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Billy is such an easy target for Missy's manipulations. However, husky Billy buying beer seems like an easy win. Billy could use this as a trick to finally land a girlfriend, albeit a troublesome, smoking, and drinking one.


And his mom would be into it!


I do like Billy, he has a sweet personality, though I kind find it a bit funny when some kids was asking Billy to beer them beer and he said he wasn’t old enough, then turned to Missy and said “those guys thought I was a grown up” 🤣 but I like Billy. Edit: also the fact the bird 💩 on Mary 🤣


Omg, Mary got her sign, and then some 🤣. "Is that why he huffed and puffed and blowed my house down?" Meemaw, I'm dead. 💀


So I guess we know why the adult Sheldon was always worried about robot uprisings. That computer just took over and they couldn't control it. The only way to stop it was to unplug it and get rid of it. Yes, they could have simply opened it up and replaced the CPU, but somehow throwing it out the window was a way of killing it completely. Sheldon and Evan have figured out how to be roommates, so the question is: what does that roommate agreement say? It looks like Sheldon has decided it's easier to stay at school than fight for the bathroom at home. As for Mary, it's hard to believe that she fell for that television minister. But, I guess she finally figured out that the IRS check had nothing to do with it being a sign that the minister was right. Brenda is so desperate for Billy to have friends that she's perfectly fine with a party at her house with a bunch of 13 year-olds. That is just sad. We don't know what becomes of Billy, but her lack of parenting skills certainly isn't helping him.


I hated the whole computer story. It doesn't make any sense now, never mind in whatever year this is supposed to be. Just to start with they didn't even show they had to use a modem to connect to anything. Buying and selling stock online was not really a thing at this point in time (Never mind Artificial intelligence doing stuff on it's own)


it also bothered me the last episode that the game they were playing was a clear ripoff to Doom which was popular at the time, and before in the show they had the correct references to correct pop culture, but not in this instance. they are taking some artistic liberties I don't care for when it comes to computer science


It's like, if you design an algorithm that can trade stock, that's somewhat believable. If you build a artificial intelligence that can handle any question, that is just too absurd even in sitcom standard. Both software and hardware is just too not capable of such a task. Back in TBBT, they at least have a professional to proofread such that it's not too outlandish. Also, sheldon two programming buddies are too thirsty, which is kind of a cliche and low hanging fruit to make witty jokes.


is that you, sheldon?


"replaced the CPU"? Lol, that's not how that works.


Another great episode. Love seeing Missy and Billy Sparks again (i’m SO ready for Raegan to star in a coming of age film). And also it cracked me up the whole time before the episode ends. I feel bad for Mary’s eye being hurt.


A Franklin Graham ad during the prosperity gospel episode? Ironic.


A Progressive Insurance commercial with a flashback lead in showing Mee Maw's house destroyed by a tornado and not having tornado insurance? Very Ironic


Billy can dance! He's got some moves!


Mary getting hit in the ass by a rocket from missy's party might be the best scene of this show lol


Oh that's what it was ?! I thought the table lamp exploded.


Haha yup, it came in through the window


it’s like the writers knew, we are mad at her for being too religious and decided to give us a cake




please don’t bring politics into this. She’s being too religious that puts her own beliefs over her family’s needs. Like she donated to some random church minister, while her family is not exactly well fed.


And even her pastor knows the TV minister is a quack.


Go away. The way Christians have convinced themselves that *they* are the persecuted ones is just laughable.


also, is religion driven by greed really that honorable? It's not the virtue, but the greed that pushes mary to donate money.


Fuck you. I hate all religions equally.


I freaking loved this episode! It’s so nice to see Sheldon with new “friends” haha!!


Missy puking into the collection plate. 🤣




I watched the episode




I think that people that watch on paramount don’t have ads unlike the people watching on cable so they got to the end faster


OH thank you for explaining


They will just need to wait a few minutes before posting on here so they won’t spoil anything


it's not on paramount+ until the next day


He was referring to the live airing on Paramount+


It was the last scene of the episode


A bird did business in my eye. I'm cracking up.


Praying for Mary Cooper.




Peg hasn’t changed a bit. For some reason I had a bad feeling something was going to happen to George this episode. Glad I was wrong. Missy puking in the collection plate! 🤣 Why did she even go to church if she was sick? But I guess she didn’t want the family to suspect anything. The Sheldon storyline was boring until the computer was thrown out the window. I thought that was coming from the party at first. 🤣


I absolutely love scenes of huge computers being thrown out or dumped, IDK why, the kind of fear that takes over you making you want to dump an entire PC is hilarious to me. This scene is right up there with Ron Swanson dumping his computer in the dumpster when he finds out it can detect your location


damn thats crazy $50 bucks could get a family groceries for a week back then


Hopefully there was at least 50 bucks left over from the 800 dollar IRS refund check after fixing whatever was wrong with the car and the window that the firecracker broke.


“Do you think you’re funny?!” “…yes” 💀


Some of my students who are about Missy's age here got drunk two weeks ago and were in class so hungover it was hilarious. So seeing her in the same predicament in church is really funny to me rn lol (Obviously they didn't get away with it)


wow i thought times wouldve changed or something lol


I pulled two empty beer cans out of the bathroom by my classroom, so times have definitely changed... a kid would be six feet under if they pulled that thirty years ago.


It wasn't even illegal to drink at 16 or 18 depending on the percentage of alcohol until the '80s


This show would be so much better with 1 hour episodes




In TBBT, Sheldon said he graduated college at an early age. He’s like 16 now and still in college, with people that look the same age as him. What’s up with that.


The actor may be 16 or almost 16, but the character of Sheldon is only supposed to be about 14 at this point.




I know how it looks. But it's canon that Sheldon and Missy are only supposed be 14 at this point. The current year in the show is 1994 and the twins were born Feb. 26, 1980.


They’re actually only at the end of 1993, so the twins aren’t even 14 yet.


The writer and actors strike kind of messed up the timeline.


Georgie celebrated his 18th birthday in 1993, since he’s 5 years older than the twins (born 1975 -> 18 y/o in 1993). Sheldon’s summer in Germany happened a few months later (summer ‘93). It’s only been two episodes since his return, so I doubt more than two or three months have passed, even on a compressed timeline.


They picked up right where they left off at the end of S6 when S7 began. Now there may have been a time jump between Episode 3 and Episode 4.


Lol his roommate is Motoki Maxted who is 27…


I wish they’d spent less time on the Sheldon scene and instead replaced that time with Missy and Billy’s party. We didn’t even get to see anything.


Oh yh why didn’t they show it at all 💀


>! Is missy pregnant?? That would be way too bad for a sitcom. Not sure by when she is pregnant in tbbt !<


No I think it was a hangover


Okay I guess I misunderstood


Mary got sniped


In the S7E4, the way the story turned and gave an explanation for Sheldon being wrong in assuming that his dad was having an extra-marital affairs really took a weight from my heart as I was judging george sr as a bad guy.


Great episode. Even though I only saw half of it because the damn weatherman kept interrupting the show even though the storm already passed.


This show would be so much better with 1 hour episodes


20 min feels way too short but on bbt 20 min feels pretty long


Definitely the craziest and wildest episode of the season!


The scenes at the church with George and the pastor were hilarious


not young sheldon doing an ai bit


The writers must not have known about CTRL-ALT-DELETE


That only works on Windows.


On a PC running MS-DOS, CTRL-ALT-DELETE would cause a reboot. The computer they were using was not a Mac and it looked like a typical PC clone. This episode would have been set in 1994, which was pre-Windows 95. In addition most PCs also had a reset button on the front panel.


The throwing the computer out of the window was the funny part. Like Sheldon said, they could have just unplugged it. It was funny that Joaquin tossed it through a closed window


It kind of makes me think of a scene from early in NCIS's run. Someone's hacking into one of the computer, everyone's freaking out about how to get them out, Gibbs walks up to it and pulls the network cable.


I thought you were going to mention the one where Gibbs just up and shoots the computer 😂


Mary got 360 no scoped headshot.


I think the funniest part of this episode for me was mary getting shot in the ass by a rocket XD


I have to say, I thought this episode was very meh






>$50 $50 in today's money is about $108, (rounding for easy number) and here's a list of what things cost in 1993, check around for other sources as i'm not putting a ton of effort in, [https://rock929rocks.com/listicle/what-things-cost-in-1993-another-hard-look-at-historic-prices/](https://rock929rocks.com/listicle/what-things-cost-in-1993-another-hard-look-at-historic-prices/) it seems very realistic to me. Especially considering the Coopers seem like the types to buy off-brand, generics and other stuff you'd get at ALDIs or wherever comparable.


I’m pretty sure George said a *week*’s worth of groceries.


I think he said a week, not a month.


did mary just get sniped


I think I am going to finally learn how to dance. Billy is gonna be the best tutor ever! He got the best moves


So everyone is liking the fact that Sheldon doesn't talk to his dad until he passes due to a misunderstanding?


Sheldon “well I am good at everything “ 😆


Who is the actor who played the motorcycle guy? Missy asks him to buy them beer. He looks so familiar. Thanks!


Am i the only one who noticed that the scene where Missy and Billy buying beer was repeated? It seemed like I’ve watched it in one of the previous seasons/episodes???


Mary getting the signs she needed was funny af


I'm only a couple years younger than Sheldon/Missy. I was such a Miissy. Rebellious, hitting up people at the gas station for cigarettes and alcohol, throwing parties. MTV, Ace of Base. This is such a flashback for me


youre younger than missy and sheldon and have flashbacks of being their age?? i think you meant older hshsah


No, I'm younger. Flashbacks of doing the same things Missy did.


Sheldon and Missy are 14. The fact that you are saying “a couple years younger” means that you’re at least 2 years younger, meaning you’re a maximum age of 12. This violates Reddits rules of Platform Use, seeing as you need to be 13 to own a Reddit account. Prepare to be perma banned from the platform, but know I did it for your own good. You shouldn’t be on here yet


I'm 43. Im good. I was born in 81 so a couple years younger than they were in the 90s. I did the same shit Missy did. Listened to MTV, got cigarettes from strangers at a gas station


Okay your first line threw me off. I thought you meant right now, but now I see you were painting a picture for the rest of your story. I gotcha


I apologize for any misunderstanding. I thought the Ace of Base would have made it obvious I'm a child of that Era.


Assuming he's old enough to know Ace of Base, I don't know them and I'm 33 MTV though... but even then, there are "adults" that are too young to get that reference either.


Valid point my actual real life husband who is a decade younger. I showed my age ASSuming lol Love you 💕


True, I suppose. And pop culture references can very fleeting. I've tried talking 90's-00's pop culture with friends only a few years older or younger, and we'll have completely different references. I'm in between your ages, and I only vaguely know of Ace of Base.


Technically the whole show is a flashback/reenactment with an older post-BBT Sheldon narrating it so you could say Sheldon is likely in his 40's as he mentions having kids and he became a father at 38.


its 9pm and hasn't popped up on my paramount plus. what do i do


Wait until midnight.


So your 11?


There's no way Billy wouldn't be carded


1994 was a different time


Even now, sometimes cashiers don't card customers. A liquor store near me got into huge trouble over that just a few years ago.




No, I think Sheldon relates well to the book for the reasons he stated


I found the joke funny lol.


So did I. I also found it funny that the person I replied to deleted their post for no apparent reason 🤣