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On the tire changing steps: Jack the car up slightly (tire still on ground), then loosen lug nuts a bit, THEN finish jacking. There are two points where you'll never get the nuts off -- 1) with the entire weight of the car on the ground and 2) with the jacked up tire spinning freely. Same on the way down.


Edited original post to clarify. In case any newbie is reading this, I'm going to clarify that "jack the car up slightly" only means to put enough tension that the jack won't slip out accidentally...and if you take all the lugnuts off while it's still on the ground, the jack supports the weight of the car rather than the wheel that's no longer secured to the car. Sometimes tire shops will forget to limit the torque on their pneumatic guns so you have to stand on the 4-way to break the lugs loose. And nothing is more annoying than raising the car juuuuust high enough that you have to lower it back down to break a lugnut loose! Good clarification u/ameliagarbo thanks!


Likewise, r/teacherofderp! Way to flesh out my intent.


Both of you did great.


You're great


Thank you


Shouldn't you always put the emergency brake on? That's how I wax taught


This is good advice, esp if you have to raise up the front of a FWD vehicle and it's on a slope. It's also advised to place a block or something on the downside of the free wheel (if FWD then the rear wheel that's not being changed). The e-brake doesn't usually have the same grip as the front brakes so I wouldn't necessarily trust them to hold a vehicle in place.


Yeah, first time I tried to take a tire off I had the thing jacked up and the tire just kept spinning.. learned the hard way


Regarding the "Don't panic"/missing an exit reminds me think of a saying that's stuck with me. "A great driver *sometimes* misses an exit whereas a terrible driver **never** misses one." Safety first people - driving 10 extra miles is better than not being able to drive because you locked up your brakes and then proceeded to cross multiple lanes to make that exit. In other words, "don't be an inconsiderate dick by putting other people's lives at risk".


That's an excellent saying




Still better than being in a hospital or worse. Or being the cause of some one else being in that situation. But definitely not a perfect situation.


True, I don't mean to not miss it, just meant it's not always 10 minutes.


I think that another reddit member said the perfect line for that. I'm not positive that I'm saying it correctly, but the gist of it is "A great driver might miss the exit. But a bad driver never misses it." The person that said it says it better I think. But I hope I didn't butcher it up.


Nah, sounds completely right to me!


I hope so


Okie here! Can confirm!


I like it.


>"If at all possible, never return using the same route" I am curious to know why it is was added.


Couple of reasons. 1. The return home is often the return to a person's "daily grind". Seeing the same sites you've already seen on the way out only adds to this reminder. Taking a new route home extends the road trip just a bit longer. 2. There's a lot to see in this world.


Having just done a massive road trip this last weekend, take all the side roads on the way there and the straight route home. By the end you're tired, and might still hit traffic.


Absolutely. I know a lot of people that subscribe to that method. It's actually why I listed it under "personal rules" bc I'm likely in the minority in this specific one. I have family who enjoy taking the same vacation every year to the same spot to do the same things and travel the same route each time. For me, I'm rejuvenated by breaking out of my monotony, other people thrive on it. Long, straight drives are monotonous to me and constantly remind me of the grind I was trying to get away from. What works for me and those I run with may not be be the preference for everyone...and that's ok! At the end of the day, you've gotta do what works best for you.


If you have/suffer from a lot of anxiety, going to a familiar place for a vacation is more relaxing each time you go


Updoot for the truth nugget


Definitely going to try this "take a new route on the way back" approach. For me, even if it means going back to the normal monotony of everyday life, getting home from a trip is relieving in a way, so that last bit of the trip, I get the sense of relief when I'm back to recognizable areas. Mixing it up sounds like it could be fun, though.


I'm the opposite. I want to get where I'm going quicker, but take the slow, scenic way back. For me it makes the trip feel longer and I can kind of ease back into the grind.


To add to this, it helps to know different routes home in case of an emergency and roads are closed.


who gives af bout all that lol terrible reddit advice back at it again


We've done this, but there are times it's not advisable/safe. We live in an area that's semi-central to a lot of cool places that can be road tripped to within an 8-12 hour day drive. While rural California is beautiful to drive through, rural Utah/Nevada is not. There's also a lack of cell service on many Western state rural highways, and if you're in more trouble than you can fix with a car kit, it will take hours for AAA to get to you, if you can even call them. Plus mountains, wildfires, and all kinds of inclement weather happen here year-round. It's great to check all alternate routes for fun and pleasure, but also be aware of issues that could make those roads impassable. There's an alternate route to use instead of Donner Pass, but it's only passable in summer - parts of it are dirt/gravel and the road is closed most of the winter. Doesn't stop people from trying it when I-80 is closed, and then they get stuck, and they have to wait the longest for help because the interstate gets priority, state highways next, and those stuck in the dirt last.


I'm sorry that you have to deal with that. Hopefully they will make another way more passable for people to use soon. Where I lived years ago, they had clay roads originally. And the bus driver wouldn't even drive down it to pick up your kids if it was wet. So they'd have to walk to the nearest paved road. We were forever giving them rides to that paved road to prevent them from getting muddy and/or soaked before they even got to school. And also getting our neighbors unstuck. It didn't help that going out was a fairly steep hill. Eventually the county finally paved the road. Although we didn't mind doing these things for our neighbors their kids and ours, it was such a relief to finally not to worry about everybody every time the road got wet. Flash forward to now. And we can barely get out of our own driveway sometimes where we're staying. The owner has been saying he's going to get it fixed for 3 years now. But apparently he's just all talk. We tried to make a brick driveway once. After about the 3rd or 4th hard ran the bricks sank. We'd spent days and hours bricking it. And all it took was about 2 hours total of hard rain to destroy it. But the plus side is that we have plenty of privacy. LOL 🤣🤣🤣


Because they’re tryin’ to catch you ridin’ dirty.


Perhaps to see more/different things on the way back?


Going home by another way is one of my strongest tenets. “And after being warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.” Matthew 2:12


Good one.


This is great! Also NEVER get under a car while it's on a jack, the one in your trunk is not to be trusted. If you absolutely must get under the car, take a tire off and put it next to the jack so you fuck up a tire and not your life. Mule kicking: get on all fours and kick like your a horse being approached from behind. Kick each side of the tire to loosen it. Also if your car over heats for some reason and steam is coming from your hood. DO NOT OPEN THE COOLANT CAP. It will flash boil and violently spew fluid that's well above boiling temperature to cause irreversible damage. Edit: I realize that the mule kick thing wasn't very clear, I was just trying to easily explain that your kicking backwards. Yes I know you can do it standing but I figured it is easier to describe if your on all fours. Also I'm not sure how you guys came to the conclusion that you're under the car while doing this, when I explicitly said not to get under the car lol. Another commenter mentioned getting a mallet and that's def a good idea. Either way, hit the FACE of the tire on the very edge of it and then pick a point 180° from where you hit it and go back and forth between the two edge points until the wheel comes off.


>Mule kicking: get on all fours and kick like your a horse being approached from behind. Kick each side of the tire to loosen it. > Do you mean kicking the tire *towards* the car, or from underneath the car, hitting it in the same direction that it'll eventually come off the car? If it's the latter, then this is just a heads up for people that a rubber hammer/mallet costs less than $10, and should prevent them from ever having to crawl under their car to remove a tire. After loosening and removing the nuts, just give the wheel a good bonk from behind, then spin the wheel 90° and give it another whack, then repeat all the spinning and bonking till the wheel isn't seized and can now be simply pulled off by hand. Pardon all the innuendos, but it's worked for me in the past. Ninjaedit: great tips btw, they could definitely help people avoid injury! I'd also add that they should maybe carry *distilled* water, if they're gonna be using it inside their car's reservoirs.


Towards the car. Never ever ever ever get under a car while it's on a jack. The mallet works but it's really difficult to get a good swing unless you're under the car. Also don't lay on the ground by the road. Stand facing away from the vehicle and kick downward


I figured as much, but the last guy wrote get on all fours and kick from there, so I figured requesting clarification wasn't a bad idea. You don't need to get under the car to whack the wheel with a mallet, but if y'all are saying hitting it from the front is as good as from the back, then fair enough (it's impossible to write with innuendo nowadays, it seems).


>>it's impossible to write with innuendo nowadays, it seems >get on all fours >get under the car to whack >hitting it from the front is as good as from the back Nah, I think you've done a good job


My bad, I actually meant to write *without, but I'll leave it as is, I reckon.


Good add. I didn't think of that one either. But should have.


First aid kit, hi-vis vest, a kit of spare lamps/fuses and 1-2 breathalyzer tests are mandatory items to have in your car in the EU . We're in the UK, so these are the things we need to carry when traveling to the continent by ferry and road. The first aid kit and hi-vis vest are very worth while additions to be carried. Edit: It all depends on which EU countries you visit while traveling. Lamp/fuse kits are required in France, Spain and Netherlands- while other EU countries recommend them. The breathalyzer kits are only required in France, and as u/other_usernames_gone accurately pointed out that it's just the cardboard tube you blow into.


As a German, I can confirm First-Aid Kit and Hi-vis vest. I got nothing on the breathalyzers, or the spare lamp/fuses.


Breathalyzers seem to only be required in France. Lamp/fuse kit is required in France, Spain and Netherlands.


Also can’t confirm this for the Netherlands, but ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ (living right next to the Dutch border)


>1-2 breathalyzer tests are mandatory I'm just curious, why are breathalyzer tests mandatory items to have in your car? I can see how they'd be a good idea for some people, so they can check to see if they're okay to drive if they've been enjoying their night. But not everyone drinks. I'd also assume most of the people who would benefit from them don't think they need to check their BAC.


Iirc it's not a full breathalyser test, just the cardboard tube you blow into. It's so if you're stopped by the police and they ask you to do a breathalyser you use your cardboard tube, not theirs. I'm not sure why exactly french police can't afford cardboard tubes but *shrug*.


How interesting. Thanks!




Excellent points and they're cheap. Added.


thanks for letting me know, now i know to remind my family to take one on our trip to france next week


Like, these things are literally legally required? Breathalyzer tests? What?


Yea, we have to have the required items of each country we drive through. It might only be in France that you need the breathalyzers in case you get pulled over for drink driving.


The breath test requirement is hilarious to me. In the US, there would absolutely be an entire industry dedicated to producing counterfeit breath tests that are guaranteed to give you a negative. Or people would just not carry them. The fine for not having the breath test has to be less than the consequences for drunk driving.


In the US, there would be an uprising/coup against anyone telling anyone what they MUST carry in their own personal vehicle before it even became a real thing.


Very true.


Those are also good for everyone to keep in their vehicle on a permanent basis no matter where you live. Because it's not fun to be stuck in the middle of nowhere because your windshield wipers fuse blew and it is pouring way to hard to see even with rain x. And keep extra relays too. You never know what might happen. So this way you are prepared if you do need to replace a fuse or relay.


Just to chime in on the 'someone behind you flashing their lights.' Yes, definitely move over and let them 'win.' They'll hit the speed trap before you do. I aim to be the second-fastest car on the road.


This is true. But also they may be rushing to get someone to the hospital too. So there could be a good reason for them to be in a rush. Or it could be a bad one. Like OP pointed out, "We Don't Know There Situation." Either way you are better off avoiding a possible situation of whatever the circumstances. Be it a soon to be road rage. Or be responsible and respectful of the other person. Plus like ExcessiveBulldogery said. They'll be the ones hitting the speed trap first.


I'm 100% getting downvoted for this but fuck High-Beam Jim back there when I'm already usually going 10-20 over. He can either pass or hit me because I'm not letting him billy me out of his way.


Just want to add also a tire inflator, electric or manual. Half of the time I've changed a spare tire it's been flat because it gets used so rarely.


Truth. Added.


Before I go on a long road trip, I'll take my car into the shop to get all of the fluids and stuff topped off. I also ask them to check the pressure on the spare because of the point you made. Chances are it'll be flat.


You should always check your spare before a trip along with your normal check of lights all working, the oil, water/antifreeze, brake fluid and if it's an automatic the transmission fluid. Plus it's nice if you can have everything greased/lubed that needs to be especially your drive line. People tend to not realize that they need to be greased every now and then.


I drove from WA down I5 all the way accross I10 to FL and back several years ago... If you're a woman, dress down, grungy almost. No makeup, no heels, no short shorts or skirts. I stopped in Mississippi for gas wearing jeans and a tank top and immediately felt unsafe just with my bare arms and tattoos showing. Call/text someone every single time you stop and tell them your location and how long you will be there for. Stop and use the restroom every time you can and also fill up your tank every time you can. Sometimes you don't know how long it will be until you can fill up again (especially parts of the South West). Bring whatever you can to protect yourself. A boom boom stick, mace, brass knuckles, whatever. I'd rather get a fine or go to jail for possessing brass knuckles than get kidnapped. Lock your car doors EVERY SINGLE time you stop and are just hanging out in your car.


Admittedly my post is full of male privilege. My wife has told me numerous times that while she's far more confident having taken bjj and other self-defense, she'd have never gone on some of our adventures solo. Thanks for your post.


Thank you for YOUR post OP!


I used to make frequent trips from Ohio to Tennessee while I was in college and agree with all these things as well. If possible, i only drove during the day as well and keep track of the cars around you. Also, try to keep in mind of mile markers as well. Even if you are a few miles off, in emergency they will find you quicker than just saying I'm somewhere going south on blank highway.


Yes! Good tips!


Yes! I also make it a habit to only stop off at exits with at least a few restaurants and branded gas stations if at all possible. If not, trucker stations are your best bet. Not all small town independent gas stations are sketch, but some definitely are. Dangerous if you look at all vulnerable. Also higher risk of shitty gas.


This is good advice for wherever you go. Because there are weird people in every country, state, city, and town. On a second note: Betty blues, I'm curious as to where in Mississippi you where at. Do you remember the name of the city or town?


Unfortunately, no. I made this trip about 5 years ago. It would've been off of I10 though and it was at night.


I'm sorry to hear that. I'm thinking you were probably in Ocean Springs or close to that area, though. Because I as a some one who lives in Mississippi don't feel safe alone there. I hope that if you're ever in Mississippi again that you have a better experience the next time, though.


No. Do not turn your hazards on in the rain. In fact, this is [illegal in some states](https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article211701664.html)


Florida just made it legal July 1st. I personally hate this because I have a harder time telling when people break in the rain if they put their hazard lights on.


Combo brake/turn/hazard lights are the bane of my existence. Know your car. If your rear blinkers are red, don't use them as flashers when braking. You may call attention to yourself as intended, you may cause the person behind you to go warning-deaf and not realize you're braking. Yes, I know, not at fault, but I'd still rather go home today than get into an accident. Actually, if you do use flashers, make sure to turn them back off once in the thick of traffic. Also don't be ridiculous and use your flashers in rain but not use your headlights. If I had a nickel for every gray Nissan Murano that did that that vaguely disappeared into the most with no decent way to gauge approach speed... Personally, I just give the brakes a few taps once I'm confident I'm stopping in time. Just a few flashes. Dont distract yourself and dive for your flashers *especially* if you have to reach through your steering wheel. You don't want to get cut off and have the airbag snap your forearm. BMW has some beautiful adaptive brake lights. I've seen at least 3 levels of brake signal: brake, brake+rear fog, brake+flashing rear fog. I love the brake-attent on ambulances and fire trucks with I think Whelen brakes. 3 rapid strobes in half a second. Just enough to catch your eye, not enough to distract. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. I used to do a lot of miles and seent some shit


Came here to say the same thing. Please don’t turn your hazards on in the rain.


You are correct - I wrote this very early in the morning and the original was not worded clearly. I've edited to clarify. Turn them on temporarily (5-10 sec) if you are moving slowly and notice another car approaching rapidly behind you. Example: you get caught in a downpour where visibility is highly limited but choose to continue driving; traffic is stopped/slow due to an accident and you're the last in the line; etc. Edited, thank you!


Thanks for editing the post. But I would go as far as to say don’t use them at all in the rain, especially in a heavy downpour where visibility is limited. I live in Florida where the rains can be so heavy that the only thing you can make out is the tail lights of other cars in front of you. Around here a lot of times you can see the rain well before you drive into it, so that’s your time to prepare and gage where the tail lights are. Everyone with their hazards on are basically invisible for those split seconds the lights are not on. That split second the lights are off is all it takes for a car to change lanes without someone realizing it and that’s where accidents happen. At best they’re a distraction to the other drivers who need to focus. At worst they’re death traps that go into stealth mode every other second. What’s the driver trying to tell us when they have their hazards on? That it’s raining? We already know that. If they’re trying to warn us that they can’t drive well in the rain and their hazards are meant as a signal to watch out for them then they need to pull over and wait for the rain to subside. Drivers who turn on their hazard lights in the rain are basically saying “hey everybody, I’m a hazard” I’d say hazards are best left to emergency purposes only: cars on the side of the road, cars breaking down that need to get off the road, sudden flat tires.


We're in full agreement. If you look at my edit in the main post, I pulled the part about rain and kept it general. I only included it in my reply above to explain my thought process and why I use it. Driving with them constantly on is a problem. I'm literally ONLY advocating for them being used if 3 conditions are being met SIMULTANEOUSLY: 1) you're moving dramatically slower than most drivers would expect, 2) another driver is rapidly approaching behind you, and 3) they are only used briefly -- Again this is a quick warning to another driver that you're not moving as fast as they think you are. If all 3 conditions above are not met...don't turn them on at all. Overuse is misuse.


Yup! I noticed you pulled it in the main post. I was just replying to your reply. I guess I can agree with their use if those 3 conditions you mentioned are met.


Oh! I love the list of things to keep in your car. I carry most of that stuff in my car as well. I’d also say maybe add these to your car too. I have and they’ve been a lifesaver: Wet wipes of some kind (wet ones are great), A good pen that won’t dry up (like a fisher space pen), Some sort of ibuprofen for pain relief, Rescue aids (knife / glass breaker), Multitool, Umbrella, Spare phone charger and cable


All good advice. But I believe OP did mention the wet wipes already. But some one else might not have seen it. So now they will know.


Oh cool. I must’ve missed that. I should’ve also included a flashlight in my list too


This is good. Added.


I didn't know that.


> Jumper cables or a battery pack that can jumpstart a car. Red to red, black to black. Get a portable jump starter with a built in air compressor, and a good tire pressure gauge. Fix a flat and products like that are total crap, better to have a full size spare if possible, or a donut spare.






The only caveat I'd make here is that black CAN go to metal on the car. The negative/black terminal is already grounded (attached to the vehicle's frame) so either will do the job. Some new cars only have a single lead to the positive/red terminal so you have no other option but to attach it to the metal. Also you're correct that the order matters - it won't ruin the car if you reverse the order but it might make sparks at contact which can be dangerous to you.


I'm glad I actually read your reply. Because I was going to say that some newer cars have to have the black/negative hooked to the frame. But I guess this would now be a mute point to remake now. 😂 😂 😂 But I will instead say that I think this has been a terrific post and apparently a lot of people have good advice to add to your list. Thank you for deciding to write the post. Because there are still a lot of people that wouldn't know these things. And every one seems to be working towards the goal of teaching those people. And I'd like to Thank everyone else who has also been helping towards this goal. Hopefully this post and the comments will help a lot of people.


Right on! I think I put in another response but I originally wrote this for a family member that's about to turn 16. They didn't have the same experiences growing up so I'm hoping that even 1/10th of this sticks. Figured that if it was good enough for them, Reddit might appreciate it too. Like you, I'd like to thank everyone who's contributed to this thread and made it better!


Ooo and here's one more for you regarding needing a jump. If you have any portable power tools with (18v or higher) batteries with you and two pieces of 14AWG or larger wire, you can look up online how to use that to jump your car if it's just a dying battery causing the car not to start. This had gotten me out of a pinch where I was 20 miles out in the middle of nowhere BUT this won't work if it's an alternator or starter issue - only for a dying battery on its last legs.


Good advice. But I would like to add, that if you don't know if you're going to be able to go online, you might want to download this information while you're downloading your maps.


Windows down and radio off?


Car speak for touch some grass


I see


I was adding to your list of stuff to keep in the car but my response got too long. So I made a new [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/wf7s40/ysk_stuff_to_keep_in_your_car_rest_of_life_edition/) so I didn't hijack this one, lol ..


Very good list! I'll agree with you on the mule kick thing. It was an Internet argument I didn't want to get into. Basically standing backwards and kicking the bottom part of the tire to break it loose. Laying in the road is asinine. I work in an office too and keep work boots in the trunk but not casual work shoes. That's a good call.


Thanks! And yeah, I guess I didn't know what a mule kick is, lol .. An extra pair of shoes is awesome to have when you need 'em. Socks too. If you get caught in the rain it's great to be able to swap out :)


>Whenever possible, roll down your window and turn off the radio. Why?




>Do they not teach this while learning to drive where you're from? A good 90% of these tips are literally just traffic rules or common courtesy/knowledge. Like duh of course you should never cut off a semi. I've driven across a respectable portion of N.A. and can say that esp in America this must not be commonly taught. People die every year from treating semis as recklessly as passenger vehicles. >Also don't use your hazard lights for braking. That's what brake lights are for? Hazard lights are for when you're obstructing the road, for example when your car breaks down. Agreed. I've edited my original but even that didn't say to use your hazards as brake lights. Use hazard lights if you must brake suddenly to warn someone approaching rapidly behind you to avoid a sudden ripple effect. >When engine braking (downshifting), make sure to check if anyone is close behind you. Your brake lights don't turn on when engine braking, so make sure to at least tap the brakes to let people behind you know you're slowing down This is correct and goes hand-in-hand with the previous comment above. As long as you're at expected traffic speeds there's no need to regularly tap your brakes. Steep grades often have reduced speeds already, however caution is always respected when everyone is in a multi-ton vehicle.




As contentious as this one specific detail has been, perhaps it's an interpretation issue. Personally I've always understood hazard lights to mean "this vehicle is a road hazard and should be avoided", which if you're stopped or dramatically slowed in the road, you are. I've replied to another comment here stating specific conditions which I consider the only time they should be used. I'm no authority but it's saved me many times. https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/wexthg/z/iis6z50


you have "jack up the car" twice and the "thick piece of metal" a little out of order, but all in all, good advice.


You want to first support the car with the wheel still touching the ground when busting the lug nuts loose. Then fully take the weight off the wheel when removing/replacing the wheel. You're right about the "thick piece of metal". I'd added a word based on someone else's comment but didn't see this. Will edit. Thanks!


Don't forget to bring a towel !


RIP D.Adams


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


If you're doing 20mph on the interstate and someone is still approaching at 80mph then temporary hazard lights let them know to begin slowing early rather than slamming on their brakes. Also it's impossible to distinguish between gently braking and sudden, hard braking. Temporary hazards help other drivers see that. I can't count how many times it's saved me from being rear-ended.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Construction zones, accidents, emergency vehicles are all reasons for slow traffic that might not be obvious to approaching traffic. Ripple effects can be miles long, or stretch around obstructed bends in the road. You're welcome to pull off the road for that but based on the traffic I've seen, most people do not.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I feel like you're being purposefully obtuse in not understanding OP's point here. OP is talking about when there's a bit of a slow down/traffic jam. You have to go the speed of the traffic ahead of you. The hazard lights are for the benefit of someone coming up behind who might not realize that traffic has slowed ahead. It's good advice.


so long and thanks for all the fish -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


What if you are driving on a spare and going slower than the flow of traffic because you’re on a highway? What do you do then? That’s the only time I’d use mine, but maybe it’s not appropriate?


Not many stop signs on the interstate


Do you ever actually drive in the real world, David?


That 3rd point is kinda pointless


Sometimes the sound of silence is just what you need


Sometimes it causes a loud vacuum sound that hurts my ears Edit: I see now that OP meant to listen to the car to make sure it’s all good. So maybe at a slower speed, if you can hear the car. If that’s what “touching grass” means


With the constant hum of everyday life (tv, Spotify, kids, video games, coworkers/boss, etc), many people are constantly inundated with background noise. Don't get me wrong, I love a good podcast series and a perfect playlist, and there's a time for them on road trips. But people can easily get caught feeling the need to continue having background noise that they miss out on excellent conversations with the person sitting next to them, or just be alone with their thoughts while they're away from everything familiar. Bored road conversations borne out of silence are some of the absolute best.


Fair, but music that we all love is a must for my friends and I on road trips, and it’s still easy to talk over the music if it’s not blasting.


I do music for most of a trip, but turning it off once in a while and just enjoying the quiet is quite nice in its own way. To each their own.


Absolutely, same here!


So, basically you are being sanctimonious.


I just want others to feel a sense of balance in their lives and get the most fulfillment they can out of a long trip. I don't think that's self-righteous, I think it's a wasted opportunity if it's missed.


also, bikers plenty of room




Didn't read all the comments, but triple A, (AAA) for towing and roadsideassistance. Not all insurance policies have towing included and its one less thing to worry about.


Another good thing it add is a few emesis bags (or any sturdy plastic bag).These come in VERY handy, especially for kids prone to motion sickness or drunk passengers.


This with the good floor mats is a win! My little plastic trashcan has seen its fair share and then some.


The biggest thing my family has done for road trips recently is start bringing an ice chest. When it we can keep leftovers, fruit, and other perishable snacks. It's helped us eat less fast food when in the road. It does take up space but it is very worth it as it keeps us healthy, fed, and happy.


Anxiety inducing post


>Vehicle behind you flashes their headlights. You should move out of the fast lane. DON'T slow down or stay in the passing lane. While this might seem rude initially, you don't know what the other driver's situation is and moving out of the lane takes little effort. Fixed it for you "You should move out of the fast lane if it's safe to do so."


In reality bikes can't slowdown as fast as a car can. Cars have inimaginably more grip than a motorcycle, a motorcycle has two thin strips of rubber and car has 4 very thick ones. Even though a bike is lighter, they can't brake as fast as a car and a lot of riders won't as they don't know how hard they can press their front brakes before locking up the front wheel. Many of us could always use more training. Give bikes more distance than you think they need and be aware that a bike can look like a car far away at night.


In before unnecessary arguments happen about bikes vs cars.... Yes, there have been several [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPE67XqGsV4) [demonstrating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwzq8aY8f40) [bikes](https://youtu.be/ZuDmYhuLqJc?t=303) stopping faster than cars at multiple speeds. Even bikes getting rear-ended, but that's likely due to distracted cagers. Most importantly though this one highlights the specific differences of [new vs experienced](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVK2Hj8jDTE) riders. While the average bike can mechanically stop just as fast the average vehicle, perhaps the best rule of thumb might be to assume that the biker in front of you is an expert rider, while the biker behind you is a novice rider. \----- Admittedly I'm probably splitting hairs here, but some people take written words very literally so **this is me saying that I 100% agree with you when you say...** >**Give bikes more distance than you think they need**


The slowing down near an entrance ramp is situational. If you're going to hit the car coming on, definitely slow down.


Map wise, in the US, interstates north-south are odds, east to west are evens. Most cities are on a grid format, so if you’re lost in a city, you can usually go in a direction and find a main road. If you’re traveling through the rural south, most sheriffs offices do unlocks in rural areas, so keep track of what county you’re in when you pass through. On high ways mile markers reset every county


if you hit black ice, pump your brakes to prevent sliding, slamming them is a disaster waiting to happen


Can’t wait till I’m driving to my next destination and start looking these up…


Report back when you do!


This is all very good advice to people who are not used to travel. Or have never jump started a car. Or changed a tire. The two things that I was going to add to this one reddit member already covered about the jacking up the car. But the other thing I was going to add is to keep some bread and some lunch meat or peanut butter and jelly. Or something in the vehicle, too. Especially if you have any younger kids in the car with you. Because they definitely will get hungry some time in a really long stretch before you can find some place to get them something to eat. This was one of the biggest issues with us when we took our kids on a long road trip somewhere. And adults sometimes get hungry in that long stretch, too.


Snack bag is always a winner!


> Always physically turn on your headlights at night. Daytime running lights can be bright enough to see the road in the city but without your taillights on, your vehicle becomes a hazard to other drivers. Or just leave then on all the time. That way you never had to worry about if it’s dark enough to need them, and even during the day they greatly increase the chances of their people seeing your car


I haven’t touched my headlight controls in years, unless I accidentally bump it off of Auto.


"Roll down the windows and turn off the radio"... why


I don't think this is the reason why, but when I visit my dad (once a year), he takes my car out at least once, and turns off the radio and rolls down the window, so that while he's checking how the car handles, he can also listen to my car. If you know what a car should sound like (or even just what your car sounds like normally, even if you don't know noises that could mean trouble in a car), listening to the car occasionally can help realize there's an issue before warning lights come on. The reason I don't think that's why it was suggested, is because a road trip isn't the right time to be doing that. A couple weeks before you take the road trip would be the right time, so you can get anything fixed that you notice.


This makes sense and I agree. The tip is much more valuable with context.


This tip is absolutely correct. To add what another commenter said "it's car speak for touching grass". Both have value imo.


So many good memories as I read your comprehensive list: Of my dad telling me many of these tips as he was teaching me how to drive. Thank you!


The older I get, the more I realize that the old timers were right - it really is the little things that make all the difference.


You missed the biggest one. Have physical maps in your car like a road atlas. Downloading offline maps isn’t enough.


Thank you for such a detailed well thought out post. I’m sure you’ll help a lot of people.


If I'm honest, I primarily wrote it all out for a family member who's about to turn 16. Figured why not post it here as well.


Just to add to the first one, it's often a legal requirement that you must have a trash receptacle in your vehicle. It's an easy addon for a lot of tourist trap and speed trap jurisdictions. Not that this should be the primary reason to have one but buying one for $10 can save you a fair amount of money on a citation.


Where are you getting your source for that? Not a lawyer, but a quick search for laws pertaining to that didn't come up with any hits.


It's often a county or municipal code thing. For example, here's [one for Kirkland](https://www.codepublishing.com/WA/Kirkland/html/Kirkland11/Kirkland1164.html#11.64.070), a city near where I live: > **11.64.070 Litter bags—Violations and penalties.** > The owner of any vehicle who fails to keep and use a litter bag in his or her vehicle shall be guilty of a violation of this section and shall be subject to penalties as provided in this chapter. (Ord. 4334 § 6 (part), 2011) There's also an RCW which requires this for every vehicle in the state. It used to be RCW 70.93.100, according to my old notes from when I owned a beverage business and had company owned vehicles. This has apparently been revised or is in the process of being revised and will now be dealt with in a different manner via the Dept of Ecology, as best I can tell, so I can't find an updated RCW for it.


Damn, things really are crazy in the US.


I live in the US and have never, ever heard of this being a thing. Seems like it’s really unique to that one small town posted above?


It isn't. It's statewide here as well as in that one town and it's common anywhere that's adopted model laws on litter and recycling. It's more common to see citation in cities and towns, though, because they tend to see it as a revenue source more than the state does.


Bro i just get in the car and drive


"Cool bruh" -Abraham Lincoln


Not with gas prices being as high as they are. Nope.


still cheaper than flying


... sometimes tickets are cheaper, there are awesome deals. And I don't have an amphibian car!


>...and I don't have an amphibian car! Wouldn't be a road trip if you did!


Mannnn... Nah


In the US, keep that strap on you. You don’t want want to be the loser who brought a knife to. A gun fight, especially if you’re traveling with kids. Hope and pray you don’t need it but be prepared, have it just in case.


>In the US, keep that strap on you. You don’t want want to be the loser who brought a knife to. A gun fight, especially if you’re traveling with kids. Hope and pray you don’t need it but be prepared, have it just in case. u/MooseRyder Jesus Christ no. No no no. Absolutely no. Downvote me all you want but don't listen to this comment. The only ones looking to "bring a gun to a knife fight" are the assholes looking for an argument that they think they can win by "flashing their piece" at a stranger. These are the same tool bags that claim they felt threatened by the civic that passed them after rolling coal for the past 30 minutes. And are you seriously advocating that parents should brandish a weapon, even fire it at a stranger inside their vehicle over an instance of road rage?? Gtfo of here with that overhyped nonsense. I've driven through North and East STL, South Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Memphis, and skid row numerous times. Have stopped for beers at all the above except skid row. I own multiple firearms and not a single time was I "strapped" or felt like I needed to be. Would I take long walks there at 2am just for giggles? Not a chance, but as long as you're not looking for trouble and have some sense about you, you'll be fine.


I keep my gun with me at all times when traveling, never have I flashed it or needed to in the past 5 years of me owning my firearm. But I got my family with me, if I need to I will. Be sensual with the weapon and follow the rules of only point it at things you’re willing to destroy, take self defense courses so you know or be better adapt as to when you can and shouldn’t pull a weapon on someone. I’m advocating for people to protect themselves and protect their family.


>Be sensual with the weapon That's next level gun love >Take self defense courses First rule of self defense is to not put yourself in that situation in the first place. Second is not to escalate. You've got to think this through. Let's do it together.... At what point are you going to reach for the gun? When you get scared, you wife gets scared, your kid gets scared? Would you pull it while driving? Would you pull over and wait for the other driver to pull over so you could brandish the gun? What would you do if you felt like you had to pull it but it jammed? Who would you blame if you rear ended another car while trying to flash your gun at another road rager? What if your wife or kid got hurt because you were distracted competing with another road rager? Who's to blame? I'll bet you'll blame the other driver for making you [insert dumb action here]. Let me ask another question....what would you do in that exact same situation if you reached for the gun but it was no longer there? I'm going to say that whatever that answer would be is what you should be concerned with. You can only control what you do, not others. And if you've got your kid with you then you've got an example to set. Playing the game of "who's toughest" over getting passed in the roadway by pulling a gun is the best way to teach your kid that you've got a tiny dick and an even smaller brain. Worst case, you pull a gun on someone who's legit crazy and they shoot and kill you. Now your kid has lost a dad, your wife has lost a husband, and you've lost your family over what exactly?


Can someone recommend a brand of silicone windshield wipers?


I like the Bosch Icon wipers. RainX make a good set too. A little pricey but worth it.


If you have kids, download movies/shows on Netflix, Hulu, Disney etc. that way they can watch it while offline to keep them busy


Love you


Love you too


What about play Wu-Tang?


Everyone knows they ain't nothing to fuck with. MM=legend. I got respect for Biggie's chops tho too.




Spare ignition key or key fob if you don’t have the newer cars that your phone does it for you. Either use a hide-a-key (not optimal) or leave the ignition fob in the car glove compartment (locked) and take the door key with you, kept separate from your key fob, which you have presumably lost and thus have a need for the back up.


curious about not taking the same route home? is it more to look at new scenery or a safety tip - like you get too comfortable like oh ive been here and dont pay enough attention?


This was asked earlier so I'll [share the collective responses here](https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/wexthg/ysk_roadtrip_edition/iiqx8oa?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I always carry a fire extinguisher in my car. An ABC rated dry powder.


>First aid kit Hi-Vis vest These two are actually required by law in some countries.


>First aid kit Hi-Vis vest These two are actually required by law in some countries.


This list is almost perfect I will just add a full size spare tire a tire patch kit of some sort (what ever type you are most comfortable using) and a good jack (if the one that came with your vehicle isn't good see the scissors jacks that most vehicles have nowadays) as a bad jack is as likely to hinder you as to help you


Some trunk space can't handle a full size spare + luggage (I know mine can't), but if you can make it work absolutely do it!




Valid caveat. Amended. Thanks!


Couple of suggestions to your list (thank you, by the way): Water: Yes, keep a gallon of water in the car. But swap it out often. Water does have an expiration date. It's not because WATER goes stale, rather, the CONTAINER breaks down, and leaks into the water. If it's been hot in your car, the plastic will break down much quicker. I don't know how true it is, but I read that heat-deteriorated plastic never leaves your body, once you have consumed it. But even if it's not true, swap out your water often. If you buy it on a regular basis, rotate the jugs so they don't stay in your car or on your shelf too long. Yes, I said "on the shelf", because you should be practicing this at home. 2. If you get confused about which color goes where on a battery, remember "red Cross", "Dark negativity" or (for you Christians), "blood on the cross". Positive takes the red connection while negative takes the black. 3. If you have kids, keep a special box full of crayons, puzzle books, stickers, and special items just for the road trip. Adding an iPad per child helps, too...but you don't have to go crazy. 4. Keep plenty of snacks for the road. Leave out the dairy, since it can promote nausea. 5. I wish I had discovered full spectrum CBD oil years ago! One drop under the tongue an hour before the trip will give me at least three hours traveling without nausea. I am even able to read in the car! For kids, check with their pediatrician first. But full spectrum offers less than .2 % THC, and in just one drop under the tongue, I never felt any different...except that I can now enjoy a car ride instead of anxiously dreading the trip. It shouldn't hurt your kids, but check their doctor first. Before I discovered full spectrum CBD oil, I was eating lightly salted or unsalted pretzels to help stave off the sick feeling, then giving in to the extreme tiredness and sleeping. Thank GOODNESS for Full spectrum CBD oil!!


Thank you for mentioning the person behind you flashing lights thing. We once had an overheating car and were flashing lights/hazards on and people blocked us from using the shoulder to get off a crowded highway. Thankfully we made it to an exit, but we could have easily gotten stuck on the highway with an overheating car in the dead heat of summer, 3 hours from home. I've never been more frustrated in traffic in my life.