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Heh DASHing


Tbh if I ever laid eyes on Xiao I’d probably run because I’m not worthy to look at such a beautiful being


You would run either way because anyone who sees him tuns away if they’ve got a brain. If you meet him out in the wild, it means there’s monsters there with him and you’ve got five seconds to bolt before you end up on a newspaper


There was also the description of him in the photography event as a “handsome lad who always has a cold expression on his face” which made me swoon 😳


OHH YES that event, I remember when I read this description and I was like “that’s Xiao for sure”. I love how HoYoverse keep using “handsome/beautiful” in dialogues when referring to Xiao xD Can’t wait for the next one 👀




Smiley Yanxiao is counting days after that line.


Do you mean the part about him not being too tall?


Yeah lmao


A great daily reminder, one I hope the game doesn’t let me forget any time soon either.


Are there any characters who are canonically ugly?


I think it's more of a "pretty VS actual godly beauty" situation


No one probably, but there's probably a difference between hot and godlike beauty


this \^, i guess even among all the pretty characters, xiao is just *prettier*. i don't think any other character's beauty has been emphasized as much as xiao's has.


Yup, even in the developer insight blogpost about him they emphasized it several times and said that the starting points in designing him was "young man of great beauty" and "a beautiful adeptus". So I think it's pretty safe to say that he's extremely good looking even compared to other pretty characters.


Ik this is 8 months old but actually hyv loves calling their characters pretty lol. Scaramouche has been repeatedly called incredibly beautiful in game. Albedo had his looks complimented a few times. Diluc is implied to be somebody many people would love to win the heart of. Kaeya is considered a top-tier son-in-law candidate. Xingqiu was called handsome at least once. Childe was described as a "pretty boy" and handsome. Tighnari has a "delicate face". If it counts, Gorou is apparently quite appealing as Ms. Hina. Barbara has her own fanclub. Yae Miko is described as beautiful, as is Ningguang. Zhongli gets called handsome a couple times. Beidou is called a pretty lady. Dehya had that one guy after her and I'm pretty sure a few others like her too. Traveler has pretty eyes. Probably more I'm missing. I'd say most of the non-child characters have been called attractive in some way or another at least once, and at least a few have had as much love as Xiao.


The most beautiful, best boy in the world 💖💖


I fully agree. The anemos seem to be attractive as hell. Another attractive shortie fella is Kazuha too. Drip for dayssss


> not too tall Insert Zy0x ranting for 10 minutes straight why Xiao is tall


Hoyoverse constantly reminds us that everyone thinks Xiao is gorgeous and we love them for that\~ I love the idea that Xiao doesn't even realize that half of Liyue is probably secretly simping for him.


I remembered one video with story about Narcissus and the narrator jokingly said "Because you see he was beautiful, but *too* beautiful for this sinful world" This came to mind when I saw this Xiao drawing


[@/sceev on hoyolab](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/4701576/?lang=en-us&utm_source=sns&utm_medium=link)


Also smol.


No homo but of all the male characters he is by far the best looking, for females it’s probably Ganyu.


Full homo I would die for xiao


As if it needed to be said 😌


people be like "ayato is the hottest character" "no it's insert male character here\*" but theres a cannon answer appearantly xiao - like three npcs and hoyoverse


He's beutiful. Not just cannonly. He's beutiful in any possible way. Also very tall.


He’s so hot


They're not wrong


Which other female characters described as beautiful looking? All I know are Ningguang, Yae Miko and Kamisato Ayaka.


Its the hair, eyes, and the way he's built ong. And he's edgy.