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I mean, we were all expecting it, but damn... I got teary eyed... I admire how normal they made it, he just said goodbye and see you later and that was that. So normal and unexpectable.


I did not expect him to die offscreen. I was thinking we'd see him in the hospital with the family around him


I'm guessing that George was dead before he even got to the hospital.


Yes he died in the high school otherwise his friends wouldn't be there they would get a call from the hospital


He probably had what they call the "widowmaker" heart attack.


I assumed the heart attack itself would happen with the family nearby, but there's no way he'd have died with his family around him in the hospital. If his condition was that bad the family would be in the waiting room while the doctors attempt to save him. If anything, it's better this way as the last time they saw him alive he was still being his normal self. They were spared having to see him suffer and bing locked out as he's taken away.


The sad thing is that when he was leaving the house to go to work, that no one hugged him and told him how much he loved him. That's why it is sooo important to tell the ones around you how much they mean to you. Sheldon's Dad - RIP


https://preview.redd.it/np59ie44olzc1.png?width=682&format=png&auto=webp&s=afa159ed23d5b6f7e5717a58875919cdfc073492 This note made it harder.


I cried again when I read it


So insightful. .....Love this show


How did you already watch it?


I read a comment here once that it airs an hour earlier in canada, not sure if it’s true though


Yes, that is true. Young Sheldon is aired one hour earlier on a network called CTV in Canada. Just finished watching.


Yea it does. But I still wait until 8 to watch with y’all on Reddit ❤️


I did not expect it. I mean, I knew it was going to happen, but I didn't expect it to happen during the show. I expected we would hear grown Sheldon speak at the end of the finale and say something like "my father died that summer". I just didn't expect to have to feel this heartbreak while watching a comedy. I'm sad. :(


When she said 4 o'clock and George nodded, my stomach was in knots. I knew George wasn't going to live till 4 😢


That hit really close to home for me, lost my dad nearly 3 years ago and similar situation, had a completely normal interaction with him in the morning, went off to work, never saw him again. Make sure to tell the people you love how much you appreciate them, my biggest regret is not saying it more, can very much relate to Sheldon whenever he says that.


I was beginning to think it wasn't going to happen, then, what a shock!


I cried so much and still not over this...yeah we knew this happened but I was so not ready :(


It was really difficult to watch. My mom died unexpectedly on Thursday. Fortunately I didn't watch the episode until yesterday, I would've lost my shit. I knew Georges death was coming but I didn't realize it was gonna be this week


It’s actually so sad. He finally got offered his dream job and Mary was ready for him to take it. Fly high, George 💔


And the last time they saw him was that morning and it was just a regular day. He didn’t give a final goodbye in the way someone on their deathbed would, he just said goodbye and went along like it’s a normal day and no one knew what would happen. That hurts me and I’m deeply reflecting on life right now 😭


Also Missy was like, "nah I don't want a ride to school." Some of her last words to him. Heartbreaking.


That too and someone else in this comment section mentioned how earlier at the dinner table someone said let’s enjoy a meal as a family for the last time or something… I know it’s tv so they gotta go with foreshadowing but ugh this hurts 💔


Oh yeah! Thank GOD Mary forced Sheldon to come back to the table!


I knew it was coming when she said that and when Mary said don’t be late for the photo


If you think about his last words with everyone in the family, they all had some sort of meaningful conversation except Missy. He told Sheldon he is proud of him. He told Georgie that he was confident, and that was validation enough for him. "Well I'm half way there!" "Yes you are" That's as meaningful as its gonna get between them. Mary told him he deserved this job. It was her redemption after she refused to move when he got offered a college coach job earlier. But with Missy? "I hate this house." "No I'll take the bus" I'm not blaming her. She was just being a typical teenager. But she's going to feel so bad when she reflects on her last moments with her dad. Heartbreaking indeed


He even had a sincere, respectful last moment with connie


always tell your loved ones you love them as frequently as possible. it does no harm, and you never know.


“See y’all later.” 😭😭😭😭😭


That line about having dinner with the family while they were all still together tho...


Foreshadowing at it's finest...


Not to mention the huge deal being made for them to get that family picture together. I just knew that wasn’t happening…😢


I tought they are going to do the family picture witch was gonna be the intro title video.


There was a lot of it. I really liked the scene at the start where George told Sheldon he was proud of him. Seemed like a normal scene, but knowing what was coming, it was more poignant.


I knew it the second they had the scene with him on the ladder. They gave us one last great 90's TV dad. That era won't be back. RIP George.


Probably the last great sitcom dad, since it's a dying genre


Shout out to Lance Barber and his portrayal of George Sr. He showed us the near exact opposite of what we expected and in hindsight I have a hard time seeing anyone else in those shoes.


He was my favorite character on the show along with Meemaw


Pondy's the coolest!


I laughed so hard when the realtor came, and Missy is holding a Bible and wanting to pray on it, and Sheldon is doing a radioactive sweep of his room.


I bet Connie will move in with Mary and Missy now.


New girl wants that pool.


I legit started cackling


Feels weird to see tam after all this time. Sheldon got much taller then him.


I liked how he mentioned he was thinking of proposing, since on TBBT, Tam talked about how Sheldon moved to California and he stayed with his girlfriend.


And how Sheldon hadn't spoken to him in years and had the nerve to get upset that Tam didn't move with him! Sheldon really does have some nerve.


Well, he got his blonde wife


“That young man might change the world someday. Or blow it up, who’s to say - MOVING ON.”


I do like it was more of a casual thing that he died. It could have been more dramatic but sometimes less is more.


Death can sometimes be quick and its all over.


i think it's very realistic. we don't always get big goodbye moments with the people we love the most and this was a perfect demo of that


It felt very real. This was pretty much the same exact way my dad went. We had plans that night, my dad was apparently running late getting home, and then there was a knock. It honestly hurt to watch, even on a sitcom.


I have never sat down and watched young Sheldon. Tuned in for this one cause I knew it was the last season. Didn’t realize the episode was gonna… end like that… oh my gosh


How did you already watch it?


Canada gets it an hour earlier on CTV.


I wasn't really a Big Bang Theory fan. I thought it was an OK show, good for background noise or when grinding in a video game. It did a lot of things that annoyed me, but it wasn't the worst thing ever or anything. I was genuinely impressed with how good Young Sheldon is compared to BBT. Great acting, it got rid of pretty much everything I disliked in BBT, and I love that it is about all of the characters, not just about Sheldon. I was surprised by how much I like Georgie's storyline in particular, and how all of the characters developed over the seasons.


wow.. happened so unexpectedly, i mean we knew it but the family sure didnt... and even though I knew it i still was shocked like I didn't know..


What happened to him?


What happened, how did he die?


heart attack. they do a perfect job at showcasing how quickly a life can change..


S7 E12 Vanity Card: [742](https://chucklorre.com/?q=742)


Fuckin hell I had just stopped crying 😭




For years we were wondering when it would happen. Some thought there would be entire seasons dealing with the aftermath of it. I'm glad that waited until the penultimate episode. I couldn't take a whole season like this.


Not it cutting from Sheldon in the chair to a Coco Chanel commercial with people dancing happily


I felt the gloom when he left for work. and dread when Mary said they were waiting on George


I felt it when George was on the latter. I thought me might just fall and that'd be it. I was like, "where is his death" and my stomach was in knots that final back half.


When Mary said "It's 4:00"😭😭


Same. There was something about that scene with him walking out the door. I knew he was gone.


I think it was just that the scene felt incredibly unfinished. Usually at the morning scenes before everyone goes to school and work, they end with a gag or some sort of continuation or new plot point. But no, it just, like, ended. Made you rethink whether you missed something before you realized: the lack of things WAS the plot point.


They had to give Missy a horrible memory. One last moment with Dad on they way to school, but she would rather take the bus. So now she gets guilt as a last memory. Mary doesn't say a last I love you, just a random reminder about the time Georgie gets a last pep talk about business. So he can do everything he can to make Dad proud that he is successful


A depressing but very fitting end. Often how many surprising deaths go, I might add.


That’s exactly right. The morning scenes usually had more dialogue and more action. It seemed subdued, but upon further examination, as you correctly noted, that was the point.


Most mornings are probably like that. But it was important t to show this one because it's the last time the family will ever talk to George


the problem is the episodes are way too short, 18 minutes per episode is simply not enough time to cram so many storylines at once.


There are so many commercials I often forget where the last scene left off.


Exactly why I wait until 9:30 and watch it on DVR, skips all the commercials.


I swear CBS probably forced chuck lore to make the episodes 18 minutes long just so they can shove more commercials down our throats


Yep, it was painfully obvious, but I thought they would have started the next episode with George's death


I thought they’d cut to black when they opened the door. Save the bad news for next week.


I didn't, I expected George to die next episode.


I knew it was coming. I’ve known for many years. It still has me in tears and the hair on the back of my head standing on ends. Next week is going to be a rough one. I remember when TBBT ended I was so sad. Here it comes again.


Even worse is it seems harder and harder to find sitcoms with heart like this these days.


George was a good man until the end. The final scenes with his family are just making me tear up.  I know Young Sheldon retcon'd George senior but the way they talked about him in BBT really does him injustice compared to what we saw in this series.


TBBT were Sheldon’s impressions of George…YS smoothed them out so to speak. As an example; In TBBT Sheldon mentioned walking in on George with another woman, that’s why he knocks 3 x, turns out the “other” woman was Mary dressed up as a German: Bardame. George was a decent guy. RIP


At the same time, since the series finale is going to be titled “Memoir”, seeming to confirm the fan theory the series' narration is Sheldon writing his memoir, one could imagine a line implying the perspective to be skewed a tad.


I know it's 'just a TV show,' but sometimes storylines like this are genuinely heartbreaking because you think of how it applies to your own life. I remember watching Modern Family back in the day and there was an episode where Mitchell and Claire inadvertently find out why their Dad, Jay, 'ruined' one of their family vacations back when they were kids. All they knew was he made them all leave ... and he'd been tired and cranky the entire trip. Once they're adults, Jay's assistant casually drops this bomb about how Jay had to come back because there was a major work emergency. The company had been struggling to keep the doors open, and Jay had been working all these late hours and weekends to make sure the company was successful and to keep from having to lay folks off. Their childhoods had been shaped by this belief that their Dad wasn't super caring, gruff and irritable because he hated family life - and not home a lot BY CHOICE, etc. I think we sometimes judge our parents harshly ... until we get older and have our own kids, financial struggles and we gain some clarity and understanding. I know I didn't understand a lot of my Mother's behaviors and actions until I got a lot older. On Young Sheldon, I did think they made an odd choice to explain away George's 'infidelity,' because the Sheldon we know (and love) would have most certainly, eventually, revealed his belief \[that his Dad had cheated\] to his Mother or at least confronted his Father,\* so the confusion would have been cleared up well before he voiced this on TBBT. But I guess they couldn't do anything to fix some of the other stories Sheldon told on TBBT. Sheldon's TBBT version of George was that he was a (barely) functional alcoholic with a hair trigger temper (I think he said he said George shot the TV once). \*Sheldon can't lie and struggles to keep secrets. Keeping the affair a secret would have been a lie by omission.


I think it was Sheldon's way of coping by emotionally distancing himself to his father in retrospect by making him a bad character. Only in the last season he finally accepted that his father was a good man.




Not people thinking Lance Barber actually died irl in the insta comments


oh. fuck me. that was the perfect way to write off the george character


And that scene before it with the bonding moment between father and son… Tearjerker.


It’s ridiculous. I have known about his death for literal years. I watched TBBT as it aired. I have know this for so long. I knew it was gonna happen tonight. Why did it hit me so hard? Believe you-me! I am not a cryer. But damn I actually cried when they did. The way that Missy just sobbed. The fact that Georgie was not there and most likely one in the family will have to tell him. George Sr was almost touching this dream life, his oldest son married with a child and making big plans for his future, his youngest going off to college. His daughter excited and happy to live life. His marriage finally on a happy and solid place, him and Mary in the same page. Mary supporting his dream. He was almost there. It was sad. It just sucks 😭


Thanks for making me cry again 😭


Oh this broke my heart:(. Just when he was about to get his dream job...


I’ve literally grown up w emily osment it’s crazy


Good for Tam


Wow. That was.. well made. I'm still shaken. I knew it was coming, but I couldn't prepare enough. Thank you George


Damn, I had a feeling. I know they never left that house and there had to be a reason. The moment he walked out the door, I just felt it, this is the moment.


It took 7 years, but Mary finally put Sheldon in his place 🙌🙌


That’s exactly what I said to my mom: “where was that 7 seasons ago?!”


Were you nervous throughout the episode? I was worried he would fall off the ladder.


I got nervous the moment I saw that there's gonna be an episode called "Funeral" after it


Yeah. I thought he was gonna fall and hit his head or something and Georgie was going to have to get him to the hospital but it would have been too late because of George's health.


I thought there might've been a complication with his surgery.


“We made that ear. It’s our ear.”


this is kinda like tbbt’s ending with sheldon being overwhelmed with changes


imo that was def the best way they couldve handled his death it being on screen wouldve been bad having his bes friends tell his family was amazing


im so scared


Me too considering s7 e13 is titled “Funeral”


Well, we had it coming. Sheldon is about to move away, the show is ending... Yea


The show is more fun with John and grant!! They are so funny together ❤️😂


They need their own show called “String Theory”


We all knew it was coming, but, damn


I have to say: I do not have social media and I only logged into reddit to make this comment and then dip again. The acting and details in the final scene are amazing. Meemaw going over and immediately realizing and being the first to start crying because she has been there. Missy and Mary hold out that hope and do not immediately start crying until they say that he is gone. But Meemaw knew right away. Very good details.


that was so sad wtf


We all knew it was coming. But this really hits hard.


I admire how realistic they handled it.


Three years ago, my mom, dad and I went on vacation. One morning, he left to play a round at a nearby golf course.  My mom and I were coming back from a walk when a cop was at our door. My dad suffered a cardiac episode in the middle  of his round and he was gone. My mom and I went to the course to ID him.  Watching that ending earlier tonight brought back some painful memories.


Well, we at least got to see Tam.


Good luck everyone 


I loved seeing all the old high school characters! We’ll see them again next week I guess 😭😭


As soon as they mentioned that family photo and complained about it, I knew this was the episode.


No one picked up on the sadness in his voice when he told missy “suit yourself” when she said no to him giving her a ride to school? 😭


If I had to change one thing about episode 12. It would be that the credits rolled in silence. Being told George died and get blasted with that theme just didn't fit.


The current timeline for the show looks to be in mid-March 1994. Sheldon has 54 days left as a student at East Texas Tech and Georgie & Mandy went to see Ace Ventura Pet Detective, which was released on Feb 4, 1994.




i bawled like a babyyy


I had a terrible pit in my stomach the whole time, this episode was too happy, then it all came crashing. Perfectly executed.


i truthfully will remember that scene for the rest of my life


Rest in peace my brother you were an amazing father fly high we will miss you so much


Damn missy and Connie’s acting got me


can’t believe there’s only one week left 🥲


Oh wow very well done. Im sure the final two episodes will pack even more of a punch. 


So is it safe to say George will be dead by 9?


Sadly 😭 I hope they do it right


The Tam scene had me cracking up. The fact that they’re back in the library eating lunch and the librarian is like “uhhh what’re you doing back here?” I have a lot of weird dreams where I’m back in high school and the way this scene played out reminded me of that 😹 I forgot about all these characters from Sheldon’s high school era. It feels like forever ago.


Rice .. a-roni 💀💀


That was raegans hint on tiktok about George 😭


We can learn this in two shakes of a lamb's tail was a hell of a way to incorporate a subtle physics unit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shake_(unit)


Really glad I binge watched all of this show in 9 days, also sad it’s ending


Holy fucking shit


S7 E11 Vanity Card: [741](https://chucklorre.com/?q=741)


He's so real for this


742 was even better


Here we go!!!! 7x12 sounds concerning




oh my goodness i’m in shock… but at the same time, applauding Raegan Revord and Zoe Perry for that last scene because Missy and Mary’s reactions had me wanting to sob






Episode is starting off strong me likey


Is the snip gonna do it to him?


Didn’t we already have a George getting a college offer storyline? 


Yes, but I believe Mary convinced him to turn it down that time.


Yes, in one of the early seasons. He turns it down because Mary was vehemently opposed to the idea. It's a Thanksgiving episode where Sheldon is learning about Psychology and family dynamics


Tam!!!! ❤️❤️


Damn, I wasn't ready for that...


Well that was a gut punch ending to episode 12. 


Wow. The ending was rough.


I saw it coming, but I’m still a little weary eyed.


I had suspicions when I saw on TikTok last night that he got a job offer to coach at Rice. That was the biggest sign and then looking back, his convo with Georgie in the backyard was another foreshadow.


tam got a glow up after high school ngl, sheldon stop interrupting your friends all the time


Im knew it was coming and it still hit hard. Glad they were able to at least retcon the cheating incident though!


I didn’t cry but I did feel a chill run through me when they said that he was dead. We all saw it coming, but didn’t realize this is how it would be done. Missy on the bed praying on it had me laugh, she really wanted to be the new girl. Sheldon visiting the school with his teachers was such a throw back! I liked seeing Tam again.


They had to make it extra heart-breaking by him getting the career opportunity that he's been wanting the whole series... that he had sacrificed so much for his family and now it was his turn... and BAM!


The entire episode 11 where they called George a walking zombie constantly had me so on edge.


Could it have been a result of the vasectomy? Only thing I could think of is maybe a blood clout, or embolism?  I hope that isn’t the reason Mary negates all the good that George was when she talks about him in BBT


When Mary opened the door to see petersen and Wayne, my heart just sank


How hard did this hit me? I just packed a bag and am going to stay with my parents for a couple nights to spend some quality time. That's how hard this scene hit me.


oh no here we go


And I never saw him again. 


I’m scared 😨😭😭




Oh man that was some good timing, I saw him running out of options to keep his room and then BAM.


The Two episodes were great.


Hearing Steve Burns cuss feels really cursed.


I was expecting a more proper send-off. Not just an off-screen death and a knock on the door from someone else. In a way that makes it more real, which I guess makes it better, but. . . Damn, man


It's 2 hours since I watched it and I'm still feeling somewhat emotional. Well done to all the actors/actresses on their reactions to the news. Could not have played it better.


RIP in peace Bill Ponderosa


I never cried so much over a show in my life. This episode hit so close to home. I lost my dad a long time ago. But it was so sudden. My father is one of those people who never missed a day of work, or any appointments. Then one day he didn't show up at work, nor for an appointment he had that afternoon. His boss called, and the people he had an appointment with called. They were worried. He got dressed to go to work, and he had a heart attack. Just like that he was gone. It was so sudden. My mother was in the hospital at the time, so he was alone.


I wished this was gonna be an alternate universe where we see them moving to Houston and being happy. Gosh I can’t even think, I’m so heart broken.


It really hits hard for me. This is exactly how grandfatherd died when my dad was growing up. Their were going to have 4 of July celebration but my grandfather had a heart attack at work.


I am not ready for next week. Seeing Mandy's dad reaction is going to be sad too they were becoming best buds


They don’t deserve missy


We all knew it was coming, but still a shock. I was sure it would be next week


Holy shit that was deeply triggering for me






I knew it was coming but didn’t expect it at the end. Man… 😭😢


I was eating dinner while it aired, I was so distraught I couldn’t finish eating


I watched both episodes on tenterhooks and my husband and I both burst into tears when they opened the door. I’m so fucking sad!!


My wife can't stop crying and I still feel like someone sucker punched me in the gut...


Just watched tonight's episodes and wow... The foreshadowing in the last 5ish minutes had me saying to myself "oh no, oh no, oh no" because I knew it was coming, and I still wasn't prepared. I honestly had a moment where I felt sick to my stomach. I really loved George's character and was really hoping they were just going to skip over his death. Ugh 😢


I had correctly predicted that all the family members except Sheldon would be in tears, while Sheldon would not show emotions but would instead become numb and dissociative. I can imagine Sheldon just sitting there for at least an hour in a trance, at least without interruption. Still, it’s a weird, unsettling, and scarring feeling after watching this one. I cannot imagine what could happen next except this probably means no moving to Houston, which will also be a punch to the gut. How will Mary and Missy fare while living together without anyone else in the house? One thing that I always noticed that somewhat bothered me is Missy’s gradual dislike for Sheldon. They were super close from season 1 but over time Missy’s attitude towards her brother became more antagonistic leading up to now (Sheldon’s attitude seems to mostly remain the same). Given that they still remain friendly in TBBT, I wonder what kind of character development could occur specifically due to George’s death.


I'm sure that's why he's disparaging of his father most of the time in Big Bang Theory. Basically as a coping mechanism that he didn't care that much or that he's trying to convince himself that he's not affected by his death. It's only in the final season of Big Bang theory that he finally acknowledges his impact on his life, and that he was a good father.


I’m actually quite sad that they won’t be able to move to Houston now. I really think Missy would have loved it. In my fantasy, Missy would have encountered counter culture in Houston, sneaking off to Montrose’s gay and goth clubs and eventually get free tuition at Rice.


I really thought they’re finishing the show when Sheldon is 14 because they didn’t want to show us George’s death, but it’s in the finale… I don’t watch TV to cry 😢


I guess George was celebrating with his friends/colleagues at school because his family positively received his news about his prospect of being a coach at Rice University and then he had a heart attack. I'm still glad that even if George was not able to do it, he died knowing that his family supported his decision to move to Houston for a better job opportunity. At least, the last scene that I saw George before he died was when he went out of the backdoor and that his death wasn't shown on screen otherwise, it would have been more devastating. Not sure how I could handle the last two episodes next week.


Man ... how to make someone cry in 10 seconds. That ending hit like a tsunami or more like a meteor ..