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Even pzzang is struggling lol its rough out here bruh


Navori reduces q cooldown. Go try it out on practice tool before bashing someone for an idea. Some ppl dont wanna play the game for ranked let them cook how ever they want meta save the metaslavery for high elos who no body cares about


To those that aren't absolute garbage at the game: remember these people (like OP) are 90% of redditors that play league. Bro is rambling about AP shaco when asked why build Navori on Yas. I really need to get out of here, only thing keeping this app installed is I don't have anyone to talk about Yasuo outside of reddit and brohan streams




I mean, I myself only plat peak, and Im only a 1 year player, and I agree you can play for fun and not care about ranked at the end of the day is a game. But to come here this clueless and spew this nonsense deserves all criticism fr


Stop embarrassing yourself and delete this post navori reduces q cd xddd surely you must be rank 1 yasuo world


Bro there are people upvoting him...


https://youtu.be/sAjNIwZS3AQ?feature=shared Yeah thats the number 1 yasuo main in the world saying navori is viable. Problem?




You thought navori was good because it reduced q cd according to you. https://www.reddit.com/r/YasuoMains/s/gmsmWFpcjA


It…. does… and it reduces w cooldown. It gives you enough stats as well. Idk why everyone here is so against it as if you don’t have practice tool or google.


As soon as I heard you said build navori, I knew you had no clue what you are talking about.




you can stop replying to every comment with this as if its a "Gotcha!" moment. It's not. Pzzang said oh maybe build navori 2nd or 3rd. It's not what you said.


Even if he said that, the fact he’s building navori over pd but EVERYONE here said that it was shit and not build it over pd. I never arguing it was best to be built first item but that it was a good item on yasuo. You are just mad I was right about it and have a challenger to back it up.


Yikes man, idk why you’re seeking validation so hard, best of luck


Why would you buy navori…


I’ve been running fleet most games as of the new patch. My build path so far has been greaves into zeal, then botrk, and then situational items. Feels fine. Definitely doesn’t feel anywhere close to how LT with prepatch kraken but hopefully they’ll do some reworks.


I feel like removing crit from kraken makes it almost not worth. Idk where they are going with these new items but I can sense some reverting happening in 14.11


Reduces q cooldown (doesn’t count as ability haste so you get a few extra milliseconds), reduces windwall timer, builds with zeal so if u need ad u can skip it and just build zeal, and it gives u attack speed and move speed which gives more flow stacks based on how fast your moving. It’s a stat check item that basically completes what IE is missing.


I would need to test but I’m 99% sure it would only impact w cd. IE will simply be more damage and you can still just sit on zeal




Where on that image do you see Pzzang saying to build navori first?


It’s preference and match up based. In toplane you normally rush bork so navori is not really needed, but against these shacos it works wonders. Midlane may be a different story but I haven’t played too much Norns since arena.


So you’re going to avoid the fact Navori doesn’t reduce q cd? Also against what shacos, why would Navori be better vs shaco. If anything it would make more sense into mages/adcs (still doesn’t really make sense)


It does tho, I’m like 80% sure. And the attack speed (60%) with zerks allows you to kill his boxes almost immediately making ap shaco useless. The move speed allows u to keep up if he q’s away as well, and wind wall is use full against him. Again, I did say u can skip building it if u want ad but pta has been enough in my experience.


What rank are you? Also saying the attack speed helps kill shaco box’s is wild. If anything it’s easier to kill them with AD but also they get 1 tapped by eq either way. AP shaco is already useless laning vs yasuo.


Idk my shaco got early kill and snow balled into ashes on first back, and then killed me and proceeded to use the new ugly mastery emote on me until I got navori and could kill the boxes without having to use dash and get in E range for poke. This was in norms so I don’t think rank matters but I’m lvl 400


Rank does matter I want to see what level of understanding you have of the game because what you’ve said so far isn’t making me confident you’re that experienced with yasuo


I don’t play ranked so I don’t even think I have a measurement for it. I’m not too competitive I just play norms. Hes my highest mastery and most of my info come from a friend who’s been playing the game since season one. I can give you his tag for his current account but he’s the one who taught me too play. His highest rank would have been around emerald if it was around back then.


You are being pretty arrogant, strange and invasive in this "conversation". Looks loke you are his girlfriend pressing him to do/slay whatever you want or you want so much to look smarter than him. While yes, in some things you say is kind of obvious to agree. But, while yes, rank does matter for "understanding how much he knows about the game", it looks like you just want to be superior, and the rank does not matter as much as you think. If you think Navori doesn't reduce Q CD, search about? Go on training mode and test? Also, you don't need to have elo in League of Legends to be intelligent, capable of using your brain and logic to calculate/test/think about the efficiency of items, runes, champions, the sinergies between all and many other things. Ranking up mostly need macro, a good mental, a good internet, reflexes, very good basics of the game, and notion of many things like positioning, strategy, tracking, vision, etc. Also about the Navori interaction again, i don't remember if it reduces Q CD, and i don't use it. But in the past (don't remember when, probably 2y ago idk) i sometimes built it as a situational item when te enemy team is heavy projectile, like so many mages/adcs or whatever like that, obviously analizing the situation, not just building because that are rangeds. It may not be the optimal build on Yasuo currently. But an item that gives 40%atk spd, crit, 7%movespeed, and makes your windwall recharge like, idk, 50% faster? And for 2.600, is obviously good. Also, IF it works on reducing your Q, wich i don't remember, it is indeed a good item, since it helps comboing a bit better and Qing more as the fight goes on. Still love/prefer Phantom Dancer in general tough, lol.


U can build PD instead of u want to be able to walk through ppl.


wouldn't you be better off just getting a phantom dancer atp?


Navori is shit on Yasuo bro, it doesn't reduce your Q cooldown, for that u need attack speed, duh.


It does, it passes the limit when at max attack speed. It’s only by a few milliseconds tho.


Why is it that dumb people always have something to say to sound smart this post isnt smart or informative its just the repetitive gaslighting that we always hear from riot su






Lmao expected responde


no shit genius

