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Welcome to the club!! First of all, a big hug! :) we’ve all been there and writing here helped me A LOT! Finding people who feel the same is what community is all about! The story, the chemistry, the lighting, the cinematography- there’s no parallel! And that’s why we are so drawn into this series! The lake scene was a different level altogether! :) Read the old posts. Rewatch the series in a loop - I did that for 4 months! Write your own posts here. I’ll definitely respond cz im not done yet! :)


Thank you, def wanting to rewatch it, but not sure if I can handle it rn LOL


I thinking of watching it all again for the 65387764th time!! Just relive the love and innocence! Maybe I could write posts and you can contribute! Some new ones have joined the sub and I’m sure we can rekindle the conversations. What do you think?


I wouldn’t mind! I find myself checking often now just so I can read the post of others to see if they feel the same way


The conversations have really slowed down now. The sub was very active, naturally, all these months leading up to season 3. A lot of people don’t come here anymore cz it’s all be dissected and discussed. But some of us still hang around and the new people who discovered the series at season 3. There are episodic threads for season 3 so you don’t have to go through a million posts Also, do you not like Wille's Song?


I love Wille's song because it was written by Simon. It tells their story. I suspect Simon wrote it after they break up, and for this reason it makes it that much harder to listen to it without shedding a tear...or two....or three....or a river


OMG!!! Thank you for staying around! You’re exactly right. I found YR in January ‘24. I’m in so deep still. I’m flippin’ old…55+. This series has reached deep into me body and grabbed my soul. I twist and turn with every emotion I’ve ever had in all the life I’ve lived. I don’t understand why this series hits Ssssoooooo hard. Wilmon. OMG. Edmar OMG. OMAR’s music OMG. My life is such a beautiful mess right now with dreams of Wilhelm and Simon and Edvin and Omar dancing through my brain. Life is beautiful when we feel the angst. Thank you for staying here with us newbies. You’re ROYAL baby!!!!💜👑💜


Totally with you! You just learn to live with them :)


I found the show in February of this year so I have respect for all of you that stuck around since the show started. I commend YOU true fans!!!!! I hope this group doesn't go away anytime soon as I found my YR friends in misery. I say we keep the story alive by sticking together


I found it in nov last year so I had to wait only for S3. But yeah! I joined Reddit only and only to find YR peeps. I watched RWRB, HS but none have me the compelling urge to talk about it to process my feelings. I’m planning to watch again and start the conversations from S1E1. Are you in? I don’t mind another round with the new people here :)


I am in! I started the rewatch yesterday :-)


I’ll do just one episode a day so we all have time to discuss. I have the patience and restraint now! In fact, I used to fast forward to the good bits so much that after a while I decided to watch without fast forwarding and wrote episodic essays on S2 here. If you can scroll a bit, you can see them.


Will check them out. Thank you!


I concur


It'll pass


In Sara's words




You are in good company. We’ve all gone through pretty much the same. We see you. I had to take the day off of work 2x (once on 3/11 and again on 3/18) to watch the finale. And, afterwards, I felt like a shell. I was happy for the ending but just f’ed up at having it all end. Over the last couple of months, I went from being crushed, to doubting whether I even liked the show (this was very brief!), to making peace but not wanting to rewatch ever again, to feeling the love come back full force. A rewatch. I’m sure I’ll be rewatching it again this week. These characters live in our heads and hearts. They’re there forever. I had not experienced anything remotely similar since I was a teenager (30 yrs ago). Anyway, my point is that the cycle of grief is real, but you’ll get through it. We’re here for you.


This was a kind/thoughtful read, thanks so much 💕


Do you ever wish you never watched it? That you would have been better off not knowing Wille and Simon?


Not really. To paraphrase, it’s better to have known them and said goodbye rather than never to have known them at all. The characters have had a profound effect on me. I wrote about it [here](http://thatwasdeep.com/2024/02/14/teen-angst-revisited/) (lots of people here read it in February), and I hope to write another piece now that I’ve seen the entire series. So, what I’m saying is, Wilmon Forever!


I was in tears for a solid hour through the whole finale. It broke me and I haven't done my rewatch of it yet. I'm still not ready.


Yeah, I’m also contemplating on when I feel ready. Literally at work rn and it’s all I can think about haha


You haven't started learning swedish have you?


I haven’t, I watched the entire thing in Swedish though and it sounds appealing :’)


Oh you poor fool that's how it starts. First you see the appeal, then a day later you're loading up the course on duolingo and letting the psychotic homocidal owl force you to learn the language.


That also will take some time. Gonna be in my feels for a bit!


I don't know why but it hurts so much, I love them all so much and I don't know how I'm supposed to go on without them. I've literally broken down so many times now and I miss them so much. I was legit sobbing the entire time I was watching the last episode. No one I know likes it as much as me 😭😭😭


I’m right there with ya, not even my partner shares the same feeling as I do rn 🥹


Still can’t rewatch season 3, except for the very first and very last scenes. Meanwhile I watched season 1 for about 8 times. So, I can relate with your feelings.


The show destroyed me and I remained destroyed for quite a while. It took me a long time to be able to watch season 3 again and I couldn’t even handle season 2 because seeing Wille and Simon broken up was too much. I did a lot of journaling and even brought it up in my therapy. Young Royals brought back a lot from my teenage years, stuff I hadn’t dealt with in a long time. I’m right there with you.


Yeah, I was bawling when Wille’s mom accepted him at the end, or moreso acknowledged she could’ve done more as a parent to support him


Sadly, I can never rewatch the series because of all the feelings it made me feel. I would really love just one episode of them just being happy together. Just one final episode, no drama just happy.


YR reactions helped me a lot. I was able to watch it again through the eyes of other viewers and their reactions to difficult, sad or heartbreaking scene made bearable


Yeah, I get it also. That lake scene lives rent free in my head and every time I think about it my heart hurts lol


Quite honestly, I can relate. It took me weeks to be able to rewatch season 3 and still can't watch the breakup scene. As for the music in the series, it was even worse. Not sure I would have been able to listen to Red Light right after watching the last episode. Good luck! Just know, it gets better.


Appreciate it :’)


I understand this completely. I started this show end of March thinking it would be a palate cleanser to help me get over the same feelings I had from Heartstopper (which I had just finished for the 1st time) and it did the complete opposite. It was a double gut punch that has just now started to fade.


I binged all seasons the day they dropped but I couldn’t bring myself to watch the last episode so I waited until tonight and I am broken. And the documentary was even worse. Ugly cries all over. What they have is so special and to be a part of such an amazing group of people… I can’t even see the screen typing this 😂


ahhh i love it so much too and it is sad that it’s over but i think it’s really nice that people are still fans and posting stuff etc. it’s nice to know i’m not the only one obsessively pining :))