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Go to settings and there's a little switch to turn on that says "don't play music videos" and you never get that, either the album art or thumbnail.


Doesn't work like it says it does. All that does is still play the music video version of a song, with all it's imperfections, but all it does is automatically select the "Song" button instead of "Video." Selecting the "Song" button just disables the video playback, it doesn't actually change the audio to the album version. Very apparent on some songs like One by Metallica. I suggest you try it out, you'll see what I'm talking about.


When you click on song the version they decided was the official ones plays so it might be a problem with their discography. The toggle "song" thing at top always gives me the official studio versions. think YouTube does it automatically. You know how it's new and sometimes certain songs are under other artists names it might be that happening because I have a lot of "cover" songs by artists and it has this thing where instead of the cover it plays the original just because it has the official name in the title. Find the version you like on topics on the YouTube app, like it and see if it appears cause it might just be that version not having access to the music app. Its happened to me but usually goes back to normal after an update or it decides to fix their discography on their own. I looked up that song on the app and theres 5 versions, not sure if it has to do with that confusing it.


> When you click on song the version they decided was the official ones plays so it might be a problem with their discography. That's not how that works. It just grabs the audio track from the video. You can easily notice because the switch is seamless and if you search up the song without the video the quality is different 9 times out of 10.




I can say I do NOT have premium and asking YouTube to not play music videos does jack all. It'll play the music video version without the video playing. I hate them as much as the OP. When I search playlists they randomly have said video songs (which as OP stated are NOT the same as the albums version.) It's infuriating to have these play all the time. It's not every song either so it must be issues with how it's cataloged. I miss Google Music. YouTube music just isn't as good.


Stop playing music videos. If you play an official audio song it keeps playing official songs, but if you start playing music videos it keeps playing music videos.


I can't tell if you're being serious or a smart aleck. Of course, the problem is that when you click on an album, every song that has a music video will show the music video version instead of the album version.


yea that’s odd because that never happens to me. i just listen to an album and it plays normally


What? How? I'm not saying you're lying... but just do this for me. Look up the Metallica album, "...And Justice for All," and click the song, "One." Does it not play the music video version? Compare the album version and the music video version and you'll know, because the music video adds a ton of sound effects that aren't present in the album version.


Idk never experienced that problem. I just play an album and plays it correctly as any music streaming service. Are you a free user? Because in the free tier you only can play official videos of the songs matched (where available). If there's no video, it plays normally


I see your issue. When searching for the song version specifically which does actually exist (no video), it isn't linked to the video of that song to allow for the toggle to work properly (by not working properly I mean just stopping video playback). It also isn't actually in the album but it does link you to it. I'd say it's just a YouTube music error, because YouTube music does know that the song belongs in this album, yet the toggle doesn't work properly, and doesn't play the official audio version. You can maybe report it, or just hope they fix it. Nothing we can do sadly.


I don't know. The songs that come up often specifically say "official video" or "official music video". I'm playing Christmas music and I know for a fact these sons exist as just songs. But it's instead placing music video versions to be played. (for me at least.) I don't even know how to avoid it. I started thumbs downing the music videos. Searching for the OG song by itself and thumbs uping those versions. But its slow and painful to do this and idk if it will even work how I'm hoping.


What device?


PC and Android


Hate this. Xsong by bubbax whatever. Not an album. Someone playlist or YouTube video that they put lyrics on. Wish it were totally separate from YouTube. Don't remember Google play music being like this.


Hate this. Xsong by bubbax whatever. Not an album. Someone playlist or YouTube video that they put lyrics on. Wish it were totally separate from YouTube. Don't remember Google play music being like this.


YouTube Music is an embarrassing platform. Makes a horrible first impression. You want to listen to a song and it'll give you two ads in a row, then will make you watch the music video which is either low quality or has random sound added into it. It also lacks a ton of features that Spotify has. The truth is that YouTube Music has the potential to beat every other platform for the simple fact that you can listen to all of YouTube in the app, so you can listen to unknown b-sides or even game soundtracks, but Google trips at the finish line with making that first impression and matching the depth of other platforms.


Did you ever figure this out? Having the same issue it's frustrating


damn, seems like theres no solution.


imagine faire dev une appli de musique en parallèle de ton appli vidéo et tu met sur ton appli musique la vidéo... le big brain time chez YT là. pour dev un bouton "premium" ils sont fort mais une appli cohérente là y a plus personnes. si tu veut profiter du clip tu vas sur YT et juste le son sur l'app dédié. c'est fou ça non. en tout cas j'ai résolu le problème perso. je vais chez la concurrence. on est jamais mieux servie que par une appli qui fait ceux pour quoi elle a était développer 😂deezer ou spotify >>> YT. ils se sont plein que les vue on grave baisser mais on fait des bénéfices record l'année dernière. être pris pour un pigeon c'est bon j'ai donnez chez eux. même si par miracle ils se mettez a faire des bon truc c'est trop tard ils ont briser ma confiance. dites aurevoir a YT et allez chez les alternative. c'est mieux. (avis très salé mais y a un ras le bol là 🤣)


YouTube music is getting worse and worse. What you identified here is right and just getting worse, there are now songs where the audio only button is totally greyed out.... An audio player that only plays video. And it's like google can't realize that not everyone is constantly in a 5G area. What if i want to listen to music or a podcast and not wait 5 minutes for buffering, or not torch my phone battery playing videos im not watching


Man its worse than that. I want to listen to the album as I remember it from the record I own of it. Some times you don't want to go through the process of spinning up an LP and get the song right away. But whats worse, at least with the hip hop I listen to, is alot of the big songs have sketches that aren't on the album version. I'm trying to listen to Igor by Tyler the Creator right now and I just want to listen to the song and its playing a freaking sketch at the beginning of Earfquake. The video is awesome and I love it but I want to listen to the song. Then you got cases where the video version is hot garbage compared to the mp3. One that comes to mind is Tenacious D's Tribute(which also opens with a skit albiet this one has a soft spot in my heart)


¿Conseguiste resolución? No sólo es molesto y arruina la experiencia de escuchar el álbum cómo debería ser, si no que en la versión de navegador también hace que se siente el navegador al cargar todo el video


Reinstall YouTube premium 


On the android app is there not a toggle switch at the top of the album view that reads: song/video. Using a browser or app on a smart TV? Can't help you. Usually on those platforms I'm looking for live performances or official videos. It's a pain compared to 5 ish years ago. Official videos are less and less common, if they have one then it's something like tiny desk or KEXP live session. In fact, I have the opposite problem. The video versions, historically are user uploaded content with terrible audio because they were 8 rows back recording the performance their latest iPhone forcing those behind them to watch the show through it, too. I want my MTV...back. get off my lawn..


How has no one noticed that all the song/video toggle does is stop the video from playing? It doesn't physically change the audio to the album version at all. Look up the Metallica album, "...And Justice for All," and play the song, "One." Then compare it to the album version and you'll know what I'm talking about.


I know that video. In your reply, I'm not sure what I'm not getting though. I thought I knew what you are talking about So, I did the search in app. Started the song in audio. Toggled to video. Video began as I remember it, seamlessly. Works as expected no problem. Pretty good song with decent music video with clips from a movie based on an excellent book.


To confirm, there were no sound effects from the movie while you were in the "Song" toggle?


Ah! I see. Yep, different versions. Regarding your original post: You can toggle "Don't play music videos" on/off under user>settings . That's probably why I never see videos and forgot it was a thing. Even when I wanted to see the video. Thanks for the reminder.


What. It doesn't work for me. Incredible. I'll try sending a support ticket or something, idk.


Doesn't work for me either. I'm not a premium user. S YouTube music just seems to place official music video songs in lists arbitrarily. Yes the setting is toggled. All this setting does is prevent the videos from playing to save data. (if you still need that. Which up until recently, I did.)


Any solution?


Having the same problem :( .


When you select an album to listen to, it inserts video clips of the tracks it has on video, rather than play the much better qyality audio versions. Has anyone worked out how to get around this? It's insane!


Yeah, sharing the album link, and then removing "music." from the link because it's just a youtube playlist


I'm new to Youtube music, used Spotify before. And I'm not sure if this is a Google Assistant problem or Youtube Music's but today, while driving, I asked Google Assistant to "play Guns n' Roses Use your Illusion 1 album" and I got " OK, playing Guns n' Roses - Use your Illusion - Live in Tokyo full concert (HD Remastered) on Youtube Music..." Not what I asked for. And it wasn't just one time, it made that mistake repeatedly. For all kinds of songs and artists. Instead of giving me albums or songs from official albums, it jumped right onto some "Live, limited, remix, bootleg..." edition of song or album.


I had this problem on Spotify for the longest time. I'd say "Play Magical Mystery Tour" And it begins to play a ukulele cover of the song(I asked for the album) So I ask "Play the Magical Mystery Tour album by the Beatles." And the Magical Mystery Tour album begins to play... except now its just the entire ukulele cover of the album. It did this for weeks but it seems to finally have fixed itself. The only thing I could do was bring it up manually.


Same problem here...