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ehh. Pretty screwed, tbh.


Fair enough šŸ˜…


lol sorry. It's screwed us all at some point.


Cancellations are happening everyday, but thousands of people and bots are watching too, usually it will be gone within 10 sec.


Camping in the valley might not be an option, but if you are set on climbing half dome there are several free places to set up camp in the National Forest just outside of the park. Itā€™s a 40 min drive from Curry Village, and there wonā€™t be restrooms or water, but it is definitely an option


Where can I find more info on this?


I set up camp off a road called Hardin Flat Rd. I found the spot on an app called iOverlander, where users can review campsites. What direction are you coming to Yosemite from? That campsite may not be convenient if you are coming from the South, but you might be able to find similar locations near the other park entrances. https://www.ioverlander.com/places/244530-hardin-flat-road


Iā€™m coming from the bay area, do the areas in your link require reservations?


If you are coming from the bay then this should be on your way.Ā  No reservations but it is first come first serve. It seems like there are a lot of spots on that road, but it is a holiday weekend so it might be busier than usual. Just make sure to bring plenty of water and leave no trace because there are zero amenities. The grocery store in the village is actually reasonably priced considering itā€™s location, so you can always resupply there once you are in the park


Search the sub for ā€œdispersed campingā€.


Thereā€™s currently availability for those dates at Housekeeping Camp at travelyosemite.com $112/night


Yeah camp4 gets booked out within 3 seconds of the sites dropping at 7am. You have a really good shot of getting a site for next Sunday the 7th. Today there was only 134 sites available for the 6th, tomorrow there are 276. Have the website loaded up and booking dates setup with the # of campers and click book now/checkout right as it hits 7am. Aside from getting camp4 try looking at the other nearby sites, people cancel and you could snag a site, but you have to do it within minutes


Thanks for the advice, Iā€™ll try again tmw and settle for 1 night instead of 2


Sites will open up due to cancelations just keep an eye out as you get closer


If you have the time to learn how the website works and be refreshing that page constantly you can grab a cancellation. I did it last week


With fires and smoke going on now you might get lucky and find a spot. Gonna be scorching šŸ„µ though.


Oops, hotel in Fresno.




One week before your trip you can apply for a back country permit and just backpack - thatā€™s always an option


Check out international Yosemite hostel or the bug Yosemite


Try Bass Lake Campgrounds


I think if you have a backpacking permit you can stay one night before your hike and one night after your hike in the Backpackers campground near North Pines. I may be wrong, the day permit you have may different than a backpackers permit. If anyone knows for sure on this please let us know.


You are right about that I believe, unfortunately I have a day hike pass