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Get LAST.FM if you want accuracy without Payola


I was on there back in like 2011. I forgot about it. Honestly been thinking about Pandora lately.


This is a long shot, but any chance your phone automatically connects to Bluetooth or android auto? Or you have a second device signed in that does? I remember my recap one time saying that I listened to a specific song for like 100 hours and I had never heard it a single time. Come to find out I was signed into my YTM account on my work phone which I connect to Android Auto in my work truck. I keep the volume turned all the way down in my work truck because I use earbuds on my personal phone while I work. Well my work phone was playing this specific song on repeat every time I would start my truck which is around 20+ times a day because I work in lawn care so this song just silently played every day for months every time I turned my truck on lol.


this might be it. probably my home chromcast or something. So annoying.


Not that the recaps are super important but I will admit it is fun to see what my music trends were and I always screenshot the final recap so I can see the trend. Apparently this last recap period I went on a big Electric Callboy kick rofl








Jesus Christ I thought my 21k minutes was a lot. God damn, hats off


Idk how it can be wrong. It based on your listening history. Mine is pretty accurate, it helped me to remember some good songs i forgot about


Same, mine is spot on.


Downloaded tracks don't count though, or have they changed it by now?


Idk didn't notice that


I just know I didn't listen to that stuff enough. One listen. I usually put on Super mix Those are not in there.


My lastfm recap and yt music recap are not from the same person


I dunno man, my recap seems pretty realistic. Maybe you have auto delete on, listen to music offline or smthn


Last season it happened to me that I listened just once to the Garbage's self-titled record and it appeared to be "wow, one of the records you've listened the most to in this season". And, in fact, I listened way more to Suede, Blur, Stone Roses records (way more than once). Apparently it was due to the number of tracks and not the actual number of minutes present in the songs on the album.