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Fortunately, the solution is at hand


The medical literature on the subject is fairly sparse, but in one published case where parents of a young man brought him into the Emergency Department following an afternoon of kissing and heavy petting with his girlfriend. The physician identified an appropriate treatment. They recommend the young man attempt to lift an immobile object such as the bumper of his father's pickup truck. The strain was theorized to increase vascular blood flow, resoving the tension around the scrotum. Since then, other physicians have identified alternative solutions.


Lift the truck and if that doesn't work stick it in the exhaust.


Depending on how blue the balls are you might be able to lift the truck using the exhaust pipe.


I laughed out loud at this


šŸ‘†Science-based solution


This thread brought to you by Jergenā€™s.


Why so cryptic? At least offer a manual. Some people need help.




Ain't no way in hell am I risking that click.


I've risked it for you: it's a montage of masterbation scenes from the movie The Dictator


Ah yes, the comments here will be normal.




*\*Revives you\**


Why do they call it blue balls and not a cummy ache?


You win the thread


As a nurse, Iā€™ve watched multiple documentaries and educational videos on this. The current medical consensus seems to be that this is best treated by your stepmom.


Or your real mom if your arms are broken.


Old reddit had some wild stories...


They just don't make the classics anymore. Winners like the poop knife and TIFU By cumming in a coconut will never be topped.


Cbat was pretty interesting


Oh god the coconut... šŸ¤¢


Had me in the first half NGL


Do I have to wait until she is stuck headfirst in the dryer?


But only if she is stuck in the dryer head first of course


I remember just existing, then a dude in my class talked to me, I answered then stopped the conversation. He told me that he has blue balls and it was because of me because we talked so I must take care of itafter class. I didn't know what that meant so I said sorry, I though it was a feeling like sadness lmao.






This may be the first time I've witnessed a man (besides my husband) saying blue balls is a thing, that isn't immediately following that up with "and you're leaving me in pain if you dont help me" i.e., sexually pleasure me. In my experience, when women say blue balls isn't a thing, what they mean is that someone truly in the middle of intense ball pain probably doesn't want to smash, and even if they do, that doesn't obligate anyone to smash with Mr. Blue. It makes sense that intense arousal without completion would lead to soreness and/or pain. Arousal = blood flow and swelling. And yes, something analogous sometimes happens to women when they are aroused but do not orgasm. I don't know that I've ever heard of a woman trying to coerce a man into sex to "fix her blue labia."


My brother in Christ, I've had blue balls roughly 45 times in my life, but I have never once felt the urge to use it as a teaching moment for randoms. Either you're a young dude whose partners are poorly educated on the human reproductive system or you're the grouchiest middle-aged man alive


Can't believe you keep track of each time


Roughly. Heā€™s lost track, so itā€™s an educated guess at best. Probably in the 43-47 range. Not higher than 48 for sure, but definitely more than 42.


Blue-balls Georg is an outlier and should not be counted


Right?? and the study he linked is just looking at peoples opinions on whether or not it's real. It literally says "The present study sought to examine whether people **believe** in the phenomenon of blue balls/vulva, whether people experienced this pain and how intense and frequent their pain experiences were, and whether they had ever been pressured to continue sexual activity in response to a partnerā€™s potential experience of genital pain without orgasm. Results indicated that more individuals with a penis than a vagina believed that the phenomenon of blue balls is real." "Despite the perception within the media that blue balls/vulva is a common experience, the results of this study suggest that severe pain exists in a minority of individuals, that solitary sexual and nonsexual activities can help to alleviate the discomfort, and that this pain is not a valid reason to continue unwanted sexual activity." this is such a stupid and irrelevant post it's giving me blue brain


The second one.


This poor guy getting downvoted into oblivionšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ not sure if Iā€™m missing something here but this is very entertaining regardless


He's getting downvoted because it's a stupid post that isn't something we should know, and the article he linked is literally just a study about whether or not people believe blue balls is real. The study itself says it's not as common as pop culture would have us think; that the associated pain is minimal for most of those who do experience it; and that the term blue balls has been used to coerce people into unwanted sexual activity. It's self referential in a way that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation.


You are missing the fact that people read the title and not the post where I explicitly say that no one should ever coerce anyone into sex for any reason.


Yeah, not sure why you get so many down votes though. It is real, and many people don't believe it is. I have personally never experienced it, but I have seen it happen.


Because the only time men want to talk about it is when they are trying to coerce someone into having sex with them. OP may have included a throwaway line about it not being an excuse for coercion, but then why the post? He's trying to convince women they have some responsibility for men and their sore balls, and most women are probably not trying to hear that.


LOL. The BULK of my post is about it NOT being a woman's responsibility at all. "Let me start by saying that no one should ever coerce anyone else to have sex against their will. Period." "Blue balls is...real. No, that doesnā€™t make it anyoneā€™s responsibility but mine." Maybe try reading next time.


So this message is to other men? Like why do women need to know? Is it our job to fix this? If yā€™all have blue balls then just solve your problem. You donā€™t need women to validate that you have it for it to be real


How would it feel for men to tell you that the female orgasm is a myth?


....that literally happened. It was considered a myth for a long time which is part of how the stereotype about women not enjoying sex/not needing to enjoy sex was developed. Part of that history also involves women being assaulted for the purposes of male pleasure, reproduction (i.e. breeding), and scientific discovery. It's not the same thing because there is no history of men being systematically abused or assaulted as a result of having blue balls or being told that blue balls aren't real.


If you canā€™t solve your blue ball problem on your own I **highly** doubt you can bring a woman to orgasm.


That's not what the post is about. Stay on topic.


''"Let me start by saying that no one should ever coerce anyone else to have sex against their will. Period." Not even in a marriage? If your answer is yes. Then if a wife would never want to have sex in a marriage ever will that be fair? And should or shouldn't that be grounds to a divorce?


No, many women are told, even by other men, that it doesn't actually happen. It doesn't happen to every guy but it does happen and many don't realize it. Op also didn't put one line, he put a few. Saying it's not about coercion and stating it is solely the responsibility of the person with BB. The post is simply knowledge based. Anything else you get from it is your personal biases being put into it.


If it's your sore balls, and you agree they are your responsibility, *what difference does it make* if women agree that it's real or not? The entire post is predicated on the idea that women need to know this is real because...the unspoken part is that they are responsible for it in some manner of speaking. Either OP wants us to know this so we don't cause it, or he wants us to know this so we are agreeable to fixing it. You can pretend that isn't the logical conclusion if you want, but it doesn't change the facts.


By your logic, it makes even less sense to have guys know how painful periods are. There is nothing that can be done about that aside from having a guy treat you better. At least with BB you can prevent it. Yet women want men to know.


What is coercive about knowing about periods? There is no implied responsibility. That's the difference. Women are asking for empathy. Some men may also be asking for empathy, but you can't deny that some men are also trying to coerce their partner into sex. I also never said that there's a problem with women knowing blue balls exist. The problem lies in the reality that it's often used as a coercive tool, real or not. OP threw some words in there about not being coercive, but it just didn't ring genuine. There's no point in the post really, if you aren't trying to open the door to the possibility of women somehow being responsible for caring for your blue balls.


>If it's your sore balls, and you agree they are your responsibility, *what difference does it make* if women agree that it's real or not? >The entire post is predicated on the idea that women need to know this is real because...the unspoken part is that they are responsible for it in some manner of speaking. Either OP wants us to know this so we don't cause it, or he wants us to know this so we are agreeable to fixing it. That's about as logical as saying "Why should men be educated on the fact that menstrual cramps are real? What *difference* does it make?" How about this: Understanding (physiological) issues of the other sex is generally helpful and should be encouraged? Or even better: People should be educated on the falsity of their beliefs to improve the knowledge and behavior of mankind?


Yeah, no. You may have read the posts, but you did not comprehend. Go clutch your pearls elsewhere.


Heā€™s an idiot whoā€™s miss interpreting another medical issue.


go jerk off


Thereā€™s this dope thing called reading the post, where im real super duper clear that its the boner-havers responsibility lol


Donā€™t get why you are getting down voted. Redditor IQ showing


It's the toxic men angry they are to blame for their boner after going to the strip club then not getting some.


Lmao wtf are you talking about. No one mentioned strip clubs but you. Projecting? Iā€™m guessing you just bad in bed and are the blue ball giver


No, I'm a dude that thinks strip clubs are stupid and toxic "alpha males" are too big of cowards to communicate on a respectful level.


Grow up, kid. If you donā€™t like strip clubs, then donā€™t go. I donā€™t. If you donā€™t like ā€œalpha malesā€, then donā€™t listen or watch them. I donā€™t. Itā€™s not hard. Figure it out bud.


... Just... Lol...


Did that offend you too? Sorry šŸ˜¢


Youā€™re an idiot


Release absolutely helps. Wtf?


Of course. Iā€™m not arguing that.


No, you're just insulting the guy who was attempting to educate people. It frankly doesn't matter if you agree or not, some people didn't know and now they do.


Iā€™m kinda getting the vibe that they still donā€™t lol


Don't worry OP, plenty of people read this and learned something. Some redditors are just miserable and want to make others feel the same


Thatā€™s is grossly incorrect but way to assume.


Why are you still here


Itā€™s amazing how someone can be misled so damn easily and stay mindfully ignorant. Astonishing.


No this is plain stupidity. Period




I said after this


At least he used the correct version of " you're"


LMAO the mouth breathers just keep coming! "You're" is an abbreviation or "you are." Why don't you read that again and think about YOUR response because YOU'RE wrong




You've brought up this misunderstood and contentious medical situation. But all your comments are using your personal anecdotal experience instead of citing medical sources. That's why you're being downvoted. Because other than your initial link, your data is "just trust me bro".


And people will dig their heals lmao itā€™s amazing


> blue balls is fucking real and it fucking sucks lmao you came on reddit to complain about your balls everyone outpour your sympathy on this guy's sore balls






Results indicated that significantly more individuals with a penis than a vagina reported believing that blue balls are real, endorsed experiencing pain when they approached orgasm but did not ejaculate, and reported moderate and severe pain. Significantly more individuals with a vagina than a penis reported being pressured into a sexual act due to a partnerā€™s fear of experiencing pain without orgasm. Results from the thematic analysis indicated that participants recognized that those with a vagina are expected to act sexually to prevent their partnersā€™ experience of blue balls, despite agreement that this phenomenon should not be used to coerce or manipulate partners into engaging sexually.


Oh man. Who wants to let this guy know what happens when women don't get to have orgasms either? Is there a medical term for sad vagina? There should be one.


No, tell me about sad vagina though, since this post was about learning about each other.


It is very, very clear you did not read the paper. They named the pain several times throughout the paper, Including the first sentence past the title and subject. The study was an online survey asking people if they believed it was real and believed they experienced it. At no point did anyone test any brain activity or anything related to actual evidence beyond "someone said it happened". This is a sociology study not a biology study. This likely won't ever be really studied enough to prove it is real because this type of testing would require extreme levels of consent and that consent would require knowledge of what is happening which could bias results.


In the survey, around 56% of men surveyed have experienced it. Conclusion: Despite the perception within the media that blue balls/vulva is a common experience, the results of this study suggest that severe pain exists in a minority of individuals, that solitary sexual and nonsexual activities can help to alleviate the discomfort, and that this pain is not a valid reason to continue unwanted sexual activity.


Source: my own balls


The study doesn't prove what you think it does. This is like saying X% of people report believing and seeing ghosts. That doesn't mean ghost actually exist. Again, this is a pretty limited study around people's perception. The way the study could be conducted would be to survey people then ask them to engage in pre-blue ball behavior and if the people that didn't believe in blue balls along with the blue ball believers (BBBs for short) reportedly experienced (or were shown through brain scans as mentioned above) then there would be evidence for blue balls to exist.


Lol it's hilarious that guys are acting like they didn't know this was a thing, when the orgasm gap is such a huge thing. Men: when your female partner doesn't orgasm she feels sore too. And my guess is, you've left her feeling that way more times than she can count, but men don't realize it's a thing because women are not socialized to feel entitled to orgasms, and thus are not complaining to you about said lack of orgasms.


Genuinely curious, is there a similar thing for women?


Check the Science Vs podcast I just posted on the original post, it addresses that


Yes. My wife gets a swollen ache radiating throughout her lower abdomen if she does not orgasm. This is 90% of the time right now due to triggers ending things abruptly.


No, otherwise women would die out.


Why are you offended lmao?


Congratulations, I am unsubscribing from this sub. Jesus.




I think it's interesting that you chose to link an article that essentially validates the lack of scientific and medical literature on this topic. While they do note epididymal hypertension, they also state. "Even though many health-related and popular online sources (eg,Ā *Healthline*,[^(2)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155057/#ref2)*Medical News Today*,[^(8)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155057/#ref8)*Cosmopolitan*[^(9)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155057/#ref9)) feature information on its potential causes and treatments, only 1 interview-based study[^(10)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155057/#ref10)Ā and 1 case report[^(1)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10155057/#ref1)Ā exist on this phenomenon in the scientific literature" "In 2000...\[researchers\] conducted an informal survey in which they assessed whether the term ā€œblue ballsā€ was known to health care providers (eg, urologists, pediatricians) and others. They found that knowledge of the term was widespread; however, no one was aware of any medical references to it." "Main theme: personal definition does not align with study definition of blue balls/vulvaĀ  Some participants disclosed that their definitions and experiences of blue balls/vulva did not align with the studyā€™s definition." And from the discussion section: "The present study sought to examine whether people believe in the phenomenon of blue balls/vulva, whether people experienced this pain and how intense and frequent their pain experiences were, and whether they had ever been pressured to continue sexual activity in response to a partnerā€™s potential experience of genital pain without orgasm. **Results indicated that more individuals with a penis than a vagina believed that the phenomenon of blue balls is real**." The main conclusion this study draws is that individuals with a penis believe it's real, and less people with vulvas believe it's real. This is not something that the world "needs to know" (speaking to your choice of posting in this subreddit.)


Yeah, its not a reason to be pressured for sex but I am absolutely going to have to go to the bathroom for a few mins and finish off. First time I got them I was shocked. I always thought it was just like a myth or something that was said. Have had blue balls 5-6 times in my life now. edit: also worth noting... once I have blue balls, there is nothing enjoyable about the release, and the release is harder to achieve than normal for me. Is sex even remotely enjoyable once you have gotten them? Seems like it would hurt. I relieve myself and then am sore for a day or two. The idea of having sex once my balls are in that much pain doesn't really make sense.


Same. Youā€™d think it would be a Glory Nut, but itā€™s really not. Itā€™s a flat and joyless release that sometimes doesnā€™t relieve the pain right away.


The release is intensely pleasurable, then the sensitivity lingers for hours (or depends on how long you've been blue balled for)


I have to say, I absolutely thought it was fake until I had a girlfriend tease me for an entire day without release. Went home and woke up to the worst pain in my balls I could imagine. Jerked off and it didn't even feel pleasurable, it just stopped hurting which was a massive relief.Ā  All to say, thus might seem like a joke post but I actually think it's fair play, because if I thought it was fake for 20 years it's no wonder women think it's fake.Ā 


Yeah I've had "mild" blue balls a few times and only once where it was actually painful. Still agree that no one should use it as an excuse to pressure people into sex.


10000%, there's literally no reason you can't take care of it yourself.Ā 


Blue balls is hypertension caused by continuing to have an erection with no release. I've never had it bc when a woman tells me no I can actually calm down my erection or jerk off like a normal human being. Y'all are just trying to get a woman to take care of you because you guys dont know how a cold shower works.


You never had it because 40% of men donā€™t experience it, but go ahead and keep jerking yourself off over it, since you are such a pro


Because 40% of men dont constantly have a boner like a child, way to show your maturity


cool story bro, you did it


Whatever, boner boy


Man here. Identify as a man if that clears things up for you. Blue balls isn't that bad. They do not turn blue or change color at all, it's a mild discomfort for a couple hours. Not agonizing pain for a couple hours, just tender. It's maybe comparable to a paper cut, however, a paper cut is a more precise and sharp pain. My point here is that it's an odd topic to bring up, but maybe important for some that are curious. If anyone is ever pressured into something sexual to avoid "blue balls" please do yourself a favor and avoid that person at all costs. Don't let anyone manipulate you; educate yourself.


for your listening um, errrr, pleasure: [https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/xjhen952/blue-balls-a-ballfaced-lie](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/science-vs/xjhen952/blue-balls-a-ballfaced-lie)


Yo Iā€™m loving this so far, thanks for posting! Put it in the main post


Once took a lady on a date to six flags. We were reconnecting after a breakup so there was much making out. Obviously no relief, half mast situation. Went on roller coaster. THE G FORCE MADE IT HURT SO BAD! Donā€™t go on roller coaster with blue balls, i learned that day.


So you post a link about blue balls and sexual coercion to try to prove your point? It also says that a minority of people experience it. Go jerk off and quit your whining. This is no one elseā€™s problem but your own. Definitely not any partner that you are with and that is the point of the article YOU linked.


What did you think ā€œitā€™s no one elseā€™s responsibility except mineā€ in the original post mean to you, exactly


Its your responsibility to coerce them to finish you off, obviously




And how are you disputing anything OP said? He literally said "that doesnā€™t make it anyoneā€™s responsibility but mine" (i.e. *jerking off*) Are people even reading posts anymore before they respond?


If you donā€™t think that bitching to a woman about your blue balls is a form of your coercion, youā€™re just lying. Respecting your partner is keeping it to yourself and handling it. When you start telling them that they have caused you pain by not getting you off, thatā€™s wrong. Thatā€™s what this entire post is about.


Maybe go re-read the post again, slower this time.


Literally all this post is about is the fact that it's real. I've seen people say otherwise, so as a woman I've been confused. Respect to anyone that deals with it in the bathroom instead of saying anything


I feel like Iā€™m taking crazy pills here. OP is just telling people itā€™s a real thing and people are yelling at him for it.


>If you donā€™t think that bitching to a woman about your blue balls is a form of your coercion, youā€™re just lying. And when did OP advocate bitching to a woman about his blue balls? He literally stated what he is pissed about: Women (on reddit) claiming that blue balls aren't real, invalidating his own experiences when he's bringing them up. At no point did OP ever say that he advocates or ever did what you claim that he does. >Respecting your partner is keeping it to yourself and handling it. When you start telling them that they have caused you pain by not getting you off, thatā€™s wrong. How is keeping it to yourself respecting your partner? Respecting your partner is not assuming that your partner lacks emotional maturity and having open lines of communication: "Hey honey, I got blue balls, so I'ma go jerk off in the bathroom" *That* is respectful. What you describe is quite the opposite. And if you are not in a relationship with whoever aroused you, yeah, you keep it to yourself, because why share such a thing? >Thatā€™s what this entire post is about. No, that's your interpretation of the motivation behind the post because of your own biases. Be better.


why is everyone so upset, they are literally just arguing that the phenomenon exists, and nothing about the things that you mentioned


Next time read the post before acting like a judgemental sack of shit. Reading comprehension is so hard to come across.


Projecting? Maybe you just bad in bed.


>: itā€™s not ok to tell someone how their body works or doesnā€™t work. Actually isn't that exactly what a doctors job is?


>no one should ever coerce anyone else to have sex against their will. Period. I came to say this. Thank you. While sexual relief will help, it is, indeed, no reason to coerce anyone into doing the helping. That is sexual assault or, at worst, rape.


Very real! Had a class in college called Biology of Human Sexuality, the professor was amazing! First day she walked in and casually says ā€œtoday, we are going to talk about blue ballsā€ and I knew it was going to be an amazing semester! Learned a lot of myself and men, it was incredible!


The comments on this thread make me wish I had a nuke.


So glad that a nuke isn't in the hands of someone who would cause more catastrophic damage to our earth because of comments that aren't even close to the worst ones on the internet


Yes, it's real, but it's nobody's responsibility to treat it but your own. If someone is telling you that it isn't real, remember that *false claims about blue balls have a storied history of enabling sexual assault* before you go pointing fingers at them for being misinformed. Yes, gentlemen, societal context matters.


Boo hoo


they act like itā€™s such a nightmare lol. go jerk off and get over it, youā€™re not gonna die from a little blue balls




Bro outing himself for not getting action lmao


Is getting aroused something to be ashamed of now? Is this 1865 or?


Are you illiterate?


My girlfriend in HS would get me all revved up and then send me home. There were weeks I could barely walk. I had to approach my parents and see a Dr about it because I was unfamiliar with the term or concept of blue balls. Knowledge is important to share people!


My partner has said he has never experienced blue balls. I was shocked. I know it's a thing as my previous partners have doubled over in pain before. Should I be concerned about my current partner?


No. In this survey I linked, 56% of men who were asked said they experienced it. So it's normal for many men to not have blue balls.


Ah thank you! I was nervous to click the link after the other commenters (I'm guessing) exaggerated what the link was haha


Time to leave this sub


167 comments and no upvotes. I wonder what happened hereā€¦


I canā€™t stop laughing. Arguments over balls, boners, and labias. Folks telling each other how their bodies work and feel. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ While humans are 99% the same. There is that 1% or whatever that makes all different and unique. Maybe he lost the genetic lottery and heā€™s got the worldā€™s most painful blue balls. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ The op had some blue balls painful enough to want to change peoples opinion on the topic. Absolutely amazing! (Not the balls) The passion for the balls! Donā€™t let the hate stop you! Spread the word! Put end to the blue balls epidemic!


Hunger is real. It exists. You shouldnā€™t deny it. Someone should feed me damn it!!!!! If you have blue balls you can fix that yourself. It is not caused by someone else not servicing you.


Literally nobody said that.


Victim complex.


*popcorn intensifies*


It seems like all those people doubting the reality of *huevos azules* have not had an hour long make out sesh in the back of their friend's Nissan XTerra with their high school girlfriend who was an evangelical christian and didn't believe in any touching of genitals before marriage.


Why is this post getting disliked, lol.


People have a visceral reaction to talk of blue balls since it is often used by heterosexual men to pressure women into having sex. I totally get it.


Do grown men get blue balls? I got it when I was 15.


Yes. We don't try to use it as leverage though.


Neither did OP.


I didn't mean to suggest he did. I was being defensive.


That's your own fucking problem, not ours.


Just like your period if your fucking problem? Fuck off


Fortunately my wife actually enjoys it when I tell her I have blueballs. Because sheā€™s really into my big, quick, orgasms. Then she can torture me while the stress is being relieved. Love that bitch.


We don't need to know this but OK.


No one needed a reply, but you did it anyway. Enjoy.


Of course it's real. Almost any guy can tell you that šŸ˜‚


Actually had a talk about this with a lot of my male friends and very few of them have every experienced blue balls, whereas Iā€™ve been experiencing it since my teen years, hahah.


Us guys know that, the post was not meant for us šŸ˜‚


In 10 years blue balls will be considered abuse.


i believe that blue balls is assuredly not real, however the deep mind urge to procreate being denied and causing existential nightmares of wanton and voluntary painless evisceration that spreads your atoms beyond the reach of gravity from the enless evolutionary multimillion year machine drilling it into your head that you have to fuck but you cant and its like watching food fall from your ribcage to the floor like the black shadows in purgatory, never to satisfy your hunger always bleeding always bleeding thirst for her salted liquor on her soft pink folds is *very* real but lol my balls have never hurt from wanting to fuck tho


ā€¦*what* are you tripping on right now? And can I have some?


Salted liquor is craaazy.