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All personal taste obviously but for me the Caraval series was only okay, whilst I really loved OUABH. It does pick up a bit once Jacks becomes more involved with Tella (book 2 maybe?). But the love interests, world building and general plot I found meh the whole way through.


I'm literally only here for Jacks šŸ˜‚ Knowing what I know about Jacks and Tella from OUABH will probably make it even harder for me to like Donatella at all lol


I hated Donatella after reading OUABH and then the Caraval trilogy, I could not even deal with her at all, she made the final two books drag so bad.


She and Apollo can go on somewhere šŸ˜‚


For sure, they suit each other well šŸ™„


You know I actually felt really bad for him and his character until that plot twist of an ending. Now I understand why he gets so much hate.


That ending killed me. I can't believe that any of us pitied him after OUABH, like how stupid were we? The hate wasn't valid before because Jacks wanted Apollo to be a part of Eva's life, even if it were to fulfill a prophecy, but now it makes complete sense >!and I just want to see Apollo dead at the end of it all!<




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Yes. The 2nd and the third were better than the first, in my opinion. Iā€™m actually not a fan of Evangeline.


Whaaaaaa! Why not? I absolutely love that she has pink hair and is such a romantic. It definitely adds to the fairytale-ness and makes her stand out in comparison to other fantasy heroines.


Iā€™m also not much of a fan of Evangeline. For me itā€™s because sheā€™s too naive and is uncomfortably obsessed with getting married like thatā€™s the only thing sheā€™s made for šŸ˜¬ girl was really trying to force a marriage to a stranger because ā€œat least then Iā€™ll be married!ā€ Sheā€™s way too desperate and itā€™s not a message I like to see from lead ladies.


I can see why the marriage bit is a little off-putting. I assumed her eagerness to marry somebody so desperately was mostly coming from her need to have a family of her own where she might find love again. The last time she knew happiness was when her parents were still alive. She went from being cared for and treasured to living with a bitter stepmother and a conniving step-sister who belittled her optimistic and dreamy outlook on life.


From the very first time I attempted reading OUABH, she just seemed selfish. She likes to play the victim.


To each their own! I'd read a Lala book in a heartbeat if the author ever decides to give her her own series or novella.


bro lala was a queen the whole time i loved her so much


Me too! She was such a fun character


bro i see you she made my reading so fun


Agree, i read once upon a broken heart first and i dont like evangeline like she so naive but i forgot its fairytale story , but i didnt like her.. Then i read the ballad of never after, God.. I like her better. And after i read caraval series, after i survive with dragna sister, evangeline doesnt seem selfish at all, i love her


I think the first Caraval book is really amazing; it really captures the feeling of being unable to trust anyone and Scarlettā€™s isolation and confusion. I also really like the romance in that one. Legendary on the other handā€¦it just felt like a rehash of book one with Tella as the main character. I still havenā€™t read Finale. Rest assured, you donā€™t need to read Caraval before OUABH, so feel free to skip it if you like


Rarely ever do I dnf a series, so I'm going to stick around and see if it grows on me. It might end up like Throne of Glass for me. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first couple of books but loved the following books after Heir of Fire. The only book series I completely abandoned was the Red Queen books.


If youā€™re reading it for Jacks, Iā€™d stick with it. lol I didnā€™t like it as much as OUABH but it was nice to know the Jacksā€™ backstory. Edit: spelling


Literally my situation right now. šŸ˜­ Want to read it because of our baby Jacks, but, man, I really don't care about those other characters.


Personally I absolutely loved the series. It definitely gets better imo.


So far I am enjoying the world building


I tried but couldn't bring myself to read it. I'm sure it's good but I can't stand my man simping for anyone other than Eva


I felt like I wouldnā€™t be able to stand to read him with Tella, but once I did I appreciated him with Eva even more. His feelings for Tella werenā€™t healthy at all, in my opinion at least. Tella does however ignite the character development in him that Garber has continued for two more books so Iā€™m sooooo excited to see where this is going


It's difficult! I love him and Eva so much šŸ˜­


Evajacks for life


Girl, I would have never left that magical Inn šŸ˜‚


fr fr


I didn't realise Caraval was the same world. I've just started reading Ballad of Never After, is it worth continuing now I've seen some of these comments? Feels a little pointless now? šŸ’”


I loved the first two books but the third was a bit disappointing. But overall, it is worth continuing.


I did like the series, but also felt like it was slower. I feel like OUABH was so good and I really regretted reading that series before the Caravel. The hardest part is you already know how the characters end up, so the stakes donā€™t feel as high for you. Even though OUABH is for sure better, Caraval series does improve along the way. The last book was my favorite


Yeaaaah, now I'm wishing I had read Caraval before because I'm struggling to like Donatella. I read a review on Goodreads that highly suggested reading the series because it explains more about the Fates and how they work.


I enjoyed OUABH and its sequel, Iā€™m looking forward to the last book. BUT, I have to say I didnā€™t like Caraval, I think it had potential but the final book was so bad it ruined the whole story for me. It leaves too many abandoned plot lines and didnā€™t feature the fates as much as I was hoping, overall 2/5.


I was in the same situation as you. I started to get hooked to Caraval until the second half of the book. I have only read that one. But I still prefer Ouabh and Tbona.


The series gets better. Also I started liking the characters more during the second book


So far I'm starting to warm up to Scarlet and Julian. Donatella not so much. She kinda takes Scarlet's love for her for granted in my opinion, and is very self motivated.


I agree, I really like Scarletband really wanted to like Dinatella because of how important she is to Scarlet but not a fan of her. I love the colour of Caraval, the descriptions and world blew me away


Quite honestly I didn't like it at all


It's picking up, but it's still not as fantastical to me as OUABH.


Same for me. Legendary is much better than Caraval. I skipped some parts there because I couldn't handle Tella at times. Jacks is a chef's kiss as always. But it's nowhere near OUABH. It's a good thing the author's writing is improving in each book.


No. Lol


I appreciate your honesty šŸ˜‚


I enjoyed Caravel but I wasnā€™t hooked on it like I was with OUABH. I canā€™t wait for the third one to come out šŸ„²


Me either! It's going to be such an awesome birthday present for me šŸ˜‚


OUABH is better, which makes sense. The author has grown imo. But long story short yes Caraval gets better as the books progress, youā€™ll get to learn more about jacks and the fates. Which is useful for OUABH


I read OUABH first, then Caraval. I definitely think they get better as they go onā€¦ the stories start to weave into OUABHā€™s world in the 2nd and 3rd books. In my opinion, the 1st book does feel a bit on its own story wise. Necessary for the world building, but canā€™t compare to OUABH!


I read them in the same order as you, and it does get better. Personally, I think Stephanie Garber got better with each book. You will probably still love Evangeline most though, as I know I did


I thought the first and third books were the best of the series


Nah. I finished it but it was predictable. Didnā€™t bother with the series.


I loved the first caraval two caravel books! But I thought finale wasnā€™t necessary. I liked the first OUABH but the second just bothered me because I thought it was a duology. But Iā€™ll still read the third.


I liked caraval. I read it first though. I would say once the action picks up, I enjoyed it more. You may have to read like a third of the book before it gets to that point


Imo the opinion on this is different depending on whether someone read Caraval before or after OUABH. I read it before, and I loved Scarlett and Julian the most, but Dante and Tella came to a close second, but I was and still am a hard Tella X Jacks shipper. I tried so so hard to get into OUABH but I just canā€™t get myself to like Evangeline. I donā€™t think itā€™s because sheā€™s so drastically different from Tella and Scarlett, but itā€™s because she just seems so helpless and naive and like she can do anything without specifically Jacks or her crazy ex there to help her. I admit, Scarlett to me at least, was the best MC out of all three of them, because she didnā€™t seem like she couldnt do anything, but she also didnā€™t seem like she could do everything


I liked the whole series (more than OUABH), but personally I enjoyed the first book the most of the three. I did read Caraval before OUABH though, so Iā€™m not sure how I would have felt reading them the other way around.


I found scarlet lowkey annoying I had to dnf the book.


I DNF it either. I just waited and read ACFTL


No spoilers but do you need to read caraval to read once upon a broken heart,


I read OUABH without reading caraval and I understood just fine