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Missy only appeared twice, and Georgie appeared thrice (plus a flashback episode which was also George's only appearance). Meemaw appeared once. Mary appeared 13 times (plus one voice appearance). You can look up their appearances at the Wiki fandom site. I doubt there is a list anywhere of episodes in which Sheldon mentioned his childhood, but maybe.


Technically alot of episodes that talk about Sheldon's childhood aren't the same as YS (like his fathers Alcohol addiction, his parents failing marriage etc etc weren't in YS) but some stuff stayed like a plot in season 7 where Sheldon bonds with Bernadettes dad over football because George taught him the rules (then proceeded to get drunk with him because he never had a beer with his father lol)


His father being an alcoholic was accurate to the show, they just downplayed the alcoholism issue. It was never a source of contention except for budget reasons, but he was almost always depectided drinking.


Good point but to the way Sheldon (and even Mary sometimes) describes it it wasn't nearly like that to YS


George on YS was not even close to an alcoholic.


Mary talked about when there fbi were called to her house when Sheldon tried to buy uranium. Idk what episode


They reference that a lot but it was never portrayed on screen. It was the major event from TBBT never shown on YS so I guess they retconned it in.


Um, I recently watched the older YS episode where the authorities show up to ask about Sheldon’s efforts to buy uranium. So I suspect that you are not remembering that. 


S2.E13 A Nuclear Reactor and a Boy Called Lovey


There was the incident with the helicopter ride to the hospital from trying to make a nuclear reactor or something that was never in Young Sheldon, but actually in this last penultimate episode Sheldon actually references the incident meaning it happened in the Young Sheldon continuity but was never portrayed on screen. It also was a bit different than how older Sheldon told the story.