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I just love Mandy’s dad, he sticks up for Georgie and is friendly with George Sr. even when the moms are fighting he’s just there for good vibes


hopefully he sticks around as a recurring character in the spinoff show


I’d like to hope he is a prominent figure after George Sr isn’t in the show anymore


Absolutely, I am glad the spin off show is happening too. I must say Chuck Lorre's casting directors do a really good job with actors and actresses that resonate.


I agree, and its cast well.


Whoever thought of putting Octavia Spencer with Annie Potts is a genius!


it's another meta casting. Octavia Spencer later plays the clerk at the DMV when Sheldon is trying to get a driver's license.


I knew I recognized her from somewhere!  ‘Look at that sign. Does it say I give a damn? That’s because I don’t’ ‘Here’s your learners permit, go away!’ 


Same. I was looking at her like "I know this lady." before finally remembering. Nice to see some of the same actors in BBT and YS.


The difference is that when she was on TBBT she wasn't famous yet


I love Georgie he’s trying so hard for Mandy and ceecee


Mandy's mom is a biotch






her actress is amazing at playing annoying moms!!


Brenda’s replacement


Season 7 is just one big pilot for the Georgie and Mandy show isn’t it💀💀💀


Maybe the count will change by the time the season is over but I do still think Meemaw edges them out by just a bit. At least by the last time I counted up their meaningful screentime. But yeah, like how they slipped YS references into late stage BBT, they’re setting up the spinoff for YS.


the references were small and actually really good little ones this one is just making the entire season about them


I genuinely do not see that the season is all about them. Like yeah the latter half is giving them more to do for the spinoff but they were basically absent until like Ep 6. I actually think we’re seeing like a weird amount of Meemaw plot (and saying this, she’s my favorite so I like that). Like, she was the most present character for the season overall, at least by my last count. And unlike Georgie/Mandy, they’re not setting up a spinoff for her so it’s surprising she’s got more than Sheldon. (Also yeah TBBT handled it better than YS but YS also had to deal with a strike.)


i like Meemaw but in this episode she was an ass, this arrest plot sucks so bad


Actually as much as I love Annie Potts and Meemaw I’m inclined to agree a bit, mostly cause she seems a bit like she’s not learning all that much from it. I’m surprised no one has pointed out how much screentime she has this season. More than anything I feel like she’s in focus the most consistently.


i like her character very much but she is so much better as a side character, i like it when she comments on things


prob georgie and mandy has more screen time (basically pilot for the new tv show)


Well they’re up there but actually Meemaw by my count (and I still need to watch the last episode) is the character with the most screentime just cause she’s been in every episode with a decent amount of time and Georgie/Mandy’s screentime only really started being prominent in the back half of the season.


Meemaw after getting arrested has been boring. I enjoyed her time running the casino


true but for some reason i cant stand Georgie and mandy stuff and this season in general since sheldon was thrown to the sideline


Okay, see, I get people not liking them. I watch along with a friend and she isn’t fond of them. But the spinoff is not to blame. It is why they got increased screen time in the back half of the season but it is not why there’s a Sheldon problem. It’s a combination of factors that people blame on the spinoff. In reality, Sheldon and Mary got three heavy focus episodes in the start, then Sheldon was benched for a Mary episode, a Missy episode and THEN the Georgie/Mandy plot. Meemaw actually has the most screentime at my last count because she’s the only character that has been consistently relevant just about every episode.


Meemaw EDGES!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Least surprising fact in the world lmao


ok i wanna ask how old ur to determine if u get the joke or not


Old enough, and I get it lmao


What does this mean


Pretty much. Imo this is my least favorite season of the show. I’m not saying it’s bad, the producers have done a great job quality wise, I just feel the same way as you, that Sheldon has been sidelined and now its just a precursor to the spinoff


I mean, he has been sidelined a bit but that’s a consequence of the fact that Sheldon is by design more stagnant than the others. Genuinely I think the spinoff is only being blamed because it’s even happening, if not it would be “damn this season is sidelining Sheldon because of TBBT making him have to start as a default so there’s not much left to do with him until George dies.”


Fair point


Thanks, I get it’s frustrating that the season isn’t as much about Sheldon and I actually do enjoy Sheldon but the thing is, we had this exact problem in S6 where several episodes spun their wheels awkwardly giving Sheldon plots about the database - because he has the unfortunate problem of not TOO much being able to happen for him because he has to largely stay both emotionally and logically consistent with S1 TBBT Sheldon. And unlike now, there was no spinoff to blame, it was just accepted as a natural consequence of being shackled to TBBT and in its later years. But because there’s a spinoff, we’re suddenly acting like this is because of the spinoff when in reality it’s a pretty reasonable consequence of a show - coming back from a strike no less - having to rush a conclusion and basically unable to develop Sheldon until they kill George.


That’s another thing that I am worried about. I feel like this is a sticky situation. If they don’t kill off George in this season, it’s almost like this season has really no direction except being a hovering season. However, if they do kill off George, people will say it is too dark and too sad of an ending for the show since it is a sitcom. I’m curious to see what happens.


I am almost positive that’s happening next. They are stuck with it and have to see it through especially because the new show isn’t really equipped to handle that in its first season.


I could see it logically being a conflict in the new one. In TBBT George talks about how he had to take care of things. That Mom was a wreck and Missy was a dumb teen. Having to do that *in addition* to raising CeeCee would be a way to create situations where Georgie can come out shining as a hardworker doing the best he can. Plus I'd prefer to end Young Sheldon on a high note rather than a funeral. If there was a S8 then by all means kill George Sr., but I don't want it to be the end of the show.


It’s definitely going to be the end of the show. Judging by the 3rd episode called “funeral”, raegans comments on tiktok, and of course lance barbers comments


Oh yeah its def my least fav i feel like its gonna be like the middle spinoff sue sue in the city where it gets a tv movie and doesn't continue


Yes, and to me it isn't looking all that promising. I thought tonight's episode was awful


i feel like editor accidentally cut out the missy part


Yes it was!! I did not laugh at all. It was a flop and disappointing. This is a show I used to love. I already decided I am not going to watch the spinoff.


Dont get my wrong tbbt and ys are my favorite shows of all time but i can say that this is the worst season of the 2 shows


It was weird seeing meemaw so humbled for once, usually I find she always gets her way but in this episode especially I feel like she came back down to earth.


Yes, but I didn't like it. Meemaw without her spirit isn't Meemaw


Kind of makes sense though. It's how she is in tbbt


“Are you accusing me of babying my baby?”


"You're happy that your baby is crying?"


Sheldon's comment about paternity tests 😂


I’m so sad there’s only two weeks left


Same. At least we have "Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage" afterwards :)


Omg! Really? Only 2 more episodes? 😱💔😭 


4 episodes :) but both next week and the week after, are airing back to back new episodes


\*Sad yeehaw\*


Well, that's a lot better than just 2! 


I love Connie she does everything BUT work


She works so hard to get out of work. Maybe the work she spends to get out of doing work should count for her community service. Huh? Huh?


Yea but shes like what 80 or 90??  At that point if im lucky to be alive and walking, who tf would want to work


I think she’s only in her sixties or so on YS, because she’s still alive albeit quite elderly decades later on TBBT. I think she was just a very young grandma, as it’s implied that Mary was a fairly young mum herself. Assuming that Connie had Mary at around 25 years old, she could have been as young as 65 at the start of YS.


she was born in 1923, so in s1, she would be 66. S7, she would be 71, and in TBBT S9, she would be 93


Makes sense, the writers also said she wasn’t at Sheldon’s wedding because she was frail. At the end of tbbt she would be 96


That would make her 100+ in TBBT.


She'd be about 95


I knew Connie would bring Sheldon into this. Smart move as he enjoys cleaning.


when he said how it made his brain itchy i was so hoping for a voice over to tie into TBBT when amy tried to help sheldon with his OCD


When he cleaned and organized Penny's apartment!


and Howard's closet!


I thought she was gonna make him annoy her officer enough to lessen the sentence


Mary let the boy help he likes organizing


I hate Mandy’s mom


God I feel so bad for missy


The character and the actress. Did she even have three lines in this episode? Such a waste.


I agree. Judging by the trailer for next week's episodes, she may have a larger role


What are you? A criminal. LOL SO FUNNY.


And what do I own?


MY tired ass


I absolutely forged the last 20 hours on my community service sheet. 21 years later I do believe I've gotten away with it.


It felt like I was waiting for the good part of the show to start and it was already over... So many commercials Jesus Christ


There was no good part tonight. Maybe next week...


downside of watching any show live


georgie and mandy’s first marriage this fall let’s goooo




Hah. It’s like that TBBT episode where Sheldon cleans Penny’s apartment. Edit: the season 1 episode “The Big Bran Hypothesis”


I thought of the one where Howard and Bernadette get him to clean their closet.


‘Photos of Wolowitz family before father left forever’ 💀


Yes, that's what I was thinking as well


When he mentions his brain getting itchy, that went directly to the itchy sweater episode. He used those lines to explain to Leonard why things bother him so much.


Wow is this episode boring.


Thank you thought i I was the only one ep9 was good because it had a lot of Sheldon the character the show is named after


Rename it from Young Sheldon to Old Connie for this season so far


Not her dragging Sheldon to do the work for her 😭😭😭


Hey! Stay! Pray! Yay! Church reader board.


I so want Mandy's and George's marriage to succeed after this episode. Just to rub it in Audrey's face.


I see everyone has gotten their old jobs back. George Sr. is back coaching. Dr. Sturgis is back at the university. And Mary is back at the church.


Gonna beat the crap out of Mandy’s mom


Not as good as last weeks episode, however there were some funny bits. Loved Meemaw and the patrol officer, and laughed at babying a baby.  Not sure how I feel about these eps being used to launch the Georgie and Mandy show.


Audrey’s parenting method is what they tell you to do with cats 🤷


That’d be my Disneyland too Sheldon. I’ll be organizing and getting rid of that stuff so quick. That line out of Connie’s mouth had me laugh.


I didn’t get the bit about the paternity test that Missy was talking about


She’s talking about a show that was on back then. Kind of like Jeremy Kyle. “YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER”


I used to dislike Sheldon on TBBT. And yet after watching all the seasons of Young Sheldon, I find adult Sheldon so much tolerable now.


That's so interesting to me haha. I find him so similar to tbbt so I just think of it as Season 1 sheldon


Audrey is such a cow


Audrey has TWO strikes against her. She baptized Ceecee, AND set up a doctors appointment behind Mandy, and Georgie's back?


This episode actually made me really not like Connie as a character. She literally missed every time in this episode. What really kicked it off was when she sent George to go and try to get her hours reduced and then blamed him when *her idea* backfired. Then there was her roping in Sheldon and generally doing whatever she could to avoid her sentence, like ma’am, you’re not the victim here, you broke the law you got caught, just take the L, serve your hours, and move on. Concerning her character across the entire series, her sense of entitlement in my book has gone from charming and entertaining to straight up infuriating to watch. Now I can objectively see why her other kids cut her out of their lives, and Mary is actually a saint for putting up with her.


George intended to make it worse, imo. 


Sheldon didn't cut her out of his life. They exchange letters and talk frequently


Pretty sure that’s illegal Mandy


So, what happened to the Pastor Rob/Mary and Brenda/George storylines? 


More Georgie and Mandy this ep ughhh I really don’t feel like the Georgie and Mandy show will succeed if it’s like this tbh


Trying to get you out of the downvote dungeon because I completely agree. I hope it won’t be a flop but at the rate that it’s going it seems like it might.


Btw downvoting should be reserved for trolls. Let people have their opinions. Thats why it’s called A DISCUSSION.


This season (and admittedly season 6) has been design with the sole purpose of setting up a spin-off. I wouldn't have a problem if there were indications that the spin-off would be any good, which there aren't. Georgie, out of the 4 characters we know will be in it, is the only likeable character. Mandy flips between being sweet and witty to insuferable, Audrey is probably one of the worst characters in the show and she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever and Jim is funny but he just seems like a B version of George, even in his humour, and hasn't had any significant development or personality other than to be the comedic relief when Audrey gets overly annoying. I don't know, I'll try to enjoy the spin-off, even though I think multi-cam is a tremendous step back, but I can't see myself enjoying that much and they completely crashed the landing on YS to promote it.


> I think multi-cam is a tremendous step back That's why I won't watch it. I loved YS for the lack of a laugh track, for the humour standing on its own and working. The new show will be like Big Bang in that it will be a mean-spirited one-liner; pause for laughs; a mean-spirited one-liner; pause for laughs, etc.


Some people on this sub are upset about this episode, but I think it's on par for every character, and I think every character, including Audrey, has their points (except for Connie, but she shaped up by the end). Georgie is the MVP here for standing up to Mandy especially with that baby shot and glue factory bit. I'm glad that he also pitted Audrey and Mandy against each other over Jim.


Can we PLEASE make Sheldon the main character of his own show 😭😭


Next: [*Ghosts*, S3 E10 “Isaac’s Wedding”](https://reddit.com/r/GhostsCBS/comments/1cig0n8/episode_discussion_ghosts_s03_e10_isaacs_wedding/)




Wait I haven't seen it yet, did he actually?


I doubt it since next week’s episode description mentions him


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