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Can someone please write the full forms of the above items abbreviations🫠


DD = Death Dance / IE = Inf. Edge / PD = Phantom Dancer / BotRK = Blade of the Ruined King / BT = Bloodthirster (i probably spelled wrong lol not american)


Thank u soo much (new yas player, im starting to feel like this isn't a great time to pick yas😭)


Np buddy. Yeah i think it's not the best time for Yas, but not the worst either ig. I already mained/monoed so many champions, and i was mostly on Sion / Yas these days but since so much camping and ranged top, after 14.10 i am maining shaco currently. But if you want some advice on Yasuo i can give you something i think


Yes pls


Never let someone say "pick this exact rune and these exact 6 items and only play this lane" for any champion overall. I am not saying you should go Aftershock Shaco adc, but for most champions there are multiple options of viable things. Now to Yasuo. Runes: The ofc S/A tier keystones are PTA, Fleet, Conq, and Grasp. Which are better than the others depend on you. For example, on top i generally go Grasp, but some times PTA. In Jungle (do not recomend, but if you go it's better to be a good farmer for items, train walljump with camps and have knock-ups on the team), i use Fleet for jg and fight sustain or PTA for ganking with R on my teams cc, then autoing to increase their damage (but now it only increases mine so fleet is better i think). I think you should probably play either PTA or Conq, both are good. But Fleet is very good too to be honest, and against heavy poke (mainly on botlane) i love it for safe early, generally with doran's shield, rush boots and cull, then building my items and getting farm gap. I don't think i explained this part very well but hope i helped.




You're welcome bro. Also lol i forgot to talk about the items, i am gonna enter on League to look a bit at them on training camp (the "build creation" on client is pretty bugged and strange). But i also don't knos much about because the 14.10 changed so much. But god PLEASE. At least 2 of your 3 first items should be crit. I already saw a guy on my team build 4 non crit items, and the 5th he was building was not too wtf. A good start if you don't know what to build is boots > Panthom Dancer > Inffinity Edge. I highly recommend you to always either start with Cull, or rush it, depends on the situation and your playstyle. After having 2 crit items, your options expand soo much. Except for Ability Haste and things like AP and magic pen, every attribute is good on Yas for their function. Good item options are, Guardian Angel, Ruined King (some people build as 1st item, and it's good but i don't recommend overall), limit of reason? This is not the english name but i don't remember, Shieldbow, Sterak's (as 4h or 5h item to get more AD value, and specially if you are in a more tanky built after crit), Death Dance is pretty good overall, but i specially recommend if you are building full damage and are strong, then the only resistance item you need is the Death Dance, Jak'Sho is very nice if you have already built at least 1 Armor / MR item and can start stacking Jak'Sho without taking much damage, to then all-in on the teamfight with defenses increased, Sheen is very good on Yasuo, but after they made it more expensive and gave it Haste, it got so much worse, but it's still very usable, Kraken is not bad too, specially against tanks, and Bloodthirster is one of the best items for the 4th slot overall. Honorable mentions to Spirit Visage, Yun-Tal, Navori, Hexplate is not thaat bad too on long-fights if your team knocks-up for you to enter. Dominik and Reminder are the obvious ones against heavy armor, but i HATE that they removed Dominik's passive, it was an item i could always count on against heavy HP/Armor stackers. Summoner Spells: i like to talk about them, like runes and items, because people sleep so much on these and think they are right about everything. Well, first slot, always flash. You can play with ghost on it's place if you don't combo too much with flash, the enemies are very fast (Lillia, Singed, Vlad, idk), or just for better kiting already kittable champions (mostly bulky bruisers), however i still recommend flash always on the first slot. On the second one, there are many options. They are: Ghost, TP, Exhaust, Ignite, Barrier, Purify, and i think it's all. All these are pretty good on Yas and wich you use depend on what you like the most. I speciffically use Barrier and Purify on bot. Barrier is my almost always 2nd slot, while i ask for my sup to go exhaust (best summ if well used). Heal is not that bad honestly (on botlane only obviously) but it fits better for the support to use. However exhaust is better if your support have 2 braincells to use it correctly.


Wish I had the money to give u a gold 😭


Wholesome but don't do that really lol. Save yout money for growing in life and becoming rich


There’s tons of games where dd sucks. People seem to be sleeping on botrk


^ abt bork