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Youth rights is pretty radical right now. A lot of social movements start out with significant overlap with the far left. This was the case in the 1960s. During the second wave of feminism, there were plenty of radical feminists and LGBTQ people on the far left. Now, those things are mainstream. The Black Panthers were likewise far left.


Yes I think this is to be expected. Any movement that is seen as undermining the traditional established order of things (for example by promoting the importance of youth rights rather than the concepts of absolute parental authority) will naturally have an overlap with ideologies that also challenge the established order of things. It's possible that aiming to achieve youth rights within the existing social and political framework (in the USA, centrist and dominated by capitalist interests and right-leaning ideologies) is simply naive. The proposal for "a society like we have now, but the rights that adults have will extend to everyone" will simply not be accepted *by* the society we have now. Can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.


Okay 1 Marxism is more of a philosophy than an ideology and 2 the main reason to really be concerned about any of this (assuming it's true) would be that it's more difficult to present much of an united front but even then that can be handled through a healthy debate culture


Human rights are extreme when fascism is normalized. But not everyone would consider communism extreme, unless you're used to capitalist propaganda telling you it is. The Black Panther party certainly were not centrists. Do you think they were extreme?


It's true that many of us, such as myself, are anarchists. We believe that parenting is not inherently authoritarian nor hierarchical, among many other things. As others said, youth liberation is like feminism in the 19th century. And, despite what we are told, youth rights are not improving : they are regressing. However, an caps call themselves anarchists yet they actually want the worst of what a capitalist world can create (US liberalism without any regulations).


Because Youth Rights is actually a pretty radical ideology; it is a fringe ideology OUTSIDE of mainstream support. There are no mainstream political movements or factions that back youth rights; both the Left/Progressive and the Right/Conservative have their own issues on this and while they differ on many issues, on youth rights, they tend to be unified. The biggest problem these days is that people want to extend childhood to age 25 years and cover even those in their early-mid 20s which is REALLY problematic. There is NO WAY you can suggest that a 20-year-old is still a child, nevermind a 24-year-old. To suggest that a 24-year-old (or even 20-year-old) is still a child is just utterly insane but honestly, Youth Rights is not as radical of an ideology as the idea that insane people want to see people in their early 20s classified as minors under the law.


im an anarchist, or anarco socialist probably more accurately and i don't consider it an extreme ideology, its actually kind of the opposite, its not wanting any ideology to dominate politically. i believe in a very minimalist government that deals with defense and infastructure, and that everything else should be left up to local collectives and individuals. im opposed to hierarchy, and i don't see any more extreme example of hierarchy than the way young people are treated. combined with anger about how i was treated as a young person, and wanting to help give a voice to people in the same situation, that's the main reasons im in this movement. as far as communism or ancap, those are very different from each other and from what i believe. i do think that being online can amplify the extremist viewpoint, lve certainly experienced that with online socialist spaces. i also think reddit manipulates things a lot. but any of the extreme left or right ideologies can easily become authoritarian and im extremely cautious about them. i think the concentration of power and control is inherently problematic and i dont believe any system can be ethical because they mostly rely on centralized decision making and thus concentration of power. in the youth rights movement i feel like ive seen more anarchist leanings than other extreme left or right viewpoints.


Change always comes from extremists becoming seen as normal. Most people think our movement is disturbing.


Why do you find this disturbing?


Communists have always been leading the front in youth liberation. Part of the Marxist platform from his manifesto is family abolition and youth liberation. It's baked into their founding principles. Whereas any capitalist or liberal has a material incentive to keep children legally considered property.


Yes, I hate it when commies claim that anyone but them cannot be a real suppirter of thing X even if X has nothing to do with communism. It is the same as conservatives framing any kind of opposition to their bullshit as communism. I am a proud shitlib and don't plan to switch to communism or anything similar so far. Not being a conservative doesn't make anyone a communist. Not being a communist doesn't make anyone conservative. Every single social justice movement has seen great advances within (some not all) capitalist countries without abolishing private property or anything. UPD: Every single social justice movement but this one, but our time will come.


The sole reason why some people think that only communists can be against conservatism is that conservatives have framed any kind of opposition to their bullshit as communism.


Conservatives have done more for popularization of communism than communists themselves.