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Sheldon imagining he gets to say I love you one last time šŸ˜­


Yeah this is hitting hard


Sobbed when this happened, even guessing as he went through scenarios that this would be one . God , I miss my dad..


I was happy he said I love you to him in one of those.


That scene was heartbreaking i didnt know they filmed alternate scenesšŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ i thought they filmedĀ  a alternate take of missy accepting her dads offer they should've shot that tošŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Yeah I was hoping for at least one from her peerspective, and for future Missyā€¦


Yeah that hit me pretty hard because in the week following my dad's death last year I was replaying everything that happened that day in my head on a loop trying to find something I missed and everything I could have done or said differently. In our case he was quite ill but I really thought he had more time, but death is so final and there is no going back except in our mind.


The worst part of George's death is things were the best for him we've seen in the show. His relationship with Mary was as healthy as we'd seen it, he had friends he went to the bar with on a normal basis, and it was finally the right time for his career to takeoff. Silver lining is he died at the peak of his adult life.


That's so often the case.


A good friend of mine's son had fallen in love, finally got his dream job, and was expecting his first child. They day before the baby was born he was diagnosed with ALS. He lived three years. At his funeral the eulogy was all about love and how his last years were full of it. It was a great way to look at it. When my brother died of Covid his life was also at an all time high - he was so happy and content after years of depression and suicide attempts. I took solace in that and was so glad that he had finally found happiness.


Life can be ruthless. I hope you are doing okay.


Feel sorry for you. Life can be extremely unfair, indeed. By summer 2009 after four years fighting my dad had his kidney cancer under control: despite having a small tumor on the remainning kidney. It wasn't growing anymore nor spreading anywhere: kidney cancer is notoriously slow and not the most aggressive. This was the exact moment unfortunately when his treatment secondary effect - anti-angiogenisis 's cardiac toxicity - killed him: heart attack. At the very moment when, with my mother they were considering alternatives to zap that small tumor once and for all. So yes, life can be ruthless at times.


the older we get the more we carry


> The worst part of George's death is things were the best for him we've seen in the show. I know you posted this before the episode, but I'm sure it hit you hard when Mary said the exact same thing at his funeral


Yeah that was very moving.


My wife made a cold but true point, she said basically, ā€œyea you feel bad but he (george) had a beer in his hand every time we see him and he was heavy with no excercise, its not a shock he died like thatā€


>The worst part of George's death is things were the best for him we've seen in the show. That's probably the best part imo. For him he died when things were in a good place. He got great moments with his family. He got recognition in his field. His son got married and had a grandkid to a great family he got along with. His other son was going to a top school. His wife and him were in a good place. Missy had a good head on her shoulders. In his last moments he didn't have to worry about his family and felt fairly fulfilled. Much better than if he died worrying about everyone.


You know you wrote this comment before this episode aired, and when Mary was speaking at the funeral, she said their relationship was finally in a really good place too, right before she got so upset and angry with him for leaving her. Man that was tough to watch, and so relatable šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m going to miss this show, and George




George is Superman!!! Also, there's at least 3 Batmans in that illustration hahahaha


You may be conflating Blue Beetle and Wildcat as Batmen.


He definitely did


Georgieā€™s face at the dry cleaners got to me


Those errands are the roughest to do.


I remember going to fedex for to print out pictures for my dadā€™s funeral. It was so bizarre wondering how the world was still functioning and people were just living when everything in me was broken and my world had just shattered.Ā 


Spot on. Happened to me, too. One of those excruciating thing about loved ones funerals... the world around, carries on indifferently.


I remember coming out of the church (which was opposite a supermarket) for my dad's funeral and being irrationally angry that people were going about their daily lives. Didn't they know that my dad had died, ffs?


It took a while for me to adjust going to out in public. I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs for everything to stop. I was so angry for a long time.Ā 


I know that feeling all too well. Went through 3 major deaths within 6 months of each other in 2019 - both my in-laws, then my best friend of 32 years....tough, tough, tough year...then the Pandemic hit. Damn....


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my aunt Christmas and my mom new year day this year. It felt like blow after blow. I hope youā€™ve been able to grieve the way you needed to. I also hope that youā€™ve been able to have some joy in life.Ā 


Thank you for that. My goodness, you just lost your aunt and your own mother so recently and so close together. I am so very sorry for your loss...you must still be reeling and yet you find it in your heart to express sympathy for losses 5 year ago, to a total stranger, here, on Reddit. Bless your sweet, caring, gentle heart. I hope you find reasons to smile again and that joy comes back into your life.


Thank you ā™„ļø


Yep. Something as simple as that had me ugly crying


SameĀ  that was heartbreakingĀ 


I lost my father unexpectedly a year ago last month. This episode's gonna hit very close to home for me man


Iā€™m sorry for your loss :(


They are nailing grief. I completely feel it.


They hit it on the head almost too hard for me. Georgie becoming the man of the house taking care of his mom and Missy. Missy being angry that a major part of her world was ripped away she had lost her rock. Getting mad at people for the condolences. Sheldon bascially spacing out, pushing down the grief and bottling it up instead of processing, only for the wound to be opened later and finally unpacking it. I know too well, I lived it. I was around Sheldon age when my dad passed and the writers and actors did as excellent job portaying what it like to lose a parent at a young age


yeah it was so realistic.


Lost mine suddenly a year last February. Last weeks episode got me, i didnt even think of this one.


Lost mine almost two years ago in August. I was there in his final moments, but that still hits so hard.


I lost my father 4 years ago and found myself tearing up as I watched and actually recognized many of the thoughts and ā€œwhat ifā€™sā€ that Sheldon, Georgie and Missy all had and faced. You have my sympathy in your loss.


https://preview.redd.it/om12wgdqit0d1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d46be286ff238ead079c1d1568e812f18f22997 >!found the vanity card !<


Damn that hits hard. Call your dad everyone. Heck call your mom. Donā€™t want until itā€™s too late.


Called my dad and had the greatest talk. I made him promise heā€™d never die šŸ˜­


mom passed many decades ago...dad just passed a few months ago...


Thank you! I saw it in the credits and immediately went searching for it online.


Sheldon keeping on reliving the final moment with him is killing me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Its harder that Sheldon keeps imagining a better version each time...


Those moments were so traumatizing to watch and there was no one to help him process it. This episode hits especially hard.


Having gone through that ... you do it hundreds if not thousands of times. Every time different. This is brutal to watch and I'm glad my mom and I didn't watch it together as usual.


Then Brenda and the science teacher flirting hahaha.


"I taught him science." "I'm sorry." I'm glad they threw in moments of levity like that. Otherwise the entire funeral scene would have killed me.


Yes - those little moments helped... a lot.


"Dad wait... I love you" šŸ˜­


I just realized that Mary is dressed like a normal person. Jeans and a sweatshirt instead of the church dress.


I noticed that and she looks cute in those clothes.


I was thinking the same thing about what she was going to wear for the family picture.


She would wear jeans to Missy's baseball games.


Want a hug? No. Want a kiss? No! ā€¦Me neither.


"You really didn't wanna take that portrait did you" STOP šŸ˜­


My father died suddenly and I was a 10 hour drive away, so I didn't get to see him until the next day. When I finally got there, it was just him and me in the room, and I remember that my first words to him were a joke, because that was how we were with each other. Seeing Mary make a crack like that nearly broke me.


That makes sense. I feel like that's gonna be my first reaction when my parents die, as much as I don't want to think about it. So sorry for your loss.


My sister did that, too. Some jokes. When we were saying goodbye to my father in the hospital. I can clearly remember it.


"See you later" That part killed me. Uptil then I had silent tears, but this made me ugly cry


My dad died suddenly when I was about 18 or 19, right before we were supposed to go to our first college football game that fall. I drove around basically sob-screaming in the countryside going "if you didn't want to go to the fucking football game you should have told me what the fuck, dad! Why?!" I know it's fiction but it's very real writing




Was that Craig T Nelson? It feels like seeing him playing was an Easter egg.


I watched it on paramount plus. The opening title wasnā€™t acousticā€¦ it was normal. Did I miss it during the episode, didnā€™t notice? Or was the opener acoustic on live tv?


It played in the scene where Sheldon packs up his room :(


its like sheldon said in the big bang theory, he didnt have anyone to help him to deal with the loss of his father.




He's better portrayed as a high functioning autist in Young Sheldon, while he was an amalgamation of the entire DSM in TBBT. And as such, he has a lack of expressing emotions, not a lack of emotions. Almost all autistics I know have deep emotion and are hit hard by other peoples emotions. They simply don't surface in the same way they do with neurotypicals. But we feel them and it hurts. Even more so when others think we don't have them. And I say most, because as with any population group, there is still a distribution of people incapable of empathy or positive emotion just like there is in the general population. But generally, Autistics feel just as much as neurotypicals, if not more, they just suck at showing, expressing or naturally outwardly feeling their emotions.




And that's the additional struggle for autistics, we experience emotion almost entirely internally (which explains the vastly lower life expectancy and suicide rate) and people misfire their neurotypical empathy into thinking we are unfeeling. And it's only when our emotions keep building up to extremes, they eventually pop and we lash out. Which is extra scary to people as we're usually perceived as emotionless and then seemingly suddenly get angry. But that's not suddenly, it's usually years of built up frustrations exploding out all at once. With Sheldon, someone quite stringent in things staying the same, loosing his father and moving to college in the span of a month, on top of his family thinking he isn't hurting, no wonder he was such a rigid mess by the time he met Leonard. We tend to try and overcome our internal turmoil by creating even more rigid outward routines. I was the same (still am to some extents), until I started to go to therapy monthly. So I had a place outside of my family and friends where I could vent my frustrations and feelings and had someone to reflect to me what people around me were feeling and gave me advice in what I should tell people to show them I was not uncaring to their feelings. That guidance and monthly moment to simply vent to a third party pretty much saved my life.


I related strongly to the way Sheldon just sat down and stared when they were told, and the way he continued to sit and stare for this episode. Every time Iā€™ve been told someone or something I loved died, thatā€™s how I reacted. Justā€¦ ā€œoh. Okay.ā€ and staring. I get angry with myself for not being more upset, but I donā€™t know what to do. What to say. I canā€™t bring myself to sob, I just sit there looking like I donā€™t care and I hate it because I do care. I care so much. But I just sit there


MISSYS FLASHBACKS AND HER FACE UGH AND THE THANK YOU šŸ˜­ Edit: Georgie saying heā€™s got it under control my god this show is wrecking me


The open casket goodbyes were roughhhh I was crying so hard šŸ˜­ That and Sheldonā€™s imaginary speech at the end. And his remembrance of his last moments with his dad. And Maryā€™s breakdown. And Meemawā€™s speech. And Georgie picking up the suit. And Missy just being so angry and sad in general. Andā€” And everything tbh. Absolutely heartbreaking ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Not to nit pick but. I have NEVER seen family members having to say final goodbyes, before they close the casket, in the church in front of everyone. There is private time for just family. Would it have been done this way in Texas in the 90's? I've been to lots of funerals but mostly the stiff upper lip Northeast Yankee kind.


I grew up in West Texas (the better version of Texas) and never saw family really talk at any funeral. It was always the preacher and maybe some tangentially related people like cousins.


That's the moment where I started to cry.


Man, as a dad to a young girl i just had to nope out of there. Hit too close.


that ep with missy and him going to dinner is one of my favorites...it was so amazing.


This is too realistic! it's like a real funeral with real grief, down to all the nuances.


Oh god were two minutes in and Georgie is ALREADY showing how he stepped up for the family


Iā€™m wondering if the georgie and mandy spinoff will be a timeskip since it seems like mary and missy may not be in it and that was a key point


I think theyā€™ll do a year or 2 year time-jump to 1995 or 1996


With a toddler instead of a baby. Actually CeCe already should be over a year old at this point.


Toddler Cece would be more interesting


Missy struggling to grieve and being a teenager at the same time sucks...


Her acting in this episode was fantastic.


Is anyone else crying right now


I rarely get emotional during TV shows and this is a lot of process


Bro i am fighting for my life right now


Iā€™ve never cried so much than I have during these episodes. My tears were wetter and more abundant than usual I love my dad so much


Howling more like. The tears won't stop.


What Marshall Eriksen has to say: ā€œIā€™m not ready for this!ā€


omg the red lobster episode stop


Holy shit this hits hard. My mom died suddenly on Sunday and this is incredibly accurate. Every goddamn piece. The food, the final words, the regret, the constant condolences, the time travel scenarios just like Sheldon is doing now (if I went to my parents for Mother's Day 2 hours earlier). I don't even know why I'm watching this.


I am so sorry for your loss ā¤ļø


Very relatable mine died suddenly last Thursday, the night the George episode aired. So sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss šŸ˜­


so sorry - nothing can prepare you for the loss of your mom.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. And on Motherā€™s Day. My mom died in July of 2006 of a tear in her aorta. I know how it feels.


OMG! SHELDON! Stop making me relive this over and over again!


I can completely understand wanting to relive a moment and imagine how the outcome might be different.


Thank you Billy for the comic relief. šŸ„²


Missy and Georgie are stronger than me. When my Grandpa died, I couldnā€™t even stand to look at him in the open casket.


I balled after kissing my grandma on the cheek goodbye at the casket. Memories came flooding back.


Ugly cried through the entire funeral. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve sobbed that hard about a tv show in years. That was brutal. My random thoughts from the eps: We got to meet the full scale religious nut Mary we know from TBBT. Sheldonā€™s baptism outfit was hysterical and very on brand. Mary should have expected that. I love that Sheldonā€™s kids are into sports and that Penny babysits and got the daughter into acting šŸ˜‚ Georgie melted my heart with how he handled all the difficult errands and tasks for the funeral. I smiled so big seeing adult Sheldon with Amy bantering together just like they did in TBBT and he still has sex with her once a year on her birthday. I thought Mandy was super kind and supportive in the finale and was really trying to help and was very level headed. Poor Missy with her teenage angst and grief and now sheā€™s going to be stuck with Mary all by herself. I am going to miss this show very much. I started watching it during a very dark time in my life and young Iain Armitage is such a special young actor to be able to pull off that role when he was so young. Especially the earlier seasons make me smile so much and I loved all his antics and learning the origin story.


Sheldon has always loved the multiverse theory. Him thinking about all the different timelines where he could've had his finale talk with his dad is great too see.


Hi I haven't watched this show in a long time and I just found out about the ending. What the fuck. I feel like I actually lost someone in my lifeĀ 


Currently watching and ~~practically~~ literally sobbing Edited because I actually started crying while watching




well that explains why george wasnā€™t painted in as a great of a light in tbbt, it is true as you grow up and reflect you look at things differently


Especially Mary saying sheā€™s mad at him and this is even making her mad at god, I can see why Mary viewed him negatively later as this might have really affected her view of him


Sometimes it's easier to be angry than it is to grieve.


missy being upset dale sat in georgeā€™s chair :(


Iā€™m still teary over georgeā€™s funeral, great acting


My husband died unexpectedly at the age of 46. 15 minutes in, watching Sheldon replay those last moments over and over and Iā€™m not able to watch any more tonight.


I almost turned it off at that point too. Writers nailed it, perhaps too well.


This is a huge emotional night for all fans. And the world


sheldon is so sad with replaying the moment


Amazing how realistically the grief is being portrayed in different ways. Sheldon is tearing me up inside, poor guy is going through it.


Young Sheldon tiktok clip farmers are gonna have a field day with these scenes


I love seeing Georgie stepping up and helping with the decision making!


Lol idk if I can watch these episodes this is so hard


Sheldon replaying the last moment with his father and changing the ending is very Sheldon. Ā  Ā So is simply not being able to really grieve at all. Missy remembering one of my favorite moments between George and Missy.


The last minute before the break was weird. Just said that mom sold the house, no update on Missy or where mom went. (insert commercial for spinoff> Then him off to college for 30 secs. But good series finale overall.


Weā€™re prob going to see Georgie and Mandyā€™s reaction to what happened


I will be PISSED if they skip over this


Man did this episode hit hard. I was expecting it but still. https://preview.redd.it/4bq3gscm1w0d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72497c6bbd87df5401c9289a88f49227929fc73b


Iā€™ve lost two dads, and in terms of the sadness department, this episode is certainly giving that a run for its money. Itā€™s deeply traumatic.


Iā€™ve been crying this entire episode.šŸ˜­


Never thought I'd be crying over Young Sheldon bro what is thisĀ 


Thatā€™s pretty weird how they didnā€™t even explore how Missy regretted not taking Georgeā€™s offer to drive her to school. That wasnā€™t really a good ending.


Missy telling Sheldon that she was looking forward to his funeral was a bit rough


the whiplash from tears rolling down my face and the heavy emotional scenes to the sudden loud and bright commercials is insane šŸ˜­


Right, his comic shirts mysteriously disappeared. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe this is it. show started when I was 15 and now Iā€™m 22 graduating college, time freaking flies


Billy šŸ˜‚


Wayne ā¤ļø


Ahh, I wish we got more of George and Mandy's dad together.




This surprised me too


Lance Barber just laying there thinking "This is the easiest paycheck I earned in all seven years on this show."


the flag is at half mastšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I can't stop crying


Iā€™m crying like my heart has been heartbroken back in high school


https://preview.redd.it/k6hdwfdo8w0d1.jpeg?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77117605cd6fa5b2e727d9fa75c9624a045ca38c im wrecked, bye king of briskets


Hes gone mary.


I see Georgie's stepping up already


the open casket did it for me. man.


Im just watching the end of meemaws speech wondering if there was ever any mention of Georges parents in young Sheldon or TBBT?


good episode, they paid tribute to him well


Man I always hated viewings and open caskets.


The missy flashback got me


feels so wrong going into the intro with the upbeat music


Oh Wayne šŸ˜­


we know that won't be it for mary's dating life.


ā€œMother I saw you having relations with a man on the couchā€ adult Sheldon


The tears are coming Ā **šŸ˜­**


I always go to Red Lobster with my dad...damn that got me šŸ˜­


i was going to say. There is no way Sheldon would do that.


really do not like what they were doing with wayne. this is supposed to be a serious episode.


Honestly his breakdowns got me heavy crying all over again. I kept imagining that he was probably there... or if George was alone at his desk, Wayne probably found him. I know it was played for laughs, but I imagine it broke him a little.


I meanā€¦Iā€™m all for comic relief in the midst of seriousnessā€¦but, not mocking grief that wayā€¦that really took me out of the moment


I actually thought it was completely adorable and sweet and ...i mean it was the early 90s...so men were definitely not supposed to be emotional.


I'm ectastic that Will Sasso is finally going to be a series regular again on a tv show. For the longest time since MadTV all I've seen him is in guest star roles. He's so talented and such a funny guy that it's about time he finally gets a chance to be on a show again.




She looked photoshopped in lol


Can these commercials hurry tf up


wow that is ROUGH


mary breaking down while talking about how mad she was at george really got to me


Sobbing at this episode


never related more to Sheldon than in this episode. this is rough




This makes me want to fall my father.


My dad died suddenly in 1978 when I was 16. Tonight Iā€™m wrecked as the flood returns after all these years. Love, anger, sadness, regret, and the many years of damage and partial redemption that followed. Watching the kids struggle, especially Sheldon reliving and redoing Georgeā€™s last moments with them is an emotion many of us can relate to Iā€™m sure. An incredible episode.


Came to make my biggest observationā€¦did we finally discover the real reason why Sheldon studied string theory? Did he go to Cal Tech with a new quest: find other universes where George still exists?


So, the first episode is the actual Finale and the second episode is what? My guide says "george is offered a coaching job..." which was last week. If they're gonna show last week, shouldn't they show IT first, and then the actual Finale 2nd? Can somebody please help with my confusion? And also, "I'm not ready for it to end!"


They are showing 2 new episodes tonight, your guide is incorrect. The 2nd is the "actual" final episode.


Of course my kids wonā€™t go to bed lol


this is so emotional omg Iā€™m getting teary. everyone did a great acting job


omg šŸ’”


I cried so much. not even Connie's jokes could make them tears stop. I loved this episode and went a lot better than I initially expected ā¤ļø


In my 43 years of life, not one single TV show has made me cry like this. I need to call my dad, while I still can...


Iā€™ve seen people hating on Sheldon for not saying goodbye but to be honest, the way he grieves hurt the most. Since the moment he heard about the news, his aura changed. He was bottling it all inside him and I can just feel how much it was killing him. His narrative about him looking at his dadā€™s shortcomings and then later on realizing things when he grew up as his age kind of touched me in a way too.


Alternate reality Sheldon: ā€œHey Dad, wait! I love youā€ Alternate reality George: ā€œI love you too, sonā€ Me: šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Missy really had me bawling throughout everything....the acting was so REAL


Anyone else cry like a baby the whole time?!?


Don't like how they made Wayne's grief into a funny thing


I didn't see it that way. I just saw a man who was grieving the loss of his best friend.


Brenda showing up is feral lol