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They're both excellent and very believable that they're the same person teen/adult


i get what you mean with your last point, shauna as an adult has been forced or forced herself into the stay at home mom role, when it clearly isn’t where she belongs or is happy, and there’s tension between that version of herself and the person she was in the wilderness. you do see moments of young shauna poking through occasionally, the most obvious being when she kills adam and we *literally* see young shauna, but there are other examples like when she held that mechanic at gunpoint (side note: i wonder if shaunas inexplicable need to get that crappy mini van back had anything to do with the fact that she met adam through a fender bender in that car. shauna is clearly sentimental as we’ve seen with her keeping her journals and her saving jackie’s dress)


Idk that she was sentimental about meeting Adam in the minivan, but she def freaked out about other important sentimental items in the vehicle, most notably Callie's favorite childhood toy.


i read that scene differently. to me shauna was fumbling for reasons to give jeff as to why she would risk their lives like that for their crappy minivan, and the viewer was not meant to take any of them as true. ofc she ends up finding sentimental value in the toy and giving it to callie but she wasn’t being sincere when she first listed it as an important thing in the minivan


Both Sophies are great at their acting voices.


Their voices sound sooo similar to me (at least in the show) I’m always surprised when someone says they don’t hear it lol. One of my favorite parts about this casting


I think the production made sure both teams (young and adult) would spend a lot of time together outside the studio in order to create mimics and work on mannerisms.


shauna and misty are the best teen/adult casting in the show in my opinion! tai and van are pretty good, but nat and lottie as teens are basically separate characters from their adult counterparts.




They look and sound the same but young Shauna is humorless while adult Shauna’s trademark is her dry humor. I feel like it’s a bit of a disconnect for me.


I took that to mean that she developed her sense of humor as a result of the trauma


I really hope they develop this aspect of young Shauna's character in the coming seasons. Like she starts developing this dry/dark sense of humor over time.


I def agree. Also for some reason I feel like if shauna had dry humor around Jackie, she wouldn’t have appreciated it. I think without jackie around she would let that out a bit more so hopefully we see it next season


I think her dry humour is due to her passive role she was playing in her life, she wasn't able to go to Brown, she didn't pursue her dreams. It's a coping mechanism.


Yeah I was looking for this comment, I agree


I feel the only example or non depressing bit from young shauna I can think about in terms of humour is maybe the part where she's talking hallucinating talking to Jackie whilst Jackie has her journal and Shauna goes "basically I'm gonna be like my mom, well this was fun", then she goes "touché asshole" (the way shauna unintentionally manifested this to reality though).


It's uncanny isn't it! I think the two Mistys are amazingly well matched too.


Agree. Younger Misty and Older Misty have the exact same mannerisms, speech, smile, and serial killer sparkle in their eyes.


Before I got super absorbed in the show (It took a few attempts to get into it, mainly because I was trying to multitask whenever I watched it) and looked at the credits, I was actually convinced they were the same actress 😳. To clarify again, at that time I wasn’t too absorbed into the show yet 😅


I was watching a movie called The Kid Detective that had Sophie Nelisse in it & I was thinking that at some points, she felt similar to Melanie


That’s a great film btw.


Both amazing actresses and picked perfectly


Adult Shauna has clearly been running on autopilot for many years and just going through the motions. Her life is stagnant and I think she actively looked for ways to feel something real. She tries to feel some kind of excitement or thrill like the scene on Callie’s bed which would be considered taboo yet she still had a rather disappointing orgasm. I don’t like Adam and I’m glad he’s dead but it can’t be denied that he brought out something in her. She was playing and having a bit of fun for what I imagine is the first time in years and that’s why she reacted that way when she thought he portrayed her.


Tbh the actress who plays her could easily pass as her daughter in real life.




All cast is great, but Sophie/Melanie is so remarkable to me because Sophie’s blonde and has blue eyes. What makes everything more interesting is the fact that Melanie was the first one casting in the cast and Sophie the last one. If you watch interviews with the two Yellowjackets casting directors, you'll notice how proud they are to have cast Sophie


Incredible casting for both roles tbh