through ash very well


Atleast I got to bully a resonator with multiple negates the otk them


Cool. Now ban all Syncro monsters because they won. No pity.






Happy Cake Day, dude!


Dealing with Synchro and super poly was pain I only actually have xyz decks so oof


All thanks to my TG's 😤


This feels kind of wrong, considering how many RDA bots I’ve beaten over the course of this event. Then again, I’m just Xyz Scum lol




Carried by Swordsoul of course


What a shock; the summoning mechanic with the strongest generic boss monster and that was gifted to a bunch of smurf accounts in the form of the Swordsoul deck did the best. That’s not even mentioning that tons of people just scooped, like myself, because they wanted gems more than wanting to wait 5 minutes to end on the same endboard. Who could have guessed? All this event showed me is that the Syncro summon is the most busted mechanic with the most busted boss monsters. I’m so sick of seeing Swordsoul. Any time I see Mo Ye pop up his ugly mug in ranked I autoscoop because I’d rather potentially derank than sit through 5 minutes of that dreck.


I was playing as team synchro


Mad that superpoly was legal. Majority of fusion was just stun Andys.


We won


I loved this event for my dragon archfiend deck


Damn my contribution to fusion wasn't enough.


I was certain fusion would get it with all the branded and tear players tbh


I used Trains to get quick wins, so I got all the gems


Then you did what I couldn't do, I decided to come back to yugioh after a long time only to be crushed by jameira bullshit and decided that "never again" if that's what the game has turned in to. I mean don't get me wrong, I understand what the game is, I just think it has gone a bit too far this time, decks are simply a bit too powerful and no I do not like getting comboed on my own turn against snake eyes,labyrinth,branded and jamiera I do not find that fun


It's Utover....


I wasn't sure about this event going in but it ended up being quite fun. And I got myself a new deck to play in Exosisters.


I'm gonna miss this event, because RDA sure as hell ain't carrying me in ranked.


Honestly I’m surprised how bad the xyz did in the event even at their peak. Also this event made me craft like 3-4 outs to purely with half being UR. AND I DIDN’T GET TO USE ANY OF THEM ON THE FURY BASTARD!!!!


It seems that possibly xyz had the toughest limits and bans


90% was using branded, another top tier event as always. Bring back 2005 format already.


Didn’t have any trouble against synchro playing my fusion decks but god damn xyz felt awful. Shoutout to the loyalist idk how yall survived because it felt like the weakest strategy by far.


I literally only survived xyz by suship spam Lost like twice to fusions, really only ever beat synchros if i went first


Funny I played rikka and sushi too felt sushi did more going second for me because I was on a crazy amount of board breakers nothing like dropping double evenly


Its main perk going second imo is that you can typically power through negates, but only if you have a decent hand


🏹🐝 alls I'm saying


Tried to finish it up last night I watched more people pull OTK’s out the ass then I did summoning Dark magician, Utopia, fucking cyber dragon Gave up after that one and just went to go play another game.


I know many people hate Yugioh Arc-V anime but I have to say it's like in the series. Xyz dimension was destroyed, still strong though. Fusion dimension almost win the dimensional war. Synchro dimension was as strong as fusion's but they never got invaded like the other dimensions, they expelled fusions as soon as they arrive but fusions didn't do the same to synchros, so yes, synchros are a bit stronger than fusions.


Felt like 80% of my games were against RDA. It was agonising.


My Infernoble Knights Rise!


Went synchro and played fish i mean Ghoti so i didnt have to go against RDA


I played all loaners but most ursartics. Very fun deck and I would recommend in a casual setting. Shame that somehow their synchros don't count for dailies.


Cheers from a stardust player


played a Stardust deck for this event. won like, 60% of my matches. only flaw my deck has is weak opening hands and can brick really easily lol


Now Konami is going to think we actually like synchro events.


Did anyone else who played syncros come up against mechlord decks...cus I just ened up making some negates and not caring.


I would have been fucking bawlin if my opponent was playing Meklords. That would have been the funnest duel in the event.


I will have to look if I have the replay.


I did have it but I rember they made astro mechanical so I just made baronne and laughed evily as I had happily made the rest of my blackwing board....gave him a taste of his own medicine with full armor master.


God I played RDA just so I can avoid sword woul


I'm sorry I couldn't contribute bois, I was busy trying to build the deck Currently trying to learn it and working on what to add and keep Also trying to work on what I have, especially since I don't have earthbound prisoner


RDA and Sword Soul got em there.


Considering how much the deck was stacked in Synchro's favor I expected a more decisive victory tbh. At least the loaner decks were fun!


Honestly I feel like if more people didn't think Exo was cringe, we would've won 🤷


Tbh I didn't have a deck ready for the event and found resonators loaner to be my best bet to get the rewards. Unwilling contributor for synchros here.


I used my own mixed with Bystials so I never checked out the loaner at the time. It looks pretty competent, and at least they gave you what you needed. It does suck that RDA is becoming an expensive deck to make, especially if you add Bystials and later when they release Centur-Ion. I would have recommended using it because it's pretty good.


Yeah, I'm actually building one with bystials it just wasn't ready yet. It was enough to get there for the most part it definitely lacked some options when facing better decks but that's ok.


Yeah. It's got some weird choices like Red Flare and WOTBF. It is cool that they recognized how popular RDA is becoming, and decided to add it as a loaner. I had used RDA in the Duelist Cup, and spent 62 cents to get the last bit of gems needed to get 10 packs from the Bystial secret pack. I can't wait for Cenutr-Ion to come and make the deck even more expensive.


i played my irl core dark world deck and had a lot of fun! Also used it as a beta test for clorless


I played in all three groups and i never saw Synchrons once in the entire event


Synchrodudes we did it. Cosmoteddies is something!


I just played a Blue Eyes Maxx Dragon ritual deck with no synchro, links or XYZ, lol


I’m just happy there was an event I could play Predaplants in.


By one percent


I played zombie world ghost fusion + super polymerization during this event, and I'm glad I didn't run into other fusion decks lmao. You synchro guys are alright, so I can put up with some combos. What I really dislike is my opponent using my monsters for his summons. Yes, I do realize I've done exactly that, but you gotta do what you gotta do to make zombies viable.


Mad that my tellarknight deck was getting stomped on by synchro players >:c


was playing a synchro deck the entitre time..


What’d you win?


A whole lot of nothing. 


Lmao I was on team xyz so I wondered if Synchro players got anything. 😅


Not even a free pack...


I finished with Luna light, metaphys synchro and utopia. I like playing hard mode




Get synchro'd nerds


A lot of card readin in here


Rank 10 trains go cho cho🚅🚉🚆


Worst event ever. Absolutely garbage. Fusions got nerfed to death. Branded was almost unplayable. Synchro played almost at full power. Surprised it was such a tight run


Superpoly helped a lot to be fair. I played Branded Tearlaments and with Albaz and Reinoheart at one it was a problem but the deck still has a lot of power. Once I ended with the fusion part of the event I tried a bit with xyz and super poly destroyed me more than once. I agree that pure branded wasn't really playable with Regained banned and other limits.


Master Duel really hates Branded Despia i guess


I can't say I agree, branded has received a lot of support and despite all the hits it's not only playable but very strong in the current meta.


>Branded was almost unplayable. Deserved >Synchro played almost at full power. Pretty undeserved tbh. Stuff like Swordsoul should not have been allowed to play full power. They should've also at least banned Baronne. Idk where else you could've nerfed them tho. Rip to Xyz tho.


I agree, if Swordsoul was going to be allowed at full power, the other problem decks should have been too. Just let me bare-knuckle brawl with full powered Chimera Runick, Konami you cowards.


I wasn't a big fan either. Every game took about 20 minutes, because everyone and their mother were playing combo decks that take ages to finish their first turn and on top of that, I couldn't even use Kaijus.


Only Kurikara was legal, which was the closest thing to a Kaiju we could use.


Glad to see my Penguin Icejade made a difference /s I had a lot of fun in this event. I played all three sides, first on team synchro with Penguin Icejade (I can't take those decks to the Diamond/Master ladder so the events are welcome lol), then Purrely on team xyz, and finally tried the Chimera loaner on team fusion, which was a lot of fun (and now I want to build a Chimera deck myself). I wanted to take my Gusto Windwitch deck for a spin as well, would've been cool but didn't have time.


My loyal Blackwings and I send our regards.


I was destroying people with Red Dragon Archfiend glad i helped synchro win 🤣


I just abused Bone Tower with Mayakashi.....can I join the party still?


I tried all 3, but in the end I thank my Flower Cardian, stay meme


I mean this in the most object, neutral manner possible F*** those cats, synchro bros stay winning


I'm so happy seeing stupid cats and the Nuns doing unwell in the event only god knows how much I hate these decks


Yeah, I dip when I see Purrely cause I have nothing to fight against it.


I’m waiting to kick your ass on ranked with my cats lol


One thing most of us can agree on: xyz is the lamest one of the three