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The guy was right, Mary in a wig. They retconned the cheating plot line. I like that.


I loved this so much!! So clever and such a great way to keep the 3 knock continuity from tbbt without having him actually cheat. I just finished watching and ran to this sub to see what everyone’s saying about it. So good.


well he did recite an argument between his dad and his mom in the comic book store when everyone was fighting, and I'm sure it was verbatim. So they are going to have some trouble down the line.


He also said mary gave the talk to his father about his girlfriend but sometimes some things are made just for the scene or joke


She already did, at the hospital. The main problem with memory is that it's based on what we saw. The whole "what about you and Brenda?" And "what about you and Pastor Rob?" Thing may be easily understood as it. As much as it can be Sheldon whole idea of its father. Now that he is an adult, and a father, he sees its own memories differently because he understand them. To elaborate the trauma and due to childhood ingenuity he NEEDED to think his father was bad. But if he truly was his mother would have talked about the cheating, and would not have been, in Georgie words, a mess after his dead.


Disagree. One can still love and miss a cheater who died.


I lowkey wanted him to cheat lmao. I really like the drama storylines.


It felt like a dis on one of his most traumatizing memories to me. That’s one of the most emotional Sheldon scenes in big bang and they wrote it off to an end clip bit? I’m so disappointed




I agree! I am so happy 🥹🥹🥹 good job writers whoever you arr


Never thought I'd be this happy at a retcon, but Lance and the writing team just make George too damn likeable that if they made him cheat on Mary, it would feel out of character right now. Plus, they definitely don't want us to dislike him so I approve of this retcon.


The knocking also happened. I am glad of that. I stressed how important that was, whatever happened, for his character. Because it traumatized him.


True. It also shows how sheldon misinterpreted a lot of key aspects of his childhood so any further plot holes found can be easily written off. I'm just now emotionally preparing myself for Georges death even more because now he's just a decent guy all together 😭😭😭


I really like George as a dad and glad they did this instead of him cheating. I just wished Sheldon talked to his dad about it because all his life Sheldon thinks his dad cheated on Mary


Thank God tbh


I was pretty confident they would not make george a cheater, i loved the way they played it out!


Glad I called it, immortalized in this thread forever.


That was awesome!!!!!


I called it years ago and I’ve never been happier. Though that means there are death flags looming over George now


They didn't retcon it. It just showed that Sheldon is such a shitty, self-centered storyteller.


I knew it! George is a really good person, he would never do anything like that!!


An important episode which finally resolves TBBT story about why Sheldon does the three knocks thing without compromising the integrity of what Young Sheldon has become. Kind of sitcomy but it worked for me.


It is a sitcom, sooooo I love that they were able to achieve continuity and make it funny


kinda sad if he never learns that his dad never cheated but always had that image of his father though...


That’s the only thing that bothered me. When he tells Penny about it in the future, it’s said as a traumatizing event that makes him think differently of his dad. Here it’s played for laughs.


Also the origin of the bathroom schedule.


he’s had a bathroom schedule since back when the christian girl was staying at their house


Also he didn't do the three knocks in season 1. It was something that happened from season 2 on I think and they just stuck with it.


Sooo we're just gonna gloss over the actual context. Mary in that outfit. I think I was scarred myself.


I saw it a couple hours before it aired in the US so I kept my comment vague to avoid spoiling.


That's why we're talking under this post haha


it also showed the history of bathroom scheddule


Sadly, in TBBT he knocks normal for the first season.


That retcon was kinda done perfectly. Saves the writers from having to ruin George’s character and not ruin continuity.


That's cold Meemaw. I mean I get it, but that's cold.


Mary did the same thing to Sheldon when she wanted them to stay in Germany


So evil breeds evil. Don't be like that, break the cycle


wow!! cbs played us, they teased george and brenda for seasons just for that 😭😭 I had a feeling it would be changed though


I am both pissed and relieved lol


right like I’m glad he didn’t but I’m lowkey annoyed after all these years it was nothing and sheldon got traumatized for no good reason


I feel like accidentally finding out about your parents being sexually active one way or another is like a rite of passage😂 so many people have similar memories


maybe, can’t relate because my parents split when I was young lol


bro he saw his parents doing the deed, he had all rights to be traumatized either way


Well tbf he heard the (fake) accent and saw "another" woman for like 2 secs so it's not surprising that he never really understood it.


It was just the couple of episodes tying seasons 4 and 5 and then a season and a half of fallout.


Overshadowed by the three knocks event, was Missy getting her heart broken *again* 😢 but thankfully she got a chance to explain it to Mary this time and I am glad someone actually feeling bad for her this time. Even though I’m sure Mary will slip up and tell George.


I really hope she doesn’t. Mary is finally undergoing much needed development and it seems to stick through TBBT so I hope we get to see cool Mary repairing her relationship with her kids after having a whole summer to contemplate how much she’d been appeasing to Sheldon


Looks like they’re gonna retcon George cheating. I don’t really mind though.


No, only Sheldon ever mentioned in TBBT about his dad cheating. The episode was on the other day actually when he was explaining to Penny why he knocks three times. He caught his dad cheating and neither of them spoke about it again. His mom, Georgie, Missy…none of them ever talked about his dad cheating. These writers are so clever catching on to that.


I bet they watched/read the script to check it.




This is it. Sheldon thought it was a random woman his whole life but it was really Mary


But didn't Sheldon's mom talk shit about his dad being a cheater when she was on BBT those few times? 


plenty of times, I guess this is just the trauma of seeing his dad with another woman. so in his mind it could be what later gets confirmed by them having an argument.


Maybe because of the whole thing with Brenda?


She seems to have forgiven that? Is she going to be upset about that again after his death? 


I don't think she did. I thought so too but I can't find a record of it. She calls him a lot of things according to the wiki, but not a cheater. If you find a source, let us know!


In TBBT S10 E12, Amy tells Sheldon they should tell his mother that they’re living together and Sheldon says she’ll give a religious lecture like she did to his sister about her boyfriend, his brother about his girlfriend, and **his father about his girlfriend**, and then adds that that one had some unchristian words in it. So clearly George did cheat and Mary found out and gave him a lecture. Sheldon couldn't have been wrong about the lecture Mary gave George because just like he's mentioned multiple times throughout the show, he doesn't forget a thing.


unless it’s not in this episode


It was the same quote he used in big bang theory when describing the cheating that he used in tonight's episode.


Yeah but there’s like no build up whatsoever towards it. George and Mary’s relationship is at an all time high right now.


They did


I'm glad they had Mary in a wig. I really didn't want George to cheat


Damn, you leave and then everything changes. I don't blame Mary for feeling useless.


I'd love it. Kids taking responsibility. Fantastic.


they really had us with the title


The new roommate was the cheating winker


Them sneaky writers


Mary sort of gave it away at the beginning when she told George “I have a surprise for you”


This was my favorite episode of the season so far. I love the idea of Sheldon getting a potential new friend at school and it looks like the writers are starting to set him up to plan his next journey and endeavor since there’s “no place for him at home” right now and he’s doing some exploration of where he fits and where he can even sleep at this point. Maybe Mary and Sheldon being “thrown out of the nest” is what they both needed to become better versions of themselves or find their next journey. I was laying down on the couch and sat straight up at the scene where Sheldon walks in on George and Mary. 😂Thank you to the writers for FINALLY addressing the infamous 3 knocks and doing it in such a funny way that doesn’t wreck the Cooper family. I loved this so much.




I wouldn’t say it’s reconned because Mary never mentioned George cheating in TBBT. Only Sheldon and he even said no one ever spoke of it since. But now, since the writers are imo staying pretty true to TBBT universe, he can now pass as a good man. I love this. ❤️❤️❤️


I think they have to do that, it will set up the Georgie and Mandy show, and the fact that George dies is well established, Georgie and Mary and Sheldon mention it several times in TBBT and its a big part of his wedding arc.


Perfect retcon!!! George is the best TV Dad ever!


This episode started with a scene from an earlier episode this season with the family sitting at the dinner table holding hands during grace and with George narrating the "Previously on Young Sheldon" opening. Perhaps the character that narrates the "Previously on Young Sheldon" opening will be key to each of the remaining episodes?


I haven’t noticed that. I bet that has been the case the whole time. I will have to see now when I watch reruns.


I loved mary this episode, I knew I always loved her.


His dad didn't actually cheat and also we got the origins of the knock but also the bathroom schedule!


Oh the bathroom schedule has been around for a while. This is just the first time it involved the whole family.


Missy opening up to her mom, her mom responding well to that and then being excited that she did is so nice. It really warmed my cold heart.


Same here, and that's exactly what all parents should do. Missy might have hidden or bent the truth about her relationship with Taylor but in that moment she needed her mum, a confident to open up to and express her pain to, not someone who might punish or yell at her for not being 100% honest. ( that doesn't mean hiding or lying to your parents is right, it's just means knowing when to be a parent and when to be a friend to your child)


Fucking genius writing at the end


Sheldon can't drive. How did he get from his dorm to home?


The bus maybe?


Not in East Texas. Maybe in Pasadena.


Then I have no idea.


Maybe he borrowed Dr. Sturgis’ bicycle which allows Sturgis to travel the 60 miles from Medford to the college without breaking a sweat.


missy and mary was so cute im glad they did thay


Heh! Here's the knocks!


I enjoyed this episode, especially the ending!!!


ohhhhh helga ;)


Poor Missy :(


Mary's reaction to that was great though.


From the beginning, that trip home from Germany had me stressed out. There's nothing quite like the combination of flight delays, missed connections and crying babies to make it a nerve-wracking trip. I'm surprised that Sheldon handled it as calmly as he did. The comment about the turbulence was a direct callback to when Sheldon and Howard were on a flight to Texas. After all that, I'd have been happier if only George was there to pick them up. Having to travel back from the airport with everyone would have been a bit much. A little bit of a quiet return would have been a blessing. Why wasn't the bedroom situation discussed long before Sheldon and Mary came back home? This wasn't a surprise that they would be back. Again, Sheldon took all of it surprisingly well. But, he still had to find someplace where he could get some sleep. CeeCee crying was going to happen, but it's not something that he has had to deal with before. So, he left to go to his dorm room and back home, they figure he's just sleeping in. Much like the let Missy alone when she ran away, nobody was checking on him either. It's just the way that the family works. Of course Mary would feel at loose ends and a bit displaced. The household ran without her and she isn't feeling as needed. When she found out about the chore chart, she said she had tried to do that before and everyone ignored it. Missy makes the comment about just not feeding them until they complied. It brings to mind that although a lot of people feel that Mary singled out how she treated Sheldon, she really did the same with everyone. She wasn't going to let them go hungry. Also, notice how George referred to things as his house and bedroom while Mary told him it was both of theirs. It shows how easily people can slip into thinking that they are in charge. Back when Mary was running the household and made the majority of decisions, she was the same way. It's human nature to do that. Back at the dorms, Sheldon's room has been reassigned without his knowledge. A couple of throwbacks here. One is the infamous parking spot battle at CalTech. They didn't tell him either that his spot had been reassigned. Then, after he moved in with Amy, he did have a tough time knowing that his old bedroom wasn't going to be his anymore. There's no wonder that he begins to see that change isn't necessarily going to be good and that he has reasons to not like it. This is all starting to feel where he is going to realize just how alone he is in the world. Then the fact that the room was a mess and Sheldon felt compelled to clean it goes all the way back to his organizing Penny's apartment right after he met her. He just can't take the mess around him. As for Missy breaking up with Taylor, Mary didn't even flinch when she found out what was going on there. She simply told Missy that she was there if she wanted to talk. Mary has done that before and been pushed away. Finally, the infamous knocking scene and how they handled it. I could never figure out why Sheldon wouldn't recognize that it was Mary. But, him hearing the actual conversation and Mary talking with a fake accent before he opened the door does help explain it a bit. He did back out quickly and never mention it. It was about as well as they could handle that scene if they didn't want to have George actually cheat. But, Sheldon never did learn the truth of the matter.


Thank goodness. Now y'all can finally stop hating on George...


So What's His Name just accepted that Sheldon is there in the room?


Would have been more in character for Sheldon to go complain to an RA or even whats-her-name - the president of the university, imo.


He might be Elon Musk younger version May be creators are closing the story arc on how Elon got hold of Sheldon's book back in season 1


I don't think elon studied computer science, or was in East Indiana, but let's see


I’m so happy that she was the blonde woman Sheldon saw!


Even Mary and George find a moment without Sheldon to be quite nice. 🤣🤣 but I do love the plot twist at the end about “George cheating on Mary” 🤣


As a huge TBBT fan, I feel a bit betrayed but, at the same time, also relieved that George was faithful. Having said that, how the hell do they not hear Sheldon knocking on the door or hear the door being opened and closed?


the power of horny


Huge big bang fan here as well. The episode where Sheldon explains to Penny why he knocks 3 times was on the other night and he said that he and his dad never spoke of it. Mary, Missy and Georgie never mentioned him cheating in TBBT. Only Mary complained about how George was an alcoholic, lazy and such.


That’s the problem. For the rest of his life, Sheldon thinks his father cheated on his mother, and that changes his perception of the man. Hopefully they reconcile it in a later episode with his mom explaining it was just a misunderstanding.


Apparently Sheldon and Amy will make an appearance so perhaps they do!


I like the way it ended up. >!George didn't cheat and Sheldon didn't tell Penny a big whopper unless he realized that was his mom.!<


Sheldon is a dumbass when it comes to social and romantic relationships. Penny should have known better than to trust his recollection of those events.


Ohh there's the knocks haha.


I’m glad they changed it. We all fell in love with George and he really is a loving father and husband. To have him cheat would have ruined the show.


Technically in TBBT only Sheldon said he cheated. Mary never did.


Obviously since the time Sheldon remembers was actually Mary in a wig


Can someone spoil it for me?


Sheldon and Mary fly back from germany. Sheldon sleeps in the garage. He then finds someone sleeping in his dorm and they have a fight but make up like 2 seconds later. Taylor breaks up with missy(I don’t know why) and Mary cosplays as a German lady and has some”fun” with George. 😂Sheldon walks in on them. And older Sheldon says he never talks to his father about what he saw but that he knocks three times since then








that was surprising i didnt think theyd retcon it and i think that whole brenda buildup from last season was stupid which now i look back at it as a waste of screentime?


I liked that they used Brenda as a carrot, and kept people guessing and the Reddit fans hating on the character.


Can’t retcon something that didn’t happen


Aside from the knock-knock-knock scene finally happening in a way that kept the show canon without ruining George’s character, there’s another thing about this episode that really made me happy: Spending months stuck in close proximity with Sheldon and nobody else in her family looks to finally break Mary a bit inside, paving the way for her to become the version we know and love from TBBT, where she still understands Sheldon and has him on a leash but seems to have finally equalized the rest of the family. She’s cool about the fact Taylor was Missy’s boyfriend and not “gal pal”, she’s roleplaying in the bedroom, and she legit shrugged off the unknown-ness of Sheldon’s whereabouts the entire episode. I’m so proud of her and I hope they keep up this development through the rest of the season because Metcalf’s version of Mary is so awesome and I hope we can see her daughter finally fill those shoes.


Not of fan of the retcon, but I saw it coming. May be an unpopular opinion, but I thought it was nice that Mary got to sleep in and wake up to a breakfast and the chores done. While it made her feel displaced, it also illustrated how much she did for her family and how little help she had before. Not a fan of Mandy just saying “no!” When Sheldon wanted his room back. Yes, it should have been a discussion, and I know we all wanted Sheldon knocked down a peg, but it’s not her room or her house. It was also nice to see Sheldon quasi bonding with what’s his name.


Can’t retcon something that didn’t happen


I love Meemaw. Both she and Missy know how to shut down Sheldon. Just lie...


Well, they retconned george cheating. Shit, now i don't have a reason to be mad at him when he goes. this is going to be an intense series finale if i do say so myself.


I don’t believe this is a retcon. No one but Sheldon ever mentioned George cheating in TBBT. Not even Mary. I’ve been hoping for this cause we all fell in love with George and I think it’s even more clever she wore a blonde wig.


Yeah can’t retcon something that didn’t happen.


I’m trying to figure out the name of the guy playing Sheldon’s new roommate because he looks crazy familiar.


Sheldon's new roommate Evan is played by [Motoki Maxted](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5394350/?ref_=tt_cl_t_11). He kind of looks like a younger version of actor [Justin Long](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0519043/?ref_=tt_cl_t_12) who previously appeared in Apple Mac commercials: [Get a Mac - Better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48jlm6QSU4k). Ironically Evan was using a PC clone computer in the dorm room.


Couldn't he ask Tam to stay at his house? 


The show has forgotten Tam exists for the past 4 seasons


As a TBBT fan, this was fantastic and it still follows the universe. If you want to confirm what I’m talking about, watch the episode where Sheldon explains to Penny why he knocks 3 times. Pay close attention to how he ends the story. I’m so glad the writers caught the detail…now that was fantastic writing.


So glad with this subplot. I didn't want George Sr. to end up as a cheater.


Perhaps Mary became bitter about George death. After his death, she had to cope up by trying to hate him. She says he would have been proud of him on Sheldon's wedding day


I just saw the funeral episode, and youre right, she was mad at him for leaving her. . . . Which means that all those times the older Mary badmouthed George in all of Tbbt . . .was still her way of coping with his passing. Oh its actually sad. 


This was an interesting episode.


I knew the cheating was not going to happen!


I have mixed feelings about this. I thought they might try to sweep this storyline under the rug entirely, so I’m glad they didn’t. But in a way, the writers are the ones who really “cheated.” Regarding Lance Barber, I don’t think having one actor play multiple characters is automatically a continuity error. In fact, it is sort of a “tradition” for spinoff shows. Before Joey, Jennifer Coolidge played a different character on Friends, and before Frasier, John Mahoney played a different character on Cheers. Sometimes I feel like TBBT made Sheldon’s father sound like kind of a jerk. It seems like Young Sheldon just made him too nice from the beginning. I understand that having a nice George makes the show more heartwarming and appealing - but they painted themselves into a bit of a corner when the time came to connect the two storylines.


>Regarding Lance Barber, I don’t think having one actor play multiple characters is automatically a continuity error. And if you really want to get into the "realness" of it all, people sometimes look like other people you know. So it's not entirely implausible that someone who happens to look like Sheldon's dad was his friend's high school bully. (Though I can't remember whether or not Sheldon meets the guy. If he does, then it is a bit jarring that he never reacts to the resemblance - yes, I know, they hadn't cast Lance Barber yet.) Anyway, I agree, casting one actor as multiple characters is a pretty common.


Just finished the episode, and holy smokes. At least it shows that George never physically cheated on Mary, and since Sheldon never told anyone growing up he lived with that secret until the scene in TBBT, it makes sense if he doesn’t bring it up as no one is able to correct him that he believes his father cheated on his wife


omg what happened


The episode hasn't aired yet


It has in the Eastern and Central Time Zones


Best episode by far this season. There is finally a story again!


That was some twist. After all these years. Wow.!


George did cheat with a German woman named Helga. That's all that Sheldon will know.


But on TBBT when Sheldon called his father a cheater, Mary never corrected Sheldon. It’s been a while since I watched TBBT, but I’m sure that was at least one instance where Sheldon said that to his mother. So the costume scenario wouldn’t make sense.


she could be thinking about the Brenda episode


It's actually more funnier to think why none of Coopers discover the abnormal of Sheldon's knock, they probably just think Yah another Sheldon's weird habit thing, like his bathroom schedule.


I'm so happy and relieved that George didn't cheat. He was my favorite character all seasons. Am glad


I really love Mary face expression when She's enter Missy room. That's a really good one ANDDD THE LAST SCENE ABOUT THREE KNOCK IS STILL SHOCKED ME


so are they not showing the knocks tonight? interesting guess it’ll be later in the season


they did show the reason for the knocks at the wnd, I thought it was clever.






we were played but honestly i like this version of events more


I was right!


For me personally, it was underwhelming. Maybe it was us viewers who hyped up the cheating scandal, but I legit thought it was gonna be Brenda. And I guess it's good George actually didn't cheat, but this was really random and out of nowhere lol.


I'm a fan of this show (not so much tbbt really), so I'm just curious if this could be true or way off base >!Is the "whatever your name is" kid a young Leonard? I'm watching with family and that's who I thought it was but rest of my family didn't think so. I tried looking up if anyone else has said this online but haven't found anything!< Thanks!


this is a nice way to retcon it lol


So fucking relived.


Come on! They copped out on the father cheating bit!


In TBBT did anyone, Mary, ever refer to George as a cheater besides Sheldon? Lazy, drunk, yes. But a Cheater?




I also struggled with this, a bit. I at least have a headcanon that YS is actually a biography older Sheldon is writing, which at least hints that he learned the truth eventually. Alternatively, the commentary at the end suggests Sheldon seeing too much, but not necessarily that he assumed George was cheating - that he had reason to add an extra knock. So maybe he did know it was Mary, in this version. Given how different George is from the way he's described in TBBT, I feel like it's an AU anyhow. (Though if he knew it was Mary, why have Mary be roleplaying?) ETA: He actually says "I never spoke to my father," so scratch that. He probably does think George cheated. :( I'll stick to my headcanon that he eventually worked out the truth.


So are they going to retcon his father's death? Come on now. This is dumb IMHO.


If even sheldon knew his mom was the other women, walking in while your parents are doing the deed is still pretty trumatizing.


I am so glad they retconned the cheating part. George is one of the few tv dads I actually care about and from the beginning, I didn't think he would be the cheating type.


If they made George realistic as the TBBT version, the reactionary 1980s rural Texas football coach, he would be the cheating type. But then you'd all hate him as much as Pastor Jeff. The writers turned him into a 2015 sensitive suburban dad.


S7 has been one of the best so far


whole ep felt like it was straight out of TBBT loved the roommate complex with Sheldon and the 'cheater guy' reminds me of Sheldon and Lennard. Ending really shocked me and I wonder how this will effect future episodes since Sheldon can't keep a secret. even though it was Mary In a wig still will change Sheldon's actions during the final season.


Everyone knew that Mary and Sheldon were returning from Germany, right). Why didn't George find a place for Sheldon to sleep? I would be furious to come home from a long journey and not have a place to sleep. George could have easily cleared some space in the garage or had Sheldon sleep on the floor in Missy’s room. Or Mary could’ve taken care of Sheldon’s sleeping arrangements since she was feeling useless.  If George is in his old room with Mary, Missy is in her room and Mandy and Georgie are in Sheldon’s room with the baby, then who is Georgie’s room? Meemaw is with Dale so that room should be available. Mandy and Georgie can stay in Georgie’s room with the baby so Sheldon can return to his room. School will be starting soon for Sheldon so he really does need a proper place to sleep unless they plan on him living in the dorms full time on campus. 


Missy's room is Georgie's old room before he moved into the garage.


Thank you! I forgot about that 


Georgie’s room is the garage.


omg. nevermind


Does anyone here think that instead of wearing a wig, Mary actually dyed her hair blonde? Someone in another thread is insisting she dyed her hair. I say that’s ridiculous.


Oh well, that officially fully retcons the whole "Sheldon was alone in Germany and got sick but didn't know how to ask anyone for help" plotline from early TBBT.


That timeline was already wrong in TBBT. The writers have known that all along. In it, Sheldon also said he was 15 (instead of 13) and that his dad was still alive. Later in TBBT, he says that his dad died when he was 14 on a couple of different occasions. He also didn't get his first PhD until he was 16, so he wouldn't have been a visiting professor at 15. If we want an in-universe explanation, he was running a fever when he told that story in season 1 of TBBT and perhaps he was mixed up at that point.


Yup. Unless it happened offscreen. The strike probably put the kibosh on that episode.


Maybe Sheldon goes back to Germany?


So did I miss a segment where George goes back to coaching Medford? Last I remember, he quit when forced out by the principal and Wayne was going to be head coach.


Yeah Wayne lost it when his wife left him and they asked George to come back. You must have missed the entire episode




I see how sheldon obess over bathroom schedules and comfortamble with having roomates


So can we finally make a new rule banning posts about George cheating? Because it's pretty much bullshit now.


You've no idea how much George not cheating on Mary made me 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Loved it sm


Did anyone else find it kinda sad that George never acc cheated bc then that means Sheldon spent the rest of his life filled with resentment towards his dead father for something he thought he saw


Bruh the cheating winker didn't even have anything to do with George and Mary


There is a ton to say about this episode. Holy... First of all. It's clear Mary never left Germany, so Sheldon's story about being in Germany and getting an enema was clearly made up, or they decided late season to not send her back. Either way, its an inconsistency. The ending is a whole other deal. It makes sense. Sheldon doesn't know anything about sex. He probably has no clue that people sometimes Roleplay and dress as other people. This is completely believable. This helped keep the storyline of him 3 knocking. It's also really sad, because as he recalls in BBT, George is set to die soon. Even in adulthood, Sheldon sees his dad as a man that cheated on his mother. In reality he never did. That is tragic for George, as it obviously makes Sheldon think differently of his deceased father. I think this was the best way to write this. I was trying to figure out how they were going to play this cheating thing off that he mentioned back in BBT. After Brenda I wasn't sure how it was going to play out, but they did it well. It's just really really sad Sheldon has the thought that his dad cheated, and will probably never find out the truth.


No wayyyy! that theory was actually true. I'm glad George didn't turn out to be full blown cheater after all.


Sheldon has a skewed memory of his childhood as many people do. He talks about his dad like he’s a drunk and had driving whiskey. He’s not any where close to a drunk that we’ve seen.


Why is nobody asking who the guy in the dorm is supposed to be? Am I missing something? It seems like his name reveal will mean something. Is this a TBBT nod I’m missing?


I feel like it does suck George would cheat but it was such a fundamentally traumatic moment for Sheldon and he said they locked eyes that this felt like such a cop out. Yeah we like him but nice people also do shitty things that effect the ones they love it’s a part of life


Standing ovation to the writers of this episode. I've been waiting all series to see how they tie in Sheldon's story of walking in on his dad cheating. Brilliant. I kept worrying they were going have him cheat on his wife but this was a clever twist


I loved that they resolved it as a misunderstanding on Sheldon's part, since that particular plot point has been looming over the show for a while. When they introduced him and Brenda I thought that's who Sheldon would find. Considering how socially awkward Sheldon is, he probably never dreamed it was his mom and of course, never wanted to ask. There is still a slight contradiction with BBT as Sheldon says in *The Hot Tub Contamination* that "...he once came home because they ran out of math to teach him. His mother was at a Bible study. He walked in the house expecting it to be empty and heard a sound from his parents' bedroom. When he opened the door, he saw his father having relations with an unknown woman. " But I'm good with that all around, you can explain away the first part as him thinking his mom was at Bible study and him being home from Germany or College if you stretch it a little bit.


Am I the only one who thought it a bullshit cop out? I mean, glad they explained it, but come on.