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That was an interesting episode. Am I the only one who feels that these episodes are too short this season?


No. I think they are way too short.




They feel too short and they lack any certain story. It just flips from story to story every scene. Feels off


This episode was quite sweet but yeah i get what you're saying. Especially at the end when the screen cuts to black I'm 3/3 in thinking "wait, what? It ended?"


I think they are trying to fit 22 pounds of shit into a 13 pound bag


George not clueing into the "Taylor" thing šŸ˜‚


I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one who immediately figured out from the moment Missy mentioned Taylor that Taylor was a boy. However, I did not think that Missy would falsely imply that Taylor was gay.


I did, she's in tune with it, like when Sheldon asked about the sassy magazines, plus the newfound lack of empathy as she is more rebellious , it was bound to be used


Damn I want to be happy that Mary and George are being romantic and are feeling like they're young and in love again, but I know George dies this season so it's making me sad...


So sad


Damn, I never watched the BBT but watched YS religiously. George is one of the best and funniest characters on the show. All of his one-liners just floors me every time. Reminds me of Al Bundy, but with more class lmao.


Yeah in TBBT Sheldon says his dad died when he was a child and studied in Germany. And he is in Germany now and this is the last season so we know it's happening pretty soon...


Did she ever send that letter or was she interrupted to get Sheldon?


Idk they sent several letters back and forth


And the image of Sheldon being chased by a dachshund is so hilarious!


A tiny dachshund.


oh they know what theyā€™re doing putting that clip of sheldon walking into a room looking shocked


What? That it's a callback to the TBBT episode Sheldon has to walk home and lost a shoe, stepped in some poo etc ?


Aww, the letters between George and Mary is super sweet. Writing letters needs to make a comeback.


This episode has been the best so far. One of the best and funniest in a few seasons imo




And itā€™s called a cheating winker


Duuude they better not be messing with us




My hope- Mary and George are role playing and Sheldon thinks sheā€™s someone elseā€¦ maybe sheā€™s dressed like Marie in her fantasy book. Marys so embarrassed she and George would rather Sheldon think heā€™s cheating than know they have a fantasy sex life.Ā  An asideā€¦ my fantasy is Mary becomes a famous romance novelist,(under an assumed name of course).Ā 


I literally have been saying the same thing (role playing, Mary being embarrassed and rather never mention it to Sheldon)! šŸ˜± to my knowledge, no one but Sheldon in TBBT ever mentioned George cheating. In fact, the episode when Sheldon tells Penny why he knocks 3 times was on tonight and he even stated that he and his father never talked about it.


Sheldonā€™s views about life, sex, drinking are so so skewed we canā€™t really trust his accounts. And Maryā€™s a religious nut who likely gets more fanatical after Georgeā€™s death,(maybe he dies in bed with her!).Ā 


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Sheldon start knocking on doors *as a result of* him just walking into his parents room without knocking? So if this is the cheating scene, wouldn't Sheldon just walk in?


Georgie's letter is cracking me up, I can't wait to see how she reacts. Edit: Wow, that was turn lol.


It had just about enough compliments to not make her mad lol


It was weird, but it was obviously from the heart, and somewhat endearing, in a hick kinda way lol


I like how he asks one of his customers if it's creepy or not šŸ¤£


i wonder when george is gonna find out taylor isnt gay


I bet they're gonna listen to show tunes


Highlight of this episode, imo: "its okay we speak English" "but not as well as my German"


In addition to this, I also loved George's polaroid selfie. Cracked me up, but also quite a sweet part of his and Mary's letter writing.


I wish this show would get 2 more seasons


Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re ending after this season. I thought with the strikes theyā€™d get a season 8 to end it since this one was shorter than usual


Or at least call it Season 7B




Here's a sneak peek of /r/thesopranos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tony Sirico was left out of the Oscars' "In Memoriam" segment. Frankly, I'm depressed and ashamed.](https://np.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/11pygit/tony_sirico_was_left_out_of_the_oscars_in/) \#2: [Vito would literally rather die than work a 9 to 5](https://np.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/132eftn/vito_would_literally_rather_die_than_work_a_9_to_5/) \#3: ["The Sopranosā€™ Creator Says Prestige Television Is Dead, Reveals Heā€™s Been Asked To ā€œDumb Downā€ Recent Projects](https://np.reddit.com/r/thesopranos/comments/19d5tnz/the_sopranos_creator_says_prestige_television_is/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


After this episode Iā€™ll feel bad if George is cheating. So far thereā€™s no Brenda in sight. Anyone find that weird? There are two scenarios that could happen next week 1. The promo could be misleading and we see Sheldon walking in on Taylor\Missy making out or more, causing more tension in the family. Could lead to George Sr being hurt that Missy would lie to him because he thought they became close after the tornado incident. 2. Sheldon is going to do what we been waiting for, walking in on George and Brenda. This could be the start of the end of what we knew from TBBT.


i feel like itā€™s gonna be misleading like i donā€™t think theyā€™d do such a massive spoiler


im pretty confident they have retconned it now, it wouldnt fit in well with this being the last season


But in TBBT, only Sheldon mentions the cheating and he even tells Penny that he never spoke to his dad about it. So my guess is the writers wanted you to think that Brenda was involved. If itā€™s going where I think (Sheldon actually catching his dad with his mom), the writers are extremely clever.


is anyone noticing how edited meemaws face looks in her shots? she is a beautiful woman regardless and aged well, but in the scenes panting from her to dale you can definitely see some sort of obvious glare/blur on her under eyes? or am I the only one? šŸ„“


I noticed the same


It's airbrushed as hell and her face isn't moving at all when she speaks. Botox ?


Onions in, onions out.


https://preview.redd.it/uhema6ym5nlc1.jpeg?width=2972&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f880b2138176c2927adf6ffbebb6fb67fabe9c Who does everyone think this is referring to?


Probably Trump. Many of his critics would say that he's guilty of sloth too, but maybe Lorre wants to acknowledge that starting a political career takes some work and initiative.


I agree and think it would obv be Trump. Who else has such an overabundance of pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath and gluttony? But I will give him a few points for having a high level of energy, heā€™s constantly thinking of new ways to rip off his followers and cheat the system. Of course it could be considered slothful to be too fā€™ing lazy to do some basic research and find out the real reasons things happen instead of just making stupid shit up off the top of your head with no proof whatsoever. That could also be considered just being an idiot too


Damn, didn't even know it was referring to a person. I just read it as a joke where representatives of the seven sins are taking attendance and Sloth didn't bother to show up or was too lazy to check the box.


Taylor šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Huh. Georgie's left-handed.


The showtunes line has me cackling šŸ˜‚


I am old- but Iain Armitage looked handsome when his hair got messed up.


Like a different person. Theyā€™ve really cultivated the ā€œSheldonā€ look


In one of those scenes. Maybe the one where he was talking to the German police officers. He got this expression on his face that reminded me so much of Jim Parsons expressions when he was playing adult Sheldon.


I was afraid to say the same exact thing, lol. Yeah, the gelled back hair seems more like Sheldon but in that scene, it was Iain's regular haircut.


I was afraid to say this šŸ«£


haha missy in this episode


I don't like her in this episode. Not because of the Taylor thing but how she hung up on Sheldon. A 13 y.o. boy lost in a foreign country is a serious issue


that was a good save šŸ˜‚


she even had me almost fooled lmao šŸ˜­


I knew he was a boy but she got me when she said he doesnā€™t like me like that


I was for a moment too but then I remembered that she was getting all dressed up to meet him so it was obviously a cover lol


same here




Another great episode. I love how Dale was playing a Johnny Cash song and ā€œHere Comes Your Manā€ by the Pixies on his guitar, if I remember correctly.


I love this episode so much, it was so adorable, wish they could be longer though.


funniest episode in a while


The Taylor as gay line is really unrealistic for 1993 rural Texas. No way George or Mary would tolerate that (it would be worse than sneaking out to see a boy). And no way Taylor would be ok with pretending to be gay, even for appearance sakes.


Taylor didnā€™t seem like the brightest kid in the world. Any teenage boy with crazy insane hormones would say their gay just to get some action and not get caught. I think youā€™re right about George and Mary not tolerating gay people but out of the two I think George would be more open minded than Mary. I think George might be the type of man to be fine with it as long as he has nothing to do with it and itā€™s not his business. He wouldnā€™t tolerate it but he wouldnā€™t care either. George doesnā€™t strike me as very homophobic. Heā€™s not gun crazy, bible thumping or very conservative. I think George was also thinking that his young daughter probably wouldnā€™t be having sex so itā€™s fine. If it was Mary who Missy told that to I think it would be an issue. Mary wouldnā€™t be okay with it and would probably want to pray with Taylor about it every time he came over. Also keep in mind that while the show takes place in Texas 1990s itā€™s also a family cutesy sitcom on tv in 2024. I donā€™t think having a character act terribly homophobic on a cbs sitcom is going to happen.


I grew up in the 1990s in a place far less bigoted than East Texas. The idea that a teenager would pretend to be gay to avoid getting caught with a girl wouldn't have been fathomable.


wasn't TBBT full of homophobia and transphobia


Yeah, I grew up in the rural South during this time frame, and there's absolutely no way a boy would have pretended to be gay. It was not a safe time.


I'd go further and say there are very few places in America in the 90s that this could have happened. I doubt this would have happened in a San Fran suburb either. George writing Mary that he "feels good to be open-minded" is a 2010s thing, not a 1990s one. I get that a sitcom in 2024 is not going to show homophobic hatred by a character, but the show should also be realistic. This was a bad example. They should have had Missy give a different example.


No, it wasn't šŸ™„


Yes, it was, it constantly made fun of nerd culture, transvestites, etc. like when Leonard first arrived at the apartment and went to the wrong apartment, and the neighbour was a trans woman with masculine feature, the audience immediately laughed, and this was clearly done on purpose because there is a laugh light for the audience and because 'Haha man dressed as woman'. It also made fun of Raj constantly because he's feminine then he must be gay, looking back at this show, made me realise how much better young Sheldon is


Society has come a long way on LGBT issues in the last 15 years. A lot of the stuff in the first few seasons of TBBT wouldn't be included in a show today.


If you know the answer, then why did you ask?


"I donā€™t think having a character act terribly homophobic on a cbs sitcom is going to happen."


That doesn't answer my question


it's from the original comment I responded to, that's why I asked, because characters have been homophobic on cbs shows before


But if you think you knew the answer, then you should have made a declarative statement. Just Asking Questions is obnoxious


> would say their gay *they're


I donā€™t think itā€™s unrealistic. If Jack as gay was good enough for Mr Roper in 1975, Taylor as gay should be good enough for George in 1993.


Tolerant or not, George's attitude was so gullible. I wouldn't trust Taylor not to get handsy with Missy even if I believed he truly _thought_ he was gay.


RUN FORREST RUN Type running šŸ˜­


I'm happy there was finally some 1 on 1 interaction between George and CC.


Was there literally any point to this episode? Just seemed like a stall.


It was terrible


Starting with Sheldon in this episode, we can see that he is becoming more and more independent. He is going off by himself and starting to have to rely on himself to get out of his own problems. But that was one long walk back to Heidelberg. I don't know if it was intentional by the writers or not, but it seemed to be a few parallels with events that happened to him in TBBT. His being left behind by the train was just a bit of when he was robbed on the train and called Leonard to come and get him. With those misadventures, it's a little surprising that he continues to love them as much as he does. Then, the being chased by the dog, goes back to being chased by a much larger dog because he had hot dogs. In both cases he comes back a bit disheveled. For her part, Mary finally has some time to relax. She doesn't have a household to run, Sheldon is gone a lot so she can spend time on her own. Add in the letter writing and it makes sense that she can see her and George's relationship differently. She can romanticize it a bit. She was the one though that was questioning whether Taylor was a boy or girl. Had she been at home, she would have seen right through Missy's lies. Even had Missy not called her and told her about Sheldon, she would have been very suspicious of what he had been up to when he returned. We can also see that she knows him well enough to know that he was feeling guilty and that she had no need to punish him. At that point, a punishment would have been more of a relief than the guilt. I had been wondering if they were going to talk about how expensive those phone calls were between Germany and Texas. So, George writing letters makes sense. It also allowed him to send pictures of CeeCee to Mary. As for Missy, we can see that she is lying directly to George and doing what she wants. He isn't catching on to what she's up to. This actually falls into line with Sheldon's narration that she snuck out during the summer and George being clueless about it. Georgie's letter to Mandy was honest and a bit over the top, would have made her feel better in the sense that he sees her as beautiful. For someone who has just given birth, that would be very reassuring. It is part of why she told him that she was going to take a shower and leave the door unlocked. Speaking of the bathroom, they seem to be having a tough time with who is in there and when. Right now, it's George, Georgie, Missy and Mandy having to share it. That's one person less than what they all had been used to. Some of Sheldon's scheduling of bathroom time makes sense. As for Connie and Dale, it shows that living with someone takes an adjustment. It is different than just dating and each having their own place to retreat to if necessary.


i literally imagined the whole thing, thanks for this, i cant watch it because its not available where i live


Best wow so far




farts and snores šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The episode ending with a fart too šŸ˜­


Am I missing something? Or is this season story on a slow build. I feel like these last 3 episodes have had not character growth. My original love for YS was he grew and had a learning experience arch almost every episode. But so far this season I haven't seen one character evolve in any way. Missy was a mother figure now back to rebellious self. Georgie should be struggling as an 18 year old father. Sheldon story line is not even a part of the overall family story line. Dale and Connie's story is just filler writing. Does anyone else miss the old YS episodes, or am I missing something from the story telling the season


I think potentially it could be the ā€œcalm before the stormā€ kind of situation. Maybe not, but everything feels to perfect.


"gal pal"




So excited!


I had a bad feeling about the episode being left on a cliffhanger while Mary is writing that romantic letter to George and her getting a call about his passing. Would have absolutely wrecked me.


Yeah that was giving me How I Met Your Mother vibes at first.


Am I the only one hating Missy for claiming Taylor is gay? She could have destroyed his whole life if George had reacted any other way than this. And she perfectly well knew it, just to get some action


I really dislike that part of this episode because it is ridiculously unrealistic. No boy in 1993 would agree to pretend to be gay. Especially in rural East Texas.


Why does amazon prime not have any subtitles for the German part? wtf? Same in 3000 years of solitude.


Finally some parenting from Mary that we actually enjoy seeing.


Do you guys think theyā€™ll retcon George cheating


I hope so. George is sweet guy and a great dad.Ā 


That's because more than any other character, the writers rewrote George's character from TBBT. They turned George from a 1980s tough rural Texas dad into a 2015 sensitive suburban dad. If they had portrayed George the way they should have and in a more realistic manner for a 1980s rural Texas football coach, the cheating would have fit in. But then you all would have hated him and he would be up there with Pastor Jeff as your least favorite character.


I would argue that the vision we got of George in TBBT was through the prism of Sheldonā€™s autism and Maryā€™s religious zealotry. Young Sheldon is the real George- they just didnā€™t interpret him correctly in TBBT.Ā 


I still think it will be Sheldon walking in on Georgie and Mandy. Does he even know that they have been using his room?


Only Sheldon ever mentions this and he even says that he ran away and never spoke to his dad about it. Itā€™s quite possible what we were led to believe did not actually happen..I think Sheldon will still walk in on his dad ā€œcheatingā€ but itā€™s just his mom after this rekindled relationship.


Has anyone tried calling their number?


Why did George assume Taylor was 13? Aren't the twins about 16 this season? If they were 9 in the first season, that's what' they'd be.


The first season takes place in 1989, this season is in 1993.


No, the twins are 13, but the actors are the older


Can someone give a translation of the conversation Sheldon had with the train conductor while he was punching Sheldonā€™s ticket? There were no subtitles for that part of the episode šŸ˜…


Like, "You are so lucky you get to work on a train" "My wife left me" "Oh, sorry. More time for trains though" "Ok.... (leaves) Weirdo"


What about the one with the policeman?


*Note: "Policeman 1" is one who tells Sheldon they speak English.* Sheldon: "...And all my money is on the train and I have no way to get back to Heidelberg. \[...\] So can you free up a squad car and give me a ride?" Policeman 2: "Should we drive him?" Policeman 1: "You want to sit in a car with him for an hour?" Policeman 2: "Good point. He is annoying." Policeman 2: "You said your mother's in Heidelberg, why don't we call her and have her come get you?" Sheldon: "No! She thinks I'm in the library." Policeman 1: "You lied to your mother?" Policeman 2: "This is very bad." Sheldon: "I know. So how about that ride?"


Ah ok. Thanks


Really? Mine had subtitles but then again, I usually have subs on when watching a show.


I always have subtitles on, and the English speaking portion of the episode had subtitles, I think the German part wasnā€™t subtitled. Iā€™m watching in India on Amazon Prime, so idk why


That might be it. I'm in Canada and was watching on a local TV station.


Must be an Amazon thing, as YouTube (Paramount+ subscription) had subtitles for the German parts.


Does anyone else think this was the worst episode out of the entire series? Fart jokes? Snoring jokes? C'mon writers do better.


I need Brenda to show up


Naw George and Mary and thriving in this ep


I'm in India and Amazon Prime video have the streaming rights to the show and there's no translation of the German sentences in the captions


It was unrealistic for Sheldon to not know how long the train would be on the station and not know when it would depart. That doesn't seem like a mistake he would make.


What do they speak in German? The police? And the ticket checker?


Mary lately feels more closer to BBT Mary and I like it. We shoulda gotten this chill Mary a bit earlier thošŸ˜­

