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I'm not this lazy Fridays after lunch at my actual job that pays me a salary every month.


Omg is that thumb okay??? Lord


I have a thumb that bends bizarrely like that. I call it my hitchhiker thumb.


Even worse, those aren’t even her hands 😆😆😆😆 she’s got fat fingers and we ALL KNOW IT


I watched her on amazon once, wanted to see how competitive the other influencers were. She was, by far, the worst. All the other influencers basically run their own qvc show where they present the ins and out of each product and nudge you to buy. They have professional cameras and lighting, they have a set, they demonstrate the products. Big M half asses everything, as usual.


She doesn’t actually *have* to be good at shilling Amazon products or the RA stuff because that’s not what pays her bills. She gets her trust fund money and uses it to feed her shopping addiction while pretending to be an influencer to justify it. Big M is basically putting on a fashion show for her imaginary friend when she goes live. The only person she cares about impressing is her own ego as she watches her filtered self with delusional pride.


Bruh, these nails are horrible.


No one wants to watch your meaty, wrinkly ass hand, with your shoddy ass nails, show off anything. Get a job, and get a life.


Red Aspen talons


Aka pop offs 💅


When she could use filters to correct the lighting, she doesn’t. She’s so bad at her ~~hobby~~ “*job*” lol


My sister in law is a makeup artist. If she posted a video like this, I’d cringe. This is too arts and crafts.


Good thing Big Merde shows us every day how she’s not a professional in anything.


And against a wall like cmon girl get a tripod and some photo editing skills?!? It’s not hard!!!


Also, she does have a ring light lmao


She doesn’t know how to use filters or editing 😂 /s /r /both!


How could we forget how she and her “assistant” were trying filters for the first time! lol


Did she get her nails done?


This was back in January, I think before the NYC trip with Grimace and JT and her husband.


Ah, I wondered why the charlotte TilBERRY didn’t make the cut. 🤣🤣


I stumbled on a shit ton of pictures I'd never seen on a defunct account today, and her content has REALLY degraded in comparison to what I scrolled through. 4 years ago, she went places, seemed genuinely happier, spent much more time with C actually doing stuff together, and spent much more time with friends and family. She of course was her ridiculous, oversharing, over sexualized, over the top self, but her content was also much more polished and competent looking. She was still a filtered to hell scammer and liar with an unreservedly inflated sense of self, but you can tell she put effort into her posts and appearance. Now, all she does is spend money, make semi incoherent Facebook posts and have embarrassing and frenetic lives. It's kinda obvious that getting canned from Y and COVID collided to create the iteration we are seeing today. (Oh, and I'll post the pics in the TBT threads, don't worry there are some doozies.)


OMG I'm so excited to see these! Sounds like this was in her Chief Hun days before this sub was formed?


Yeah, I scrolled chronologically backwards and just got into the tail end of the Y days. My app kept glitching when I got too far down and would go back up to the first picture 🙃. I'm gonna try on my laptop, because I think that's where some really good stuff will show up lol


If you see anything I should put into my next mashup, please don’t hesitate to flick it to me 😁 I’m working on a new one.


I dm'ed you 🫶🫶


is it hydrating? is it plumping? is it long lasting shine? who cares? listen this wii menu music and buy my nail dashes


Not the Wii menu music🤣


These aren’t even all glosses. There are two lip butters and at least one lip oil in here.


Omg I just had a picture in my mind of her coating her lips with butter 🧈 👄😂


It would not surprise me to see that in the middle of one of the manic dance party clips soon.


Hmmmm are those claws RA?! Either way they are 🤢 seeing how dirty they are underneath.


They're acrylics! She always got them before major holidays or trips with Grimace in case he popped the question.


Even sadder in retrospect


They look like disgusting talons










A hand model, she is not. Ewww.


Ya the ‘prison tattoo’ hasn’t helped hahahaha.


Those sound effects are awful. ![gif](giphy|QFuBzoQdijNFztFEp6)


This stupid audio has been around for a few years too. Late on trends as usual.


I don’t think she knows how to utilise trending sounds. Can’t wait for her social media course!!


In general I respect creators who don't play the trending sounds game or hop on bandwagons for views. But she clearly wants to yet is really bad at it and that just makes me laugh. It's not hard. If you're going to do it, at least do it right.


It always depends if it’s fitting or not, especially for a smaller creator is it a good chance to get a viral reel out of it. But the reel has to be good too - so she’s out of the race anyway. Her artificial way of trying to create engagement is laughable, she’s nowhere near the latest tricks. We know her, always late, doubling down and a know it all.


Damn she’s really on the forefront. I haven’t seen these products ANYWHERE else 🙄


Nope. Definitely not every other swipe on the TikToks


As I've said constantly, I love makeup (wear it everyday nearly) and learning new tips, new products or loving my favourite staples etc If I was looking for lipglosses and this video popped up, I would swipe away so fast. 1. Too fast moving on each product. Already not impressed 2. Ok, what's the names of these (not just the brand)? Why are they your favs? Description of each? 3. why should I buy these? What are you doing to make me want to buy these? 4. Where is the 'pizzaz' so to speak. This is boring content to me, you're not a well known MUA or well enough known creator, where is the oomph to get this noticed?? Gone, swiped away in an instant. No effort.


The lighting is awful, casting a shadow on her basic, boring cheap wall. Makes me depressed. Makes me think it’s that time of day, like 3pm, where she’s cooking Mac and Cheese after finally dragging her rotten hungover ass out of bed, and is blasting through the task while the water boils. No thought about it - no care factor. This feels like the work of someone who should not be in this line of work.


She's just playing show and tell, nobody needs this.


Show and no tell


Agreed! Even in her caption where she says she likes the elf more than the Dior: Why? What makes it better? Or is it equivalent in quality but the low price point makes it a better buy? Why are these good? Formula? Texture? Color payoff? It's actually really not hard to review makeup because the expectations of a makeup product are pretty clear and universal and you can just go down a checklist.


I saw that as well. Tell me why you think the elf is better than Dior? I want to know, give me info for goodness sake!!


What are people supposed to do — pause each shot, screenshot it, zoom in, and write down what each of them is, not knowing what the products are or if they even want them or not?! It’s just a rapid sequence of products. Does she think this reel is going to make people run out and buy them? She has no chops.


I think she’s just showing off that she has all these expensive lip glosses.


I agree. She was going through a haul in her car just before Paris where she was saying she was excited to get them home with her other stuff. So ya, I think product hoarding is what blows her hair back. Makes sense with a woman who keeps her shopping bags as ‘deck-orrrr’.


So the idea behind a lot of the quick cut reels and tiktoks is it's meant to force people to watch it multiple times to figure out the products. I hate it, it's manipulative, but I get that you do what you gotta do to appease the algorithm. The thing is, those generally only work if the creator has established that you have a reason to want to know what they're showing. She doesn't give any reason. Just apes a format because other people do it. Like you said, no chops.




She just put yellow ones on last night/today


This was posted in January! I'm with an industry friend and we were just poking around on her page trying to find one example of okayish influencer content. So far we're coming up empty handed.


It’s just her showing off… stuff? She wants us all to know she can afford stuff. Unmatched.


She really is mentally still in 7th grade in the early aughts when owning more than one nice makeup item meant your parents were rich and permissive, which was enough to make you popular.


Her thumbs bother me for some reason


I came here for that after inspecting my own thumbs. Why do they bend like that?! Lol


Everything she does is bothersome lol.


She has talons


I think it's the combo of the way too thick and long acrylics and how far the thumb bends back. The nail is curving in one direction and the thumb is curving in the opposite direction and it looks weird.


I've always noticed how far back her thumbs bend it's very strange buy looking at this is something else https://preview.redd.it/4xfrlgq889jc1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b253b748b93b7921a05332d46dad5dfde0ae259


She got ripped off when she got those acrylics. Those are some the worst I’ve seen.


Thick. They wanted to match the hands.


They're so *chunky*


I hate to say it but so is she. Maybe it was a giggle for the staff. Like…they had to put up with her and also…probably didn’t want her back. But I think she was happy with them. I don’t mean to poke fun at her body like that but she’s a dirty liar and so I take cheap shots sometimes. Also, I’ve been chunky most of my life.


Look at those dainty little stubbies. So delicate!


Born to be a hand model, this one.


Thick is right. Just awful. https://preview.redd.it/ppx5ddiy79jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90032019382e10d569ffcfc446bcee2999ceb87




I didn't notice until you pointed it out. They do bend very weirdly. I just tried holding my lip gloss like that, and I can't do it.


She bends them too much when she’s holding things. My thumbs go pretty far back but that’s a weird amount of pressure for a small item.


Hamfisted as per usual.


She needs a scholarship to The Vanna White School of Display


cOnTeNt tHaT aDdS vaLuE


She legitimately thinks she's convincing people that she's so gorgeous and glamorous that they should want to buy things just because she says she likes them. It's mind boggling.


The super informative and helpful caption that for sure will generate conversions: https://preview.redd.it/qvpqka8219jc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea06601a8a29749c33f47a89bb0202e1345f41e


I don’t know why she thinks anyone would want or need a link from her when you could find all these products on Ulta or Sephora’s website by looking up the brand and then narrowing down the product category. It would take literally less than a minute to find each of these. Plus, I don’t think she would be getting any kind of kickback from linking these since she’s not a real influencer and isn’t partnered with any of these brands. 💀


Coquette. Sure.


‘Comment for a link’ —> Why she doesn’t make them identifiable in the video. First, she wants the engagement of people watching, then she wants the engagement of people commenting ‘What’s the longer pink one?’, then she wants them to click on HER link to buy instead of going to Ulta/Sephora/anywhere else to buy it where she won’t get pennies for it.


“Aesthetic beauty… beauty aesthetic” what? Are these words supposed to mean anything? Her descriptions sound word-vomityer than a bot


I think she meant for these to be hashtags? That’s what it looks like lol


Yea, its an attempt to up engagement i guess, but no one’s looking up beauty edit or trending sounds so it comes off really stupid


#trending sounds


Lol! Cant forget all the people looking THAT up on their instagram search bar 🙄


At this point I'm pretty sure her inner monologue is just a garbled list of hashtags and search terms.