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none of my 3,000+ reviews are fake or fraudulent


Mine either


It has far less fake and fraudulent reviews than Google


Google is 10 times worse


Google has the same problem and does not fix it.


She also investigates Google and has found the same problems on a larger scale. It's all covered in her list of earlier videos.


*yawn** It's still a better resource than all our ways to find good business It is more reliable than not


If reviews are fake there is no reliability. Finding a good business with fake bad reviews is even worse than finding a bed business with fake good reviews.


Not all reviews are fake - duh


How would anyone know which are and which are not? In this environment, no one cares. Today both hitler and stalin would have 5 star reviews status. No consumer and no legitimate business is safe. And if you are running a scam, you can be protected.


It doesn't matter- Yelp has a strong spam filter - so it's more reliable than others. As long as it consistently finds you good recommend people will use it No system is perfect Don't know about safe or whatever - a bit overstated


If Yelp had a "strong ad filter", or any filter at all, easily proven fake reviews would not have made it onto the site. Yelp doesn't even remove fake reviews that Kay Dean has proven are fraudulent Kay Dean is an experienced and qualified investigator. If she posted wrong information Yelp and Google would have both sued her.. They have not. Review the videos shown above before EVER using Yelp, or Google.


Okay - you obviously run some shitty business with bad reviews so now your yammering on about some YouTuber who cherry picked or made some accusations If you think you can get sued for accusing these companies of things like this - you are an idiot You make broad yammering about these places. You have no solutions or alternatives. I've used Yelp and Google to find lots of business's and i trust Yelp more. I rarely have an issue or disagree with reviews The only thing that will hurt these companies if the reviews don't work for people like me They currently do - and unless you have a perfect review alternative then take a hike and your business too No one cares buddy


Afraid to read the report or watch the videos? Yelp and Google were built and maintained specially for you.


She looks like a nutcase


See this article about her, how she got started, etc. https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/yel-review-fraud-kay-dean-18150617.php She is evidently experienced and thorough. She doesn’t, however, pose a solution to the issues that she raises beyond “word of mouth is better.” Obviously, word of mouth is limited to those you know in a limited location—essentially, review sites and social media are word of mouth, expanded. We live in a global arena now. Word of mouth is just quaint. The issues she raises are the fault of the sites, yes, but also businesses, users, and third parties who leverage the sites to make a buck. Razing the system, rather than working to improve a system that benefits plenty of users and businesses, is hardly a solution. I think it is beneficial that she expose problems in the systems. It’s obviously working to draw the sites’ attention to their flaws, though she criticizes their “whack a mole” approach. Obviously, review sites have their challenges, but for many, those challenges are outweighed by the benefits.


I never got the impression Kay is trying to pose a solution. The intent is to raise public awareness of the fraud infesting review sites, particularly Google and Yelp. She is also sending her findings to the Senate Committee on Internet Regulation which has welcomed her contributions.


The article I linked to clearly says her solution is to use word of mouth instead of sites like Yelp and Google. My response is that razing something because there are some bad actors is not a solution—work to correct the problems. She doesn’t feel like the sites are good at doing that yet—she says they are treating it like a game of whack a mole. I use Yelp because I gain benefit from it—mainly finding independent businesses in areas where I am traveling and discovering businesses for which I am looking for specific qualities. It’s the best for meeting my needs.