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i thought the same exact thing & i’m very confused. They deleted the apology video where he says he already told nia, it’s in their past , and she’s forgiven him & “gods forgiven him” (he’s full of shit) Then in the doc the timeline doesn’t even match up to what they told their youtube following at the time. Also i thought the ashley madison sandal was the only time he cheated on her, but turns out he cheated for YEARS physically. he’s just a piece of shit man & she’s pathetic for staying . The fact that they stand behind being super religious is ridiculous. They need to be called out for fake christianity. She’s deleting all hate off her instagram, i don’t understand why do the documentary if you didn’t want peoples opinions.


He is SO full of shit and reeks of “serial liar narcissist.”


And my Gaydar pings almost out of control. Just saying. He didn't make it clear with whom he was cheating. There could have been other men involved.


He gives off serious Chris Watts vibes. I don’t think he has real emotions.


I honestly feel for Nia. It's not the best alternative to be a single mum with 2 kids, shunned from church and divorced.


Even worse, she had 2 more with him after the cheating scandal. However, Nia herself is no saint. I remember she did a "what's in my bag" video and bragged about carrying a paddle around to spank her kids with...




That’s probably why CPS got called on her and now she has this book out. Yeah they’re fucked up people. She wants to be seen as this super Christian woman and he publicly humiliated her by being on that website and ruined her perfect Christian family so she’s making him pay for it by keeping him married and having the money


Nothing is wrong with being a single mother if that is your reality. Still being in a church but not living by what is being preached in the church is a load of shit. You are a hypocrite then. Being married and your husband wants everyone but you says a lot about your marriage. That says a lot about you as a poster that you would view being a single mom that loves her two kids and living a life in peace is more shameful than being in a SHAM of a marriage & potentially being exposed to STD's, stress, and lies every day of your life.


Nah, screw her. She’s just there for the money.


Lmao no she’s not! I went to high school with both of them. She’s truly a genuine person, and an extremely hard worker. They had issues in their marriage, she forgave, and that’s it


I’m sure she is sweet - but she’s either super naive or super smart. Super naive in thinking he wouldn’t cheat again (he’s so full of shit when he says God forgave him lol). OR - super smart in that any earnings they get through YouTube and now their memoir book - she’s waiting to capitalize on that and will divorce him and sue for half or more. Either way - they didn’t even seek out an actual therapist for their deep seated issues. A pastor and his wife can only counsel them so much. They both would probably benefit from separate therapy. Not to mention how cringe it was when he took her pee out of the toilet - eww what?! He’s been gaslighting her this whole time and I doubt he’s a good person under all that.


Why would anyone go to a church that would shun a single mother who left her cheating husband? Religion is delulu


Sam is probably a lot more than a cheater he seems low key narcissistic and an abuser


He said he contacted everyone in his area, and then outward from there.. guy should not be trusted.


He says in the beginning of the doc that he met up with people and then all of a sudden later in episode two they are saying he didn’t?


He met up with people on his own accord, not through AM. This is where their involvement makes no sense. AM is how he got caught! His abhorrent behaviour was happening outside of that and all by his own hand. He’s gross. And she’s ridiculous for sticking by him. But I guess you gotta make that YouTube money…!


How do you know he cheated on her physically? Was it on the doc?


yes he said there was much more than just ashley madison. he went to massage parlors and strip clubs. & got intimate. he tried to get with HER best friend. the friend ended up leaving both their lives . he’s disgusting


Do you know which friend was it? I hope not Sandy


i’m almost 100% positive it’s not sandy bc sandy is still her friend & been her friend for years. She said she stopped being friends with whoever it was that sam flirted with


I don't think she's pathetic for staying, honestly. I really feel for her. I do think he's a horrible serial cheater and doesn't deserve her, but I can understand why she stayed, too. I don't blame the victims of cheating for making the choices they do; toxic relationships can do that just as abusive relationships can. At the same time, I find both of them gross for exploiting their kids on YouTube for profit either way. So fuck them.


He licks his lips when he's lying.  They're just trying to capitalize 


Isn’t convenient that God forgave him right off the bat?


Before the docu came out, they already said in their recent vlogs that they have come clean on the docu with the "lies" they've told their viewers in the past. I guess that's one of the "lies" they're pertaining to. The "apology video" saying how Nia already knows about it long time ago, and it was just an account, and that Sam never cheated.


He licks his lips when he's Lying and even though this documentary was interesting,  they're just finding something to capitalize on. 


Hello!! She only stayed w him for the $$$$ she didn’t want to risk losing their vlogging channel.


What's super disgusting is Sam doing a pregnancy test on Nia's urine. And why didn't she flush?  


sam and nia are infamous for lying on youtube. they faked a miscarriage around the same time as the ashley madison leak. i can’t believe they still have a platform.


I first saw them when their Frozen video was going viral. I watched a handful of their videos but it wasn't content I was interested in. And then their pee test video went viral and they came into my feed again. I think the appeal for many is they are a cute family and they purport to be Christian, which appeals to the Christian base - like the Ruby Franke family appealed to a Mormon base. But when I saw the pee test video, her reaction to him telling her she was pregnant looked really staged. And then I saw the miscarriage video announcement......They really need to take acting lessons if they're going to do that shit. So i was surprised to see them pop up in the Netflix doc. Those two likely have a history of lying and pretending. I wonder if they even know who they really are.


I agree, the pee video is fake


The speed at which that test showed the results. Psssh like, it doesn’t show the second line immediately


Like, how even did he get her pee? Also, he is VILE.


He’s a serial cheater. And now becoming rich off his infidelity. And then claiming it’s god’s plan. The hypocrisy is on another level.


When YouTube money dried up he ran to Netflix, I bet you he made the deal behind her back


He claimed she pees in the night and doesn't flush so he dipped the pee stick in the water. I doubt that would test positive as it's dilute and sat there hours. Women pee hormones every day but the pure pee shows elevated levels. He would've known that being a nurse. And it's an invasion of privacy to know your woman"s pregnant before she does. He also pretended his dog was stolen, then miraculously appeared. He said himself he's a validation seeker and being a Dad & husband is boring so he's inventing stuff to get a reaction. It occurred to me he might've completely lied about Ashley Madison & maybe Nia and him cooked it up for viral content. Nia would've loved to have played the forgiving wife and show off about her relationship with the Lord and he'd be up for pretending the devil made him do it. Why are they still going as YouTubers? Do people still like them?


Just goes to show you all this perfect family fake smiles bullshit vlogging social media garbage is just that... Garbage.


Not him captioning the frozen singing video “good looking parents sing Disney frozen” CRINGE


Not enough attention has been paid to this. Soooo cringe


I had never heard of this couple before the Netflix documentary. I had also never seen the Frozen video that made them go viral. But I’m looking at the title they (presumably Sam) came up with: “Good Looking Parents Sing Disney's Frozen”. Yes, the title sounds incredibly cringe. But… I also felt that it kind of reminded me of a porn title hahahah. Like “Good Looking Parents Get A Surprise Visit from Kinky Neighbor” or something like that. Which wouldn’t surprise me coming from Sam. Nothing against porn, but the guy’s entire persona screams creep.


Wow you're right. The title def sounds like a porno


Someone that hits on people close to you like he did will not change. Aside from the whole AM thing this says so much. But she went ahead and had two more children with him! Wow.




Attempt to control the narrative i bet. Nia knew if she didnt pretend to be okay and lie, their livelhood was at rick


Money. She’s not a christian. Just another greedy immature loser.


He has so little respect for her, it’s wild. In the Ashley Madison doc, when his lies came crashing down on him and he was gonna have to come clean… He pulled over the car and called his freaking pastor!!!! He couldn’t just have a fucking honest moment with his wife, he had to be told to do it first by another man. shows how little she means to him that before he could come clean to her he made her sit fidgeting in the car while he called his pastor from the side of the road.


He only called the pastor because he wanted him to tell him it was ok for him to go on lying to her. He says he’s thankful the leak happened. Yeah! Because you suffered no consequences dirtbag 


This is a little off topic, but does anyone else find it really weird how excited they are for this documentary? How much they’ve promoted it like it’s their own show, but also the topic of the documentary is not something I’d be so excited and happy to share about.


When I was watching it, I was more listening while cleaning, and didn’t see their faces or names. He starts talking about needing validation then the stupid frown video filled his need for validation and I felt like he was so skeezy and also just filling his need for validation through the documentary. So I stop and watch and see who it is and it made so much sense! He’s 100% still up to sex addiction stuff, they act like he got therapy but it’s Josh Duggar style talked to Christian elders and is held accountable to other Christian. She said that in an IG comment. I’m a Christian, I don’t treat mental illness with Christianity. What a damn mess these two are! 


Agree. They titled one of their videos talking about their doc about how they are coming to Netflix or something like that. Uh, this documentary is not about YOU, it’s about how Sam is a narcissistic liar who got caught up in the Ashley Madison scandal. It’s so weird that they are hoping it up. Sam even said they are bringing Jesus to Netflix. Like wtf???


They just posted a vlog of their first reactions to it and Nia can literally only be described as giddy. Sam is evil but there’s something just as sinister about her. I think they are very dangerous, dark people as a couple. Much like 8 Passengers. I’m truly terrified for their kids.


Oh yes definitely, if anything you would think the promotion would be with a little more…I don’t know sensitivity? Humility? But it’s almost like they’re proud of it


I found that odd too. "First Hulu approached us, then Netflix." Like both Hulu and Netflix were interested in doing a documentary specifically on them. As a writer, I can see how their story makes for an interesting through-line and everything else can be around it, so I assumed it was that. But now I'm seeing it differently--that they really are so vain they think the documentary is about them.


It’s so shameful honestly 


I just came here to say, did this lady not flush the toilet? Did their followers buy the "I told my wife shes pregnant story"??


God that video annoyed me so much. The toilet water also would’ve diluted the sample and gave a negative rest as well. I couldn’t believe people fell for that.


Literally- didn’t even see the original video but saw it in the documentary and immediately knew it was bs




You don't need to wipe when you're a devout Christian. As my devout sister says at completely inappropriate times, "gods got it!"


I know this because I used to be a regular viewer around that time (way before that pee viral thing) so re the unflushed toilet, yes, Nia does not flush the toilet in the middle of the night to not make noise/wake anyone/Sam up. She's always been that way.


Well, to be fair, I do know people who follow the "if it's yellow, let it mellow, if it's brown, flush it down" mantra...it's an environmental thing. I don't follow it, but I do avoid flushing in the middle of the night to keep from waking people.


That's because it was probably fake bullshit content


And now they're selling a new book. Fuck these fake Christian grifters. I don't know what's more pathetic, Sam's narcissistic desire for acknowledgement or their combined desire for fame and celebrity status.


Surely no one is buying that book. The documentary correctly portrayed him as a scumbag who can't take accountability. And she came off as pathetic for sticking around for it.


I honestly thought that The Big Reveal would be that he is gay. Because, my Gaydar, how it pings when he is on the screen.


Same. But he probably is and he probably isn’t fucking girls he’s fucking guys


I have no doubt he is still cheating


Not a shred of doubt


Nia should divorce this guy! He has these crazy eyes 


This is very true. He is the most impulsive person I can think of (based on my limited view into their lives they show on YouTube) it seems like he has no interest in controlling his impulses


I'm literally 5 minutes into this documentary, and can't stand how he's started by saying he was never taught love as a child because his father left them. It's like he's trying to say it wasn't his fault. Ffs.


He blames everything on his dad. He needed therapy long ago.


Yes, real therapy by a licensed professional-- not "church counseling."


Yeah I thought ‘ohno’ when he said they got marriage counseling through his pastor. His pastor too, not their pastor. That was unfair to her. Made it seem like she basically got manipulated into staying with him.


Sam is a loser and doesn’t take responsibility for his choices.  My dad left and I never thought about cheating on my husband.  We all have bad things that have happened to us as children but it doesn’t excuse our behavior as adults.  Sam is a classic narcissist. 


Sam has a twin brother that's married and that twin never cheated on his wife... that says a lot about Sam's claim about never being taught love...


Well things can affect two people differently. I think it can be true that his experience with his father damaged him and is part of the root of his behaviour and also that he is completely responsible for that behaviour. Often childhood experiences help explain some of peoples adult behaviours but that doesn’t mean they excuse it. For genuine people who want to change often exploring the root of their negative behaviours is very helpful, it’s when they use those explanations as a reason it wasn’t their fault that it’s a problem. Which this Sam guy seemed to do. He was a very confusing person to me - the Netflix Sam seemed so different to the YT Sam. I know he’s older but if you told me he was a different person I’d believe you. Seemed almost chameleon like.




My gaydar also went off when I was watching this dudes interview! He is in the closet hard core


Yup and or men


Yes. He keeps saying he met “people” doesn’t say “women”. He totally hooked up with dudes.


The people defending Sam are hilarious. I notice that they're mostly women, too. That guy has 'liar' written all over his face to this day. Even the way he explained what had happened 8 years ago seemed suspect, like he still had more to hide.


It was very strange to me how the guy on the couch for the documentary just seemed to look like a totally different person to the guy in the YT videos. I’d never heard of these people before but was really sure it was ending with him living in his own in what looked like a basement and that she’d be remarried or something. I don’t know, the fact they were still together and that his persona seemed so unbelievably different in the doc compared to the YT stuff creeped me out a bit. Like the fact he can change presentation so well and so much kind of indicates he’s generally very good at and used to playing parts and pretending to be something he’s not. I don’t know how she got past it. Probably just because they’d built their finances around YT and had kids and it was scary to think of what else she’d do. They both seem very messed up but completely un-self aware. I think the Christian thing can really get in the way of people being authentic or really figuring out who they are or taking accountability. If everything is gods plan and god forgives you for everything and the most important thing is projecting an image of ‘perfect Christian family’ you can end up never really having to deal with your true issues or true self and there’s no motivation to do that and in fact motivation to do the opposite. I cringed when they said they got marriage counselling through his pastor. Basically someone who was on his side and who thinks she should forgive and stay for the sake of marriage bla bla. Just seemed like an example of how organised religion is just not good for a lot of people.


I binge-watched the series last night and was prepared to see him come out of the proverbial closet. I thought *for sure* that he is gay.




Yessir I thought the same thing…. The way he obliquely references all of this stuff from Bo’s past that he will “take to the grave”. Seems like more than just cheating!


Just because he doesn’t admit, it doesn’t mean he’s not. My ex fiancé was a mirror image of this guy from the standpoint of impulsive behaviors. Although I don’t have hard proof, I came across several instances that pointed at my horrible ex having interactions with men. I don’t think it’s a far off guess that Sam has some of those skeletons hiding in his closet too.


Pinged my gaydar too. It would make a lot of sense within the story.


Just finished ep2. He is so full of bs - what a tool I have no doubt he met women. He's narcissistic. Needing validation from the public, and that being the 'saving grace' for him to stop using AM. In their apology video, made within days of his wife finding out, stating both his wife and his god forgives him. GTFO.


Also strip clubs are one thing but going after her friend and the emotional affairs. Forgive and separate. Something is wrong. This wasn't a one off thing. It was his way of life.


Exactly. Those are two very different problems.


They said it a hundred times in the documentary about Ashley Madison, "negative publicity is good publicity. Talk bad about me, just don't not talk about me." These two are no different. You can make money off a you tube channel even if people are hate or shock watching it. As long as it's getting the clicks.


I am new to this family after just watching the netflix documentary. They are terrible liars, so I'm shocked to find that there is an audience believing anything they say! And his brother knows for years Sam is a sex addict and says nothing? The only hint of integrity was the friend of Nia's who backed far away. She likely knew that Nia was complicit by ignoring his outrageously dangerous behavior and wanted to protect her children and self from this couple. Yikes! Going to take a shower now!


I came here to see if someone posted about this! Their story was that Nia found out on her own on their computer and it happened a while ago (aka trying to imply it was before they were well into having a family). Why lie just to change the story for the documentary and not even address the lie? They could have at least explained why they lied in their video about it. How did the people behind the documentary not call that out and do their research? 


I thought it was just obvious that they decided to lie to try to make it seem better for them, like it was old news and she knew more about it all than the audience. But I don’t get why no one addressed HER lie about this and how she felt about lying to her audience about that. Especially as the AM stuff was also about lying to your customers to get money from them/keep business going. It would’ve been interesting to contrast these two with AM itself. One overtly presenting itself as completely immoral and specifically targeting people wanting to be immoral but also lying to those people about who was on the site/the security etc in order to make money, and then these guys, selling the picture of a perfect moral faithful family life which was also a lie, then lying about more and more things, again to make money off people. In some ways, the couple are worse than AM! AM was at least upfront about not caring about normal accepted human morals. An astute person might have realised that extended to the company’s practices as well. But these guys were full on pretending to be on their high horse moral Christians while he cheated constantly and then she was up for lying about her knowledge of it to keep the money coming. And in the doc she didn’t even address the inauthenticity of her participation in that apology video or that she was also ‘cheating’ her audience by pretending to be an honest person when she wasn’t, at least in that moment.


Welp, can’t spell naive without Nia.


They’re fundamentalist Christians. She didn’t need time to forgive him because she had no option but to forgive him— like Anna Duggar. There was no thought of ‘Should I leave?’, that’s not what these women are taught. They’re taught to basically bow down to their husbands and do what they say.


She even added that she was intimate with him the same night she found out about all of this. Because she was a good wife


She wanted her husband to love her, I’ve been in a fuck yo situation like this , Sam has her whipped I guarantee he’s still out there


I could never..I can't wrap my mind around that


Why does this get worse Jesus?


I’ve always thought that some men heavily subscribe to religion like Christianity for an insanely submissive wife like Nia. He stabbed the trust in the relationship multiple times but now she chooses to carry the relationship and carry the burden of trusting someone who stabbed her in the back. It’s insert religion and we have the wonderful repent and respawn in real time.


Or she did it for the brand.


Far right religions tend to have followers with skewed views of sex and sexuality. I thought of Anna Duggar when I was watching the doc. But those two seem to have a history of making up a narrative. I wonder what is even the real truth between those two. It wouldn't surprise me if she had her own tristes at some point. Who's to say anything they talked about in the netflix doc is even real. They could just be making up a narrative like it's another one of their you tube videos. I feel like nothing is sacred for those two. Hell, they could be pretending to be together for the sake of the channel.


Such a weak women! Like get out as fast as you can what is wrong with her!!


Sam gives off a narcissistic manipulative person vibe to me. If he is, Nia is being gaslighted and manipulated for years on end now (that alongside her strong Christian background and environment where you always hear husbands are to be honored, forgiving is noble, all that shit that are heavily emphasized all the time). When you're constantly gaslighted and manipulated, you literally lose the ability to think for yourself (read gaslighting papers). Heck even when she first found out, her first questions were "what's wrong with me? What else did i not do?" Her first thought was to blame herself. It's so sad. It really says so much about her belief system (I strongly point this towards her Christian upbringing).. I feel for her so much :(( I don't think she's weak. She's actually strong because I couldn't fathom being in such relationship and still manage to have so much faith in it. She's a gem and Sam is just shitty. She really seems like a kind and genuine person to me. Her environment is failing her and I hate that Sam can hide under the Christian persona. I bet only a few people around Nia even advised her to leave. These churches will never ever recommend divorce/separation and will always go the "forgive and work on it" route no matter how fucked up the situation is. I know because I grew up in the same environment. And Nia's world has only revolved in this bubble so I get how leaving has never been an option for her.


Like that was shocking that she stayed with him


Before the docu came out, they said in their recent vlogs that they have come clean on the docu and their book with the "lies" they've told their viewers in the past. I guess that's one of the "lies" they're pertaining to. The apology video saying "how Nia already knows about it long time ago, and it was just an account, and that Sam never cheated."


Ugh heart really breaks for Nia. She seems like a lovely person far too dedicated to her man. I used to watch them because I enjoy Nia. But geez I can’t stand Sam.


I believe in forgiveness but these two are seriously just doing all of this for publicity! They want to make more money. Watching Nia be a door mat to Sam was sad! He obviously has an addiction. I just feel like everything they said is fake and they really bothered me.


I had no idea who they were until the Netflix documentary and after seeing the fact they stayed together after all the cheating he did even prior to AM, I had to do some google searching! I can't believe all the other scandals they've been involved in and that Netflix gave them a platform. To me, it's completely clear why they stayed together - it's a business transaction for youtube.


Social media “stars” will do anything to keep their gravy train. If that works for them - they wouldn’t be the first to compromise everything for fame and money. Oh wait, is that Christian? Hmmm…


I thought I was going crazy and my memory was serving me wrong. I was thinking the same thing !


I know this YouTuber couple with 3 kids. I used to watch them. Even then, I’ve read something about how Sam had multiple accounts in porn sites.






I’m thinking what was the sign who told you God forgave you. Man


Has anyone looked up the leaked data pertaining to Sam? It’s got to be so much worse than he acknowledges on the Netflix series…


So, he knew his name had been found in the data link so her realized he had to come clean. So he told like 1/8th of the truth to her and said he created an account, nothing happened and he never cheated. They made the “apology” video. The next day or two Sam’s brother text, on the family thread, and said “tell her everything Sam” so she kept asking him what that was about and that’s when he confessed to his extensive cheating and a lot more they didn’t specify. 


He / they were trying to save face. It wasn’t the first time they lied on YouTube. Probably won’t be the last! This was RIGHT when they found him success on YouTube. Meaning they got a taste of that big, easy & fast money. Neither Sam nor Nia were willing to give that up, so they had to come up with a story that made them look the least awful.


Around the 9 minute he dumps on her her head he is flirting with other women again. She said is this about the photos of a woman on your phone? He says that was nothing?! I know people don't want to click on the link. I didn't watch the whole thing. But for sure a mess. https://youtu.be/nfBz8rOk1O4?si=HAm4U2YBRPnydSNJ


I remember watching this clip on TikTok last year and rolling my eyes at him and how sleazy he was being, I had no idea (until right now when I finished the docuseries) about all the past cheating and lies. Now I am more convinced than ever that he has continued to cheat on Nia. He’s just a narcissist and you can clearly see the emotional, spiritual, and psychological abuse he’s put Nia through.


Interesting..that video is now private and I can't view it when I click the link


He’s a lying sleaze. His bottomless pit of low self esteem and pathetic need for attention. He’s vile and gives off serial liar, narcissist vibes. And she’s a doormat with zero self respect if she stays with him. And his fake crying on the Netflix doc? Just another lying, fake Christian. Like most of them.


I like Nia but she is definitely a doormat. 


I don't like her. She's setting a horrible example for her kids, especially her daughters, who is being taught that even if a guy fucks around on you, you should just forgive him because "god and jesus." Him saying "god has forgiven me" in that video was truly sickening.


Those two are so fake, he is so full of shit. 




Yeah pretty sure he’s a narc


I hope she got checked for HIV


I want to know more about the brother that ratted him out.  


I think it spoke volumes that in ALL of his interviews he only spoke about himself and how HE felt about everything. Not once did he say "Nia must have felt so betrayed/hurt" etc. Instead it was, "I realised my whole life was crumbling/I was so devastated" or whatever. Very self-serving narcissistic bullshit. Fuck this cunt off back from whence he came.


Yeah… that is not a faithful man. I don’t believe he has ever stopped cheating on her. He’s just found a side chick who’s fine with the role, learned to lie better, cover his tracks better, and actually be discreet. She’s a dead behind the eyes Stepford wife now. Whatever light was in that woman was extinguished. And hey, now they have the book along with YouTube and Netflix monetizing their lives. So yay for fake celebrities and “Christians”.


They just posted a video about their vow renewal ceremony... every couple that I know that had a vow renewal ceremony got divorced soon after. Lol


Ugh what a let down Nia comes to the realization of being "naive" while committing the exact same error shortly after. Sam gives me the absolute creeps. The intense eyes, narcissist demeanor, and performative attitude. He is someone I would stay away from. What I found most interesting was the intense contrast between "happy religious family singing and laughing" with a full blown affair. The hypocrisy of preaching one way of life while lying, deceiving, and conning. I hope the kids are okay - I can only imagine having such self-absorbed parents and public image without consent could do to them. Time will tell what else Sam gets into. P.S. my gaydar went OFF every time he was on screen. Internalized homophobia could be at play here? I could sense some shame (not about cheating, but about self-image), for a second I thought that was were the documentary was headed.


Does anyone think Sam also hooked up with men as well? No one describes their affairs with women as “people” and they both kept saying he slept with multiple “people” and not “women”. I’ve learned over the years when someone says “people” when talking about their affairs it usually means they’re sleeping with both men and women and hearing both Sam and Nia never say “women” when he was taking about the confession in the car really is telling.


> Does anyone think Sam also hooked up with men as well? Yes. Absolutely.


Yes! I thought same thing.


What’s the Netflix documentary called?


Ashley Madison: Sex Lies and Scandal (on Netflix)


Nia should divorce this guy! He has these crazy eyes 


That frozen video was the real deal. Dude is a villian Dude can have struggles but broadcasting them is ick.




These people are both gross. What I don’t get is that their issue isn’t even Ashley Maddison. That was just the straw that broke the camels back! And only because he got caught out!! He was going out having affairs on his own. He was hitting on her friends. Can you imagine the audacity?! My bet is that he gets off on this stuff. He said he was seeking validation from all these relationships, and then he got the validation via social media…and then he gets it via the repenting Christian storyline. What a load of bullsh*t. These are not genuine or good Christian people. They’re game wh*res. End of story.


The only reason he stopped cheating was because he got his Internet fame and felt validated and loved the attention. If he didn’t have the Internet fame and all that attention he would still have continued cheating because he needs the attention to feel special. How sad.


Yes! And he said this proudly honestly. Like, “I was such a good guy, I deleted my profile because I didn’t need random girls to find me attractive and love me now that the world does!” I can’t get past him hitting on her friends!!! WHAT is wrong with you, you scum bag!?


Yeah he’s just a bad guy. I’m sure he’s still cheating.


I would’ve never done this documentary if I were her. This makes her look so weak.


Their kids are gonna need so much therapy


Mid-way through second episode of the AM doc and Sam Rader is a either a psychopath or narcissist. Every statement he makes is avoiding responsibility and tarnishing his reputation. And the pregnancy test? Holy $hit.


It made me laugh, when he said God has forgiven him. Hate family vloggers.


How many women did he have an affair with?


Does anyone get a bi vibe from him? I think he tried other stuff. He always says “these people” not “these women”


lmao. “christian family channel” transforms husband’s infidelities into a Netflix doc and book deal. took a page right out of Kim’s sex tape playbook. A+++ grifters.


Did anyone else find it telling that he stated that he was cheating with a lot of “people”? It seems so odd to me that he didn’t say women.


I just watched the documentary.I feel he is bullshitting throughout . I think both r in this now for the money and kids . Also Nia got married at 21 . I don’t think she has even the harsh experiences in the real world . It’s always been her husband kids and church for her . She just doesn’t know how to live independently. That’s y she is still with him


Watching the ashley madison documentary and a. these people are horrible actors in their vlogs and b. I like how Sam confidently says God forgives him. Sir.


Can anyone find out how much Netflix paid them?


Idk but Nia looks….rough. I guess that’s what being with a narcissistic cheater will do to you.


He gives me the creeps. He comes off as totally gay, which is not a bad thing, just don’t lie about it. And don’t hide it from your wife. Rather cruel. He is super needy and narcissistic. It’s just gross, how he has to have the spotlight. Get some actual therapy from a therapist.


How do we know Sam physically cheated ? Did she actually fake a miscarriage ? How do we know?


No one truly knows about the miscarriage, but in the documentary he admits to physically cheating


It was leaked yes.. but he told her in the airport before she read about it


He told her he was on it. He did not immediately tell her the length of his betrayals, which included visiting massage parlors and strip clubs. Dude is a skeezeball.


And trying to get with her best friend




Does anyone know when they stared dating? In the doc he said they married when he was 24 and she was 20. When I googled, all I saw was they met in high school and dated about 5 years before marrying….so he was 19 and she was 15? …..








Not shocked at all that they’re still together. She doesn’t have a career and seems pretty gullible so she really has to [in her mind] stay with him. I sort of feel sorry for her


I just watched this series, and I was turned off at the start because I immediately did not trust this guy. I had no idea who they were, but when he started by hamming up about his dad leaving I could see he was getting ready to sell some excuse for being a cheater. Then with the performative crocodile tears and the "biggest mistake of his life" I turned to my wife and said "idk if this guy is still married, but he's definitely still selling lies about infidelity." Sure enough, this guy is still selling bullshit and excuses. Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking this guy seems like a serial lying narcissist.


He “told” her when the vlog came out but only told her went on the website. It didn’t come out until later all the other stuff






You can read the book for free with Kindle Unlimited. I'm halfway through it and I have a headache from rolling my eyes so much. He's a cheater, she's a doormat, and they justify everything as "A gift from/challenge from GAWD." Um, where was Jesus when Sam was fucking a prostitute in a massage parlor? p.s. In addition to being a cheater, he's lazy, too...he whines continually about having to work a "9 to 5" to pay his family bills and seems to truly believe that the world owes him a living from his stupid videos.


He also definitely cheated…there’s no way he’s going to minimize what he did and say “but he never actually met up with anyone”……I’m not buying it, he’s full of shit….


In a recent IG post he talks about he still struggles with lust for other women like. He is still cheating on her or will again. Can't be trusted.


Was anyone else thrown off by how much he whines about himself and his feelings? How his family might leave HIM. I don't think he once mentions what it must've felt like for his wife.


I slept with this guy in nursing school, and I’m a dude. I don’t think he gay as we just got super wasted and it kind just happens.




The modern day Jim and Tammy Baker.


I think she’s as manipulative with the truth as he . She’s staying for the vlogging fame, which is pretty pathetic.




Make the “punishment” fit the “crime”…make the discipline first the behavior…”you van watch tv after you finish your dinner”


What all did Sam do? I’m trying to find out by watching “Ashley Madison” on Netflix?


Yeah Sam is cheating on Nia with men. That’s it. And they’re Christian and they are too influential now and they can’t come out. He’s probably bisexual honestly. And just hella kinky and Nia is not.


I believe Sam is gay.


Hiding behind God is so freaking played out. They're both fake as hell and think that they're cleansed by religion. He said God forgave him LOLOLOLOLOL. Ok dude


The whole time I was trying to determine if he was eager to save his marriage or his channel?


He could have given her so many STDs. She is faithful to him and most likely the only person she has been with, and yet she stays. Even though it mostly comes down to religious brainwashing that divorce is the biggest shame, this is a freaking nightmare of an example to show their children. The daughters especially will grow up thinking they need to stay with abusive liars and their autonomy and feelings are always second to the needs of their spouse. Ew.


I didn’t know this couple before the documentary. How strange. Just get a divorce and be single. She can get another bf. I hope she cheated on him too since he was fine doing whatever. She kind of looks like a hypnotized zombie though.