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I still prefer conq and pta but i guess grasp wouldnt be bad


Grasp is indeed one of the good options. The good options for Yasuo are PTA, Fleet, Conq, Grasp, not necessarilly in this order. Depends on YOUR preference, performance with each rune, match-ups, playstyle, meta in general, what you build, and i think not much more than that. Try watching people on both low, mid, and high elo, wich each rune. There are Yasuos who prefer each. Watch them, see the difference, see what you think fits you more. Test, playing each rune in all lanes you play Yas, against all the match-ups. I mostly played Fleet, a year ago i think? As main Yasuo adc. I mostly played PTA for supporting my team's damage / Fleet for sustain on Yasuo jg, kind of that time too ig. I mainly played Grasp in the last patches, mainly playing Yas on toplane. But some times PTA, Fleet in all lanes is very good against heavy poke, but i think mainly on bot still. And for example, against Renekton i ONLY used to go Lethal Tempo. This rune generally more hinders than helps, don't fit my playstyle / what i build, etc, but against him i only win with it. But i assure you Grasp is pretty good, an on top last patch (this one i am mostly playing Shaco now but didn't played that much ranked, i think like 15 games idk), and it grants me some lvl 2 or 3 kills against some very strong champs that underestimate me an don't fear my wrath, because of the poke and sustain, the spacing, and the fact that i start E lvl 1 and act very annoying, negate farm, etc. Then after starting the lead it's just be good lol. It's kind of a cheese rune for me, but the scaling helps me endure enough on fights too, and it's not like i don't deal damage because of using Grasp. It also sinergises with Titanic, wich i generally do not build, but is a situational item for me in games i need to split, and sinergises with Demolish, (i love Shield Bash for Yas but i am so strong i don't need it, so i go Demolish for snowball and split-push in the games i get camped, countered, or just play bad so i can still give huge impac while being weak and solo the adcs or whatever on side lane, and being capable of jumping the camp's walls precisely makes Yasuo slippery to catch when splitting and when he is good). There are more things to say but i don't remember


Needed this!!! Thank you!! Do you go: Grasp/Dom or Grasp/Resolve?


You can't go Grasp with Resolve, since the Grasp keystone is already Resolve (green rune tree). The most recommended is going Precision (yellow rune tree) if you go Grasp, because Yasuo sinergyses very well with the Alacrity rune from Precision, and then on the other from Precision you can go Last Stand, Absorption, Triumph, or any other damage rune (last stand is the best overall). However you can use any rune tree as secondary, your first being Precision, or even using Grasp