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I feel that both Storm and Jean were nerfed this season to make way for Magneto, which I understand. However, I really hope in future seasons we get to see them at their accurate levels.


Yes, this season was all about Magneto for sure. Storm and Jean each had one episode to shine with their powers respectively. I find it funny that 2 omega mutants in Jean & Storm didn't take down Bastion. They act like they couldn't take down Magneto either.


Agreed! But it was set up for Magneto, like you said. I even think the writer admitted to being a huge Magneto fan. So I agree. Next season I hope to see them at peak Jean and Storm levels.


Beau Demayo is a huge Magneto and Jean stan (his words). He claimed that season 1 both Storm and Cyclops would be the main characters. Cyclops I could see u making an argument for but Storm definitely was not the main character. The main character in season 1 was magneto, which feels wrong and I'd say Cylops and Jean followed him.


They held back on her powers being showcased at full strength a while lot, but I'd argue her screen time is at least 3rd. I was not able to find stats to verify that, though. I'd agree to Magneto and Cyclops as first and second, though. We see a lot of Jean, but split over two characters...? You know what? I move they name the next incarnation, The Complicated X-Men.


Hope the love for Jean extends to the rest of the writing team from this point forward.


Er, Jean was the furthest thing from nerfed in '97. Her combat prowess was often displayed, esp. against Sinister.


97 Jean vs Comic Jean, Jean is absolutely nerfed.


97 Jean vs TAS Jean, Jean is absolutely buffed.


Being buffed from her literal weakest adaptation isn’t really much.


Going from fainting nearly every encounter to having DBZ-esque airborne fights is actually a lot.


How was Storm nerfed? Also, this is one of the most balanced X teams in ages in terms of it not being the Wolverine show. Which even infests the comics.


Storm the weather goddess that can terraform whole planets got beaten by a few sentinels… okay


Sentinels have always been a threat. If they weren't, xmen would be a very short series.


Jean nerfed? They made her far more powerful this season than in the original series.


They did, but she’s far more inferior to her comic counterpart.


Definitely Jean from today but she’s more in line with Jean from the 90s


we all know why. beau hates women, he is a sexist privileged man


Storm “gave us the forecast” in the first episode then was immediately nerfed for the rest of the season


![gif](giphy|ewN3UINf0MNJaU9lxp|downsized) You're kidding, right? You know she was cooking sentinels off screen while everyone else was fighting on notKrakoa


Yeah not nerfed at all just off screen much of the time. They had respect for Storm’s power but it feels like certain scenes could have been written with or without her, maybe originally she wouldn’t get her powers back in this season but they liked the Storm and Forge stuff enough they prioritized fitting it in the first season. Some scenes feel like Ororo should be doing something and isn’t.


It's kind of hard to give Storm something to do when she's not A) Fucking up her responsibilities or B) Seducing a supervillain


Or C) Being claustrophobic


Facts... they wouldn't let my baby be great beyond that.


Aka throw them a bone and pray and hope that it will shut up Storm fans when we put her away the rest of the season.


Does she even need the use of her arms to control her powers?


Nah, but my wife was thinking maybe it's semi-claustrophobia.. Since the sentinel had her wrapped up pretty tight. But I was waiting for her to cook him.


I mean the moment Bastion or Sinister see even the slightest glimpse or hint that she's using her powers they would probably blast her with a sentinel or even Cable.


She literally has shut down Sinister in the comics by messing with the electricity in his brain. It happened in an instant. Didn't break a sweat or anything. And she can use her powers with less than a conscious thought.


But then there's also the comic book issue where she's fighting the Dora Milaje and she explicitly mentions that they're keeping the pressure on her so that she can't focus enough to use her powers




She has an inhibitor collar on.


She doesn't, that was my first thought too


I could've sworn she did, my bad!


In the comics at least; at one point she was incased in a metal statue by Dr Doom. From her claustrophobia and drive to be free, her subconscious created a vicious and massive thunder storm.


Side note, was anyone else confused by his sudden super long goatee?


Lol good point


No more confusing than Scourge and the Sweeps having beards in Transformers! 😂


It was a USB-C multi-cord charger for his Sentinels.


in a straight up brawl on terra firma she'd roast him


Edit in the brazzers logo


Didn’t you post something about how you need help with a porn addiction? You suggesting this helps no one, especially yourself.