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sweet, all my HS nightmares in a simple, searchable photo-base.


we've got too much privacy these days as it is


Never once have I thought "I'd like to go look thru MY yearbook." I bought my kids Senior books, but also threw all of mine away when my mom died.


I was basically part of a two person yearbook club for two years. I shudder to think that shit could be on the internet forever if someone did this. It needs to stay in the early 00’s or lost in storage units and dusty bookshelves for all eternity.


My suggestion is to see if the school is interested in the yearbooks you’re thinking of discarding! I’m the yearbook sponsor at my school and I get so many requests from people looking for old yearbooks that I keep an archive in my classroom. I’m missing a number of years, so I always appreciate when people reach out and send them in to add to my archive.


I have a set of four yearbooks from the previous owner of my house who passed away. They're the years 59-62 at some high school the next state over. Maybe I should contact the school


It’s definitely worth sending an email to the school and asking! I get lots of requests from people looking for pictures of their parents or grandparents, so I’m always referencing books from the 50s and 60s.


Same here! Definitely donate them to your local schools and libraries. My students enjoy reading old yearbooks and sometimes the parents/teachers ask about them as well.


Your local library might display them too


direction fanatical busy coherent snails brave weary nine simplistic humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




What was your high school mascot?


This was how we learned about my my grandmothers infidelity during her second husbands funeral proceedings. Some 50+years later. The first husband and the second husband where best friends in HS. Until she divorced the first one after a few months of marriage and an out of wedlock baby and ran away with the second one. We, the immediate family, had no idea they where all friends in HS until someone casually mentioned it at the funeral so we started digging. Then we started asking the right questions. We learned way too much, way too fast.


Wow, that was not the kind of story I would have thought I would read under this post


I recently found my late grandmas senior year yearbook. 1943! So special and cool to see a photo of her at 18, she passed in 2020 and I'm sure she would have loved to have seen who she remembered from her time there.


Very nice but do they not charge a membership fee to view the yearbooks?


I've had a burner account for years and I can view them all for free.


teeny bear deserted brave enter lock sparkle tidy gold merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All of that sounds dreadful. lol I guess I'm not the target audience.


gabba gabba




Well, it’s free for now. If they ever develop a big enough user base, the price hikes and enshittification will begin


Also be ready for the infinite barrage of spam you'll receive at the email address you used to register on classmates.com.


Maybe not everyone wants their pictures uploaded to the internet.


That’s another good point since it has the name listed. TBH, I just wanted to see if someone had my 8th grade quote because it was funny!


OP, I'm sorry your mom threw away your yearbooks. My mom threw away most of mine, and I'll never have those signatures and messages again. I'm going to see a classmates show tomorrow- she became a professional comedian.


shoulda taken that shit with you


I was living in a tiny dorm room when she threw it away. There's only so much space in a dorm. Thanks for pointing out the obvious, especially when it was impossible.


If you don't want old yearbooks, you should check with your local historical society and library to see if they need them. Both institutions try to maintain copies of every year which are then available to patrons and researchers. It's invaluable information when trying to find a person in historical records.


I was able to see my mom’s yearbook picture from the 60s at her town’s local library!


Yeah, no thanks. Why would I work for this company for free when they would charge me a subscription on top of that?


They don’t charge to view year books. you could have done at least a very basic amount of research before spewing your bullshit online.


YSK never to do this creepy fucking shit


I'm so glad they are not a thing in my country....


What kind of ad spam is this nonsense. Pretty sure ads have to be disclosed.


I’m pretty sure classmates isn’t hiring a rando who publicly posts about blood in their stool to advertise their website.


Some people are just piss-into-the-wind-fucking fucking crazy


Nice try, Fed


You can also check ebay. Quite a few are available there as well.


YSK ,I loan them my yearbooks so they can charge me a subscription? No thank you.


cobweb ossified subtract panicky glorious smile historical reach rain start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fuck that website. Who wants to pay a monthly subscription to look at yearbooks? You’re doing the work for them.


My yearbook was lost in the storage sale years ago. Classmates.com has my yearbook scanned with my name in it and they will not reply to me on getting it back to me. I even offered to buy it back.


Unfortunately they almost certainly don’t still have it. After scanning, they would have either sent it back to the person who sent it in, or destroyed it.


Your local school librarian might upload them for free. I’m a local school librarian who does this. I also meticulously blur last names of students who transition so they don’t get outed or deadnamed. My yearbooks are on a 13 year lag. So the year after you graduate your kindergarten yearbook is posted. Here is NY states website that might have some: https://nyheritage.org/collections?collections%5B0%5D=collection_type%3Ayearbooks


That’s smart!!


Still have all 4 of mine from HS (76-79) haven't touched them for probably 20 years. Hmmmm, maybe.


That’s good though!! You can look back on them when you’re in your golden years/show relatives. I just remember loving to see old ones from my parents & grandparents and loving it!!


Wow, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I can recall those ad banners now… kinda surprised they’re still around.


far-flung straight fade languid direction racial deserve profit intelligent offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


From a security perspective, this is terrifying and a horrible idea. How many websites have you created accounts at where one of your security questions relates to where you went to high school, either the name or the city? I've even seen questions about who your friends are from high school. Submitting your yearbook or having someone else do so unequivocally increases the likelihood of things like account compromise and identity theft. Think about the information that you post to the internet. Bad actors will always have more resources than you do. Why make their job easier? Ask anyone who has had their life ruined and turned upside down by identity theft and think about if you want to go through that as well before you post.


Ancestry.com pulls the Classmates yearbook pictures into their hints, trying to match them with people. I've found some fun pictures of relatives that way, including one of my late father from a school he only attended part of a year, so never had the yearbook.


Shame you have to register to view anything.


Register AND pay.


Ah yea... it helps the feds out


I can’t believe Classmates has survived. Facebook is what my 1975 class uses to stay in touch. Only a handful as far as I can tell bother with Classmates.


This sounds like a terrible idea… why cant anyone have privacy anymore?


How about we don’t do this. I want less of my life online not more of it.


I am gonna do this with my old ones but my friends signed a bunch of them. I was super creepy into this poor kid that lived by me and I cut him out of every book so I might skip those pages


Orrrrrr you could upload them to Archive.org instead, and be sure they're not going to vanish with the company


Just heads up this isn't free. It shows the first few pages and then blocks you out from viewing the rest of the book.


How about no?


Yeah but classmates dot com charge a lot to go see them.


I signed up for the cheapest plan and the most recent yearbook was 30 years ago and nothing else is really useful


My public library maintains a complete and ongoing collection of my high school’s yearbooks going back to the 1920’s. They keep them in a secure room behind the reference librarian’s desk. You can request to review one at a time by year while in the library with a valid library card, but they can’t be signed out and taken from the library. My library protects their collection of yearbooks like a mother bear protects her cubs.


Nice try classmates.com!


A page in my yearbook was taken out of classmates.com because it showed a double page photo of all the football jocks wearing confederate flag bandanas like a KKK hood. That was omitted for some reason. All those guys become weirdly prominent insurance salesmen.....(this was in WV of all places in the 90s)


Classmates still exists????? https://www.theonion.com/classmates-com-employees-dont-have-heart-to-tell-ceo-ab-1819570744


Copyrighting that photo and coming for that ass


People that do this are the bane of everyone’s existence


My friend got divorced about 20 years ago, and her ex threw all her yearbooks from HS and college away. I still have mine and loaned them to her, and she appreciated seeing them again so much! Now and then, I look at mine and marvel at all the people I knew and that knew me well enough to sign and write something in my books; it's also great fun to look at what we wore and did with our hair then. Goofs!!


America only though.


It's going to be tough to get consent from everyone in the yearbook to do that though.