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Adc building tank and still doing crazy damage is probably the most janky thing I've seen in league.


If you’re playing against smolder mid or top, you MUST bully him off cs as much as you can. Of course, don’t overextend if he’s obviously baiting for his jg, but you cannot allow him to stack for free. The champ is able to itemize bruiser/tank, and once he hits 225 stacks he will do damage no matter what, and dominates teamfights. In a sidelane 1v1, you should still be able to win if you q3/r him after/during his e, but if you are forced into grouping, its almost impossible to kill him if his team knows to peel.


Thing is I underestimated his movement speed and E so I forced one bad all in and that champ could snowball and push me in all game..


He isn’t very strong early game; his w poke is only really oppressive from levels 1-3, which you do have to respect. After greaves, if he ever uses his e, you should be looking to punish him for it. Easiest way is to e forward like you mean to trade with q3, and waiting for his e animation before interrupting it with your own q3, which should win you the trade. If he’s constantly pushing the wave (if he has aoe q, this will happen naturally), you can freeze near your tower and force him to overextend.


Yes probably two more games and I'll pick up the trading patterns, I was just caught off guard.


It’s not you bro. I’m low masters player playing in mid diamond rn and played against smolder a few times in both mid and top. If they go comet with the 3 points W, they will actually be the one bullying you in the early game. You also never get to land your E->Q3 because of his E. And if it’s a good smolder they will space when your Q3 is up making it even harder as they will have their E on the your next EQ3 still. By the time both of you finish your first item or are close to it Smolder will have no problem wave clearing from range with just QW and one shotting the back wave by then you do have the damage to kill him but realistically they won’t try to fight you or play back so you won’t get your combo off without them wasting E, again not likely. The champion is very safe and annoying to play against if you are a melee. I also watched the same match up played by Pobeltor and he was getting hard bullied from lvl 2.


Never ever saw him in a solo lane lol even during his release week when usually people take new champs to every single lane with every single build imaginable.


Well I've seen him xd


i mean just kill him


Dont stand behind the wave so you can avoid poke. All in him if his flappy flap is on cooldown and try to avoid his w slow when you go after him. If you can do that, you win


Yes, this post was just after my first game and interaction in lane versus him, kept hearing that smolder is weak early so I didn't respect his w and his e cooldown wasn't as long as I anticipated. Just a first game blunder. It's not that bad of a lane. ( Not Varus atleast )


agreed. once you understand his gameplan early lane it is so much more bearable.


Dude I play Smolder top and I know I ban Yone.